

中文摘要 本計畫依據環保函頒「環境保護機關公害陳情處理標準作業程序」暨「地方環保機關處理人民陳情案件成效評比要點」為執行主軸。受理民眾各類陳情案件縮短處理時間,加強受理報案人員及現場稽查人員專業訓練,建立民眾信心並提高政府施政滿意度。 本計畫執行期程自109年3月初至110年2月底,本報告內容統計109年1~12月成果,工作進度已完成100%,執行成果摘要說明如下: 一、 公害陳情案件受理及管制作業 (1) 配合公害陳情報案中心,設置專責受理單位人員,處理及管制公害陳情案件,109年陳情案件總計2,823件,首次陳情2,017件占71%,複查陳情806件占29%;每日受理首次陳情平均5.5件,首次+複查陳情平均7.7件。 (2) 陳情案件處理人員,接受機關指揮查處陳情案件(來源包含電話、網路、公害陳情APP、1999、縣民信箱等),統計109年以電話(1647件,90%)為主,其次為手機APP(63件,2%)及交辦案件(55件,2%),近十年交辦案件及手機APP占比有逐年增加趨勢。 (3) 滿意度調查部分,109年可調查件數1,197件,實際完成調查975件,占可調查件數81.5%,其中非常滿意及滿意占85%,尚可(14%),不滿意及非常不滿意占1.4%。 二、 主動稽巡查作業 (1) 109年3~12月架設縮時攝影總計21處髒亂點,執行129處次。 (2) 協助生禽畜糞攔檢稽查開罰32件,罰鍰192萬元整。 (3) 已完成異味採樣官能測定及廢水陳情案件水質採樣檢測各2件。 三、 陳情案件品質提升 (1) 完成專責人員教育訓練1場次,完成教育訓練總時數8小時。 (2) 109年度屢遭陳情案件統計總表,共計45家,透過環保局跨科室研商追蹤會議,提出案件數前十大者後續追蹤情形及改善因應對策。 (3) 已完成每月追蹤管制檢討會議,討論改善對策並持續追蹤。 (4) 公害陳情系統考評分數截至12月底,總分55分得到53分。
中文關鍵字 108年臺東縣空氣污染等陳情案件快速查處管制計畫


專案計畫編號 經費年度 109 計畫經費 5550 千元
專案開始日期 2020/03/01 專案結束日期 2021/02/28 專案主持人 潘一誠
主辦單位 臺東縣環境保護局 承辦人 宋宛倫 執行單位 鼎環工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 期末報告(公開版).pdf 8MB

Control plan for rapid investigation and handling of air pollution and other serious cases in Taitung County in 109

英文摘要 This plan is based on the environmental protection letter promulgating the "Standard Operating Procedures for the Treatment of Environmental Hazard Petitions by Environmental Protection Authorities" and the "Key Points for Evaluating the Effectiveness of Local Environmental Protection Authorities in Handling People's Petitions" as the main axis of implementation. Accept all kinds of complaints from the public to shorten the processing time, strengthen the professional training of reporters and on-site inspectors, build public confidence and improve government governance satisfaction. The implementation period of this plan is from the beginning of March 109 to the end of February 110. This report contains statistics on the results from January to December 109. The work progress has been completed 100%. The summary of the implementation results is as follows: 1. Acceptance and control of public nuisance petition cases (1) Cooperate with the Public Nuisance Reporting Intelligence Case Center to set up personnel to handle and control public nuisance petition cases. In 109, there were 2,823 petition cases, of which 2,017 were first petitions accounting for 71%, and re-examination petitions accounted for 29%; daily acceptance The average number of first submissions was 5.5, and the average number of first + review submissions was 7.7. (2) Personnel handling complaints cases, under the command of the agency to investigate and deal with complaints (sources include telephone, internet, public nuisance complaint APP, 1999, county inhabitants mailbox, etc.). According to statistics, in 109, telephone calls (1647 cases, 90%) were the main ones, followed by For mobile apps (63 cases, 2%) and assigned cases (55 cases, 2%), the proportion of assigned cases and mobile apps in the past ten years has been increasing year by year. (3) In the satisfaction survey part, 1,197 surveys were available in 109, and 975 surveys were actually completed, accounting for 81.5% of the surveys available, of which 85% were very satisfied and satisfied, and acceptable (14%), dissatisfied and Very dissatisfied accounted for 1.4%. 2. Active inspection and inspection operations (1) From March to December 109, a total of 21 dirty spots were set up for time-lapse photography, and 129 times were performed. (2) Assisted in the inspection of live poultry and livestock manures and issued 32 fines, with a fine of 1.92 million yuan. (3) The sensory testing of peculiar smell sampling and the water quality sampling testing of wastewater complaint cases have been completed. 3. Improve the quality of petition cases (1) Complete one session of education and training for specialized personnel, and complete the education and training for a total of 8 hours. (2) The statistical summary of the 109 cases of repeated petitions, a total of 45. Through the EPA's cross-section research and business tracking meeting, the follow-up tracking situation of the top ten cases and the improvement countermeasures were proposed. (3) The monthly follow-up control review meeting has been completed to discuss improvement measures and continue to follow up. (4) As of the end of December, the number of scores in the system of public hazard complaints was 53 points. The total score was 55 points.
英文關鍵字 Control plan for rapid investigation and handling of air pollution and other serious cases in Taitung County in 109