

中文摘要 為了解綜觀天氣型態與空氣品質的關聯性,並歸納不同流場如何影響臺灣不同區域的空氣品質,本計畫持續綜整每日之天氣型態,持續擴充2019-2020查詢工具歷史資料庫,優化其功能,並建立流場型態分類導入空氣品質預報查詢之流程,俾使用者快速搜索並呈現過去所綜整的資訊,提供空氣品質預報人員參考。 其次延續環保署過去進行之內部研究,統計2009-2018颱風外圍環流及颱風影響期間,空氣污染事件日之颱風位置分布。分析格點及各監測站的PM2.5、PM10、O3及O3,8hr濃度值,產出各網格之污染物濃度分布,據此發展近10年歷史颱風外圍環流及颱風影響期間之空氣品質氣候模式,並評估氣候模式初步成果導入空氣品質查詢工具之可行性、流程及效益。 另外並協助環保署空氣品質各級預警與嚴重惡化期間等污染物成因評析,提供空品議題意見諮詢,且以生動又簡單的方式,製作3則科普圖文,傳達空氣品質之政策與污染成因之正確訊息以協助民眾理解。另辦理教育訓練,每月提交工作報告,與預報人員即時交流最新資訊、提升作業效能。
中文關鍵字 颱風,天氣型態,空氣品質


專案計畫編號 經費年度 109 計畫經費 2705 千元
專案開始日期 2020/01/21 專案結束日期 2020/12/31 專案主持人 賴信志
主辦單位 監資處 承辦人 黃柏瑜 執行單位 長榮大學


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 綜觀天氣型態及流場影響空品評析計畫-期末報告(定稿).pdf 19MB

Analysis of the air pollution affected by weather type in Taiwan

英文摘要 In order to analyze the meteorological factors that cause changes in air quality and how to impact different region of Taiwan, we classify the weather patterns and expand the database of 2019-2020 continuously. We also optimize several function, and set up the process about importing the types of flow fields in the vicinity of Taiwan into inquiry system, We have built a database to quickly search the historical data to provide reference for forecasters. The second part is continuing the past internal research of EPA.We collect and organize the typhoon location of air pollution events in 2009-2018. We analyze the concentration of PM 2.5, PM10, O3, O3_8hr in every grid and monitoring station, then product the distribution graph. According to the research results, we develop the climate model of air quality during typhoon in recent ten years. Furthermore, we evaluate the feasibility, process, benefit about how importing the climate model into inquiry system. In this project, we also analysis the causes of air pollution episodes include comparing the winter season from 2018-2019 and O3 air pollution events in September 2020. We also provided the advice report of the boundary layer and sensor application of unmanned flying vehicles. On the other hand, we have provided three graphic to transfer the correct message about the causes of air pollution to the public. We made implemented training programs to the staff of the EPA. We have submitted monthly report before the 10th of each month.
英文關鍵字 typhoon,weather type,air quality,air pollution