

中文摘要 本(109)年度計畫執行期限自3月26日起至12月10日止,為達計畫包括:機構現況與產出資源化產品分析、輔導訪視、資訊系統功能擴充及提出精進管理建議等目的,完成工作項目如下: (一)完成分析清除機構家數、清除量、清運廢棄物種類等情形,並研析公民營廢棄物清除機構違法樣態,清除機構運作現況,研提清除機構管理制度建議及清除機構許可審查作業參考指引草案,作為公民營清除機構管理上之參考建議。 (二)完成分析處理機構及再利用等機構家數、處理(再利用量)、收受廢棄物種類及產出資源化產品等情形,分析重點廢棄物產出及收受,並分析焚化及掩埋處理情形及量能需求,彙整分析公民營廢棄物處理機構收費狀況及常見違法樣態,另並研提處理機構管理制度建議、廢棄物掩埋管理做法、廢棄物處理機構許可審查作業參考指引,作為公民營處理機構管理上之參考建議。 (三)完成辦理30家次清除處理機構現場訪視工作(含申設中處理機構)並進行業者修法配合情形檢視與輔導、提升其法規符合度、辦理重點廢棄物現況調查,發掘潛在環境危害風險及進行業者意見彙整;定期追蹤申請設置中處理機構辦理進度及輔導其取得許可,本年度計新增處理機構10家;完成190家公民營處理機構赴外投資意願調查。另就機構訪視調查成果,研提具體管理建議,回饋研議中之清除、處理機構管理制度修正強化事項。 (四)完成擴充清除處理機構服務管理資訊系統(WCDS)功能,包括輔導地方環保局處理許可證線上E化登錄作業、強化系統審查功能(含廢止及註銷)、配合管理進行報表查詢功能建置開發(調整4支查詢統計報表)、並進行安全維護管理及資訊公開。
中文關鍵字 廢棄物清除、處理及再利用機構,查核輔導,再生粒料


專案計畫編號 EPA109A098 經費年度 109 計畫經費 8950 千元
專案開始日期 2020/03/26 專案結束日期 2020/12/10 專案主持人 李孟哲
主辦單位 廢管處 承辦人 何佳祥 執行單位 環興科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 清除處理機構氶資源化產品管理專案計畫成果報告.pdf 16MB

Project of Management for Waste Clearance, Disposal and Recycled materials in 2019

英文摘要 This project was carried out from March 26th, 2020 to December 10th, 2020. The propose included current situation, recycled materials analysis, capacity analysis, counselling visits, management system expansion and recommendations for improved management from waste clearance, disposal and recycling organizations. This projects had reached as below: 1.As a reference and suggestion for the management of public or private waste clearance organizations, this project had regularly collected, compiled and analyzed the status of clearance organizations. and analyzed the status and illegal behaviors. The reference guide for clearance organizations is also composed. 2.As a reference and suggestion for the management of public or private waste disposal and recycle organizations, this project had regularly collected, compiled and analyzed the status of disposal organizations and its recycled materials. The output and receipt of key waste is also analyzed, and the situation of incineration and landfill treatment. This project had compared the pay situation and illegal behaviors. The management system and reference guide for clearance organizations is also composed. 3.This project had completed 30 visits, regulatory review and give advice to the waste clearance and disposal organizations (including the processing organization in the application), understanding the status of key waste, discovering potential risks and collecting opinions of organizations. This project had also regularly tracked the planning progress and overseas investment (190 organizations) of the disposal organizations in the application, and 10 organizations had been set up successfully. The results of investigation provided management recommendations for improving the services quality of clearance and disposal organizations. 4.In addition to assist to upgrade the current function of WCDS (E-disposal permit) for review/repeal/revoke, counseling local environmental protection bureaus for online registration, develop 4 query function, and maintain the system, this project also improved the quality of the website and services.
英文關鍵字 “Waste Clearance, Disposal and Recycled materials”, “Inspection and Guidance”, “Recycled aggregates”