

中文摘要 環保署於民國99~106年針對全國重金屬高污染潛勢農地推動土壤污染調查,其後於107年起推動農地土壤污染預防工作。經查近年農地污染型態除透過灌溉圳路之低濃度長期累積,尚發現工農混雜區事業,排放高濃度廢水經道路側溝或不明渠道,介入農田水利灌排系統污染農地土壤。爰此,環保署辦理「預防農地重金屬污染量化評估工具開發計畫」,以水質模擬並建立污染物質從水源經灌溉圳路至農地之傳輸模式,作為灌渠污染之溯源分析及影響評估之工具。 本計畫選擇臺中大突寮圳/詹厝園圳、彰化新圳,作為水質模擬試辦區,量化評估不同輸入條件下,圳路各區段重金屬濃度變化情形。另透過情境模擬,於灌溉水受水源或介入污染情境下,估算農地達污染管制標準年限。並對現階段主要農地污染預防措施,包含「農業灌溉水質保護方案」及「水體污染總量管制」實施後成效進行探討,提出配套管理措施建議。計畫另配合農委會農作物監測作業,同步辦理土壤或相關農業資材調查,釐清其他可能之污染傳輸途徑及潛在污染源。
中文關鍵字 水質模擬、重金屬、水體污染總量管制


專案計畫編號 109A288 經費年度 109 計畫經費 13570 千元
專案開始日期 2020/08/25 專案結束日期 2022/02/24 專案主持人 車明道
主辦單位 土污基管會 承辦人 楊乃瑾 執行單位 霖昌工程有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 109A288成果報告-公開版.pdf 31MB 109A288成果報告

Development Project of Quantitative Assessment Tool for Prevention of Heavy Metals Pollution in Farmland

英文摘要 Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) has conducted investigation of farmlands with high heavy metal contamination potential from 2010 to 2017. In addition, the policy of farmland pollution prevention and management was also implemented by EPA in 2018. According to the survey of farmland pollution, farmlands were contaminated with low-concentration heavy metal through irrigation water over long periods of time. Moreover, factories in industrial and agricultural mixed areas illegally discharge large amounts of waste water, which contain high-concentration heavy metal, into unknown ditches and road gutter at last contaminate the irrigation water and farmlands. In order to establish the long-term effective precaution and prevention procedures to avoid heavy metal pollution in farmlands, the “Development Project of Quantitative Assessment Tool for Prevention of Heavy Metals Pollution in Farmland” is progressed. The project utilizes water quality simulation to establish transmission model of heavy metals pollutants from the water source through the irrigation system to the farmland, as a tool for traceability analysis and impact assessment of irrigation canal pollution. Water quality simulation objects of the project are “Taichung Zhancuoyuan irrigation system” and “Changhua Xin irrigation system”. Water quality simulation results can evaluate the changes in the concentration of heavy metals in each section under different input conditions. By scenario simulation, it is estimated how many years the farmland has reached the pollution control standard under the situation of irrigation water being polluted by the source or intervention. Further, the project assesses the implementation effect of “Irrigation water quality protection program” and “Conservative heavy metals total discharge schemes”. The project simultaneously conducts soil and related agricultural materials surveys, cooperating with the crop monitoring of the Council of Agriculture, clarifying the transmission pathways and potential sources of pollution to farmlands.
英文關鍵字 Water Quality Simulation, Heavy Metals, Conservative Heavy Metals Total Discharge Schemes