

中文摘要 為提升廢電子電器及資訊物品回收處理體系運作成效,本計畫執行並完成下列工作:(1)完成以100%廢電子電器及廢資訊物品塑膠再生料,再製成資訊電子產品外殼,並經過物理及化學物質安全檢測,同時邀集原料供應商、產品責任及製造業、處理業者及塑膠分選業者,舉辦3場次再利用交流媒合平台會議,串聯電子廢棄物塑膠循環供應鏈,藉由溝通過程建立彼此的共識。(2)參考歐盟WEEE指令,提出將國內電子電器及資訊物品整併類別、項目及簡化費率算之規劃建議,包括1大類3大項,徵收費率種類從22種簡化為9種,補貼費率種類從14種簡化為6種。(3)完成六都執行機關廢小家電回收現況調查,訪查結果顯示去化暫無問題。另評估小家電涵蓋範圍計26大項135種產品,營業量推估結果約9.2~10.3萬噸/年,回收量推估約4.26~ 5.77萬噸/年。(4)參考冷媒發展趨勢及國外回收情形,廢冷暖氣機冷媒收集基準值可朝調升方向研議,廢電冰箱系統及發泡冷媒收集基準值可維持不變,惟隨碳氫冷媒冰箱比例增加,須注意相關作業安全規定。針對吸收式冰箱之氨回收處理方式,經研究可分別採局部或整體排氣、氨氣與水中和以及再利用等三種方式進行處置。(5)檢視基金收支現況,目前電子電器信託基金餘額準備稍有不足,已透過徵收費率調升因應,資訊物品信託基金餘額準備尚且足夠。(6)試辦資訊物品資料保全設備及回收活動,本年度為降低消費者對於回收運送過程資訊安全的疑慮,因此開發2台資訊保全設備,並結合販賣業者設置3個回收點及1場展覽會,提供民眾試用。(7)協助辦理廢四機逆向回收管理及輔導作業,完成提出電子化系統改善規畫建議、30家輔導稽查工作及2場教育訓練會議。(8)於10月22,23,28,29日,共4天,完成辦理東南亞國家電子廢棄物回收管理技術國際交流活動,計有16個國家等超過60人以上參加,藉此分享交流及推廣臺灣資源回收的技術及經驗。
中文關鍵字 廢電子電器、廢資訊物品、廢電子電器及資訊物品回收處理技術、廢電子電器及資訊物品管理制度


專案計畫編號 經費年度 109 計畫經費 9420 千元
專案開始日期 2020/02/24 專案結束日期 2020/12/31 專案主持人 林俊旭
主辦單位 回收基管會 承辦人 林素菁 執行單位 財團法人中華經濟研究院


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The industry development and Cooperation Exchange of waste home appliances and IT equipment Recycling System

英文摘要 In order to improve the performance of the e-waste recycling scheme in Taiwan, this project finished the following tasks. (1) Design and trial production of the shell of information products using 100% recycled plastics from e-waste with the safety standards passed. (2) Reclassification of e-waste types considering the modified scheme from the EU WEEE directive. (3) Field investigation on small home appliances collected by local authorities in six major cities. (a) No obvious problems for further sales or treatment of these waste appliances were found. (b) By estimation, for the 26 categories or 135 items of small home appliances, the new sales are about 92-103 thousand tons per year and their collection is about 42.6-57.7 thousand per year. (4) Adjustment of the minimum requirement for refrigerant collection from air conditioners with the references from other countries. (a) For refrigerators and foamed refrigerant, the minimum standards remain the same level. (b) Facing the increasing collection of hydrocarbon refrigerant, safety issues should be followed. (c) For the absorbent refrigerators, the treatment of ammonia can be done by partial or total air evacuation, neutralization of ammonia with water or direct reuse of ammonia. (5) Increase of recycling fees for home appliances to maintain the balance of the home appliance trust fund while the trust fund for information technology products is still under a stable condition. (6) Develop 2 devices for data destroying. Demonstration of data destroying process for cellphones and pad devices at three retailor locations and one exhibition venue. (7) Proposal of the electrical process for the reverse logistics of waste home appliance take-back program as well as 2 workshops for the practitioners and 30 auditing checks. (8) A 4-day workshop with the participants of more than 60 foreign representatives in Taiwan from 16 countries to share the experiences of the recycling scheme and practices in Taiwan.
英文關鍵字 Waste home appliances, Waste IT equipment, E-waste Recycling technology, E-waste management system.