

中文摘要 「109年度土壤及地下水污染調查及查證工作計畫-南投縣」,主要為辦理南投縣轄內土壤及地下水污染重要防治工作,今年度工作目標包括本縣地下儲槽系統申報審查及現場查核缺失輔導;對於高污染潛勢工廠進行訪談及查證;針對轄內地下水監測井巡查維護與地下水質定期監測,以維護監測井功能以確實掌握轄內地下水質現況及污染濃度變化;對於遭列管場址進行定期巡查執行相關管制措施與監督污染改善執行情形,並配合辦理廠址污染改善完成驗證作業已確認改善成效;協助環保局針對公告事業、地下儲槽系統業者及專業機構加強宣導土壤及地下水相關法令宣導說明與教育訓練;並且在今年將環境教育落實至國中小,透過辦理校園宣導活動推廣土壤及地下水環境保護重要性,已達成南投縣土壤及地下水資源永續利用之目標。 爰此,南投縣政府環境保護局(以下簡稱環保局)為持續掌握轄內土壤及地下水污染狀況,於109年委託亞太環境科技股份有限公司(以下簡稱亞太公司)執行「109年度土壤及地下水污染調查及查證工作計畫-南投縣」(以下簡稱本計畫),本計畫執行期間為契約起始日(109年1月1日)起至109年12月20日止,並規定於109年11月15日前提送期末報告。整體工作進度均符合契約規定,惟地下儲槽系統土壤及地下水污染查證工作並無進場查證之急迫性,因此經與環保局討論後,為確保資源及經費達有效利用,變更執行本縣停滯場址昱佑加油站土壤及地下水污染範圍調查,其餘未執行之工作經費後續將依規定繳回。 本計畫主要工作內容可分為八大項目,包括地下水監測井巡查維護作業及水質監測作業、地下儲槽油氣檢測及查證作業、公告事業用地查證工作、本縣地下水受污染限制使用地區-監測式自然衰減監測作業、南崗工業區重金屬鉻污染來源水文地質概念模型建至、土壤及地下水污染場址驗證作業、專業會議、教育訓練及土水業務宣導、民眾陳情或緊急應變工作以及其他配合事項等重點工作,以下摘要說明各工作項目執行情形。   一、 地下水監測井巡查維護作業及水質監測作業 (一) 廢井作業 依據契約內容完成3口次廢井作業,今年度完成M00076(達宜實業)、M00095(泰億機械)及M00191(明潭加油站)。M00076因達宜實業未辦理新建廠房;故發文要求辦理廢井。M00095過去為調查安順場址三氯乙烯污染來源;經評估該井已無監測必要故辦理廢井。M00191該監測井為明潭加油站該場址已完成污染改善且後續已無監測需求故辦理廢井。 (二) 監測井巡查維護 監測井巡查維護作業,已完成109年度第一季(49口)、第二季(49口)、第三季(49口)及第四季(55口)共計完成202口次。其他維護作業包含完成13口次監測井井體攝影及微水試驗作業;經定期巡查結果挑選出外觀需維護監測井執行6口監測井外觀維護以及3口監測井井體設施修復工作。每季巡查紀錄均依規定上傳SGM系統。 (三) 新設標準監測井設置 監測井設置已於今年9月28日及29日期間完成三口次設置作業,分別為M00224(彰南路三段126號前)、M00225(彰南路三段138巷廣祐宮旁)及M00226(自立一路圓環旁),並於11月15日完成新設井後監測井採樣檢測作業。 二、 地下儲槽油氣檢測及查證工作 依據契約工作內容,本計畫已於期中報告提送前,針對去年度查核缺失加油站辦理現場輔導查核作業,去年現場查核缺失加油站輔導改善均於去年度完成改善作業。 (一) 地下儲槽現場查核作業 現場查核輔導作業,已於今年4月30日前完成營運中95站次加油站及1站次軍事場所加油站;共計96站次地下儲槽現場查核作業,其中有11站次為土壤氣體監測井標示不清、1站次為加油底部防止滲漏設施內有油漬、1站次未每月執行土壤氣體監測井監測作業、1站次土壤氣體監測井有效深度不足。 (二) 測漏管功能測試及油氣檢測 加油站測漏管功能測試及油氣檢測作業,篩選名單依據現場查核以及歷年申報資料篩選可能有污染潛勢者或近三年未執行加油站2站次,已於今年7月30日執行陞泰加油站及竹泰加油站共2站次;經檢測PID/FID檢測結果均低於法規警戒值(500ppm),故經與環保局討論後將原查證工作經費變更執行停滯場址新廊段1458地號(昱佑加油站)土壤及地下水污染範圍調查。 (三) 新廊段1458地號(昱佑加油站)土壤及地下水污染範圍調查 新廊段1458地號(昱佑加油站)土壤及地下水污染範圍調查,土壤採樣進行5點次,地下水採樣執行1口次標準監測井及既有簡易井2口次。土壤檢測結果與歷年調查結果相似;主要污染集中於油槽區及監測井M00108附近管線區域,其餘區域均未檢出污染情形。地下水監測井及簡易井採樣檢測結果則未有檢出超過相關標準情形。 三、 公告事業用地查證工作 今年度完成協助9件土污法第八條、第九條公告事業申報土壤污染調查評估報告審查作業,其中屬第八條規定內容2件;第九條規定內容7件。 依據歷年申報土壤污染調查評估報告有檢出超過監測標準案件,執行現場查核包含泉溢電機工廠股份有限公司(以下簡稱泉溢電機)、茗興企業有限公司(以下簡稱茗興企業)及德如股份有限公司(以下簡稱德如公司),篩選德如公司以及今年度申報案件詠聖金屬有限公司(以下簡稱詠聖金屬)進行土壤污染查證作業,現場採樣已於今年9月24日執行2場次;共計5點次土壤採樣檢測,德如公司檢出1點次土壤重金屬鎳155 mg/kg超過監測標準;詠聖金屬3點次土壤均未超過相關標準。 四、 本縣地下水受污染限制使用地區-監測式自然衰減監測作業 (一) 監測井定期監測 依據契約工作內容,今年度預計執行豐枯水期共計10口次採樣檢測作業,分別於3月份及7月份完成枯豐水期採樣檢測計10口次,定期監測井包含M00041、M00098、M00169、M00178及M00218,僅M00178監測井在枯水期檢出三氯乙烯0.0343 mg/L超過監測標準情形;該井豐水期檢測結果則降低至監測標準以下;其餘監測井三氯乙烯濃度皆低於相關標準,其他測項濃度變化趨勢大致與歷年檢測結果相似。 (二) 菌種菌相分析 依據契約內容需執行2口次監測井地下水菌種菌相分析,今年度於枯水期採樣期間執行監測井M00041及M00178等2口監測井菌種菌相地下水採樣,依據檢測結果2口次地下水中微生物均發現微量具可好氧代謝三氯乙烯之菌種,在死活菌數量則在監測井M00041中檢出較多活菌。 五、 南崗工業區重金屬鉻污染來源水文地質概念模型 (一) 監測井採樣檢測 依據契約內容在重金屬鉻污染潛勢區域篩選歷年檢出較高濃度監測井包含M00118、M00165及M00213等監測井;定期於枯豐水期執行採樣檢測,本計畫於評選會議承諾增測監測井M00221。今年度分別於3月份及7月份完成枯豐水期;共計8口次採樣檢測作業。監測井M00213在枯水期檢出鉻0.512 mg/L超過管制標準;豐水期則降低至0.413 mg/L高於監測標準,M00165枯豐水期分別檢出鉻0.339 mg/L及0.268 mg/L超過監測標準,M00118枯豐水期分別檢出鉻0.124 mg/L及0.125 mg/L,M00221則未有檢出。大致與歷年檢測結果相似。 (二) 民井採樣檢測 依據重金屬鉻污染潛勢區域,本計畫於3月16日期間進行在彰南路三段138巷附近進行民井訪談調查;並依據民井訪談調查結果篩選過去有檢出濃度較高位置M104-W07與民眾較常接觸位置M104-W01進行採樣檢測作業,檢測結果M104-W01枯豐水期分別檢出鉻0.07 mg/L及0.08 mg/L;M104-W07枯豐水期分別檢出鉻0.224 mg/L及0.20 mg/L超過飲用水水源水質標準,與歷年檢出結果相似。該區域均已接用自來水使用,民井地下水僅做為日常澆灌與洗滌用途未拿來飲用。 (三) 水文地質概念模型建置及污染傳輸模擬 本計畫為建置該區域水文地質概念模型;於計畫初期1月2日放置5口自記式水位計以確認區域地下水流向以及區域是否有人為抽水行為檢視。依據污染傳輸模擬結果,該區域污染團呈現西向東移動;由PHT3D模式模擬地下水中鉻金屬在下游區域容易有六價鉻沉積情形,由MT3DMS採取過去M00165(NK07)監測井在民國98年度檢出最高濃度1.09 mg/L;作為污染傳輸初始濃度模擬民國98年至114年度期間污染濃度變化趨勢;模擬結果民國114年度在下游區域仍有超過第二類地下水管制標準情形。 六、 土壤及地下水污染場址驗證作業 截至109年12月14日止,本縣列管場址共有4處;分別有2處控制場址、1處受污染地下水限制使用及1處依七條五規定場址。 今年度已完成解除列管場址分別有控制場址牛運堀農地28-14、28-15等2處(109年9月21日府授環水字第1092157292號解除列管)及依七條五規定列管場址上銓鑫股份有限公司1處(109年11月30日府授環水字第1090272696號解除列管)。 列管場址驗證作業今年度執行牛運堀28-14、28-15等2筆地號、上銓鑫股份有限公司(以下簡稱上銓鑫公司)及大崗段522、523地號(以下簡稱高潤公司)等4處場址。 (一) 牛運堀28-14、28-15等2筆地號 牛運堀農地今年度於5月13日執行第一次驗證採樣檢測;當日完成8點次土壤採樣檢測,在牛運堀28-14地號A坵塊S02(深度90~120 cm)檢出鉛349 mg/kg超過監測標準;S04(深度180~210 cm)檢出637 mg/kg超過管制標準。 超過管制標準位置未符合改善目標;改善單位於5月28日執行再改善作業;執行自行驗證確認低於符合改善標準後通知執行再驗證作業,再驗證作業於6月10日執行再改善區域2點次採樣檢測;依檢測結果顯示符合改善目標。   (二) 上銓鑫股份有限公司 上銓鑫公司驗證作業於10月16日執行採樣檢測;當日完成8點次採樣作業,檢測結果均低於場址改善目標。 (三) 大崗段522、523地號(高潤公司) 高潤公司驗證作業於11月9日執行採樣檢測;當日完成2點次採樣作業,檢測結果均低於場址改善目標。 七、 專業會議、教育訓練及土水業務宣導 今年度因嚴重特殊傳染性肺炎(COVID-19)疫情影響,法規宣導說明會議及校園宣導活動由於參與人數較多為避免群聚感染情形在上半年度均暫停辦理,各項活動均於下半年度7月份後開始辦理。 (一) 內部教育訓練 今年度分別於4月16日及11月6日完成兩場次辦理。 (二) 法規宣導說明會 依據契約規定需辦理兩場次相關法規宣導說明會議辦理,今年度分別於9月4日完成地下儲槽法規宣導說明會及11月4日完成土壤及地下水第8條及第9條法規宣導說明會,參與人數共計162人次。 (三) 校園宣導活動 依據契約規定需辦理十場次校園宣導活動,分別於7月份及9月份完成十場次土壤及地下水污染防治校園宣導活動,今年度挑選偏鄉國小進行宣導活動總計參與人數共計576人。 (四) 土壤及地下水污染整治法20週年特展 配合行政院環境保護署土污基管會於今年度10月21日至26日期間配合協助辦理「聽,見土水,臺灣聲聲不息」土壤及地下水污染整治法20週年特展。 八、 民眾陳情或緊急應變工作 今年度未接獲辦理相關民眾陳情及緊急應變工作。緊急應變經費貳拾萬元;經與環保局討論支應辦理牛運堀28-14、28-15等2筆地號列管場址,污染改善外部驗證作業,經費支出壹拾柒萬捌仟貳佰玖拾元(178,290)剩餘貳萬壹仟柒佰壹拾元(21,710)。
中文關鍵字 土壤、地下水、調查、查證


專案計畫編號 經費年度 109 計畫經費 805 千元
專案開始日期 2020/01/01 專案結束日期 2020/12/20 專案主持人 顏瑞容
主辦單位 南投縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 簡鳳儀 執行單位 亞太環境科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 00_摘要.pdf 8MB 計畫執行摘要

109 Annual Soil and Groundwater Pollution Investigation and Verification Work Plan-Nantou County

英文摘要 "109 Years of Soil and Groundwater Pollution Investigation and Verification Work Plan-Nantou County", mainly for the important prevention and control of soil and groundwater pollution within the jurisdiction of Nantou County. This year's work targets include the county's underground storage tank system application review and on-site inspection. Counseling; interviews and verifications of factories with high pollution potential; inspection and maintenance of groundwater monitoring wells in the jurisdiction and regular monitoring of groundwater quality to maintain the functions of monitoring wells to accurately grasp the current status of groundwater quality and pollution concentration changes in the jurisdiction; The site conducts regular inspections to implement relevant control measures and monitors the implementation of pollution improvement, and cooperates with the site pollution improvement to complete the verification operation. The improvement effect has been confirmed; assist the Environmental Protection Agency to strengthen the promotion of soil and groundwater to the public announcement business, underground storage tank system operators and professional organizations Relevant laws and regulations publicity, education and training; and this year, environmental education will be implemented in elementary and middle schools, and through campus publicity activities to promote the importance of soil and groundwater environmental protection, the goal of sustainable use of soil and groundwater resources in Nantou County has been achieved. In this regard, the Environmental Protection Bureau of the Nantou County Government (hereinafter referred to as the Environmental Protection Bureau), in order to continuously monitor the soil and groundwater pollution in its jurisdiction, entrusted Asia Pacific Environmental Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Asia Pacific Company) to implement the "109 Annual Soil and Groundwater Pollution" Investigation and Verification Work Plan-Nantou County" (hereinafter referred to as this plan). The execution period of this plan is from the contract start date (January 1, 109) to December 20, 109, and is stipulated in 109 The final report shall be sent before November 15th The overall work progress is in compliance with the contract requirements, but the underground storage tank system soil and groundwater pollution verification work does not have the urgency of entering the site for verification. Therefore, after discussing with the Environmental Protection Agency, in order to ensure the effective use of resources and funds, the implementation of the change has been stagnated in the county The investigation of the soil and groundwater pollution scope of the Yuyou gas station at the site, and the remaining unexecuted work funds will be returned in accordance with regulations. The main work content of this plan can be divided into eight major projects, including groundwater monitoring well inspection and maintenance operations and water quality monitoring operations, underground storage tanks oil and gas detection and verification operations, publicly announced business land verification work, and groundwater contaminated restricted use areas in the county-monitoring type Natural attenuation monitoring operations, the construction of the hydrogeological conceptual model of the source of heavy metal chromium pollution in Nangang Industrial Zone, the verification of soil and groundwater pollution sites, professional meetings, education and training and publicity of land and water business, public complaints or emergency response work, and other coordination matters Other key tasks, the following summarizes the implementation of each work item.   1. Groundwater monitoring well inspection and maintenance operations and water quality monitoring operations (1) Abandoned well operation According to the contract content, three abandoned wells were completed, and M00076 (Dayi Industry), M00095 (Taiyi Machinery) and M00191 (Mingtan Gas Station) were completed this year. M00076 Because Dayi Industrial did not handle the construction of a new factory building, it issued a document requesting the handling of abandoned wells. M00095 used to investigate the source of trichloroethylene pollution at the Anshun site; it was assessed that the well was no longer necessary for monitoring, so it was abandoned. M00191 The monitoring well is an abandoned well because the pollution improvement at the site of Mingtan Gas Station has been completed and there is no subsequent monitoring demand. (2) Inspection and maintenance of monitoring wells The inspection and maintenance operations of monitoring wells have completed 202 wells in the first quarter (49 wells), second quarter (49 wells), third quarter (49 wells) and fourth quarter (55 wells) of 109. Other maintenance operations include the completion of 13 sub-monitoring well body photography and micro-water test operations; after regular inspection results, the appearance of the monitoring wells that need to be maintained is selected to perform the appearance maintenance of 6 monitoring wells and the repair of 3 monitoring wells. The quarterly inspection records are uploaded to the SGM system in accordance with regulations. (3) Setting up new standard monitoring wells The installation of monitoring wells has been completed on September 28 and 29 this year. They are M00224 (before No.126, Section 3, Zhangnan Road), M00225 (beside Guangyou Palace, Lane 138, Section 3, Zhangnan Road) and M00226 (independent). One road next to the ring), and completed the sampling and inspection operations of the monitoring wells after the newly established wells on November 15. 2. Oil and gas detection and verification of underground storage tanks According to the contract work content, this plan has already handled on-site counseling inspections for gas stations with missing inspections last year before submitting the mid-term report. Last year, all the improvement tasks were completed in the previous year for on-site counseling and improvement of missing gas stations. (1) On-site inspection of underground storage tanks On-site inspection and guidance operations, 95 gas stations in operation and 1 military gas station in operation have been completed before April 30 this year; a total of 96 underground storage tanks on-site inspection operations, 11 of which are soil gas monitoring wells The label is unclear, one station is oil stains in the anti-seepage facility at the bottom of the refueling, the soil gas monitoring well monitoring operation is not performed monthly at one station, and the effective depth of the soil gas monitoring well at one station is insufficient. (2) Leak detection tube function test and oil and gas detection Gas station leak detection pipe function test and oil and gas detection operations, the screening list is based on on-site inspections and previous declaration data to screen those who may have potential for pollution or have not implemented two gas stations in the past three years. Shengtai has been implemented on July 30 this year The gas station and Zhutai gas station totaled 2 stations; the PID/FID detection results were all lower than the legal warning value (500ppm), so after discussing with the Environmental Protection Agency, the original verification work funding was changed to the new corridor section of the stagnant site 1458 Investigation of the area of ​​soil and groundwater pollution by the site number (Yuyou gas station). (3) Investigation of the scope of soil and groundwater pollution in Xinlang Section 1458 (Yuyou Gas Station) The scope of soil and groundwater pollution in Xinlang Section No. 1458 (Yuyou Gas Station) was investigated. Soil sampling was conducted at 5 points. Groundwater sampling was conducted at 1 standard monitoring well and 2 existing simple wells. The soil test results are similar to the previous survey results; the main pollution was concentrated in the oil tank area and the pipeline area near the monitoring well M00108, and no pollution was detected in the remaining areas. The sampling and testing results of groundwater monitoring wells and simple wells did not detect any circumstances exceeding relevant standards. 3. Announcement and verification of business land This year, we completed assisting 9 pieces of soil pollution investigation and evaluation report review for the declaration of Articles 8 and 9 of the Soil Pollution Law. Among them, 2 items were stipulated in Article 8 and 7 items were stipulated in Article 9. According to the soil pollution investigation and evaluation reports submitted over the years, cases exceeding the monitoring standards have been detected. The on-site inspections include Quanyi Electric Factory Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Quanyi Electric), Mingxing Enterprise Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Mingxing Enterprise) and Deru Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Deru Company), selected Deru Company and this year’s case Yongsheng Metal Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Yongsheng Metal) to conduct soil pollution verification operations. On-site sampling has been carried out on September 24 this year. ; A total of 5 points of soil sampling and testing, Deru company detected 1 point of soil heavy metal nickel 155 mg/kg exceeding the monitoring standard; Yongsheng Metal 3 points of soil did not exceed the relevant standards. 4. Areas where the use of groundwater in the county is restricted by pollution-monitoring natural attenuation monitoring operations (1) Regular monitoring of monitoring wells According to the contract work content, it is estimated that a total of 10 sampling inspections will be carried out during the high and low water period this year, and 10 sampling inspections during the low and high water period will be completed in March and July respectively. Regular monitoring wells include M00041, M00098, M00169, M00178 and M00218, only M00178 monitoring well detected 0.0343 mg/L of trichloroethylene exceeding the monitoring standard during the low water period; the test result of this well was reduced to below the monitoring standard during the high water period; the trichloroethylene concentration of the remaining monitoring wells was lower than the relevant standard, others The concentration change trend of the test item is roughly similar to the test results over the years. (2) Bacteria phase analysis According to the contract content, 2 sub-monitoring wells are required to perform groundwater microbial phase analysis. This year, during the dry season sampling period, two monitoring wells M00041 and M00178 will be used for microbial phase groundwater sampling. According to the test results, 2 sub-groundwater microbes A small amount of bacteria that can metabolize trichloroethylene aerobicly was found. In the number of dead and live bacteria, more live bacteria were detected in monitoring well M00041. 5. Hydrogeological conceptual model of heavy metal chromium pollution source in Nangang Industrial Zone (1) Sampling and testing of monitoring wells According to the contract content, the heavy metal chromium pollution potential area was screened. High concentration monitoring wells were detected over the years, including monitoring wells such as M00118, M00165 and M00213. Sampling and testing were performed regularly during dry and high water periods. This plan promised to add more monitoring wells at the selection meeting M00221. This year, the dry and rainy seasons were completed in March and July respectively; a total of 8 sampling and testing operations were performed. Monitoring well M00213 detected chromium at 0.512 mg/L exceeding the control standard during the dry season; during the wet season, it was reduced to 0.413 mg/L, which was higher than the monitoring standard. In the dry season, M00165 detected chromium at 0.339 mg/L and 0.268 mg/L. According to the monitoring standards, chromium was detected at 0.124 mg/L and 0.125 mg/L in the dry and high water periods of M00118, while no chromium was detected in M00221. The results are roughly similar to those of previous years. (2) Civil well sampling and testing According to the potential area of ​​heavy metal chromium pollution, this plan will conduct a private well interview survey near Lane 138, Section 3 of Zhangnan Road during March 16th; and based on the private well interview survey results, we will screen out locations with high concentrations of M104- W07 conducted sampling and testing operations at M104-W01, a place where people are more frequently contacted. The test results showed that chromium was detected at 0.07 mg/L and 0.08 mg/L during dry and high water periods in M104-W01; and 0.224 was detected in M104-W07 during dry and high water periods. The mg/L and 0.20 mg/L exceed the drinking water source water quality standards and are similar to the results detected over the years. Tap water has been used in this area, and the groundwater of the private wells is only used for daily irrigation and washing purposes and is not used for drinking. (3) Hydrogeological conceptual model establishment and pollution transmission simulation This project is to build a conceptual hydrogeological model of the area; at the beginning of the project, 5 self-recording water level gauges will be placed on January 2 to confirm the flow of groundwater in the area and whether the area has been inspected by humans. According to the simulation results of pollution transmission, the pollution clusters in this area move west to east; the PHT3D model simulates the chromium metal in groundwater that is prone to hexavalent chromium deposition in the downstream area. The past M00165 (NK07) monitoring well was detected by MT3DMS in 1998. The highest concentration is 1.09 mg/L; as the initial concentration of pollution transmission, it simulates the change trend of pollution concentration during the period from 1998 to 114 in the Republic of China; the simulation results still exceed the second type of groundwater control standards in the downstream area in the Republic of China in 114. 6. Verification of soil and groundwater pollution sites As of December 14, 109, there were 4 sites under management in this county; 2 sites for control, 1 site for restricted use of contaminated groundwater, and 1 site under Article 7 and 5 regulations. This year, the delisting sites have been completed, including the control sites of Niuyunbori Farmland 28-14, 28-15, etc. (the delisting of Fushou Huan Shui Zi No. 1092157292 on September 21, 109) and the Seven Articles Five stipulates that the management site of Shangquanxin Co., Ltd. is 1 (No. 1090272696 of Fushui Huan Shui Zi No. 1090272696 was released from management on November 30, 109). The verification of the tube site site will be implemented this year in Niuyunbori 28-14, 28-15 and other two land numbers, Shangquanxin Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Shangquanxin Company), and Dagang Section 522 and 523 (below) (Referred to as Gaorun Company) and other 4 sites. (1) Niuyunbori 28-14, 28-15 and other 2 land numbers Niuyunbori farmland carried out the first verification sampling test on May 13 this year; soil sampling and testing were completed at 8 points on the same day, and it was detected in Niuyunbori 28-14, A hill block S02 (depth 90~120 cm) Lead 349 mg/kg exceeded the monitoring standard; S04 (depth 180~210 cm) detected 637 mg/kg exceeding the control standard. The location exceeding the control standard did not meet the improvement target; the improvement unit carried out re-improvement work on May 28; after performing self-verification to confirm that it was below the improvement standard, it was notified to perform the re-verification operation, and the re-verification operation was carried out on June 10 to re-improve area 2 Point sampling inspection; according to the inspection results show that it meets the improvement goals.   (2) Shangquanxin Co., Ltd. The verification operation of Shangquanxin Company carried out sampling inspection on October 16; the sampling operation was completed at 8 points on the same day, and the inspection results were all lower than the site improvement target. (3) 522 and 523 Dagang Section (Gaorun Company) The verification operation of Gaorun Company carried out sampling inspection on November 9th; two sampling operations were completed on the same day, and the inspection results were all lower than the site improvement target. 7. Professional meetings, education and training, and publicity of land and water business This year, due to the severe special infectious pneumonia (COVID-19) epidemic, the legal promotion and explanation meeting and campus promotion activities were suspended in the first half of the first half due to the large number of participants. All activities are The application will start after July in the second half of the year. (1) Internal education and training Two sessions were completed this year on April 16 and November 6 respectively. (2) Legal promotion briefing According to the contract, it is necessary to handle two relevant laws and regulations promotion and explanation meetings. This year, the underground storage tank laws and regulations promotion and explanation meeting will be completed on September 4 and the soil and groundwater Article 8 and Article 9 laws and regulations will be completed on November 4. A total of 162 people participated in the seminar. (3) Campus promotion activities According to the contract, ten campus publicity activities are required. The ten soil and groundwater pollution prevention and control campus publicity activities were completed in July and September respectively. This year, a total of 576 participants were selected for the publicity activities in rural primary schools. (4) Special exhibition on the 20th anniversary of the Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Law Cooperate with the Soil Pollution Management Committee of the Environmental Protection Department of the Executive Yuan from October 21 to 26 this year to assist in the "Hear, See Soil and Water, Taiwan Makes a Sound" Special Exhibition on the 20th Anniversary of the Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Law. 8. Public complaints or emergency response work This year, no complaints from the public and emergency response work have been received. Emergency response funding is 200,000 yuan; after discussion with the Environmental Protection Agency, we should support the handling of Niuyunhou 28-14 and 28-15 for the management of 2 sites, pollution improvement external verification operations, and expenditures of 1.7 million yuan. One hundred and ten yuan (178,290) and the remaining twenty thousand and one thousand and one ten yuan (21,710).
英文關鍵字 Soil, groundwater, investigation, verification