

中文摘要 本計畫主要為協助環保署掌握各縣市車輛噪音稽查成果,統計今年1月至11月各縣市共稽查1,100場次,經現場檢測告發共2,052輛次,告發率逾4成。協助環保局處理民眾檢舉及警方通報案件,今年1月至11月車輛噪音檢舉及通報案件共36,634件,案件數較108年增加近3成。持續推動防止查驗合格車輛再度改裝計畫,查驗合格雲端資料庫已建立近4萬5千筆車輛資料,針對再改車輛則以噪音管制法第八條公告項目告發裁處。推動聲音照相科技執法,本年度協助環保署租用10處聲音照相設備裝設地點,並協助辦理相關會議以達推廣效果,另完成不同機構噪音量測設備噪音準確性比對測試研究,並產出比對測試功能品質標準草案,其中科技執法設備/標準法規設備之迴歸運算關係斜率(slope)須介於1.2±0.05、迴歸運算關係截距(Intercept)(dB)絕對值不可超過10、相關性(r)須大於等於0.9。本計畫完成6處實際路口行駛噪音之噪音調查,並探討機動車輛行駛噪音之頻譜特性。
中文關鍵字 使用中車輛,噪音檢舉,排氣管認證,聲音照相系統


專案計畫編號 經費年度 109 計畫經費 8230 千元
專案開始日期 2020/07/23 專案結束日期 2020/12/31 專案主持人 唐正昌
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 王偉政 執行單位 歐怡科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 109年機動車輛噪音檢舉、聯合稽查及排氣管認證管制計畫(公開版).pdf 11MB 109年機動車輛噪音檢舉、聯合稽查及排氣管認證管制計畫-公開版

The project for reporting、joint inspection and control exhaust pipe certification of vehicle noise.

英文摘要 This project was mainly to assist the EPA to grasp the results of vehicle noise inspections in various cities. In this year, a total of 1,100 inspections were conducted in various cities. A total of 2,052 vehicles were informed after on-site inspections, and the informing rate exceeded 40%. Assisted the EPA in handling public reports and police notifications. From January to November, there were 36,634 vehicle noise reports and notifications, an increase of nearly 30% over the previous year. Assisted the EPA to promote the plan to prevent the refitting of qualified vehicles, continuly.The qualified cloud database had established nearly 45,000 vehicle data. For re-modified vehicles, the arbitration department would be reported under Article 8 of the Noise Control Law. Promoted Acoustic Camera Systems law enforcement, Assisted the EPA in renting 10 Acoustic camera equipment installation locations, and assisted in handling relevant meetings to achieve promotional effects. This project completes the noise accuracy comparison test of noise measurement equipment with different institutions, and produces the proposal of quality standard that the slope between the tested system and standard equipment must be 1.2±0.05, the absolute value of the intercept (Intercept) (dB) must not exceed 10, and the correlation (r) must be greater than or equal to 0.9. This project completes the investigate of the driving noise at 6 spots of urban streets in Taiwan , and the description of the source of motor vehicle parts corresponding to different frequency ranges are carried out.
英文關鍵字 In-use vehicle noise, noise reporting, exhaust pipe certification, Acoustic Camera Systems