

中文摘要 面對氣候變遷所造成的極端天氣事件與糧食生產不穩定等挑戰,國內外都有許多減緩與調適氣候變遷的行動產生。本研究透過分析氣候變遷素養之相關文獻並徵詢我國相關領域專家學者與相關部會代表後,發展適用於我國國民與大專校院學生的氣候變遷素養架構與項目,再依此設計問卷。本次調查問卷特色除了納入國際上最新的SDGs議題、氣候緊急狀態與新冠肺炎防疫對氣候的影響外,也納入民眾與大學生對氣候變遷政策需求的調查,希望能提供相關政策擬定時的參考。本研究大致依縣市人口數或大學學生數進行分層抽樣,總共蒐集1106份民眾與1444分大學生樣本,分析所得可茲作為我國國民與大學生氣候變遷素養之基線資料。 本研究發現大學生與民眾的氣候變遷素養有許多相似之處。例如:「是否聽過氣候變遷調適」都與策略知識中的「了解國際因應氣候變遷的作為與條約」有相關。而調查大學生發現,大學修習氣候變遷相關課程有助於增進大學生對於氣候變遷的知識。另外,兩群體對氣候變遷的敏感度與責任感也有利於氣候變遷教育的推廣。此外,雖然兩族群願意執行的氣候變遷素養行為不同,例如:大學生較願意以選票來進行公民參與氣候議題的方式,而民眾更願意從個人自身的氣候友善行為做起。但電視與網路是本研究發現做氣候變遷素養增能時較能觸及公眾與大學生的管道,可做為政策推動與傳播策略的參考依據。
中文關鍵字 氣候變遷素養、調查研究、氣候行動


專案計畫編號 經費年度 109 計畫經費 970 千元
專案開始日期 2020/09/25 專案結束日期 2020/12/31 專案主持人 伍佩鈴
主辦單位 環管處 承辦人 黃伊薇 執行單位 臺灣環境解說與自然教育協會


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 報告書_全.pdf 6MB

The survey study of climate change literacy for the general public: a pilot study

英文摘要 With increasing risks from climate change, many kinds of climate actions relating to mitigation and adaptation are proposed. In the current study, the suggestions of literature review and related experts contribute to the updated frameworks of climate change literacy and then the proper items are developed. The features of the designed questionnaire in current study are newly global trends included and people’s opinions on climate change policies investigated. 1,106 public and 1,444 college student samples are collected through stratified sampling in terms of the four districts of Taiwan. The results could be the baseline of climate change literacy of the public and college students. There are some similarities in climate change literacy between the two groups, such as the importance of strategic knowledge and the good sensitivity and responsibility toward climate change. There are also differences in climate change literacy between the two groups. The youth prefer to apply for representative politics to show their climate opinions and the public tend to fulfill their environment concern by daily climate friendly actions. This difference might reflect the generational differences in how to achieve the expected end with specific means. However, television and internet seem to be the common channels the two generations acquire information relating to climate change.
英文關鍵字 Climate Change Literacy, Survey Research, Climate Action