

中文摘要 本計畫自109年1月1日起至109年12月31日止已執行12個月,主要工作項目包括有營建工程空污費徵收催繳作業、工地巡查管制作業、推動工地自主管理作業、預警管理作業、營建工程管制宣導及缺失輔導作業、表單提報及資料分析等。 營建工程空污費徵收部分,總申報件數3,878件,其中免徵件數10件,應徵收金額174,392,878元,各申報案件皆已全數完成資料建檔列管,空污費徵收率約達96%,而催繳達成率約100%。完工案件共計2,489件。 網路申報總件數為1,730件,主要以二級工程申報居多、行政區為中壢區、楊梅區與觀音區為主、申報之工程類別以建築類(RC、SRC)工程居多。建築類網路申報使用率為72%。 巡查列管工地方面,因應營建工程空氣污染防制設施管理辦法之實施(以下簡稱管理辦法),本計畫執行期間共完成13,680處次之稽/巡查作業;巡查排放量之掌握上達96.6%;巡查納管率部分則達91.3%,第一級93.9%,第二級90.2%;至109年12月31日止排放量削減率為61.9%;工地管理辦法法規符合率90.6%,針對未符合管理辦法工地則要求其限期改善。 在推動工地自主管理作業方面,工地周邊道路認養總共推廣109處,總洗街長度則達140,340.2公里,並配合營建工程較易產生污染階段之出土工程,共進行72處次盯梢作業,且均已輔導改善完成。 預警管理作業,針對施工狀態處於高污染時期之工地進行20處空拍作業、於營建工程進行47處懸浮微粒(PM2.5、PM10)即時監測作業。並積極配合環保署執行PM2.5管制作業,針對營建工程逸散性污染源及其排放量等相關背景資料進行調查及分析。並於本年度發布空品不良日時(發布共66天),以電話及E-mail方式通知(共2,200處)工地執行灑水洗街作業通報,並加強空氣污染防制措施,工地執行空品不良回報作業共132處。 宣導作業方面,分別針對營建工程空污費徵收及空氣污染防制設施管理辦法進行宣導,並視會議性質之不同邀請相關業務單位一同與會,計畫執行期間辦理各項相關輔導及跨局處說明會共6場次,平均參與人數均達22~60人左右,且與會相關人員互動良好,確實達到宣傳及輔導的效果。
中文關鍵字 營建工程,空氣污染防制費,工地稽巡查作業


專案計畫編號 經費年度 109 計畫經費 19405 千元
專案開始日期 2020/01/01 專案結束日期 2020/12/31 專案主持人 曾厚元
主辦單位 桃園市政府環境保護局 承辦人 周國華 執行單位 新系環境技術有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 109年桃園市營建工程空氣污染防制費徵收查核管制計畫-期末報告定稿.pdf 21MB

The pollution preventing of Taoyuan building engineering for2020

英文摘要 This project was conducted over a period of 12 months between January 1, 2020 and December 31, 2020 for the primary purpose of collecting construction air pollution fees, inspect pollution sources in construction sites, patrol and inspect construction sites, promote autonomous management at construction sites, manage early-warning systems, advocate construction site management and provide counseling for shortcomings, form submission, and data analysis. There were a total of 3,878 cases of construction air pollution fees reported for collection at the beginning of projects with 10 cases exempt from collection, resulting in a total amount of NT$174,392,878 collected. Case files have been established for all sites, achieving an air pollution fee collection rate of 96% and a success rate of 100% for payment reminders. A total of 2,489 construction projects were completed. The number of cases reported through the internet totaled 1,730, primarily level-2 building sites from the administrative districts of Zhongli, Yangmei, and Guanyin. The largest type of reported constructions were building (RC, SRC) projects; the online reporting rate of these types of projects was 72%. In the inspection of construction sites in compliance with the Management Regulations for Construction Project Air Pollution Control Facilities (“management regulations”), this project completed inspections/audits for 13,680 locations; inspections tracked 96.6% of emissions, providing a coverage of 91.3%,level1Construction Sites 93.9%, level2Construction Sites 90.2%; emissions reduced by 61.9% up to December 31, 2020 for a 90.6% compliance rate to the management regulations. Non-compliant construction sites were requested to improve conditions before a deadline. In the autonomous management of construction sites, road adoption was promoted to 109 locations resulting in the cleaning of 140,340.2 km of roads. Additionally, the project performed 72 supervisions during high pollution phases of construction projects such as excavation and completed counseling. In terms of early warning management, aerial photography was performed at 20 locations during construction phases with high pollution; 47 construction sites were monitored for particulates (PM2.5, PM10). Close cooperation with the Environmental Protection Administration in the control of PM2.5 was performed by investigating and analyzing background data of fugitive pollution sources and emissions at construction sites. During this year’s announced days of poor air quality (total of 66 days), telephone and e-mail notifications were issued to construction sites (2,200 sites) to perform watering of roads and improve air pollution prevention measures. There were a total of 132 locations that performed poor air quality reporting at construction sites. In terms of advocacy, the project promoted the collection of construction air pollution fees and the Management Regulations for Construction Project Air Pollution Control Facilities. Relevant business organizations were invited to participate depending on the nature of seminars. A total of 6 counseling seminars were organized during the project period with each event hosting 22~60 participants; excellent interactions with all departments and staff resulted in good promotion and advocacy.
英文關鍵字 Construct, Air pollution fees, Construct control