

中文摘要 公害糾紛法律扶助專案計畫自102年起執行迄今,已服務逾上千位民眾,近年國人愈發重視生活環境品質,有關噪音污染(包括低頻噪音)、水污染、空氣污染等公害問題管制標準雖持續下修,但人民面對這些環境公害時,除了不知如何主張其法律上的權利外,往往也欠缺對於公害的認識;更甚者,受害人未必有資力得負擔主張權利過程中所產生之程序成本及費用。耑此,環保署為保障民眾權益,便利人民行使法律上權利的考量下,於109-110年度持續辦理本計畫案,於本計畫中,將包括: 一、提供公害相關問題法律諮詢服務,協助解決公害爭議問題。 二、提供公害相關問題之法律提供公害相關問題之法律扶助扶助,協助爭取權益及解決公害糾紛問題。 三、提供法律扶助案件統計分析工作。 四、蒐集裁決及民事訴訟案件,並撰寫判決摘要。
中文關鍵字 環境公害、污染、法律扶助


專案計畫編號 經費年度 109 計畫經費 1572 千元
專案開始日期 2020/03/12 專案結束日期 2021/12/10 專案主持人 林文凱律師
主辦單位 管考處 承辦人 潘嘉妤 執行單位 中銀律師事務所


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 成果報告電子檔.pdf 2MB 109-110年公害糾紛法律扶助專案工作計畫成果報告定稿

2020-2021 Plan for Public Nuisance Dispute Legal Aid Project

英文摘要 Since the initiation of the 2013 legal assistance project for public nuisance disputes, we have already had the pleasure of servicing thousands of affected individuals of public nuisance in Taiwan; as in recent years, Taiwanese have attached more importance to the quality of the environment. The legal standard for public nuisance issues is continually adjusted and amended in order to maintain strictness. The public nuisance issues include noise pollution (including low frequency noise pollution), water pollution, and air pollution; However, when the public faces these kinds of environmental public nuisances, they will not be well informed of advocating their inherent legal rights or possess any knowledge related to public nuisances. Worse yet, victims of environmental nuisances may not have the financial ability to afford the procedural burdens generated from advocating their legal rights. Therefore, in order for the Environmental Protection Administration of the Executive Yuan, R.O.C. (Taiwan) (the “TEPA”) to protect the legal rights of the people and enable people to more conveniently claim those legal rights, the EPA will continue supporting this annual project from 2020 to 2021. The project will include the following content: 1. Provide legal consultations and assist to resolve public nuisance conflicts. 2. Provide legal services and assistance for victims of public nuisance to claim their legal rights and resolve public nuisance disputes. 3. Provide statistics and related analysis for legal assistance project. 4. Gather established cases in arbitration and civil procedure. Draft a summary of the cases.
英文關鍵字 Environmental Nuisance、 Pollution、 Legal Aid