

中文摘要 計畫各項工作包括多元化政策宣導及教育訓練規劃、擴大工檢會召開、經理會報之辦理及空氣品質原因分析報告等作業, 109年合約達成率依工作權重加權計算後為100%,整體進度管控達成率100%,無落後之情形,主要執行成果如下:(一)掌握環保署考評工作項目 本計畫協助局內管控88項細項指標執行情形,以掌握考評得分,本計畫於每月經理會報及各季工檢會中追蹤各項考核項目執行情形,各計畫109年自評得分已達94.04分。 (二)PM2.5與臭氧減量作法 花蓮縣可能超標之空氣污染物為PM2.5及O3,為此針對PM2.5與O3前驅物NOx及NMHC區域性減量,依本縣特性研擬相關管制作為,以達污染減量並維護花蓮良好空氣品質。109年度PM2.5減量作法共20項,PM2.5年度共計可削減105.75公噸(包含永久性38.99公噸、暫時性66.76公噸),109年共計削減604.605公噸 (永久性397.37公噸、暫時性207.235公噸) 在O3前驅物管制策略上分為前驅物NOx與NMHC。NOx平時管制共8項,NMHC平時管制共7項,NOx年度共計可削減300.55公噸(包含永久性286.04公噸、暫時性14.51公噸),109年共削減940.95公噸(包含永久性836公噸:因今年台泥和平符合最佳可行控制技術,故削減量大幅上升;暫時性104.95公噸)。NMHC年度預計可削減18.92公噸(包含永久性17.84公噸、暫時性1.08公噸),109年共削減56.59公噸(包含永久性54.92公噸、暫時性1.67公噸)。 (三)本縣空品達成指標及空品分析 109年各項污染物皆符合空氣品質標準,且均符合污防書目標,與去年同期相比,各項污染物皆為持平或下降。AQI平均值為39,AQI≦50之良好日數比例為88%,顯示整體空氣品質良好。AQI>100之日數為3日,副指標皆為O3(8hr)。 本縣CEMS針對NOx監測連線廠家共4家,包含和平電廠、台泥花蓮、台泥和平、亞洲水泥,原8根排放管道,但台灣水泥花蓮廠為停工,故共計7根排放管道;針對SOx監測,連線廠家僅1家(和平電廠),共計2根排放管道。今年各季NOx與SOx排放量較往年無大變化。 (四)每季辦理擴大工檢會 今年度共完成4場次擴大工檢會,會議中各計畫針對年度重點工作、核心指標、合約執行進度、年度創新作法及環保署考評與污防書目標達成情形,以及各季會中委員指導各計畫之意見,均要求於各計畫於各期報告中分析呈現。 (五)每月經理會報 本計畫共完成辦理13場次經理會報(10月辦理2場),主要內容為提報各計畫之執行情形,並於會議中進行檢討,以利環保局掌握各計畫實際執行現況及進度,以及透過横向溝通,有效達成環保署考核目標。 (六)各委辦計畫人員教育訓練 為統合、協調與推動各空氣污染防制相關計畫工作,提升環境保護工作品質,達成環保署各項空氣污染管制專案考核目標,藉由教育訓練課程之安排以提升環保局及計畫同仁的專業職能,109年已完成各委辦計畫人員教育訓練會4場次,參與人數共297人次。 (七)創新作法 本計畫於109年1月14日提送創新作法企劃書:建置「圖資數位化污染地圖及情資地圖」,依2月14日召開之研商會議委員意見修正創新作法內容後於2月25日提送修正稿,3月4日經環保局同意,即開始執行系統開發後續作業。各類型污染地圖已繪製完成,並放置於系統中供各計畫使用,符合進度管控,已於11月4日提送成果報告。   (八)細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)研析 為分析本縣PM2.5微粒濃度成份以及歷年趨勢,由相關管制計畫(空氣品質淨化區暨空氣品質監測、CEMS監督查核維護管理計畫、花蓮縣逸散性粒狀物污染源稽查管制及臭氧成因分析計畫)規劃各污染源之PM2.5採樣,並配合指定測站進行微粒成分分析,研析報告已於12月1日提送。 (九)多元化政策宣導作業 為協助各空污防制委辦計畫進行宣導推廣,擬定多元化政策宣導作業計畫針對環保局業務進行整合行銷。執行現況與成果如下: 1.分別於109年3月13日及3月18日完成提送多元化政策宣導形象影片製作及整合行銷媒體宣導等企劃書,並經環保局同意後執行。 2.已完成宣導形象影片及簡介手冊1,000份、電臺託播40家次(3,737檔次)、多媒體網路宣導8則2家次(瀏覽人數43,274人次)及平面媒體6則。 (十)空污防制與環境保護之政策推動宣導活動 配合縣府或機關辦理相關空污防制與環境保護及推動空地綠美化減少裸露地揚塵之政策宣導,為加強有效宣導空氣污染防制之各項環保工作推動與落實,提升環境保護工作品質,凝聚全民共識,讓花蓮縣民眾瞭解本縣環保局空氣污染防制業務與提升民眾觀感,加強環保業務宣導效益。109年辦理9場次宣導活動、媒體宣導8家(共8則)及創新研商會1場次;在配合「幸福花蓮.花園城市」縣政,協助相關「花園城市綠美化競賽」後續推動部份,已完成第一階段(閒置空地綠美化)及第二階段(綠美維護管養)實地現勘評比共2場次,12月17日花蓮縣政府大禮堂舉辦花園城市綠美化競賽頒獎典禮等相關作業1場次。另對於已移交花蓮縣政府景觀科之108年度綠覆美化132處,全力協助花蓮縣政府景觀管養維護中心人員執行稽查輔導。 (十一)其他 人力及物力支援:皆依局內指示協助辦理。 臨時交辦事項:皆依局內指示協助辦理。 九、109年合約達成率依工作權重加權計算後為100%,整體進度管控達成率100%,無落後之情形。
中文關鍵字 空氣污染防制、空氣品質分析、花蓮縣


專案計畫編號 EPB-109-02-01 經費年度 109 計畫經費 960 千元
專案開始日期 2020/01/01 專案結束日期 2020/12/31 專案主持人 趙嘉雍
主辦單位 花蓮縣環境保護局 承辦人 康秀珍 執行單位 康廷工程顧問企業有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 109年空氣汙染防制計畫期末定稿本.pdf 68MB

109 Hualien County Air Pollution Prevention and Air Quality Analysis Plan

英文摘要 The various tasks of the plan include diversified policy advocacy and education and training planning, expansion of work inspection committees, handling of manager meeting reports, and air quality analysis reports. The 109-year contract achievement rate is calculated as 100% based on work weights. The overall progress control achievement rate is 100%, and there is no lagging behind. The main implementation results are as follows: (1) Master the evaluation work items of the Environmental Protection Agency This plan assists the bureau to control the implementation of 88 detailed indicators in order to grasp the assessment scores. This plan tracks the implementation of various assessment items in the monthly manager report and quarterly work inspection meetings. Each plan is self-evaluated for 109 years The score has reached 94.04 points. (2) PM2.5 and ozone reduction practices The air pollutants that may exceed the standard in Hualien County are PM2.5 and O3. For this reason, for the regional reduction of PM2.5 and O3 precursors NOx and NMHC, relevant regulations have been developed based on the characteristics of the county to achieve pollution reduction and maintain Hualien's health Air quality. There are a total of 20 PM2.5 reduction practices in 109, a total of 105.75 metric tons (including permanent 38.99 metric tons and temporary 66.76 metric tons) can be reduced in PM2.5, and a total of 604.605 metric tons (permanent 397.37 metric tons and temporary 207.235 metric tons) in 109. The O3 precursor control strategy is divided into precursor NOx and NMHC. There are a total of 8 NOx normal controls and a total of 7 NMHC normal controls. NOx can be reduced by 300.55 metric tons (including permanent 286.04 metric tons and temporary 14.51 metric tons). In 109, a total of 940.95 metric tons (including permanent 836 metric tons) can be reduced: The mud and peace meet the best available control technology, so the reduction has increased significantly; temporarily 104.95 metric tons). NMHC annual reduction is expected to be 18.92 metric tons (including permanent 17.84 metric tons, temporary 1.08 metric tons), and a total of 56.59 metric tons (including permanent 54.92 metric tons and temporary 1.67 metric tons) in 109. (3) Achievement indicators and analysis of empty products in this county In 109, all pollutants met the air quality standards and all met the pollution prevention targets. Compared with the same period last year, all pollutants were flat or decreased. The average AQI is 39, and the percentage of good days with AQI≦50 is 88%, indicating that the overall air quality is good. The number of days with AQI>100 is 3 days, and the secondary indicators are all O3 (8hr). The county’s CEMS targets 4 NOx monitoring manufacturers, including Heping Power Plant, TCC Hualien, TCC Heping, and Asia Cement. The original 8 emission pipelines, but the Hualien plant of Taiwan Cement was suspended, so there were a total of 7 emission pipelines; For SOx monitoring, there is only one manufacturer (Heping Power Plant) connected to a total of 2 discharge pipelines. The emissions of NOx and SOx in each season of this year have not changed much from previous years. (4) Handle the expanded work inspection meeting quarterly A total of 4 expanded work inspection meetings were completed this year. The plans in the meeting focused on annual key tasks, core indicators, contract implementation progress, annual innovations, and the achievement of the environmental protection agency’s assessment and pollution prevention book goals, as well as the guidance of the members in each quarter. The opinions of each project are required to be analyzed and presented in each report of each project. (5) Monthly manager report A total of 13 manager conference reports were completed for this project (2 in October). The main content is to report on the implementation of each plan and review it during the meeting, so that the EPA can grasp the actual implementation status and progress of each plan , And through horizontal communication, effectively achieve the EPA’s assessment goals. (6) Education and training of plan personnel of various commissions In order to integrate, coordinate and promote various air pollution prevention and control related projects, improve the quality of environmental protection work, and achieve the assessment objectives of various air pollution control projects of the Environmental Protection Agency, the education and training courses are arranged to enhance the EPA and project colleagues Professional functions. In 109, 4 sessions of education and training sessions for plan personnel of various commissions have been completed, with a total of 297 participants. (7) Innovative practices This project submitted an innovative approach plan on January 14, 109: the establishment of a "digital map and information pollution map and sentiment map". The content of the innovative approach was revised based on the opinions of the members of the research and business meeting held on February 14. The revised draft was submitted on February 25, and the follow-up work of system development was started on March 4 with the approval of the Environmental Protection Agency. Various types of pollution maps have been drawn and placed in the system for use in various projects, in line with progress control, and the results report was submitted on November 4.   (8) Research and analysis of fine suspended particles (PM2.5) In order to analyze the concentration and composition of PM2.5 particles in the county and the trend over the years, the relevant control plans (air quality purification zone and air quality monitoring, CEMS supervision, inspection and maintenance management plan, Hualien County's fugitive particulate matter pollution source audit control and ozone Genesis analysis plan) Plan PM2.5 sampling of each pollution source, and cooperate with the designated measuring station to analyze the particle composition. The analysis report was submitted on December 1. (9) Diversified policy advocacy work In order to assist various air pollution prevention and control committees to conduct publicity and promotion plans, a diversified policy publicity work plan was drawn up to conduct integrated marketing for the EPA business. Implementation status and results are as follows: 1. On March 13th and March 18th, 109, the plans for the production of diversified policy advocacy image film production and integrated marketing media advocacy were completed and implemented after approval by the Environmental Protection Agency. 2. 1,000 copies of promotional image films and introduction manuals have been completed, 40 radio broadcasts (3,737 grades), 8 multimedia network advertisements 2 times (43,274 viewers) and 6 print media. (10) Air pollution prevention and environmental protection policy promotion activities Cooperate with the county government or agency in handling relevant air pollution prevention and environmental protection and promote the green beautification of vacant land to reduce dust in exposed areas. In order to strengthen the promotion and implementation of various environmental protection work for effective air pollution prevention and control, improve environmental protection work Quality, build the consensus of the whole people, let the people of Hualien County understand the county's environmental protection bureau's air pollution prevention business and enhance the public perception, and strengthen the effectiveness of environmental protection business promotion. In 109, we handled 9 publicity activities, 8 media publicity (8 in total), and 1 innovation research chamber; in cooperation with the "Happy Hualien. Garden City" county government, assisted the related "Garden City Green Beautification Competition" follow-up promotion department It has completed the first stage (green landscaping of idle vacant land) and the second stage (green beauty maintenance and management), a total of 2 field surveys and evaluations. On December 17, the Hualien County Government Auditorium held a garden city green beautification competition award ceremony, etc. 1 related homework session. In addition, for the 108 green cover and beautification sites that have been transferred to the Hualien County Government's Landscape Department, we will spare no effort to assist the staff of the Hualien County Government's Landscape Management and Maintenance Center to perform inspection and guidance. (11) Other Human and material support: All follow the instructions of the bureau to assist in handling. Temporary tasks: All follow the instructions of the bureau to assist in handling. 9. The contract achievement rate of 109 years is 100% after weighted calculation based on the work weight. The overall progress control achievement rate is 100%, and there is no lagging behind.
英文關鍵字 Air Pollution Control, Air Quality Analysis, Hualien County