

中文摘要 因應國際間低碳城市發展概念均依循永續的精神延伸,「低碳」及「永續」成為全球各地城市所追求的最終目標;為此,環保署參考國際城市執行案例,擬訂低碳永續家園運作模式,並結合產、官、學、研等代表組成專家小組協助各縣市制訂合適的行動方案;同時,由各生活圈低碳示範城市邀集所屬生活圈其他縣市,共同籌組跨縣市推動組織,並透過中央及地方政府資訊整合平台,有效運用現有資源,強化區域整合及聯繫協調功能,連結中央與區域及地方施政重點。本計畫之執行係為持續推動高雄市低碳永續家園推動辦公室之運作,推動因應氣候變遷與城市之綠色轉型相關工作,包含研擬高雄市低碳永續相關作為及計畫管考、永續經營運作機能之維運,以及藉由推動市轄內各層級參與環保署評比認證制度,展現高雄市所累積之永續方案成果。 為推廣氣候變遷調適及低碳永續概念,並配合低碳永續家園評等認證推動,今年以永安區新港里作為氣候變遷調適示範建置社區之範例,未來將透過本建置(新港里北溝水位監測系統),統一運用APP資訊接收及Line群組訊息發送方式,提供魚塭業者更精確的水位資訊,取代傳統經驗操作魚塭預排作業,使調節排水之改善作法更加完善。另因應極端氣候,工程設計標準再無人可掛保證,其調適工作將需配合氣候變遷以滾動式加以調整,也再次顯示本建置之重要程度。而永安區新港里計有33公頃魚塭配合魚塭預排作業,可蓄洪量達16.5萬噸,預計可減少11噸二氧化碳當量之排放,創造減碳及調適雙重新價值。 另為帶動我國太陽光電發展與提升系統設置容量,達成低碳永續社會的實踐,高雄市也積極鼓勵企業共同加入社區營造行列,並落實「取之於社會,用之於社會」的理念。今年度以推動「媒合中央或民間資源推廣社區進行節能改善」為主題,以媒合企業協助「大社區保社里」及「林園區廣應里」做為本年度太陽能光電媒合設置對象,藉由企業實際推動,讓民眾瞭解愛護環境是每個人的責任,並進而珍惜環境資源、提升環境意識,將節能減碳的意識及作法具體落實於日常生活中,使減碳成效更具持續性與成長性。 在市轄內社區之各項輔導作業上,計畫已完成15處社區或鄰近相關單位之建築物進行節能改造工作,推動項目包含推廣使用節能電器、推動牆面植生或綠籬、推廣使用節能燈具、推動魚菜共生(蚓菜)、設置太陽能光電系統及推動綠屋頂等,總計1年可減少49,576 kgCO2e之碳排放量;此外,計畫亦完成輔導20個里(社區)取得報名成功,並進一步協助2個里達成銅級認證、1個里及1個區達成銀級認證,累計高雄市整體之里報名成功數量已達405個(包含3個達里銀級、47個達里銅級之認證單位及355個里取得報名成功)。 另本年度藉由2場低碳永續家園認證培訓課程的辦理,讓各單位瞭解低碳永續家園評等制度,並進而協助參與報名成功及銅/銀級認證工作,另也依社區型態安排1場特色社區觀摩,觀摩對象為臺南市七股區樹林社區,以藉此強化各社區代表對低碳永續之理念;此外,也結合綠色餐廳辦理1場低碳飲食推廣活動,透過營養師向民眾推廣健康低碳飲食理念,加深區里代表對其活動之印象,進而將低碳理念推廣至所屬社區中。 於相關媒體宣導工作上則持續維護網路社群及更新相關低碳永續資訊,每個月持續於粉絲專頁上發布高雄市低碳永續家園活動訊息、各社區低碳作為以及國內外低碳環保相關新聞等資訊;另媒體刊登以「永安拼經濟也顧永續 首獲高雄市低碳銀級行政區」為主題進行宣傳,期藉由109年高雄市永安區在市府團隊、轄內各里(社區)及在地企業的共同合作下,榮獲環保署評定為鄉鎮市區層級「銀級」認證的最高殊榮,也使有「石斑魚故鄉」美稱的永安區,成為高雄市兼具經濟及生態永續的行政區之一。此外,更以富含低碳永續性之環保產品為宣導品。
中文關鍵字 低碳永續家園、永續經營、社區輔導、低碳永續家園認證制度、低碳飲食、氣候變遷調適、魚塭滯洪


專案計畫編號 經費年度 109 計畫經費 6973 千元
專案開始日期 2020/02/21 專案結束日期 2020/12/31 專案主持人
主辦單位 高雄市政府環境保護局 承辦人 王重文 執行單位 元律科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 109年高市低碳永續家園計畫-完整報告.pdf 8MB 109年高市低碳永續家園計畫-完整報告

2020 Kaohsiung City Low Carbon and Sustainable Homeland Construction and Promotion Project

英文摘要 Internationally low carbon cities’ main conception is sustainability. It also directly promotes the most modern international cities to pursue two majority goals, low carbon emissions and sustainability. As a result, Taiwanese Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has been developed sustainable cities locally and considered other successfully sustainable models in other cities. However, developing such a sustainable low carbon city that required to cooperate with relevant cooperation, governments and academic research centers to create appropriate solutions and policies in different cities in Taiwan. At the same time, there are some major model low carbon cities across Taiwan, which all have been participating to share their specific low carbon city problems and strategies with EPA in the conference. In addition, EPA usually cooperate with central government to set specific certain goals for each city to achieve for carbon reduction emissions. Usually, central government and EPA would update the latest carbon reduction relevant information through their official websites and conferences. Thus, most of cities would follow EPA and central government’s standard to initiative low carbon emission goals. Also. Most of different low carbon cities would also share the relevant information of low carbon sustainable managements and strategies, which in order to communicate and integrated with other cities. In order to promote the concept of climate change adaptation and low-carbon sustainability, as well as to implement low-carbon sustainable homeland evaluation and certification, we took Hsingan Village in Yongan District as a demonstration community for climate change adaptation this year. By setting the Beigou Water Level Monitoring System, applying the APP information receiving and Line group message, it is possible to provide fish farm operators with more accurate information, and make the regulation of drainage more useful. Furthermore, the adaptation work of the community must be in connection with rolling planning in response to extreme climates, which again shows the importance of this construction. There are 33 hectares of fish farms in cooperation with fish farms pre-draining operations in HsinganVillage, Yongan District, which have up to 165,000 tons of flood storage. It is expected to reduce 11 tons of CO2e emissions, creating a good model for carbon reduction and adaptation. Kaohsiung City Government also actively encourages enterprises to participate in the community construction and implement the concept of "take from society, and give back to society". This is for promoting the development of solar photovoltaic systems, increasing the installed capacity, and achieving the practice of a low-carbon sustainable society. We took "matching the central or private sector resources to promote energy conservation improvements in the communities " as the theme, consulting enterprises to assist “Baoshe Village in Dashe District” and “Guangin Village in Linyuan District” in setting up solar photovoltaics. From the environmental promotion action by enterprises, the public would know that it is each individual’s responsibility to care for the environment. It is important to cherish environmental resources, enhance environmental awareness, and implement the practice of energy saving and carbon reduction in daily life. Regarding the various counseling tasks for the community within the city, the project team has accomplished the operation of 15 communities or nearby related units in setting energy-saving renovation. The promotion items included energy saver home appliances, wall planting or hedges, LED lights, aquaponics systems (earthworm), solar photovoltaic systems installation and green roofs setting. As a result, the total amount of carbon reduction can be reached at 49,576 kgCO2e. In addition, counseling operations have accomplished for 20 (villages) communities, which would register to participate EPA’s low-carbon and sustainable homeland certification. There are two villages have achieved bronze certifications, one village and one community have achieved sliver certifications in certifications rating system. On the other hand, in Kaohsiung City, the registered accumulation numbers of villages were total about 405 (included 3 sliver, 47 bronze certifications through certification rating system. There were 335 villages registered successfully). Furthermore, the project team held two low-carbon sustainable homeland certification training courses, explained the evaluation system and assisted the communities successfully achieved the registration and bronze/silver certification. We arranged one specific community tours - Shulin Community, Qigu District, Tainan City, in order to strengthen the concept in sustainability for community representatives. The project team also held one low-carbon diet activities with sustainable green friendly restaurant. Dietitians introduced the idea of low-carbon eating to the public, and assisted them to promote low-carbon concept to their communities. As for media promotions, the project team continuously published information and news of Kaohsiung low-carbon sustainable homeland activities, low-carbon practices of various communities, domestic and foreign low-carbon environmental protection on government’s official social media platforms, such as Facebook. In addition, the media published news with the theme "Yongan community fighting for both environment and economy, honored to receive the first low-carbon silver certification in Kaohsiung City". As one of Kaohsiung's economic and ecologically sustainable administrative districts, Yongan has also been known as the “Hometown of Grouper”, producing a lot of eco-friendly products that are rich in low-carbon sustainability. With the full cooperation of Kaohsiung City Government, villages and local enterprises, it is a well-deserved award.
英文關鍵字 Low Carbon and Sustainable Homeland, Sustainable Management, Community Counseling, Low Carbon and Sustainable Homeland Certification Mechanism, Low-carb diets, Low Carbon and Sustainable Homeland, Sustainable Management, Community Counseling, Low Carbon and Sustainable Homeland Certification Mechanism, Low-carb diets, Fish farm detention basin