

中文摘要 臺中市擁有41公里長的海岸線,海岸類型包括泥灘、沙灘、礫灘、河口、紅樹林,臺灣西海岸可見的海岸類型全都具備;轄內海域海洋生物資源非常豐富而且多樣,有大甲溪口旁之清水高美濕地、烏溪河口之大肚溪口野生動物保護區等2處敏感區域。因此,一旦有意外或人為疏失發生,極易造成海洋油污染重大事件發生,而影響到本市海域生態環境。為此臺中市環保局辦理109年臺中市海洋污染監測與應處計畫(以下簡稱本計畫),希望藉由本計畫之執行提升人員之應變職能,並於水污染事件發生時即時採取應變措施,以期將污染控制於最小範圍。 本年度之計畫執行成果摘要如下: 一、建置海洋污染應變能力,提昇應變人員專業性 本計畫今年度共啟動污染源追查作業2件及水污染事件緊急應變作業7件。並於今年度辦理臺中市海洋或河川水體污染事件應變教育訓練暨器材實作訓練、臺中市水體污染事件緊急應變演練、臺中市環境敏感區污染事件應變兵棋推演及109年度應變演練檢討會各1場次。 二、海洋污染稽查管制 本計畫今年度完成168處次港口稽查作業,並於每季前往本市轄內各港口採樣檢測1次,各港區海域水質皆符合乙類海域標準。同時針對高美濕地水質每月採樣檢測1次,除3月、5月及11月之水質分級為不宜親水活動,其餘月份皆為優良或普通水質分級之標準;另與臺中港務分公司於臺中港區執行港區事業聯合稽查12家次,有2家事業並未依水污法規定申請水污染防治措施許可,業者於查核後已提送水措申請,並針對本市轄內各類港口推行綠色港口措施資料進行收集彙整,包含掌握港區污染源、推動建置岸上收受設施、船舶廢油污水排放管理、廢棄漁網漁具回收等相關污染削減措施。 今年度會同承辦人員執行10家次污染熱區深度查核作業,查獲2家違規事業,已依照水污法相關規定開立處分;另執行100家次污染熱區事業稽查作業,稽查時也一併與業者宣導水污染防治法修正重點,同時,完成10家次海洋委員會海洋保育署核准之許可污染源稽查,現場查核本市海洋許可列管業者皆符合許可內容規範且無污染行為。 三、貯油場專案管制 今年度本計畫完成轄區內99家次貯油槽事業查核作業,其中有31家已改用天然氣鍋爐,3家已暫停營業,另有1家防溢堤高度加高與許可資料不符,其餘貯油場查核結果皆符合水污法相關規定。 四、海漂垃圾清除處理暨海洋環境教育宣導工作 今年度完成15場次海漂垃圾清除作業(含海洋日),總計清除海漂廢棄物1163.2公斤,出動人力256人。並完成11場次海洋環境教育宣導活動,宣導民眾約589人,於宣導活動現場進行環保艦隊及潛海戰將之招募,今年新加入環保艦隊共47艘,潛海戰將81位。 五、協助推動民間主動參與海洋污染防治工作 為結合民間機構及團體的力量及資源,共同來維護海洋環境及保護海域資源,本計畫購置環保洗潔劑共300份及海洋教育宣導文宣摺頁200份,供環保局於活動中跟民眾宣導並發送予民眾,希望讓民眾可以共同來維護海洋環境削減生活污水對水體環境之污染負荷量。
中文關鍵字 環境監測、海洋污染防治稽查、海洋環境教育


專案計畫編號 經費年度 109 計畫經費 4400 千元
專案開始日期 2020/01/22 專案結束日期 2020/12/31 專案主持人 吳朗嘉
主辦單位 臺中市政府環境保護局 承辦人 陳冠宇 執行單位 兆興工程顧問有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 109年台中市海洋污染監測與應處計畫期末報告.pdf 23MB

The project of Taichung city marine pollution monitoring and response

英文摘要 Taichung City has 41 kilometers of coastline, including coastal mudflats type, sand, gravel beaches, estuaries, mangroves, it has Taiwan's west all types of Coast; marine biological resources are rich and diverse, there have two sensitive areas are the Gaomei wetland and the Dadu wetland. Therefore, once an accident or human negligence occurs, it is easy to cause a major marine oil pollution incident, which will affect the ecological environment of the sea area. For this purpose, Taichung Environmental Protection Bureau handled 2020 Taichung City Intramuros marine pollution monitoring and strain handling plan, it is desirable to enhance the implementation of this plan by the strain of the functions of the staff, and water pollution incident occurred in taking immediate contingency measures to control pollution to a minimum. The summary of the implementation results of this year's plan is as follows: 1. Build marine pollution response capabilities and enhance the professionalism of responders This project operation to trace the sources of start 2 pieces and water pollution incident emergency response operations 7 pieces. And this year carry out the Taichung City ocean or river water pollution incident strained education and equipment implementation training, Taichung City water pollution incident emergency response exercises, Taichung City environmentally sensitive areas pollution incident strained war games and 109 Annual strain drills review there will be 1 time each. 2. Marine pollution inspection and control This plan of this year to complete 168 times port inspection work, and carry out the water quarterly within the ports collected samples to detect 1 time, each port waters comply with water quality standards. At the same time monthly at Gaomei wetlands for water quality collected samples to detect 1 time, except March, May and November should not be classified as hydrophilic activity, the rest of the month are all excellent or general classification of water quality standards. The other with Port of Taichung, Taiwan International Ports Corporation, Ltd. to perform in Minato carry out inspection 12 times, there are 2 industry career did not apply for permission water pollution control measures following the provisions of water pollution law, the industry has been submitted water pollution prevention plan after checking, and each data within its jurisdiction for the green port class implementation were collected, included control port sources, ships waste sewage management, waste recycling fishing nets, and other related pollution reduction measures. This year our team with the government agents who executed 10 times depth inspection work, seized 2 pieces illegal industry, has opened punished following the relevant provisions of the water pollution law; another to perform 100 times industry inspection work when inspectors also have communicated with industry players on the key amendments to the Water Pollution Prevention and Control Law. At the same time, our team has completed inspections of ocean committees 10 times, and inspections of the marine permitting operators comply with the permit content and no pollution behavior. 3. Project Control of Oil Storage Yard This plan is completed within the jurisdiction of 99 times to check the cause of the oil sump operation, which has 31 pieces have switched to natural gas systems, 4 pieces industry are closed, and 1 piece dike height does not match the height of the licensed, the rest of the oil storage The results of the site inspection all comply with the relevant regulations of the Water Pollution Law. 4. Marine floating garbage removal and treatment and marine environmental education and publicity work This project completed 15 sessions of sea floating wastes removal operations (including World Oceans Day), with 256 people, total clear marine drift waste 1163.2 kilograms. And the completion of 11 sessions of the marine environment of education advocacy guide activities, public advocacy about 589 people, on-site outreach activities for environmental fleet and naval potential to the recruit, this year the newly added environmental fleet total of 47 Ships, the diver 81 people. 5. Assist in promoting private participation in the prevention and control of marine pollution For combined with the resources of private institutions and organizations worked together to protect the marine environment and the protection of marine resources, the plan to purchase environmentally friendly detergents total of 300 bottles and marine education advocacy propaganda folding 200 copies for the advocacy activities provide to people, hoping that the people can work together to maintain the marine environment and reduce the pollution load of domestic sewage to the water environment.
英文關鍵字 Environmental Monitoring, Ocean pollution Control Inspection, Marine Environmental Education Promotion