

中文摘要 本計畫為提升環境檢驗數據資料之解析力,以學術理論與統計基礎尋求水環境資源調查數據與其他相關數據之相關性,故以環檢所於106年至109年共13條專案河川採樣及檢測資料進行分析。109年度計畫主要內容包含108年4條專案河川(塔寮坑溪、南崁溪、鹽水溪、三爺宮溪)及109年4條專案河川第一期採樣 (後龍溪、北港溪、急水溪、阿公店溪) 之無機重金屬檢測數據解析應用,並依本計畫內容辦理河川水體污染鑑識研討會。 本計畫透過多變量統計分析方法 - 熱圖與階層式集群分析判別專案河川各關注重金屬項目相對高濃度之採樣點位置,並以空間時序柱狀圖對照環檢所檢測資料、環保署水質監測站資料及鄰近氣象站雨量資料,有助了解各河川河段水體重金屬濃度之時空趨勢。最後以指標克利金法將八條專案河川之水體檢測重金屬濃度視覺化展示分布區域,成果亦放置於網站呈現 (河川水環境資訊地圖:https://geoser.epa.gov.tw/portal/apps/sites/#/niea),以利民眾及相關利益團體查閱河川相關資訊,達成環檢數據公開並加值推廣目標。 本計畫並於9/1-9/2辦理計畫成果展示之河川水體及污染源鑑識研討會活動,共95人參與,課程設計為充實參與會議學員之學識及更為瞭解環境檢驗數據資料與環境鑑識技術發展,會後各方對污染鑑識分析評估提供寶貴建議及正面回饋。
中文關鍵字 環境調查、數據解析、教育訓練、範例應用


專案計畫編號 109-4-001 經費年度 109 計畫經費 1700 千元
專案開始日期 2020/01/20 專案結束日期 2020/12/31 專案主持人 王玉純
主辦單位 環檢所 承辦人 米文慧 執行單位 中原大學


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 期末定稿本.pdf 26MB

Environmental investigation and data analysis application(4/4)

英文摘要 This 4-year project, on the basis of academic theory and statistics, aims to improve the data analysis and visualization of environmental analysis and to identify the potential correlations among river water samples and environmental conditions for 13 rivers in Taiwan. In 4th year study, we focused on two topics, first is temporal and spatial analysis for heavy metal concentrations of eight rivers, namely Taliaokeng River, Nankan River, Yanshuei River, Sanyegong River, Houlong River, Beigang River, Jishui River and Agongdian River, and hold a symposium for river water pollution forensic. The multivariate statistical analysis, such as heat map and hierarchical cluster analysis, were used to identify the hotspots for the high concentration pollutants in eight rivers. In addition, to compare with the concentrations detected by the Environmental Water Quality Information stations, this study displayed the concentrations of heavy metals from upstream to downstream using histogram along with daily cumulative rainfall information obtaining from Central Weather Bureau. Moreover, the concentrations of heavy metals in the eight rivers were visualized using the Indicator Kriging method in Geographic Information System. These findings have be displayed on the website (River Information Map: https://geoser.epa.gov.tw/portal/apps/sites/#/niea), and opened to the general public and relevant stakeholders. This project held the Symposium on River Water and Forensic of Environmental Pollutants in 1-2 of September in 2020. We invited the research teams of the relevant projects for Environmental Analysis of the Environmental Protection Administration to share their findings to the stakeholders. Symposium contents include pollution identification analysis methods and future development that aim to broaden the professional literacy of general public and relevant interest groups. By the end, the 95 participants discussed and provided positive feedback that benefit to improve environmental inspection and environmental forensic technology development.
英文關鍵字 Environmental investigation, Data analytics, Training, Case study