

中文摘要 本工作團隊執行「屏東縣109年度提升資源回收行動專案計畫」,本計畫執行期程為自109年4月16日至109年12月31日止,屏東縣資源回收率至109年1-10月份,回收率為55.0%,較108年50.2%提升4.8%,數據顯示本計畫之執行成效。本計畫截至11月13日為止,各項工作內容均已完成,成果摘要如下列說明: 一、辦理村里資源回收站之設置、輔導及推廣工作 統計109年01月至109年10月止運作中資收站資源回收量314.4公噸,較108年同期提升41%,參與人次35,367人次,較108年同期提升93%。執行105年至109年設置之53處村里資源回收站持續輔導,本計畫完成53個村里資收站168次現場輔導工作。在本計畫積極輔導及疫情逐漸趨緩,村里資源回收站執行成效有大幅提升23站,53個村里資收站中,A級有45站較108年度增加11站、B級有8站較108年降低4站、C級為0站較108年度降低4站,顯示整體運作成效較去年度提升。各村里資源回收站每月10日前完成上網至屏東縣政府環境保護局「村里資源回收系統」登錄前月資源回收量。 分區辦理3場次加強村里資源回收站推廣教育訓練工作。輔導村里資源回收站辦理廢乾電池回收兌換活動,回收量達672.5公斤。輔導增設東港鎮興東里、里港鄉三廍村、里港鄉瀰力村設置資收蟻的家 福利小站,並正常營運。 二、加強離島地區資源回收工作推動 1.加強人力進駐琉球鄉執行資源回收推動工作,定期派員協助辦理宣導、分類、巡查與地方溝通工作 2. 提升回收清運成效 (1)執行琉球鄉民宿業者垃圾強制分類及破袋檢查102家次,合格有92家次,合格率90%,不合格有10家次,不合格率10%。執行家戶垃圾破袋檢查120包,,合格有113包,合格率94%,不合格有7包,不合格率6%。 (2)強化資源回收系統及設施 本計畫計巡檢70家次民宿業者,其中61家業者有設置一般垃圾及資源回收設施且標示完整,7家業者雖已設置標示不清、老舊或未進行標示,本計畫皆現場協助進行標示;2家業者僅設一個垃圾桶,輔導業者設置資源回收桶;另本計畫完成調查需要提供資源回收設施業者名單,並完成提供在地迎王創意一般垃圾桶及資源回收桶組,計10家民宿。 (3)本計畫逐一拜訪琉球鄉僅有的4名個體兼買賣資源回收業者(皆為大宗),輔導媒合台灣島內回收商以較優惠價格收購琉球鄉個體兼買賣資源回收業者資收物,並由該回收商提供月報表予清潔隊,穩定個體兼買賣資源回收業者收入。統計至10月4名個體兼買賣資源回收業已提供620.781公噸回收量予琉球鄉公所清潔隊,穩定琉球鄉回收率,109年1-9月資收率由去年度47.6%提升至53.7%。 (4) 本計畫輔導維護琉球鄉觀光景點資源回收設施,完成4處協助執行資源回收標示更新維護。 (5)協助清潔隊資源垃圾之貨船轉運規劃,提高資源垃圾轉運效率 本計畫建議琉球鄉改以統包方式發包變賣,琉球鄉亦接受此建議於5/15與原簽訂分項分包合約之回收商(金山環保企業行),另行簽訂一統包之新合約,金山環保企業行亦配合大量清運琉球鄉資源回收物。琉球鄉清潔隊3月執行共清運26,320公斤回收物(細分類),5月上半月共清運24,080公斤回收物(廢紙),自5/15簽訂新合約後,5月下半月清運153,986公斤回收物(綜合),6月清運119,867公斤回收物(綜合),7月清運104,766公斤(綜合),8月清運83,646公斤(綜合),9月清運102,730公斤(綜合),整體大幅提高琉球鄉資收物之轉運效率。10月份因經清運費用罄未有清運,環保局已於11月發包。 三、執行一般廢棄物最終處置前垃圾物理組成分析 本計畫完成乾季與濕季垃圾物理組成分析20個樣品後,整體一般垃圾佔60.6%、資源回收物佔14.6%、廚餘佔24.8%,數據顯示屏東縣資源回收佔整體垃圾較低,顯示本縣資源回收宣導得宜,但仍需持續加強宣導,以達到逐年降低垃圾中的資收物比例;主要資收物包括紙張、紙餐具、其他紙容器、PP容器、PET(寶特瓶)、PS(保麗龍)及玻璃容器;另廚餘方面所佔的比例偏高,應再加強宣導及執行垃圾強制分類稽查,藉以降低垃圾中的廚餘比例。 四、輔導廢四機販賣業者使用線上取號套表列印聯單 本計畫完成輔導257家電子電器販賣業者,成功輔導45家使用廢四機回收聯單電子取號,符合環保署考核目標量。 五、清查一定規模以下回收業並列冊管理 1. 清查一定規模以下回收業 本計畫會同所轄清潔隊,前往一定規模以下回收業進行清查,紀錄上述列冊所需資料,也輔導清潔隊每月掌握業者資源回收量。完成清查115家一定規模以下回收業。 2.輔導一定規模以下回收業執行標示與教育訓練 經與環保局承辦人充分溝通,確定執行宏彬企業社、廣勝資源回收、日久回收行等3 家無須登記回收業進行輔導,針對其環保法令規定進行稽查輔導,另進行全場性的診斷,包括維護環境衛生、依據其現場回收物堆置情形,與業者討論確認後協助設置各項資收區中文標示、緊急應變人員告示牌、嚴禁煙火告示牌,另協助業者設立自我檢核機制。每場將於場區召集負責人及工作人員,辦理1場人員勞工安全及資源回收教育訓練等。而為了更全面符合環保署考核計畫現勘規範,本計畫更增加協助各場設置「平面配置圖及逃生路線圖」、「災害應變組織及人員執掌」、「應變人員組織圖」等。本計畫建議環保局將此3家業者提報環保署列為屏東縣複評考核現勘建議名單,環保署將宏彬企業行及日久回收行列為複核現勘點,並於11/3執行環保署複核現勘,亦受到環保署考核委員肯定。 六、督導鄉鎮市清潔隊廢玻璃容器分色貯存清運 本計畫屏東市、潮州鎮、恆春鎮、萬丹鄉、長治鄉、麟洛鄉、里港鄉、高樹鄉、萬巒鄉、內埔鄉、竹田鄉、新埤鄉、林邊鄉、南州鄉、三地門鄉、霧臺鄉、瑪家鄉、泰武鄉及春日鄉等19鄉鎮市29次之鄉鎮市清潔隊廢玻璃容器分色貯存清運督導,各鄉鎮市公所之廢玻璃容器貯存皆有分為綠色、透明及褐色等三色分開貯存,由回收商清運時亦皆有分為綠色、透明及褐色等三色分開清運,並提供廢玻璃容器出場(廠)磅單留存紀錄至少包含執行機關名稱、回收商名稱、廢玻璃容器品名、顏色、重量及破損率。 七、輔導本縣各鄉(鎮、市)清潔隊資源回收車加掛廢乾電池回收筒 本縣各鄉鎮市公所清潔隊之資源回收車資料,計有180輛資源回收車,180輛全數完成輔導資源回收車掛載廢乾電池資源回收筒。 八、辦理校際資源回收綠校園評比 完成辦理評比宣導說明會及規劃大專院校校際資源回收綠校園評比及高中職資源回收綠校園評比,自5/22至7/16本計畫請各學校先依據評比說明會內容執行改善,自7/16開始本計畫則陸續前往有需求之學校進行現場輔導,最後於9/21、9/22、9/23聘請專家學者擔任評比委員。在大專院校校際資源回收綠校園評比,有3間學校特優,3家學校優等。在高中職資源回收綠校園評比,有8間學校特優,5間學校優等。績優學校本計畫配合環保局「無痕飲食 就是潮」推廣屏東縣活動辦理杯子餐具租賃服務宣導活動進行頒獎,並發布新聞稿。 九、輔導設置漁港資源回收站並辦理資收物兌換活動 本計畫於4月完成設置杉福漁港資源回收站,並於5/19開始固定於每週二及配合村長指定時間,辦理資收物兌換活動,本年度,計完成辦理16場次,共回收資源回收物共計16894公斤,包括塑膠容器9147公斤、玻璃容器7590公斤、鐵容器29公斤、鋁容器113公斤及紙容器15公斤,活動收集之資收物皆由琉球鄉清潔隊回收。 十、輔導垃圾強制分類查核及辦理強化垃圾強制分類宣導 1.輔導執行機關執行垃圾強制分類查核 本計畫本年度透過環保局4/30辦理「資源回收業務交流檢討及業務人員教育訓練會議」,進行輔導執行機關執行垃圾強制分類查核,另亦個別輔導垃圾量偏高鄉鎮市公所清潔隊隊長,前述去年度垃圾清運量偏高之11個鄉鎮市,109年度1-9月份,每人每日垃圾清運量均為降低情形,降低區間介於0.05kg/日/人至0.31kg/日/人,資源回收率亦均提升,提升幅度介於0.2%至15.5%,顯示加強執行垃圾強制分類以達到降低垃圾清運量及提升資源回收率之成效。。 2. 完成辦理強化垃圾強制分類宣導10場次。 十一、加強推動雜/綠色廢玻璃再生料(砂)再利用途徑 本年度獅子鄉及長治鄉等2個鄉公所清潔隊,辦理行政院環境保護署補助直轄市、縣(市)環境保護機關辦理資源回收貯存場優化計畫,今年度進行規劃設計,明年度執行工程施作,經本計畫輔導公所在規劃設計中,納入廢玻璃再生料,長治鄉預計於AC透水瀝青混凝土(再生粒料) 加入部分玻璃再生料,獅子鄉則預計於混凝土植草磚和舖單元磚使用再生粒料。另調查掌握琉球鄉「屏東縣琉球鄉自然人文生態觀光協會」陳文玉理事長,運用小琉球廢棄酒瓶創作杯子,並運用在淨灘宣導品,統計共計再利用創作酒瓶約2500支,廢玻璃再利用途徑推估約1200公斤。 十二、辦理工業區北、中、南區3場事業資源回收宣導說明會 十三、餐飲業者或商圈攤商設置資源回收設施調查與輔導作業 執行輔導業者中雖有38家全店使用環保餐具,無使用免洗餐具,本計畫仍輔導其設置資源回收設施。本計畫執行輔導的52家業者,有11家已設置資源回收設施並回收,其中部分業者資源回收設施設置位置不明顯或無相關標示,本計畫均協助完成標示。有41家業者無設置資源回收設施,本計畫執行輔導業者設置與標示回收措施,並落實回收資源收物。 十四、辦理資源回收物兌換活動 完成辦理2場次農藥廢容器回收兌換活動,共回收6360個農藥廢容器;完成辦理10場次廢電風扇及廢電視機回收兌換活動,共回收411台廢電風扇及185台廢電視機;完成辦理10場次「廢可攜式電腦、廢鍵盤、廢主機及廢顯示器」回收兌換活動,共回收200台廢可攜式電腦、1560個廢鍵盤、120台廢主機及231台廢顯示器;完成辦理10場次廢乾電池回收兌換活動,共回收1130公斤廢乾電池;完成辦理3場次廢PS容器及廢PVC容器回收兌換活動,共回收79.5公斤廢PS容器及45公斤廢PVC公斤,另亦有部分民眾攜帶之資源回收物未達兌換標準,本計畫仍以鼓勵性質給予一份宣導品,以感謝鄉親支持。另為提升各鄉鎮市公所考核成績,所有回收之資收物皆交付地方清潔隊。
中文關鍵字 資源回收


專案計畫編號 經費年度 109 計畫經費 5992 千元
專案開始日期 2020/04/16 專案結束日期 2020/12/31 專案主持人 周俊利
主辦單位 屏東縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 葉穎緻 執行單位 康廷工程顧問企業有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 屏東縣109年度提升資源回收行動專案計畫--.pdf 0MB

The Action Project Plan on Promotion of Resource Recycling of Pingtung County in 2020

英文摘要 The execution period of “The Action Project Plan on Promotion of Resource Recovery of Pingtung County in 2020” is from April 16 to December 31, 2020. The resource recycling rate of Pingtung County from January to October, 2020 reached 55.0 %, an increase of 4.8% compared to 2019. The data shows the effectiveness of this plan. As of November 13, all the work items have been completed. The summary of the implementation results is as follows: 1. Handle the establishment, guidance and promotion of the village resource recycling station According to the statistics from January to October, 2020, the resources recycling amount of the stations in operation was 314.4 tons, an increase of 41% compared to 2020. The total number of participants was 35,367. The 53 village resource recycling stations set up from 2016 to 2020 were conducted for continuous guidance. The task team has completed 168 on-site guiding work in 53 village resource recycling stations. Through the active coaching by the task team and the gradual slowing down of the pandemic, the implementation effectiveness of 23 village resource recycling station has greatly improved. Among the 53 village resource recycling stations, 45 stations of A-level stations increased by 11 stations compared with that in 2019, 8 stations of B-level stations decreased by 4 stations compared to 2019, and 0 stations of C-level stations decreased by 4 stations compared with that in 2019, showing that the overall operational effectiveness has improved compared with last year. The village resource recycling stations complete the report of the monthly resource recycling amounts on-line to the "Village Resource Recycling System" of the Pingtung County Environmental Protection Bureau (PTEPB) before the 10th of each month. Conduct 3 sessions according the regional location to strengthen the promotion of education and training of the village resource recycling stations. Assisted the village resource recycling station to handle waste dry battery recycling and exchange activities, with a recycling amount of 672.5 kg. Coaching to set up additional “Ant Family Welfare Station” in Xingdong Village of Donggang Town, Sanli Village of Ligang Township, and Mili Village of Ligang Township, and operate properly. 2. Strengthen the promotion of resource recycling tasks in the area of off-shore island (1) Strengthen manpower stationed in Liuqiu Township to implement the promotion of resource recycling tasks, and periodically send personnel to assist in propaganda, sorting, inspection and local communication. (2) Improve the effectiveness of cleanup and transportation. (A) Implementation of the mandatory garbage sorting and bag-breaking inspections for homestay operators in Liuqiu Township 102 times, of which 92 times were qualified, with a pass rate of 90% and 10 times failed with a failure rate of 10%. Implementation of bag-breaking inspections for household garbage 120 bags, of which 113 bags were qualified, with a pass rate of 94%, and 7 bags failed with a failure rate of 6%. (B) Strengthen the resource recovery systems and facilities The task team inspected homestay operators 70 times, of which 61 operators installed the general garbage bins and the resource recycling facilities, and the labels were complete. Although 7 operators had set up, the labels were unclear, old or even unlabeled, the task team assisted in labeling on-site. The task team assisted to set up an additional resource recycling bin for 2 homestay owners who only set up a general trash bin. Besides, completed the survey of operators that needed to provide the resource recycling facilities, and offered the creative general trash bins and resource recovery bins with local “Welcome King” patterns to 10 homestays. (C) The task team visited one by one the only 4 individual and bulk trade resource recycling operators in Liuqiu Township, and assisted them to match Taiwan’s recyclers to purchase their recyclables at a more favorable price to stabilize their income. The recycler provides monthly reports to the cleaning squad. According to the data counted to October, 4 individual and bulk trade resource recycling operators have provided 620.781 tons of recyclables to the cleaning squad of Liuqiu Township Office, stabilizing the recycling rate of Liuqiu Township. The recycling rate from January to September of 2010 increased from 47.6% in the previous year to 53.7%. (D) The task team coached in the maintenance of resource recycling facilities for tourist attractions in Liuqiu Township, and completed 4 locations to assist in the implementation of the update and maintenance of resource recycling labels. (E) Assist the cleaning squad in the cargo ship transfer planning of recyclables and improve the efficiency of recyclables transfer. The task team suggests that the recyclables of Liuqiu Township can be contracted and sell in a turnkey way. The Liuqiu Township Office also accepted this proposal to sign a new turnkey contract on May 15 of 2020 with recyclers who originally signed the sub-contracts (Jinshan Environmental Protection Enterprise). The Jinshan Environmental Protection Enterprise also cooperated in clearing up and transporting a large amount of recyclables in Liuqiu Township. The Cleaning Squad of Liuqiu Township carried out a total of 26,320 kg of recyclables (sub-sorted) in March, and a total of 24,080 kg of recyclables (waste paper) in the first half of May. After signing the new contract on May 15 of 2020, 153,986, 119,867, 104,766, 83,646 and 102,730 kg of recyclables (miscellaneous) were cleared in the second half of May, June, July, August and September, respectively. This has greatly improved the overall efficiency of the transfer of recyclables in Liuqiu Township. There were no clearing up operations in October because the clearing budget was running out. The PTEPB has signed a new contract in November, 2020. 3. Carry out the physical composition analysis of general waste before final disposal After analyzing 20 samples of the physical composition of general waste in the dry and wet seasons, the overall general waste accounted for 60.6%, resource recyclables accounted for 14.6%, and kitchen waste accounted for 24.8%. The results show that the resource recyclables account for a relatively low proportion of the overall waste, indicating that the resource recycling promotion is adequate in Pingtung County, but it is still necessary to continue to strengthen the promotion to reduce the proportion of recyclables in the general waste year by year. The main recyclables included paper, paper tableware, other paper containers, PP (polypropylene) containers, PET (polyethylene terephthalate), PS (polystyrene) and glass containers. In addition, the proportion of kitchen waste was relatively high, and the propaganda and enforcement of mandatory sorting inspections should be strengthened to reduce the proportion of kitchen waste in the general waste. 4. Coach the scrapped four-machine vendors to overprint the receipt using the online number-taking system. The project has completed coaching 257 electronic and electrical vendors, and successfully coached 45 vendors using scrapped-four-machine receipt online number-taking system, and the number of vendors coached meets the assessment goals of the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA). 5. Inventory and manage the recycling industry below a certain scale. (1) Inventory the recycling industry below a certain scale. The task team worked with the cleaning squad under its jurisdiction to conduct an inventory check on the recycling industry below a certain scale, to record the required information for management, and also to guide the cleaning squad to grasp the amount of recyclables collected by the industry every month. Completed inventory of 115 recycling industry below a certain scale. (2) Coach the recycling industry which is below a certain scale to implement the facility labeling and education training. After discussing with the staff of the PTEPB, it was determined that the three companies including Hongbin Enterprise, Guangsheng Resource Recycling, and Rijiu Recycling Company who do not need to register were selected as targets for further inspections and guidance on its compliance to the regulations. In addition, after discussing and confirming with the industry, conduct a full-site diagnosis based on the storage conditions of the on-site recyclables, including maintaining environmental sanitation, assisting in setting up various signs in Chinese of various resource collection area throughout the whole plant, emergency response personnel notice boards and no smoking signs notice boards. Moreover, assist the industry to set up a self-check mechanism. The person in charge and the staff of each company was assembled to handle 1 training session on labor safety and resource recycling. In order to more fully comply with the assessment plan specified by EPA, the task team has provided additional assistance in setting up "planar layout and escape route map", "disaster response organization and the personnel in charge", "response personnel organization chart". The plan recommended that the PTEPB could submit these three companies to the EPA as candidates for on-site re-assessment in Pingtung County. The EPA listed Hongbin Enterprise and Rijiu Recycling Company as the on-site re-assessment sites, and carried out on November 3 of 2020, which was also affirmed by the review committee of EPA. 6. Supervise the sorting, storage and transportation of waste glass containers by the township and municipal cleaning Squad. The task team performed the 29 supervisions on the sorting, storage and transportation of waste glass containers by the squad of 19 townships, towns or city including Pingtung City, Chaozhou Town, Hengchun Town, Wandan Township, Changzhi Township, Linluo Township, Ligang Township, Gaoshu Township, Wanluan Township, Neipu Township, Zhutian Township, Xinpi Township, Linbian Township , Nanzhou Township, Sandimen Township, Wutai Township, Majia Township, Taiwu Township and Chunri Township. The storage of waste glass containers in various townships, towns and city are divided into three colors, i.e. green, transparent, and brown. They are also divided into three colors to be cleared up by the recyclers. The factory departure weight note record of the waste glass container shall contain at least the name of the executive authority, the name of the recycler, and the name of the waste glass container, color, weight and damage rate. 7. Guide the cleaning squads of all townships (towns, city) in the county to attach waste dry battery recycling bins to the resource recycling vehicles. The record shows that there are 180 resource recycling vehicles of the cleaning squads in Pingtung County. All 180 resource recycling vehicles have completed the attachment of waste dry battery recycling bins. 8. Handle inter-school resource recycling green campus evaluation. Completed the evaluation briefing and the planning for the inter-school resource recycling green campus evaluation of universities and colleges, and high schools and vocational high schools. From May 22 to July 16 of 2020, schools were requested to implement improvements based on the contents of the evaluation briefing. Starting from July 16 of 2020, the task team has successively visited schools in need for on-site tutoring. Finally, experts and scholars were invited to serve as reviewer members on September 21 to 23, 2020. In the intercollegiate resource recycling green campus evaluation of universities and colleges, 3 schools are excellent and 3 schools are good. While for high schools and vocational high schools, 8 schools are excellent and 5 schools are good. In the activity held by PTEPB which promote the cup and tableware rental services and "Traceless Diet is Trendy" in Pingtung County, the schools who obtained the excellent and good rating were given the awards and issued a press release. 9. Coach to set up resource recycling station at fishing port and handle the collection and exchange activities of recyclables. Completed the establishment of resource recycling station at the Shanfu Fishing Port in April, 2020. And starting from May 19 of 2020, the collection and exchange activities are conducted on every Tuesdays and cooperate with the village chief’s designated time. This year, 16 sessions were completed, and a total of 16,894 kg of recyclables were collected, including 9,147 kg of plastic containers, 7,590 kg of glass containers, 29 kg of iron containers, 113 kg of aluminum containers and 15 kg of paper containers. All recyclables collected during the activity are cleared and transported by the Cleaning Squad of Liuqiu Township. 10. Coach the inspection on mandatory garbage sorting and handle promotion on strengthening mandatory garbage sorting. (1) Guide the enforcement agency to implement mandatory garbage sorting and inspection. The “Resource Recycling Business Communication Review and Business Personnel Education and Training briefing” was handled through the PTEPB on April 30 this year to guide the enforcement agency in the implementation of mandatory garbage sorting inspection. In addition, the task team also individually coached the chief of the cleaning squad of the township office. After coaching of cleaning squad of the 11 towns and cities where the garbage clearing amount was high in the previous year, the volume of garbage removal per capita per day was reduced from January to September in 2010. The decrease range was from 0.05 to 0.31 kg/day/capita, the resource recycling rate had also increased, the increase range was between 0.2% to 15.5%. It shows the effect of strengthening the implementation of mandatory garbage sorting to reduce the amount of garbage cleared and increase the resource recycling rate. (2) Completed 10 sessions of the promotion of mandatory garbage sorting. 11. Strengthen the promotion of the reuse of miscellaneous or green waste glass recycled materials (sand) This year, the cleaning squads of 2 township offices, including Shizi and Changzhi Township, handled the municipal and county (city) environmental protection agencies for resource recycling and storage optimization plans subsidized by EPA. Planning and design has been carried out this year, and the engineering construction will be implemented next year. After guiding the township office by the task team, waste glass recycled materials were included in the planning and design. The Changzhi Township office plans to add some waste glass recycled materials to permeable asphalt concrete (recycled aggregates). While the Shizi Township office plans to use the recycled aggregates in concrete grass-planting bricks and pavement bricks. In addition, Chen Wen-Yu, chairman of the "Pingtung County Liuqiu Township Natural, Humanities and Ecological Tourism Association", used the waste bottles in Liuqiu township to create cups and used them as the promotional items for beach cleaning activity. A total of about 2,500 wine bottles were reused, the recycling amount of waste glass is estimated to be about 1,200 kg. 12. Handle 3 business resource recycling promotion briefings in the north, central and south areas of the industrial zone. 13. Conduct the investigation and guidance operations on setting up resource recycling facilities by catering operators or commercial stalls. Although 38 of the vendors guided have been used the eco-friendly tableware and no disposable tableware, the task team still guides them to set up resource recycling facilities. The task team has conducted guidance of 52 business operators, of which 11 operators have set up resource recycling facilities and recycling. Some operators have no clear location of the resource recycling facilities or no relevant signs. The task team has assisted in completing the labeling. There are 41 business operators that do not set up resource recycling facilities. The task team implements guidance for business operators to set up and label the recycling facilities and carries out recycling of recyclables. 14. Handle the activities on collection and exchange of resource recyclables. Completed 2 sessions of pesticide waste container recycling and exchange activities, with a total of 6,360 pesticide waste containers collected. Completed 10 sessions of waste electric fan and waste TV recycling and exchange activities. A total of 411 waste electric fans and 185 waste TVs were collected. Completed 10 sessions of recycling and exchange activities of waste portable computers, waste keyboards, waste computer hosts and waste monitors. A total of 200 waste portable computers, 1,560 waste keyboards, 120 waste computer hosts and 231 waste monitors were collected. Completed 10 sessions of waste dry battery recycling and exchange activities, with a total of 1,130 kg of waste dry batteries collected. Completed 3 sessions of recycling and exchange activities of waste PS container and waste PVC container, a total of 79.5 kg of waste PS containers and 45 kg of waste PVC were collected. Although the recyclables of some people did not meet the redemption standard, the task team still provided an advocacy material to thank for their support. In addition, in order to improve the assessment results of the town and city offices, all collected recyclables were delivered to the local cleaning squad.
英文關鍵字 Resource Recycling