

中文摘要 計畫名稱:109年度嘉義縣露天燃燒防制計畫 執行期程:109年1月14日至109年12月31日 計畫經費:6,380仟元 計畫主持人:林宏斌 執行人力:計畫經理許文榜、計畫工程師陳科佑、陳泰佳、劉美伶等3人及稻作收割期間成立臨時小組12人。 本計畫為109年度「嘉義縣露天燃燒防制計畫」,本計畫執行目標為提供技術及人力,有效的執行露天燃燒稽查管制及教育宣導等相關防制工作,期末報告摘錄自109年1月1日至109年12月31日止(包含109年1月1日至1月13日空窗期),計畫執行過程中,各工作項目辦理情形茲摘要說明如下: 一、禁止露天燃燒管制作業 (一)統計自109年1月1日至109年12月31日止,共計查處露天燃燒案件719件次,包含79件陳情查處、388件陳情複查、178件主動巡查及74件交辦案件。 (二)本計畫共計執行719件露天燃燒案件,其中588件為現場有查獲露天燃燒事證案件(燃燒中或已燃盡),日平均通報1.6件;就露燃通報時段分析,以下午(12-18時)為主佔67%,其次為上午時數(6-12時)佔28%;另又以平日為多(530件),佔90.1%,假日(58件)僅佔9.9%。 (三)以鄉鎮市分析,本計畫查獲的588件露天燃燒案件,民雄鄉最多130件(22.1%),其次為水上鄉89件(15.1%),再則新港鄉64件(10.8%),相關資料已建置在地理資訊系統(GIS)。 (四)依據本計畫查獲的588件露天燃燒案件進行燃燒物種解析,本縣以燃燒植物_其他為高,計有184件,其中以燃燒空地雜草(70%)為最多,其次為樹枝葉燃燒(178件),此外,在固體廢棄物、都市垃圾等燃燒廢棄物的件數合計亦有高達151件(佔總查獲比例26%),而若將燃燒物種及鄉鎮市交叉比對,燃燒「樹枝葉」及「植物其他」均以民雄鄉最高,分別為46件及47件。而「固體廢棄物_其他」則以民雄鄉(18件)與新港鄉(17件)及水上鄉(16件)較多。 (五)統計至109年12月31日止,查獲露天燃燒案件為588件,其中燃燒中逕行滅火148件,總控制面積達93871m2,控制體積達2044m3。本年度計畫現階段於露天燃燒管制削減量為:TSP_6191.5公斤、PM10_6156.9公斤、PM2.5_5577.1公斤、SOX _226.3公斤、NOX _1904.2公斤。 (六)本計畫自107年起至今(109年),結合地區環保志工與大專院校合作推動並成立露天燃燒巡守隊,目前已有78名巡守人力加入露天燃燒通報群組行列,累計通報171件,其中今年共通報84件。 (七)本計畫於一、二期稻作收割後之稻草動向(移地、再利用、翻耕掩埋或露天燃燒)進行調查統計,統計109年共完成68737筆水田農地調查(18007.7公頃),另於旱田調查部分共有2843筆(726.9公頃),多數農地均能配合翻耕掩埋腐化分解措施(98.9%),兩期作共查獲58筆土地有燃燒痕跡農地(0.09%),已函文地主到案說明,釐清污染權責。而兩期稻作採行非露天燃燒處理之面積比例均達99%以上,亦顯示本縣的管制措施已現成效。 二、露天燃燒E化監控 (一)設置制高點監控設施,目前本縣已架設8處監控攝影機,計畫團隊於今年度另協助新設16處監控攝影機及1部移動式縮時攝影機,目前已全數完成裝設,統計109年透過制高點監控設施共發現21起露天燃燒案件,至現場時未發現行為人案件,後續已透過地籍查詢,要求地主到案說明。詳細資料請見第四章4.3.1節。 (二)無人載具UAV空拍機巡查,於兩期稻作期間,共已出勤13次,空拍區域為朴子市、太保市、鹿草鄉、新港鄉、民雄鄉等本縣主要稻作種植區域,期間查獲1件露天燃燒案件。 (三)衛星火點通報,統計109年共計接獲55件火點資訊平台通報案件,因衛星資訊並非即時訊息,本計畫受理的55件通報中,即使有明確位置座標,仍有35件未發現露天燃燒情形。今年查獲率(36%)較去年(48%)降低12%,後續建議可與環保署相關人員反應,是否將工業區中燃燒塔等高溫設備誤判案件移除,以提高查獲比率。 三、推廣稻草再利用措施 (一)本計畫於去年度(108年)1月29日在民雄鄉中央村及新港鄉頂菜園各設置1部稻草蓆編織機(如圖4.4.1-1,P.78),並成立社區型稻草蓆編織場,目前每日可生產30~50捲稻草蓆,每捲100平方米約20公斤,販售價為500元,尺寸長度可以依需求做調整。 (二)計畫團隊於109年3月3日拜訪民雄鄉農會協商,由農會協助提供有意願果農以試辦方式在民雄鄉一處鳳梨田地,面積約200平方公尺,5月試驗鳳梨田上方使用稻草蓆鋪設在鳳梨田上方做為防曬工具,替代現今使用的遮陽黑網,11月初再試驗鳳梨田底部塑膠布由稻草抑制席取代,經試驗後,農民表示使用稻草蓆較費工費時,經試驗後果農表示稻草蓆鋪蓋在鳳梨田上,果實容易曬傷,另稻草蓆經風吹雨淋,致飛散或遭打落,失去防曬功能,因此果農還需經常填補稻草,而所耗費之工時增加,相對人力成本也增加,另於底部所鋪設的稻草抑制蓆,雜草抑制效果不佳,評估稻草蓆成本較原本高3倍,造成果農使用稻草蓆意願低,推行上較為困難。本團隊另與水上鄉西瓜田農友協商,試驗西瓜田內鋪設稻草蓆,抑制雜草可行性,農友表示稻草蓆之雜草抑制效果不佳,但可鋪設散裝稻草,供西瓜攀藤使用,將自行於附近農地回收使用。 (三)本團隊於109年11月27日辦理1場次「推動社區參與農廢(稻草)再利用暨益菌肥示範觀摩」,參加人數共計127人次,此次活動已處理約2公頃稻田之稻稈,稻草再利用10,000公斤,可減少852公斤空氣污染物排放。期望以此活動為範本,建立本縣社區推廣稻草再利用及營建工地鋪設稻草蓆之新思維,並發展多元化的稻草資源回收再利用(如稻草編織工藝),以推動社區參與農廢(稻草)再利用方案,提升農廢減量成效。 四、禁止露天燃燒宣導工作 (一)有線電視跑馬燈宣導於第一階段(6/21~6/27)及第二階段(10/25~10/31),分別在山線(世新)及海線(大揚)之有線電視台播出CF宣導圖卡,共計宣導14天,向民眾宣導勿露天燃燒稻草及嘉義縣露天燃燒管制作為。 (二)地方廣播電台宣導於一期稻作收割前109年6月21日至109年6月27日及二期稻作收割前109年10月25日至108年10月31日,分別在「正聲嘉義廣播電台」、「雲嘉廣播電台」、「姊妹電台」、「警察廣播」透過縣長進行收音,錄製成宣導廣播帶放送宣導廣播帶,共計14天,另於109年6月18日安排一場關於勿露天燃燒方面的局長專訪,向民眾宣導勿露天燃燒稻草及本縣露天燃燒管制作為。 (三)稻作收割期間宣傳廣播車針對露天燃燒好發地點,採沿街播放及定點廣播方式進行宣導,在各鄉鎮農民易聚集之廟宇、村里辦公室、社區活動中心,以宣導短片形式講述露天燃燒危害及露天燃燒相關法規及罰則進行宣導,現場並發放宣導折頁,總計宣導20場次,共計191人次。 (四)「稻草再利用,勿露天燃燒」農會、社區宣導說明會,因受武漢肺炎疫情影響,於109年8月4日、19日、25日、9月22日、30日、10月6日、8日、14日、16日、28日辦理10場次宣導會,辦理地點規劃於民雄鄉、大林鎮、溪口鄉、水上鄉、布袋鎮、鹿草鄉、朴子市、太保市及新港鄉等主要種植稻作區,總與會人數達813人。 (五)結合校園辦理「露天燃燒對環境的危害」宣導說明會,經與多所學校洽詢,校方考量武漢肺炎疫情影響,於109年9月21日、22日、23日、10月16日及10月26日辦理5場次宣導會,辦理地點規劃於民雄鄉、大林鎮及六腳鄉等主要好發露燃鄉鎮市之大專學院校總出席人數672人次。 (六)邀請本土劇演員米可白拍攝宣導製作3分鐘內勿露天燃燒廢棄物宣導短片,影片已上傳至YouTube影音網站及局內網站供民眾點閱,並於宣導會與宣導廣播車播放向民眾宣導。 五、其他配合事項 (一)本計畫於109年5月28日(一期稻作收割前)及109年9月28日(二期稻作收割前)寄發預警通知2次,通知單共計236筆。 (二)本計畫於109年6月13日、6月20日配合局內感測器計畫,辦理2場次勿露天燃燒宣導活動。 (三)本計畫於109年8月14日依縣府指示,因GOOGLE衛星地圖非今年度影像,為協助縣府施政了解開發區現況,執行空拍本縣開發計畫地區,並依需求空拍後製合成俯視圖,俯視圖因專業技術性較高,本團隊經多次研討後先由空拍機預設航線,再以測繪方式拍攝上百張空拍照片,最後利用專業軟體後製合成,共計完成1件空拍任務。 (四)本計畫於109年10月19日配合局內指示,辦理1場次「固定污染源違反空氣污染防制法應處罰鍰額度裁罰準則」說明會,主要為本科室人員訓練,環保署於109年6月10日修正應處罰鍰額度裁罰準則內容來做說明,此裁罰準則是各地環保主管機關裁處罰鍰金額的依據並講解試算罰金,總出席人數26人次。
中文關鍵字 露天燃燒


專案計畫編號 經費年度 109 計畫經費 6380 千元
專案開始日期 2020/01/14 專案結束日期 2020/12/31 專案主持人 林宏斌
主辦單位 嘉義縣環境保護局 承辦人 陳盈妙 執行單位 理虹工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 109年嘉義縣露天燃燒防制計畫期末報告.pdf 23MB

109 Chiayi County Open Burning Prevention Plan

英文摘要 Plan Name: 2020 Chiayi County Open Burning Prevention Plan Implementation Period: January 14, 2020 to December 31, 2020 Plan Funding:NT$6,380,000 Plan Director: Lin,Hung-Pin Execution Staff: Plan Manager Hsu Wen-Pang, plan engineers Chen Ke-Yu, Chen Tai-Chia, and Liu Mei-Ling, along with a temporary team of 12 people during the rice harvesting period. The Plan is named the 2020 “Chiayi County Open Burning Prevention Plan.” The goal of the Plan is to provide technical and human resources to carry out open burning inspection and control, education and promotion, and other related prevention work effectively. The end-of-period report covers the period from January 1, 2020 to December 31, 2020 (including the window period from January 1, 2020 to January 13, 2020). The following is a summary of the status of each task during the execution of the Plan: 1.Prohibition and Control Operation of Open Burning (1)According to statistics from January 1, 2020 to December 31, 2020, a total of 719 open burning cases were investigated and disposed of, including 79 petitions for investigation, 388 petitions for review, 178 proactive patrol inspections and 74 referrals. (2)The Plan tackled a total of 719 open burning cases, of which 588 were open burning cases with evidence detected on site (burning or burned out). On average, approximately 1.6 cases were reported daily. The analysis of the open burning reporting time shows that the cases were mainly reported in the afternoon (12-18 pm), accounting for 67%, followed by the morning hours (6-12 am), accounting for 28%. In addition, weekdays (530 cases) outnumbered holidays (58 cases), accounting for 90.1% and only 9.9% respectively. (3)In terms of rural municipalities, of the 588 open burning cases discovered in the Plan, Minxiong Township had the highest number of 130 cases (22.1%), followed by Shuishang Township and Xingang Township, 89 cases (15.1%) compared with 64 cases (10.8%). The relevant information has been entered in the Geographic Information System (GIS). (4)According to the analysis of the types of burned materials in the 588 open burning cases discovered under the Plan, residents of the County mostly burned plants_other things, with 184 cases, among which the burning of weeds on vacant land was the most common (70%), followed by the burning of tree branches and leaves (178 cases). In addition, there were as many as 151 cases of burning solid waste and urban garbage (accounting for 26% of the total discovered cases). If we cross-reference the types of burned materials to the rural municipalities, the burning of “tree branches and leaves” and the burning of “plants and other things” both ranked first in Minxiong Township, with 46 and 47 cases respectively while the burning of “solid waste_other” things was more severe in Minxiong Township (18 cases), Xingang Township (17 cases) and Shuishang Township (16 cases). (5)By December 31, 2020, 588 open burning cases had been investigated. In 148 of these cases, the fire was directly extinguished during the burning. The total control area reached 93,871 m2, and the control volume reached 2,044 m3. The reduction of open burning by the control plan in 2020 was TSP_6191.5 kg, PM10_6156.9 kg, PM2.5_5577.1 kg, SOX _226.3 kg, and NOX _1904.2 kg. (6)Since 2018, the Plan has been working with local environmental volunteers and colleges and universities to promote and establish open burning patrol teams. At present, the Open Burning Report Group has 78 members. A total of 171 cases had been reported to date, including 84 cases in 2020. (7)After the first and second rice crops were harvested, the Plan conducted surveys on the movement of the rice straws (removal, reuse, tillage and burial, or open burning). A total of 68,737 surveys were completed on paddy fields (18,007.7 hectares), and 2,843 surveys were conducted on dry fields (726.9 hectares) in 2020. Most of the farmers cooperated with the decay and decomposition measures, turning the soil on their farmlands and burying the rice straws (98.9%). A total of 58 farmlands with burn marks (0.09%) were found in the two rice crops, and official letters were already sent to the landowners to clarify responsibilities for contamination. Moreover, the proportion of area without open burning reached over 99% in both rice crops, which shows that the County's control measures had been effective. 2.Open Burning E-monitoring (1)The Plan has installed surveillance facilities at vantage points. The County originally had 8 surveillance cameras. In 2020, the Plan team assisted the County in the installation of 16 new surveillance cameras and one mobile time-lapse camera, all of which have been working. Statistics for 2020 recorded 21 open burning cases detected through the vantage-point surveillance facilities, but no perpetrators were found when inspectors arrived. Subsequently, the landowners were found through cadastral inquiry and required to explain. For more information, please refer to Section 4.3.1, Chapter 4. (2)The unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) was deployed 13 times for patrol during the two rice crops. The areas covered by the UAV were the main rice cultivation areas in the County, including Puzi City, Taibao City, Lucao Township, Xingang Township, and Minxiong Township. One case of open burning was detected during the period. (3)The Plan also used the satellites to spot fire points. In 2020, 55 cases were reported by the fire point information platform. Because the satellite information was not real-time, no open burning was found in 35 of the 55 reports received by the Plan despite the clear location coordinates. The detection rate decreased 12 percentage points from 2019 (48%) to 2020 (36%). It is worthwhile to bring this matter to the attention of the responsible staff at the Environmental Protection Administration and suggest that the misclassified cases of high-temperature equipment, such as combustion towers, in industrial areas should be removed to improve the detection rate. 3.Measures to Promote the Reuse of Rice Straws (1)The Plan set up one rice straw mat weaving machine in Central Village, Minxiong Township and one in Dingcaiyuan, Xingang Township on January 29, 2019 (as shown in Figure 4.4.1-1, Page 78), and established a community rice straw mat weaving farm. At present, 30-50 rolls of rice straw mats can be produced per day. Each roll is 100 m2, about 20 kg, and the selling price is NT$500. The size and length can be customized. (2)The Plan team visited Minxiong Township Farmers' Association on March 3, 2020 and asked the Farmers' Association to facilitate a pilot project on pineapple fields, with an area of about 200 square meters, in Minxiong Township. In the May experiment, rice straw mats were laid on top of the pineapple fields to replace the existing black net as a sun blocker, and then in early November, the experiment used rice straw mats to replace the plastic sheeting as a weed inhibitor in the bottom of the pineapple fields. After the experiments, the fruit farmers said that using rice straw mats was more laborious and time-consuming, and that the rice straw mats laid on the pineapple fields were not an effective sun blocker, rendering the fruits prone to sunburn. The rice straw mats would be displaced or even destroyed by the elements, such as wind and rain, so the pineapple farmers needed to replenish rice straws frequently. Not only the person-hour but also the relative labor cost increased. As far as the weed inhibitor is concerned, the rice straw mats in the bottom of the pineapple fields failed to suppress weed growth. Furthermore, the cost of the rice straw mat was evaluated to be three times higher than that of the original method, which lessened the willingness of farmers to use the rice straw mat and made the implementation more difficult. The Plan team turned to watermelon farmers in Shuishang Township for the same experiment, laying rice straw mats in watermelon fields to suppress weeds. The farmers indicated that the rice straw mat was not a good mulch, but that they could lay loose rice straws for watermelon vines to climb. They would collect rice straws in the nearby farmlands for repurposing by themselves. (3)The Plan team held a seminar, “Promotion of Community Participation in the Reuse of Agricultural Waste (Rice Straws) and Demonstration of Probiotic Fertilizers”, on November 27, 2020, with 127 attendees in total. This activity disposed of rice stalks in about two hectares of farmland, reused 10,000 kg of rice straws and reduced 852 kg of air pollutant emissions. The hope was that this activity would serve as an exemplary, innovative idea when communities promote the reuse of rice straws and when construction sites lay rice straw mats in the County, developing diversified ways to recycle and reuse rice straw resources (such as the craft of rice straw weaving) to promote community participation in agricultural waste (rice straw) repurposing projects and enhance the effectiveness of agricultural waste reduction. 4.Advocacy of the Ban on Open Burning (1)The Plan used chase lights for advocacy on cable TV in the first phase (June 21-27) and the second phase (October 25-31), broadcasting CF picture cards on cable TV stations, the Mountain Line (Shixin) and the Sea Line (Dayang), for 14 days to educate the public not to burn rice straws in the open air and publicize the practice of regulating open burning in Chiayi County. (2)The local radio stations broadcast propaganda June 21-27, 2020 before the first rice crop harvest and October 25-31, 2020 before the second rice crop harvest. The propaganda tape, recorded by the County Mayor, was broadcast on “Chengsheng Chiayi Radio”, “Yunjia Radio”, “Sister Radio” and “Police Radio” for a total of 14 days. On June 18, 2020, a special interview was arranged with the Bureau Director on the topic of illegal open burning to educate the public not to burn rice straws in the open air and publicize the practice of regulating open burning in the County. (3)During the rice crop harvesting periods, the propaganda broadcasting vehicles targeted the locations where open burning was common and broadcast along the streets and at fixed spots in various towns, including temples, village offices and community centers, where farmers tended to gather. The hazards of open burning and the related laws and regulations and penalties for open burning were explained in the form of promotional videos. Promotional leaflets were also distributed on site. The 14 promotional sessions received a total of 109 people, and the propaganda broadcasting vehicles travelled a total of 304 kilometers. (4)Affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, the ten "Yes to the Reuse of Rice Straws, No to Open Burning" awareness-raising sessions for farmers' associations and farming communities were held on August 4, 19, 25; September 22, 30; and October 6, 8, 14, 16, 28, 2020 in the main rice growing areas of Minxiong Township, Dalin Township, Xikou Township, Shuishang Township, Budai Township, Lucao Township, Puzi City, Taibao City, and Xingang Township. The total number of attendees reached 813. (5)The Plan held campus talks to explain the hazards of open burning to the environment. After consulting with several schools, considering the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, we held five talks on September 21, 22, 23 and October 16, 26, 2020 at colleges and universities in towns where open burning was common, including Minxiong Township, Dalin Township and Liujiao Township. The total number of attendees was 672. (6)Local actress Mi Ke-Bai was invited to film a 3-minute video to advise against burning waste in the open air. The video has been uploaded to YouTube and the Bureau's website for the public to view, and it was also played at the awareness-raising meetings and by the propaganda broadcasting vehicles to inform the public. 5.Other Complementary Tasks (1)The Plan sent out two warning notices on May 28, 2020 (before the first rice harvest) and September 28, 2020 (before the second rice harvest), respectively. A total of 236 notices were sent out. (2)On June 13 and 20, 2020, the Plan held 2 campaign against open burning in conjunction with the Bureau's sensor program. (3)The Plan received instructions from the county government on August 14, 2020. Since the Google satellite map did not provide the current year's images, the Plan assisted the county government in understanding the current situation of the development areas by taking aerial photos of the County's planned development areas, and then producing top views as needed. The production of top views was highly professional and technical, and therefore, after many discussions, the team first used a drone to preset the route, then took hundreds of aerial photos by surveying and mapping, and finally post-produced and synthesized the photos by professional software. A total of one aerial photography task was completed. (4)In accordance with the Bureau's instructions, an information meeting on the “Penalty Guidelines for Violation of the Air Pollution Control Act by Stationary Sources of Pollution” was held on October 19, 2020, mainly for the training of our section and office staff. The meeting elucidated the contents of the Guidelines for imposing fines, revised and promulgated by the Environmental Protection Administration on June 10, 2020, and explained the trial calculation of fines. The Guidelines are the basis for local environmental protection authorities to determine the amount of the fine to be imposed. The total number of attendees was 26.
英文關鍵字 Open Burning Prevention Plan