

中文摘要 藉由執行本計畫統整本市各空氣品質改善維護計畫成果,並就各項管制策略執行進度進行追蹤,適時提出建議,達到持續改善空氣品質之目的。本計畫執行期間自109年3月5日起至109年12月15日止,完成進度100%,主要工作項目執行成果摘要如下: 依據104~108年空品資料及109年9月18日發布之空品新標準:嘉義站PM10年平均值由59.7降至44.3 µg/m3,五年改善率26%。PM2.5年平均值,手動站由30.5降至22.9µg/m3,五年改善率25%,自動站由27.2降至22.0µg/m3,五年改善率19%。O3_8hr_93%高值由75.8降至72.1ppb,五年改善率5%。 本計畫期間嘉義市僅發生1次AQI>150的紅色警戒事件站日,較去年同期10站日明顯改善;嘉義市108~109年1~10月AQI>100比例,109年超標占比由高而低為第8名,同期改善9.3%,改善率高居第1名。AQI>150比例,109年超標占比由高而低為第17名,同期改善3%,改善率居第3名。 依據本計畫檢討更新和掌握之TEDS10.0排放量資料,本市各類空氣污染物排放量分別為懸浮微粒(PM10)725公噸、細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)299公噸、硫氧化物(SOx)59公噸、氮氧化物(NOx)1,388公噸、非甲烷碳氫化合物(NMHC)4,267公噸。 本計畫依據109年9月環保署撰寫指引編撰嘉義市新版污防書,依照各類污染源管制策略,分別擬訂防制目標,統計固定源目標5項、移動源目標9項、逸散源目標10項及綜合性管制2項,參與8月27日與10月12日雲嘉南高屏協商會,於9月18日完成初稿,10月15日經局確認,並於10月22日辦理預告,10月30日提交環保署;並結合污防書管制策略,研擬19項季節性管制策略,陸續完成第二、三季量化及減量成果提報。 協助109年參加「南部地區空氣污染跨區合作預防應變小組」會議,4月、8月與11月召開3場工作檢討會議,完成嘉義市110年空氣品質創新作為策略規劃,5月及12月召開清淨空氣推動委員會議及相關會前會議。於10月6日舉辦「109年度嘉義市空氣品質惡化應變實地演練前協調會」,並於10月15日完成「109年度嘉義市空氣品質惡化應變實地演練會議」。 本市空氣品質淨化區基地共7處,綠化面積10.57公頃,各基地設置經費均由環保署補助,基地類型分別為裸露地綠化3處、環保公園2處,自行車道2處;經推廣民間、企業協助認養維護,總計11個單位認養7處淨化區,認養比例100%,企業認養比例57%。各基地維護管理情形分別在4月22日及9月3日委託專家學者實施查核評比,各基地以「富國淨化區」、「中央廣場淨化區」及「嘉油鐵馬道淨化區」評比最佳值得其它維護管理單位借鏡,其次於「北香湖公園淨化區」、「公義路淨化區」近年評比成績具成長趨勢。 本團隊完成3場次線上體驗式宣導活動,第一場以創意發揮、第二場讓民眾踏出戶外及搭配科技採用線上集點玩樂、第三場以生活上的事物規劃活動,三場體驗式活動不但能讓民眾腦力激盪、走出戶外並在生活上又可得知正確空污防護觀念,三場宣導人次總計5,022人次。完成33場次空氣污染防制防護觀念宣導活動(含設攤及10場次空氣污染防制防護種子講師宣講),宣導人數為4,014人。完成「餐飲油煙健康防制防護篇」動畫,並搭配第三次體驗活動,點閱次數已超過1.2萬次,是嘉義市環保局臉書粉絲頁少數超過萬次的動畫。 已配合環保署109年度績效考評,預估每季得分落點,截至第三季自評成果可得90.8分。已協助上傳第一~三季季報、1~10月月報及空氣污染防制基金決算等相關資料,後續將持續協助績效展現追蹤之定期提報資料相關報表提交。
中文關鍵字 空氣品質、空品淨化區、AQI、空品區


專案計畫編號 1081296 經費年度 109 計畫經費 4750 千元
專案開始日期 2020/03/05 專案結束日期 2020/12/15 專案主持人 潘一誠
主辦單位 嘉義市政府環境保護局 承辦人 林宛臻 執行單位 鼎環工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 期末報告定稿-上傳版.pdf 23MB

2020 Chiayi City Clean Air Integrated Management Plan

英文摘要 In order to effectively integrate the achievements of air quality improvement and maintenance work, the project mainly track the progress of the implementation of various air pollution control strategies for purpose of good air quality in Chiayi City. The implementation period of this year's project is from March 5, 2020 to December 15, 2020. The finished progress of overall work is 100%. The summary of the main work items is as follows: According to the monitoring data between 2015 and 2019 and new air quality standard, the annual concentration of PM10, PM2.5 (manual), PM2.5 (automated) and O3-8hr have decreased, dropping from 59.7 to 44.3 μg/m3 (26% improvement rate), 30.5 to 22.9 μg/m3 (25% improvement rate), 27.2 to 22.0 μg/m3 (19% improvement rate), 75.8 to 22.1 ppb (5% improvement rate). Within the project's schedule, the red alert poor air quality station days dropped from 10 days in 2019 to 1 day in 2020; It ranked 8th in AQI>100 ratio and 1st in AQI>100 improvement rate in Chiayi City. It ranked 17th in AQI>150 ratio and 3rd in AQI>150 improvement rate in Chiayi City. Based on TEDS 10.0 database, the annual emissions in Chiayi City are PM10-725 ton/y, PM2.5-299 ton/y, SOx-59 ton/y, NOx-3,388 ton/y, NMHC-4,267 ton/y, CO-3,747 ton/y, respectively. To collect and plan the city's air pollution control strategies from 2020-2023 includes 5 strategies for stationary pollution sources, 9 strategies for mobile pollution sources, 10 strategies for fugitive pollution sources and 2 strategies for comprehensive controls; to plan and join all meeting and seminars on schedule, and finally submit the final SIP to EPA on October 30. Moreover, we plan seasonal 19 control strategies and collect the results report. To assist EPB to participate in “Air Pollution Interregional Cooperation Prevention Response in Southern Taiwan”for five times; to hold three “work performance review meeting” in April, August and November; to complete air quality innovation plan in Chiayi City in 2021; to hold the first and second clean air promotion committee meeting and pre-meeting in May and December; to hold the air quality deterioration drills for pre-meeting and official meeting. There are 7 air quality purification areas in the city with a green area of 10.57 HA, including 3 bare green areas, 2 environmental parks and 2 bicycle lanes. In the current year, through the self-assessment and the assessment of the members' committees, the current situation of the management and maintenance of the air quality purification area will be mastered. On April 22 and September 3, the members have surveyed and the bases including " The air quality purification zone of Jiayou Railway Road " and " The air quality purification zone of Central Plaza", and " The air quality purification zone of Fuguo " these three places as the best examples with maintenance and management results. We conducted 3 online advocacy activities (5,022 people) and 33 publicity propaganda (4,014 people) on air pollution prevention and protection, including 10 propaganda are scheduled for seed lecturers. To complete an animation short film on "Food and Beverage Health Control Prevention" for over 12,000 hits in Chiayi City EPB website. Until third season of 2020, the self-assessment of air quality improvement work performance evaluation scores 90.8 points out of 100 points. We also have assisted in reporting and ploading the first to third quarterly reports, monthly reports from January to October and Air Pollution Control Fund-related statistics.
英文關鍵字 air pollution, Air quality purification area, control AQI