

中文摘要 一、餐飲業管制 (一) 持續更新餐飲業資料庫之建檔資料包括餐廳經營型態、營業時數、天數、活動強度分析、座位數分析、氣罩形式、前處理設施、末處理設施、廢氣排放口位置、周圍環境位置、污染物減量效益分析及未列舉相關必要項目等,相關資料以資料庫型式建檔普查資料。 (二) 執行期間進行餐飲業個別輔導協談並追蹤改善共計390件次,而針對可行性改善建議亦提供89家次,依餐飲業者不同規模及不同污染特性,再規劃適當污染防制設備建議業者改善,並持續進行追蹤改善情形,本年度輔導餐飲業減量對象類型,以燒烤業的54.9 %為最高,其次為中式餐飲類27.2 %,第三為油炸攤販業7.7%;由上述輔導餐飲類型分布中,可推估出本縣居民居住品質與健康問題受餐飲業者影響類型,以中式餐飲、燒烤類、油炸攤販油煙異味感受度最大,陳情比例也最大,而這三種烹飪方式也容易產生油煙及異味污染。 (三) 協助規劃適當污染防制設備供業者參考69家次,並印製行政院環境保護署「餐飲油煙防制設備設置組合指引手冊」於現場輔導業者時進行發送參考,並協助業者配合進行油煙防制提昇作業,避免業者因成本考量設置效果不彰之防制設備。 (四) 辦理1場次之餐飲業污染改善宣導會,期使本縣業者瞭解餐飲油煙防制對環境品質提昇之重要性,並凝聚共識來共同推動餐飲油煙防制及油煙減量工作。 (五) 執行期間本計畫已針對本縣14家大型露天燒烤業及1家屢被陳情業中式餐飲共執行22件次異臭味污染物採樣分析(10點次合約工作量,15點次環保局自費),未符合異味排放標準店家共5家。 (六) 執行期間針對列管之21處露天燒烤業者進行列管並及於其營業期間(5月~10月),每月進行異味防制措施操作情形巡檢及輔導作業。 二、露天燃燒管制 (一) 執行期間列管之好發地點每月進行30處次巡查作業,統計至12月31日,共巡查300處次,累計列管之好發點位共計有30處(如表3.1-1),持續更新及新增點位來嚇止露天燃燒情事發生,露天燃燒陳情案件則共接獲20件(含6件現場及附近未發現燃燒行為案件)相關陳情案件說明如表3.2-1所示,而有發現露天燒燒情事之露天燃燒物質比例如圖3.2-1所示,可掌握到今年度燃燒物質以農業廢棄物為主(73%),其次為一般棄物(20 %)。 (二) 辦理1場次宣導活動,結合本縣學校基礎教育向下扎根,對學童進行勿露天燃燒教育宣導,並教導相關廢棄物再利用方法,期盼藉由建立小朋友正確觀念的方式,讓每位學童回去向家長宣導,勿有露天燃燒垃圾的行為。 (三) 執行期間持續協請村(里)辦公室協助向社區民眾宣導禁止露天燃燒並張貼宣導看板於社區公佈欄加強宣導,已完成55處社區宣導及建立宣導看板。 三、民俗紙錢宣導及減量 (一) 針對60間廟宇宣導紙錢減量使用,透過宣導單張文宣及現場說明宣導,並於現場張貼海報宣導看板。 (二) 本年度輔導馬公市城隍廟完成濕式洗滌塔設置,並輔導馬公市水仙宮完成封爐作業,另持續與縣內其它重點指標廟宇進行溝通輔導作業,目前既有燃燒減量成效良好之環保金爐廟宇合計共有11處。 (三) 辦理完成一場次環保廟宇示範宣導觀摩會,利用本次觀摩會議邀集縣內廟宇代表及一般民眾,參與觀摩馬公市水仙宮封爐作業,該廟宇原已設有金爐空氣污染防制設備,但由於維護經費高昂,且附近住戶陳情狀況雖減低但仍未能完全杜絕, 四、裸露地調查及改善 (一) 持續追蹤列管已改善裸露地共有7處,合計列管面積達0.8872公頃,另依據環保署TEDs 10.0面源推估手冊得知,一般裸露地TSP排放系數為0.256公噸/公頃/年,推估原未防制裸露地之TSP排放量為0.227 公噸/年,經輔導植生改善後之平均防塵效率約96%,共可削減0.218公噸TSP減量,近年來持續透過持續現況查核後,未發現植栽生長不佳情形,相關列管裸露地資料如表5.1-1所列。 (二) 本計畫經調查已列管1處裸露地,為” 菜園情人碼頭燒烤旁裸露地”,年度新增列管裸露地面積合計2,852.8 m2,透過現場巡查及地籍資料查詢,並掌握該筆土地目前閒置,等待時機再進行開發,已建議地主未開發期間先讓裸露地自然長草,避免裸露地揚塵影響鄰近空氣品質及造成附近居民困擾,詳細列管情形與輔導情形如表5.1-1所示。 五、其他辦理事項 (一) 執行期間並鎖定易造成污泥拖出之砂石場附近路段,累計執行40趟次及120件次之逸散污染物易發源巡查及清掃作業。 (二) 為提供民眾之環保資訊,年度執行期間共提供22則媒體宣導新聞供環保局發佈,各則新聞稿提供以及刊登情形如表6.2-1所列。
中文關鍵字 餐飲業異味、露天燃燒、裸露地揚塵、紙錢減量、空氣污染防制


專案計畫編號 經費年度 109 計畫經費 3000 千元
專案開始日期 2020/02/12 專案結束日期 2021/12/31 專案主持人 黃文龍
主辦單位 澎湖縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 王美素 執行單位 上境科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 澎湖109年逸散源期末-計畫全文.pdf 9MB 期末報告書

109 Annual Penghu County Emissions Pollution Source Audit Control and Low Carbon Island Emission Emissions Dust Reduction Project

英文摘要 Penghu County's "109 Annual Penghu County Emissions Pollution Source Audit Control and Low Carbon Island Emission Emissions Dust Reduction Project" annual reservation execution period is from February 22, 108 to December 31, 108, the final report statistics from the implementation date of the plan to December 31 although the time is short, but the efforts of the executive staff and the assistance and supervision of environmental protection officials In most cases, the implementation is smooth. In addition to striving to achieve quantitative goals and improving on the actual regulatory benefits, in order to achieve the expected goals, the results of this plan are quantified as shown in Table 1. A summary of each work item is described below. 1. Catering industry regulation (1) Keep updating the catering industry database including the business style, processing facilities as well as the necessary listed matters. Documenting the information as the database for looking up. (2) Providing the counseling service (390 times), discussing and improvements tracking service (89 businesses) in the catering industry. For the businesses that has been counselled for the air pollution reduction, 54.9% of which are barbecues food business, 27.2% of which are Chinese food businesses and 7.7% of which are street food vendors. (3) Assisting 69 business for designing and installation of the pollution prevention equipment. (4) Hosted out catering industry air pollution improvements meeting for gathering the effort of catering air pollution prevention and reduction across the businesses. (5) During the implementation of the plan, a total of 22 sampling and analysis of odorous pollutants were conducted for 14 large open-air barbecues in the county that has been repeatedly used by the industry (10 times contract workload, 12 times environmental protection) (At its own expense), there are 5 stores that do not meet the odor emission standards. (6) Carried out monthly inspection and counselling for the odor control operations for 21 open-air barbecues businesses. 2.Control of open burning (1) Hosted 1 advocacy activity for open burning hazard education for the sshool students. (2) Completed 55 information boards for the local communities. (3)During the implementation period, 30 inspections will be conducted every month. During the implementation of the statistical plan, a total of 300 inspections will be conducted. 3. Promotion and reduction of folk paper money (1) During the implementation period, 60 paper temples were used to reduce the use of paper money. (2)This year, the county ’s representative temple Magong City God Temple completed the installation of environmental protection golden furnaces. At present, there are a total of 11 environmental protection golden furnace temples with good combustion reduction results. (3) To conduct one environmental protection temple paper money reduction conference in the Magong City Shuixian Temple,and a gold stoves sealed furnaces ceremony. 4.Investigation and improvement of bare land (1) Continuously tracking the pipelines has improved a total of 7 bare areas, with a total pipeline area of 0.8872 hectares. (2) One new bare lands are planned for the project this year, A total of 2,021 m2 vegetation.. 5. Other matters (1) Targeting the close area of the sand and stone operations places, carried out effusion contaminant 40 inspections and 120 clean-ups. (2) Submitted 22 introductory news to the EPB.
英文關鍵字 Catering industry regulation, Control of open burning, folk paper money, bare land