

中文摘要 屏東縣應符合室內空氣品質管理法之第一及第二批公告場所分別有12及36家,第一批公告場所均依規定辦理各項工作;第二批公告場所中,除109年新增列管的驛站百貨股份有限公司(潮州驛站處)尚未執行第一次定檢外,其餘場所均依規定完成專責人員設置、維護管理文件訂定及定檢申報作業。 在公私場所現場訪查作業方面,共完成162家場所訪查作業(含第一批公告場所12家、第二批公告場所36家、非公告場所114家),各場所主要問題為:(1)幼兒園密閉通風不佳導致CO2出現瞬間高值,部分教室的天花板和牆壁亦有發霉情形;(2)國小與國中之專科教室與運動空間因通風不佳導致CO2濃度偏高;(3)政府機關、醫療機構、量販店、銀行常因造訪民眾為數眾多導致CO2濃度偏高;(4)社會福利機構、美術館及旅館因內部裝修導致甲醛濃度偏高;(5)量販店與百貨事業部份空間因烹煮行為導致甲醛濃度偏高;(6)因政府推動振興政策,使得民眾於假日至影廳觀賞電影而有CO2瞬間高值;(7)政府機關常因事務機使用頻率高導致部分空間TVOC濃度偏高;(8)大型運動健身場所因空調箱濾網更換頻率不足導致室內PM瞬間濃度偏高(9)部分小型運動健身場所使用定時芳香噴霧導致甲醛及TVOC出現瞬間高值;(10)視聽歌唱業少數場所大廳鄰近廚房導致油煙逸散至大廳使PM2.5濃度偏高;(11)量販店部分場所之美食街區域鄰近室外停車場出入口導致PM瞬間濃度偏高。 在推動維護管理制度方面,共輔導25家場所訂定維護管理計畫文件;另外,追蹤40家歷年已設置維護管理文件之場所,以確認該場所訂定之室內空氣品質維護管理計畫文件與現況符合,並協助其修正維護管理文件的相關內容。 在專責人員設置情形調查方面,共計76家場所(包含28家非屬公告場所)已取得證照,而所有公告場所均已完成專責人員設置(含新增1家場所)。 在巡查檢測方面,共計執行162家、1296點次的巡查檢測,彙整巡檢結果發現:CO2、CO、甲醛、TVOC、PM2.5、PM10之瞬間高值發生率分為6.1%、0%、21.8%、1.9%、22.5%及11%。 在標準值稽查檢測方面,共計完成16家次重點場所稽查檢測作業(含3家次複測),今年度共有3家公告場所出現超標情形,分別為屏基醫療財團法人屏東基督教醫院(本院)CO2超過標準值1,000 ppm、香港商世界健身事業有限公司潮州分公司及寶建醫療社團法人寶建醫院之細菌超過標準值1,500 CFU/m3,場所均已完成改善,且經複測符合室內空氣品質標準。另執行3家次幼兒園室內生物性污染檢測作業,所有幼兒園細菌均超過標準值1,500 CFU/m3且其中2家幼兒園室內真菌濃度超過標準值1,000 CFU/m3(室內外比值大於1.3)。 本計畫共辦理5家場所之現場全方位輔導會議,分別為香港商世界健身事業有限公司潮州分公司、屏東縣客家文物館、衛生福利部屏東醫院、幼兒園A及幼兒園B,每場次邀請3位專家學者針對場所在室內環境、空調系統及建築物等方面之缺失提出改善建議供場所參考。 室內空氣品質宣導作業部分,本年度除了辦理1場法規宣導說明會暨觀摩會外,更將宣導對象擴大一般民眾及學童,辦理多元化宣導活動,活動內容包含手作室內淨化植栽課程、室內空品賓果遊戲及有獎徵答活動,期望能有更多民眾一同致力改善及提升場所或居家環境品質。
中文關鍵字 室內空氣品質


專案計畫編號 經費年度 109 計畫經費 3533 千元
專案開始日期 2020/01/01 專案結束日期 2020/12/31 專案主持人 李俊彥
主辦單位 屏東縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 錢湘媛 執行單位 環益工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 109屏東縣IAQ(定稿)-本文_compressed11.pdf 7MB 109IAQ期末報告(定稿)

Inspection and investigation of indoor air quality at Pingtung ( 2020 )

英文摘要 There are 12 and 36 officially announced premises that shall meet Indoor Air Quality Act for the first and the second batch respectively in Pingtung County. The first batch of announced premises have implemented every task comply with the regulation; the second batch of announced premises have installed dedicated personnel, determined an indoor air quality maintenance and management plan and performed regular analyses and results reporting except the new regulatory listing announced premise – Yizhan Department Store at Chaozhou Railway Station which hasn't performed the first regular analyses and results reporting. This project has inspected 162 public or private premises including 12 and 36 officially announced premises for the first and the second batch respectively and 114 non-announced premises. The results of inspection show that main problems for different types of premises as follows: (1) instant high CO2 concentration due to poor indoor ventilation and mold growth on some classrooms’ walls and ceilings in kindergartens; (2) high level of CO2 concentration due to poor indoor ventilation in the specialized classroom and exercise areas of elementary schools and junior high schools; (3) high level of CO2 concentration due to crowd in government agencies, medical institutions, hypermarkets and banks; (4) high level of HCHO concentration due to indoor renovation in social welfare organization, art museum and hotels; (5) high level of HCHO concentration due to cooking behavior in some sections of hypermarkets and department stores; (6) instant higher CO2 concentration due to crowd in theaters on holiday because of a boost from the government stimulus package; (7) high level of TVOC concentration in government agencies due to frequent use of multi-function printers ; (8) instant higher particulate matter concentration in fitness centers due to lack of replacement of air purifying filters of air-handling units ; (9) instant high HCHO and TVOC concentration in fitness studios due to the use of time-controlled aromatic spray; (10) higher level of PM2.5 concentration at the halls of some audiovisual and singing services due to the kitchen nearby; (11) instant higher particulate matter concentration at the food courts of some hypermarkets due to the entrances of parking lots nearby. As regards the promotion of indoor air quality maintenance and management system, we have comprehensively guided 25 premises to determine their indoor air quality maintenance and management plans and 40 premises to revise their maintenance and management plans that already established to match the current situation. With respect to the installment of dedicated personnel, 76 premises including 28 non-announced premises have obtained qualification certificates of dedicated personnel for indoor air quality maintenance and management and all of the officially announced premises including a new one have installed dedicated personnel. As regards the inspection testing, we have executed 1296 times of inspection testing for 162 premises by using portable direct reading instruments during on-site inspection service. The results show that the incidences of instant high value for CO2, CO, HCHO, TVOC, PM2.5 and PM10 are 6.1%, 0%, 21.8%, 1.9%, 22.5% and 11% respectively. With respect to the inspection analyses of indoor air quality standards, we have completed 16 premises (three for retesting). There are three announced premises that fail to comply with the Indoor Air Quality Standards this year. One is Pingtung Christian Hospital whose CO2 concentration exceeded with the standard value (1,000 ppm), and the others are Chaozhou World Gym and Paochien Hospital whose bacterias concentration exceeded the standard value (1,500 CFU/m3).All three announced premises mentioned above have already completed improvements and their retesting results have complied with the Indoor Air Quality Standards. In addition, we have executed indoor biological contamination tests for three kindergartens and the results show that all their bacteria concentrations exceeded the standard value (1,500 CFU/m3) and two kindergartens’ fungi concentrations exceeded the standard value(1,000 CFU/m3 and I/O ratio > 1.3). This project held five sessions of indoor air quality well-rounded guidance meetings and the five premises are Chaozhou World Gym, Pingtung Hakka Cultural Museum, Pingtung Hospital, the Kindergarten of Chaozhou Township, and the Kindergarten of Yanpu Township. We invited three experts and scholars for each premise to give suggestions for improvement in regard to deficiencies of indoor environment, air conditioning and the building. As regards the indoor air quality advocacy, we held not only one regulation propaganda and observation tour but also a variety of activities for the general public and school children to expand propaganda objects. The activities include a hand-on lession of making indoor air purifying plants, an indoor air quality bingo game and some prize quizzes. We hope that more people devote to improve and promote the environmental quality of premises or homes.
英文關鍵字 Indoor Air Quality