

中文摘要 一、金門溫室氣體管制執行方案推動與管考 目前「建置金門低碳島計畫」已於107年底結束,透過低碳島6大旗艦計畫,推動在能源、節能、建築、交通、環保等不同領域之減碳工作。108年度環保局研提「金門縣溫室氣體管制執行方案」,已於108年8月16日環保署准於核定。為持續推動金門低碳島計畫,環保局將前述「金門縣溫室氣體管制執行方案」整合為「建置金門低碳島二期計畫」送行政院審定,並於108年11月20日奉准核定。109年度應辦理19項推動策略、55項具體措施,共列管46項執行計畫,統計至109年11月底止,目前僅有10項執行計畫屬落後情形。此外,本計畫協助辦理「金門縣政府低碳永續家園推動小組會議」共計四場次委員會議,及協助環保局出席「金門低碳島推動小組」共計二場次,並協助環保局辦理「專家學者諮詢會議」共計一場次;除此之外,本計畫亦協助環保局於6月30日及12月30日前於「低碳永續家園資訊網」填報金門縣低碳相關工作辦理情形、推動成效及計算減碳績效。 二、低碳社區輔導改造及低碳永續家園評等分級認證 金門縣有6個鄉鎮,所轄村里為37個。統計至109年11月底止,本縣已有35個行政村里參與低碳永續家園認證評等,其中2個行政村里取得銀級認證、11個行政村里取得銅級認證、22個行政村里報名成功;2個鄉鎮市區報名參與認證,3個鄉鎮市區取得銅級認證;金門縣也已於108年2月18日取得銀級認證。在全台認證評等村里參與率中,金門縣村里參與率達95%,為全國第二,僅次於花蓮縣,若扣除烏坵鄉外,村里參與率已達100%,而村里銅級以上達30%,為全國第三。 本計畫辦理1場次低碳永續家園認證與評等制度說明會,並依據去年度(108)協助輔導金門縣各社區輔導所掌握社區特色與前瞻性,本計畫輔導9處具入圍以上資格社區,以生態綠化、綠能節電、資源循環及低碳生活為主要面向,合計推動13項行動項目,預估一年可減少0.18公噸的碳排放,並可有0.66公噸的固碳量。 輔導行動項目施作,其目的為推動各級單位參與低碳永續家園認證評等,並爭取更好之評等等級,為持續推動低碳永續家園認證評等於金門縣扎根,本團隊輔導1處最具取得銀級認證資格潛力之村里-金湖鎮山外里取得銀級認證,東部生活圈安排於8月19日進行現勘,銀級現勘實得分數為243分,得分率為82%,並於109年9月15日取得銀級認證;亦協助兩處參與報名社區-金城鎮賢庵里、金寧鄉湖埔村申請銅級認證,銅級實得分數為91分及89分,得分率為82%及80%,並皆於109年12月24日取得銅級認證。 此外,受補助過之單位亦須定期查核其維護運作情形,因此本團隊已完成查核107年度環保局曾補助之14處社區受補助行動項目之成果維運情形,確保社區持續推動低碳措施,並輔導108年屆期之銅級鄉鎮或村里層級進行展延申請,目前2處已展延成功,另有1處無法展延成功,將於110年度重新提出銅級申請。 三、辦理氣候變遷教育培訓及宣導工作 近年來全球暖化與氣候變遷所造成的極端氣候,已經到達無法忽視的地步,也讓人類社會面臨了前所未有的挑戰。為深入了解低碳節能減碳以及減緩與調適之相關知識,本團隊規劃辦理1場次建築節能診斷培訓課程、辦理1場次氣候變遷調適相關培力課程、1場次氣候變遷調適宣導活動、2場次公民電廠社區培力課程、2場次節能廚房-低碳飲食實作研習會及1場次評等認證績優村里間之觀摩活動,總計共有360人次共同參與,藉由培訓環境知識人才以達到傳遞低碳永續家園政策之目的,讓金門低碳島理念在居民心目中生根,養成低碳樂活民風。 四、推動溫室氣體盤查登錄之查核作業 根據今年「109年度地方環保機關推動因應氣候變遷行動績效評比原則」規定,納管家數未滿10家者,應執行轄區內領有固定污染源許可證溫室氣體排放源之清查作業,並補足10家查核量。承上所述,由於金門縣應申報溫室氣體業者為3家,故針對7家領有固定污染許可證業者進行現場查核作業。本計畫於「國家溫室氣體登錄平台」上完成「應盤查登錄溫室氣體排放量之排放源」(即納管對象)之系統登錄完成度查核,並確認其新增或解除列管情形,另執行3家納管對象108年度申報資料現場查核,統計其108年排放量總計約22.151萬公噸CO2e,及完成7家領有固定污染源許可證現場查核作業,並依據機關規定期間提送「溫室氣體排放量固定污染源現場查核表」,藉以完成系統名單維護及查核作業,109年度查核之7間領有固定污染源許可證之排放源排放量共42,118.77公噸CO2e。 五、行政宣導作業及其他配合事項 (一)購置宣導品 讓節能減碳理念可以向外推廣,讓環境教育落實在生活中,本團隊配合本計畫內多項會議活動或說明會辦理,結合活動內容與實用性,與環保局決議後購置宣導品於辦理各項會議或活動期間發送,共計發放285份宣導品。 (二)經營社群網站及綠網部落格 本計畫協助環保局利用社群網站推廣地方低碳成果,希望藉由社群網站中「分享」功能與民眾雙向互動,快速傳遞最新訊息,透過環保訊息之連結,凝聚金門縣縣民對環保意識之共識,增加民眾對節能減碳資訊之接收管道,提升宣導成效,並每月更新節能減碳相關文章或新聞等。在更新活動及新增資訊時,將相關活動及資訊發布至環保局建立的Facebook粉絲專頁上,利用Facebook綿密的網友關係,達到行銷的目的,截止至11月底,已更新58件節能減碳相關文章或新聞。
中文關鍵字 低碳永續家園、節能減碳、低碳島


專案計畫編號 KEPB20200122 經費年度 109 計畫經費 3890 千元
專案開始日期 2020/01/22 專案結束日期 2020/11/30 專案主持人 呂鴻毅
主辦單位 金門縣環境保護局 承辦人 楊詠言 執行單位 立境環境科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 109年金門縣低碳永續家園建構推動計畫期末報告定稿.pdf 22MB 109年金門縣低碳永續家園建構推動計畫期末報告定稿

2020 Kinmen Promoting the Construction of Low-Carbon Sustainable Homeland Project.

英文摘要 1. Promotion and Management of Kinmen County Greenhouse Gas Control Implementation Plan The "Kinmen Low Carbon Island setting up Project" had been completed by the end of 2018, and six flagship projects of low-carbon islands was implemented to promote carbon reduction in different fields such as energy, energy conservation, construction, transportation, and environmental protection. In 2019, the Environmental Protection Bureau (KMEPB) drafted the "Kinmen County Greenhouse Gas Control Implementation Plan", which was approved by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on August 16, 2019. In order to continue to promote the Kinmen Low-Carbon Island Project, the Environmental Protection Agency integrated the "Kinmen County Greenhouse Gas Control Implementation Plan" into the "The Second Phase Kinmen Low Carbon Island Project" and sent it to the Executive Yuan for review and approval on November 20, 2019. In 2020, 19 promotion strategies and 55 specific measures should be handled, and a total of 46 implementation plans should be managed. As the end of November 2020, there were only 10 implementation plans that were lag behind. Also, this project assisted in the "Kinmen County Government Low-Carbon Sustainable Homeland Promotion Group Meeting" for a total of four committee meetings, assisted the KMEPB to attend the "Kinmen Low Carbon Island Promotion Group" for a total of two meetings, and assisted in organizing "experts and scholars consultation meetings". Moreover, it followed up the objectives to log in to "Low Carbon Sustainable Information Network" to report the work status of the Low Carbon project and its promotion effectiveness before June 30 and December 30, respectively. 2. Counseling and Transformation of Low-Carbon Community and Evaluation of the Assessment of Low-Carbon Sustainable Homeland Rating Certification Kinmen County has a total of six townships and thirty-seven villages within its jurisdiction. By the end of November 2020, statistics showed there were thirty-five villages in Kinmen County participating in the assessment of the Low Carbon Sustainable Homeland certification, two achieved silver certificate, eleven out of all achieved bronze certificates, and twenty-two out of all successfully registered. In township level, among six townships in Kinmen County, two out of six signed up to participate in the certificate, and three of all accomplished bronze certificates. Notably, Kinmen County succeeded in a silver certificate on February 18th in 2019. It is worth mentioning that, among the Taiwanese village participation rate, Kinmen County owned a 95% participation rate, which ranked second in the country. A 100% participation rate would be expected if the Wuqiu Township was excluded. Furthermore, as discussed in the bronze level, Kinmen County has more than 30% of villages reached this goal and placed the third in the country. This project held a briefing about the assessment and rating system of the Low Carbon Sustainable Homeland certification. Based on each community's characteristics and foresight acquired from the community consulting institution in 2019, this project counseled 9 qualified communities, focusing on ecological greening, green energy saving, resource recycling and low-carbon life. It has promoted 13 action items in total, and is estimated to reduce carbon emissions by 0.18 metric tons per year, and 0.66 metric tons of carbon sequestration. The aim of the implementation of the counseling of action project is to promote administrative units at all levels to participate in the low-carbon sustainable homeland certification rating and strive for a better rating. In order to advance the evaluation of low-carbon sustainable homeland certification in Kinmen County, this project counseled “Sanwai Village in Jinhu Township,” which has the highest potential for silver certification to obtain the silver prize. The Eastern Life circle scheduled on-site survey on August 19 in 2020. The actual score of the silver on-site survey was 243 points, with a score rate of 82%, and obtained silver certification on September 15, 2020. This project also assisted two participating communities- Xian'an Village in Jincheng Town and Hupu Village in Jinning Township to apply for bronze certification, the actual score of the bronze was 91 points and 89 points, with a score rate of 82% and 80%, and obtained bronze certification on December 24, 2020. Also, the subsidized unit must regularly check its maintenance and operation. Therefore, this project checked the maintenance and operation of the fourteen subsidized action projects that the KMEPB subsidized in 2018 to ensure that the community continues to promote low-carbon measures. Moreover, this project counseled the 2019 bronze level township or village to apply for an extension. By now, there are two successful extension cases, and one failed, which will resubmit for bronze application in 2021. 3. Promote climate change education, training and advocacy In recent years, the extreme climate caused by global warming and climate change has reached a point that cannot be ignored, and the world has also faced unprecedented challenges. In order to understand the knowledge related to energy saving and carbon reduction, as well as mitigation and adjustment, this project held 1 session of "Building Energy Conservation Diagnostic Training Course", 1 session of "Climate Change Adaptation Related Training Course", 1 session of "Climate Change Adaptation Promotion Activity", 2 sessions of "Citizen Power Plant Community Training Course", 2 sessions of "Energy-saving Kitchen-Low-Carbon Diet Practical Workshop" and 1 session of "Rated and Certified High-Performance Village Observation Activities", with a total of 360 people participating together, by training environmental knowledge and talents to achieve the goal of delivering the low-carbon sustainable homeland policy, the concept of Kinmen low-carbon island can take root in the minds of residents and cultivate a low-carbon lively culture. 4. Promote the Verification of Greenhouse Gas Inventory Registration According to the 2020 "Performance Evaluation Principles of Local Environmental Protection Organs in Promoting Actions in Response to Climate Change," if the number of the restricted business is less than ten, an inspection of greenhouse gas emission sources should be carried out in the jurisdiction and make up for the amount. Since there were three limited companies declared in Kinmen County, on-site inspections will be conducted for the rest of seven companies with stationary pollution permits. Besides, this project fulfilled the system registration completion check of the item of "Source of the greenhouse gas emission source" (i.e., the restricted objects) on the "National Greenhouse Gas Registration Platform." Furthermore, this project also carried out on-site inspections of the annual reports of the three limited businesses, counted the total emissions of about 221,510 tons of CO2e in 2019, and implemented the on-site inspection of the emission data on seven companies. Not only that, the seven companies should act by the agency's stipulated period to submit the "Site Checklist for Stationary Pollution Sources of Greenhouse Gas Emissions" to complete the maintenance and verification of the system list. In 2019, the seven emission sources with stationary pollution source permits have checked a total of 42,118.77 metric tons of CO2e. 5. Administrative Management Procedures (1) Purchase of propaganda The project cooperates with several conference activities or briefing sessions, combined with the content and practicality of the event, and 285 pieces of propaganda products purchased and sent during the events after the resolution of the KMEPB. (2) Manage community websites and green blogs The project assisted the KMEPB in managing community websites and green blogs, updating articles or news about energy conservation and carbon reduction on the Green Web blog, and sharing it by using the existing "tweet button" on the Facebook fan page created by the KMEPB. By the end of November, there were fifty-eight articles or news related to energy conservation and carbon reduction updated on the Green Web blog.
英文關鍵字 Low-Carbon and Sustainable Homeland, Energy Conservation and Carbon Reduction, Low-Carbon Island