

中文摘要 有鑑於固定污染源各項管理制度於108年度空污法修正後,為配合整體空氣品質改善及強化污染預防管理之管制策略調整,紛紛著手規劃相關排放標準與行政管理規範,然今(109)年度為持續檢討固定污染源管制作為,同時精進固定污染源污染預防與許可管理制度,遂依據今(109)年度計畫目標訂定4大項工作類別分別為「精進污染預防管理作為,持續檢討許可管理制度」、「推動燃料成分及混燒管制與落實源頭改善與管末減量策略」、「掌握及評析縣市主管機關許可管理制度落實情形」及「更新擴充系統功能,提昇資料品質」,本計畫已執行7個月,已完成100%的工作內容,以下分別針對各項工作項目內容摘要說明如下: 本計畫因應108年度許可管理辦法修正,將持續檢討許可管理制度並精進污染預防管理,彙整近5年與許可管理法有關之解釋函,並檢視許可管理辦法修正前後已解決問題及民國82年至108年解釋函配合空污法及許可管理辦法修正後應調整之對應法規條文及應廢止適用內容共計2,357件;本計畫亦彙整蒐集各縣市於許可管理辦法修正發布後之執行疑義,並評析針對第三類許可申請與審查程序、取消試車回歸功能檢測、試驗計畫與許可證異動申請簡化及其他許可證申請與審查之規範,如環評核定事項,納入今(109)年度許可管理辦法修正內容檢討,並同時新增許可第三類申請表單與審查指引修正。 除此之外,本計畫同時彙整美國聯邦與南加州有關有害空氣污染物許可管理制度與相關執行作法,評析現行國內有害空氣污染物管理仍需完備相關配套工具建置,遂許可證核定內容仍維持現行排放標準管理方式,待未來整體工具完備後再行導入許可管理;而在許可證整合方面,彙整國內外有關空水廢毒許可證整合相關資訊,持續追蹤現行許可證整合研議進度。 為因應許可管理辦法新增之第三類固定污染源,本計畫分析我國1到8批管制現況,發現我國管制之粒狀污染物、SOx、NOx及VOCs年排放量皆小於1公噸之製程約有888張許可證,佔許可證核發總數的3.33%,但管制之排放量僅0.04-0.15%。因此擬訂此類管制排放量小於1公噸且無有害空氣污染物管制需求之製程為第三類固定污染源,並簡化技師簽證與試車檢測替代等申請程序;而在公告條件部分,本計畫評析空污費徵收及勞安相關危險工作場所管制均以純物質方式管理,故調整有機溶劑與酸鹼液用量計算方式以有機溶劑或酸鹼液含量百分比計算,且為提升固定污染源揮發性有機物許可納管比例,同時新增第九批有機溶劑或酸鹼液年用量達5公噸者應申請許可證,且排除有機溶劑含量10%以下之對象,預計納管1,564個製程;此外,新增公告條件對象部分,本計畫評析廢棄物再利用處理程序之草案,預計納管廢塑膠再利用之熱熔及污泥烘乾等程序,而全廠鍋爐管制方面,針對全廠不分燃料類別之鍋爐總蒸氣蒸發量合計達5公噸/小時以上者,並排除全廠均使用天然氣之總蒸氣蒸發量小於15公噸/小時之對象,預計納管183座蒸汽鍋爐。 燃料管制方面,本計畫配合空污法第28條規定,持續完備整體燃料源頭管理制度,除掌握國內廢管處、工業局以及國外歐盟、日本等國之廢棄物再利用燃料之相關規範,其中歐盟針對SRF分5級訂定成分標準,其成分項目包括含氯量、含汞量及熱值;日本針對RPF分A-C級訂定成分標準,其成分項目包括水分、灰分、含氯量及熱值,然而目前參考國內工業局SRF品質規範及國外相關廢棄物再利用成分規範,研擬廢棄物再利用燃料成分標準,其成分項目包含硫量、含氯量、含鉛量、含汞量、含鎘量、熱值及灰分;而在加熱設施方面,盤點全國行業別硫氧化物及氮氧化物於固定污染源中之占比、座數與燃料使用狀況,且彙整完成固定源標準管制設備近五年檢測排放濃度硫氧化物及氮氧化物累積情形,並與固定源燃氣標準比較且盤點受衝擊對象,建議以參考鍋爐排放標準之方式,單獨擬訂單一排放標準。 為使各項固定污染源管制規範落實推動,本計畫藉由固定污染源許可管理制度人員執行問題掌握與檢討,分析許可申請文件撰寫人員、環工技師及審查人員現況問題。針對許可申請文件撰寫人員擬訂申請人員應公開其資訊,並回歸專責人員管理制度、技師簽證免審查部分則參考水保處作法,研擬空污技師簽證查核要點、針對審查人員建立選、育、用、留評制度,並集中於教育訓練與管理評鑑,研擬審查人員訓練認證資格與管理制度;而在地方主管機關績效考評強化管理制度與管制規範落實上,109年度地方主管機關與受委託機關許可證現場查核作業共執行170件次及30件技師簽證查核,其主要針對許可管理辦法發布後所核發之操作許可證進行檢視,發現主要問題以排放標準核定有誤、紀錄項目未落實、許可活動強度核定、製程流程圖與現場不一致或使用超量或排放量計算有誤為主。 固定污染源許可管理制度有賴於許可證管制、排放量申報、定期檢測及清查列管資訊等許可管制大數據資料庫的更新與運轉,在各項管制策略的研擬與規劃均能提供完整管制資訊,而為強化固定污染源資訊管理,109年度已完成EMS行動APP系統介接、許可管理辦法要求,許可審查管制功能增加第三類及形式審查功能、提供申請展延及換發基本資料許可案件,審查單位可複製前一張許可證的功能、配合專責人員管理辦法排除批次必填的設限及資料庫檢核與資安掃描等工作;另在資料品質提升工作項目,共計列管21,350家工廠,超過7千多家許可納管公私場所,為維護系統及資料品質,本年度持續執行資料檢核作業,至12月底已執行11次檢核,資料平均符合比率為90.5%。
中文關鍵字 固定污染源、管制策略、許可、資料庫


專案計畫編號 EPA-109-FA12-03-A166 經費年度 109 計畫經費 14900 千元
專案開始日期 2020/06/03 專案結束日期 2020/12/31 專案主持人 張進順
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 shengwei.chiang 執行單位 環科工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 epa109fa1203a166.pdf 9MB

Project for improving the permit system and promoting fuel control of stationary pollution sources

英文摘要 Management system of stationary sources pollution were amended in the Air Pollution Act last year (2019), and in line with the air quality improvement and strengthening the management of pollution prevention control strategy. This year (2020) we will begin to refine the emission standards and administrative regulations to control the stationary sources of pollution. At the same time, we should improve pollution prevention and permit management. So according to our goals, we divided the project into 4 major parts, including 1) Strengthen pollution prevention management and keep the permit management system under review, 2) Promote fuel composition and blend combustion control, implement source improvement and management end reduction strategies, 3) To grasp and evaluate the implementation of the permit management system of the competent authority, 4) Update the expansion of system function, and improve the quality of information. This plan has been performed for seven months and has been completed 100% .The following work respectively according to the content of the project descriptions are as follows: In response to the amendment of the permit management method in last year (2019), we continue to review the permit system and improve pollution prevention management. We summarize the explanatory letters related to the permit administration law in the last five years, and to review measures for permit administration before and after. About 2,357 explanatory letters, which is from 1993 to 2019, should be adjusted or repealed after the Air Pollution Law and the permit administration law are amended. We also collect revised in cities to permit management measures after the release of the execution of the problem, and analyzes on the third type of permit applications and review procedures, cancel the test and change to functional evaluation , simplified application for change of permit and other permit application and review specification. Such as the environmental impact assessment will be included in this year's review of the permit management measures, and at the same time add the third type of permit application form and review guidelines revision. In addition, we also collect the U.S. Federal and Southern California about the harmful air pollutants in permit management system and implementation approach, but analyzes the current domestic management still needs complete supporting facilities, so the permit approved content remains the management mode of the current emission standards until the whole tool is complete. In terms of permit integration, it collects and consolidates domestic and foreign permit information related to air, water, waste and poison, and continuously tracks the progress of permit integration. In response to the third category of the newly added by the permit management method, we analyzes the current state of 1 to 8 batches. The result showed that there were 888 permits that the annual emissions of particulate matter, SOx, NOx and VOCs controlled are less than 1 metric ton, accounting for 3.33% of all permits issued but the controlled emissions are only about 0.04-0.15%. Therefore, processes with emissions of less than 1 metric ton and no hazardous air pollutant control requirements are identified as the third category of stationary sources, and simplify the application procedures for technician visas and test alternative application procedures. In the announcement conditions, we evaluated and analyzed the collection of air pollution fee and the control of labor-safety related hazards workplace by pure substances. So we adjusted the method of organic solvent and alkali liquor dosage to calculate by organic solvent or alkali liquor content percentage. In order to increase the proportion of volatile organic compounds in stationary sources, the ninth batch of organic solvents or acid and alkali liquids with an annual consumption of 5 tons should apply permit. Those with less than 10% organic solvent content were excluded, and 1,564 processes were expected to be included. For boiler control of the whole plant, 183 steam boilers are expected to be regulated for total steam evaporation of boilers of more than 5 tons per hour excluding those whose total steam evaporation of natural gas is less than 15 tons per hour. Fuel control in line with section 28 of the Air Pollution Act provides for continuous improvement of the overall fuel source management system. In addition to the domestic waste management, industry bureau, European Union, Japan and other countries waste reuse fuel related regulations. Among them, the European Union has set the composition standard for SRF at 5 levels, including the content of chlorine, mercury and calorific value; Japan sets standards for the composition of RPF grades A-C, including moisture, ash, chlorine content and calorific value. However, the fuel composition standard for waste reuse has been developed by referring to the SRF quality specification of the industry bureau and the relevant foreign waste reuse composition specifications, including subcontract sulfur content, chlorine content, lead content, mercury content, cadmium content, calorific value and ash content. On heating facilities, take stock of the proportion of sulfur oxides and nitrogen oxides in stationary sources with the number of seats and fuel usage in each industry. Moreover, the accumulation of sulfur oxides and nitrogen oxides in the emission concentration detected by the stationary sources standard control equipment in the recent five years is summarized and compared with the fixed source gas standard and the affected objects are counted. We propose to draw up a single emission standard by referring to the boiler emission standard. In order to promote the implementation of stationary sources control standards, we grasp and review the implementation problems of the permit management system and analyze the current situation of the document writers, environmental engineers and reviewers. To propose disclosure of information for document writers and return to a dedicated staff management system;For engineers visa exemption,we draw up the technician check key points for air pollution, which was reference to the practice of the Department of Water Conservation;A selection, education, use and retention evaluation system shall be established for the examiners, focusing on education training and management evaluation, also develop the personnel training qualification and management system. Strengthening the management and implementation of the assessment system at local competent authorities, there were 170 on-site inspections and 30 visa inspections were conducted by local authorities and authorized authorities last year. We conducted a review of the operation permits issued after the release of the permit management measures, and found that the main problems were incorrect emission standards, unimplemented record items, intensity approval of permit activities, inconsistencies between the process flow chart and the site, excessive use, or incorrect calculation of emissions. Stationary sources permit management system depends on the update and operation of big data databases, so the emission declaration, regular testing and inventory management information can provide complete information in the development and planning of various control strategies. For strengthening the management of stationary sources of information, this year (2020) has been completed EMS APP system, permit management approach requires, review authorization control increase the third class and form review function, providing basic data about extending to renewal application exhibition permit cases, the reviewer can duplicate the previous permit, cooperate with the management method of dedicated personnel to eliminate the mandatory restriction of batch, check the database and scan the information security, etc. From the aspect of information quality improvement work, the permit information system has a total of 21,350 factories, and more than 7,000 permits. In order to maintain the system and data quality, the data inspection operation this year (2020) has already been executed for eleven times with 90.5% average compliance rate until November 2, 2020.
英文關鍵字 stationary sources, control strategy, permit, database