

中文摘要 本計畫之任務包括建立地方空氣污染防制計畫(簡稱防制計畫)撰寫及審核機制、協助中央辦理防制計畫核定作業,以及對空氣關注議題研議未來重點工作。本計畫解析美國聯邦環保署及州政府於州執行計畫之撰寫及審核文件,檢視內容需求項目;所得資料納入我國既有推動機制與需求,提出防制計畫撰寫指引及審核作業程序,供地方參考。於防制計畫撰寫輔導與諮詢上,透過辦理說明會議、組成專家團隊以及國外專家諮詢等作業協助環保署指導地方防制計畫撰寫,共計辦理6場次撰寫說明會以及3場輔導會議,並彙整地方於防制計畫撰寫常見問題,提供地方參考。於防制計畫審核作業程序上,協助環保署完成21縣市防制計畫之書審及初審作業,並完成15縣市審查作業。於空氣污染議題國外策略研析工作上,收集包括美國、英國、日本、韓國、歐盟等文件,分為空氣品質管理制度、固定源管制、逸散源管制、移動源管制、氣候變遷減緩對策與空氣品質策略等類型共14項指定議題彙整國外推動方式。同時於確保空氣品質改善策略延續性之基礎下,提出固定源、逸散源、移動源、綜合管理及輔助工具、推動能源轉型及減煤計畫、修訂空氣品質標準、督導地方擬訂空氣污染防制計畫等空氣污染物管制議題之近程工作重點。
中文關鍵字 空氣污染防制計畫、空氣品質管理、空氣污染防制藍圖


專案計畫編號 EPA-109-FA18-03-A169 經費年度 109 計畫經費 11144.462 千元
專案開始日期 2020/07/01 專案結束日期 2021/06/30 專案主持人 沈克鵬
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 簡大詠 執行單位 財團法人工業技術研究院


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA-109A169-空氣污染防制量能整合.pdf 6MB 成果報告

Project of Integrated Air Pollution Control

英文摘要 The tasks of this project include three parts: to establish documents for writing and review Local Air Pollution Control Plan (hereinafter referred to as the Plan), to assist the local Environmental Protection Bureau (EPB) in writing the Plan and Taiwan EPA in reviewing the Plan, and to develop future key tasks on air pollution control. At this report, the writing and review documents of the State Implementation Plan (SIP) that were released by US EPA, have been collected and analyzed. The information obtained from US is incorporated with existing air pollution control mechanisms and future needs in Taiwan, and used to develop the writing and review guidelines for the Plan. Two documents have been prepared, one is the Guideline for Writing Air Pollution Control Plan, and the other is SOP for Reviewing the Plan, and provided to the EPB as reference. In the task of to assist writing and reviewing the Plan, a total of six Plan writing workshops and three counseling workshops have been handled during July and September in 2010, as well as a Q&A document of Writing Plan has also prepared. A document entitled "Review and Approval Procedure of Air Pollution Control Plan" has been proposed, and an expert team has been established to assist the Taiwan EPA in the review of the Plan. A total of 22 Air Pollution Control Plans (draft) have been review by expert teams, and 15 Committee review meeting have been processed, a total 15 counties’ Air Pollution Control Plans have been reviewed. In the task of develop future key tasks on air pollution control, the main topic include air quality management, stationary sources control, fugitive sources control, mobile sources control, and mitigation of climate change, and total 14 subtopics are evaluated. References of 14 subtopics from United States, California, Texas, the United Kingdom, Japan, South Korea, and the European Union have been collected and read for each topic, respectively. On the basis of continuity of the air quality management strategy, the short-term work of air pollutant control issue focuses on stationary sources, fugitive sources, mobile sources, integrated management tools, energy transformation and coal reduction plans, and air pollution control plan are also developed in this report.
英文關鍵字 Air pollutant control plan, Air quality management, Air pollution prevention blueprint