

中文摘要 柴油引擎因引擎輸出馬力大,油耗相對於汽油引擎來的少,被廣泛地運用在乘客或貨物的運送、工程機械等用途上。由於經濟的快速成長,使用柴油車輛也急遽增加,但柴油車輛所排放的黑煙污染物經研究顯示,對人體健康會產生嚴重影響。因此,本計畫除執行柴油車不定期檢驗及稽查外,亦針對使用中車輛加強管制,如:提供一~三期大型柴油車汰舊換新及調修燃油控制系統或加裝空氣污染防制設備補助、鼓勵企業簽署使用四、五期環保車輛、推動柴油車自主管理標章、授權認證保養廠代驗核發自主管理標章,以達成柴油車污染改善。 為配合桃園市政府環境保護局柴油車管制策略的運作,達成「空氣污染防制法」之目標,本計畫不僅協助環保局針對柴油車排放黑煙情形進行檢測外,另也提供車主檢視車輛排煙情況,並輔導其辦理行政院環境保護署自主管理標章,透過定期保養定期檢測,以降低柴油車污染。配合行政院環境保護署推動大型柴油車汰舊換新及調修燃油控制系統或加裝空氣污染防制設備補助政策,本計畫協助補助案件審查、查核、補助金額撥款等作業,及辦理相關宣導說明會,以達成環保署訂定之目標。 計畫自109年1月1日至109年12月31日執行成果如下: (一) 依據環保署公告之「柴油汽車黑煙排放不透光率檢測方法及程序」進行動力計檢測2,871輛,馬力比不足退驗51輛,不合格257輛,不合格率9.1%。 (二) 授權桃園市4家認證保養廠代驗核發柴油車自主管理標章1,586輛。 (三) 推動市區公車分級管制,14家公車業者1,934輛,符合自主管理標章1,589輛,符合率82.2%。 (四) 寄發主動到檢通知22,000輛,到檢2,629輛,不合格233輛,不合格率8.9%。 (五) 一~三期大型柴油車汰舊換新873輛,補助31,396.5萬元。 (六) 一~三期大型柴油車調修燃油控制系統175輛、加裝空氣污染防制設備4輛,補助1,046.81萬元。 (七) 維持6處車牌辨識系統正常運作,篩選近一年無檢測紀錄車輛,寄發主動到檢通知4,896輛。
中文關鍵字 粒狀污染物、柴油車動力計檢測


專案計畫編號 經費年度 109 計畫經費 19000 千元
專案開始日期 2020/01/01 專案結束日期 2020/12/31 專案主持人 林忠宏
主辦單位 桃園市政府環境保護局 承辦人 蕭彥良 執行單位 茂迪環境有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 109桃園BOO期末定稿.pdf 90MB

Taoyuan City Diesel Vehicle Inspection Control and Subsidy Review Program for 2020

英文摘要 Diesel engines are widely used in the transportation of passengers or goods, construction machinery, etc. because of their high output horsepower and low fuel consumption compared with gasoline engines. The rapid economic growth has drastically increased the use of diesel vehicles. However, studies have shown that black smoke pollutants emitted by diesel vehicles have a serious impact on human health. Therefore, in addition to testing and inspecting diesel vehicles irregularly, this plan tightens the regulation of vehicles in use. For instance, subsidies are available to the replacement of phases 1 to 3 large diesel vehicles, adjustments and repairs on fuel control systems, or the installation of air pollution control equipment. Enterprises are encouraged to sign the use of phases 4 and 5 eco-friendly vehicles. Government agencies promote the self-monitoring mark of diesel vehicles and authorize certified proxy maintenance plants to verify and issue the self-monitoring mark to reduce diesel vehicle pollution. To cooperate with the Department of Environmental Protection, Taoyuan to implement the diesel vehicle control strategy and achieve the goal of the Air Pollution Control Act, this plan not only assists the Department of Environmental Protection in detecting diesel vehicles that emit black smoke, but also provides vehicle owners with exhaust inspection. Moreover, this plan guides vehicle owners in acquiring the self-monitoring mark issued by the Environmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan. Regular maintenance and regular testing aim to reduce diesel vehicle pollution.Cooperating with the Environmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan to promote the policy of subsidies for the replacement of old large diesel vehicles, adjustments and repairs on fuel control systems, or the installation of air pollution control equipment, this plan supports the review, verification and subsidy appropriation of subsidy applications, and organizes relevant promotional briefings to achieve the objectives set by the Environmental Protection Administration. The results of executing the plan from January 1, 2020 to December 31, 2020 were as follows: 1.In accordance with the Method and Procedure for Testing Opacity of Black Smoke Emissions from Diesel Vehicles promulgated by the Environmental Protection Administration, 2,871 vehicles were tested by the dynamometer. 51 vehicles were rejected due to insufficient weight-horsepower ratio, and 257 vehicles failed. The failure rate was 9.1%. 2.Four certified proxy maintenance plants in Taoyuan were authorized to verify and issue the self-monitoring mark to 1,586 diesel vehicles. 3.The classification control of urban buses was promoted. There were 1,934 buses operated by 14 companies, and 1,589 vehicles were in compliance with the self-monitoring mark. The compliance rate was 82.2%. 4.The notification of voluntary testing was sent to 22,000 vehicles. Among them, 2,629 arrived to be tested, and 233 failed. The failure rate was 8.9%. 5.Among the phases 1 to 3 old large diesel vehicles, 873 were replaced, with a subsidy of 313.965 million dollars. 6.Among the phases 1 to 3 large diesel vehicles, 175 underwent adjustments and repairs on the fuel control systems, and 4 installed the air pollution control equipment. The subsidies amounted to 10,468,100 dollars. 7.The license plate recognition system was maintained for normal operation at six sites, Vehicles that had no test records in the most rent year were singled out, and the notification of voluntary testing was sent to 4,896 vehicles.
英文關鍵字 Particulate pollutants, Diesel Vehicle Dynamometer Sampling and Testing