

中文摘要 本計畫係為延續環保署低碳永續家園政策及臺南市低碳城市建構計畫,並藉此全面推動臺南市溫室氣體管制與減量、氣候變遷調適作為及低碳永續家園運作等,同時透過多元媒體平台宣導低碳永續生活理念,營造低碳大臺南生活氛圍,使本市成為國際重要的低碳永續發展城市。 於溫室氣體揭露與減緩部分,本計畫執行縣市層級溫室氣體盤查,本市108年之溫室氣體排放量約為2,104萬公噸CO2e,相較107年之排放量2,140萬公噸CO2e減少約1.7%。另針對本市第一批大排放源進行現場查核,總計108年第一批大排放源之排放量為970.81萬噸CO2e,與107年相比減少約1.53%。為改善建築排碳量,輔導40處建築進行節能減碳,並擬定「109年臺南市建築降溫改造補助計畫」,總計核定20處單位,每年可以節省電力215,224度,固碳量約149 kg CO2e/年。於事業部分,配合環保署推動溫室氣體抵換專案,輔導2案進行抵換專案申請,以計入期10年估算,減碳效益約12,632噸CO2e。同時輔導4項產品,通過第三方外部查證,取得查證聲明書,及碳標籤認證。 於氣候變遷調適部分,本計畫共辦理1場次府內人員氣候變遷調適專業培訓課程,強化市府推動氣候調適計畫整體能量。並落實參與式預算精神,補助7個社區推動「以社區為本的氣候變遷調適行動」,藉此強化村里社區氣候變遷應變能力。另推動都市熱島降溫研究,共建置35處監測站,將本市分為沿海地帶低溫區、中間區域、內陸高溫區,各別擬定不同降溫策略。低溫區應避免建築密集且高度開發所產生之屏障;中間區域應廣佈綠色設施與遮蔭通風政策;高溫區應積極減少開發、投入更多綠色設施,並檢討如何導入較為低溫的空氣。 另配合環保署推動低碳永續家園認證評等,本年度共新增4個行政里(麻豆區大埕里、將軍區將軍里、仁德區中洲里、後壁區侯伯里)取得銅級、11個行政里報名成功。完成3處(學甲區宅港里、永康區網寮里、安平區)低碳永續家園成果追蹤查核,16處申請展延成功。為擴大參與,擬定「109年臺南市推動區域低碳營造示範改造補助計畫」,共核定37項行動項目,本年度補助可節省電力929.28度及節省水資源耗用370.726度,可減碳413.19 kg CO2/年,固碳15,843.67 kg CO2/年。 於國際交流部分,本計畫除製作相關中英文宣傳文宣外,本年度參與碳揭露專案(Carbon Disclosure Project, CDP),再次取得A級評鑑,同時協助臺南市政府參與2020 ICLEI韌性城市大會-Daring Cities大膽城市及歐洲在臺商務協會合作備忘錄簽署典禮暨低碳城市研討會。最後為營造本市低碳氛圍,本計畫共辦理25場宣導、媒合、推廣、分享等活動,總參與人數逾1,591人次。
中文關鍵字 低碳永續家園、溫室氣體、節能減碳、熱島效應


專案計畫編號 經費年度 109 計畫經費 14628 千元
專案開始日期 2020/03/31 專案結束日期 2020/12/31 專案主持人 林家弘
主辦單位 臺南市政府環境保護局 承辦人 鄭秀雯 執行單位 台頂顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 109年臺南市低碳永續家園建構推動暨因應氣候變遷減緩與調適計畫.pdf 54MB

2020 Tainan City's Low-carbon Sustaintable Homeland Construction Promotion and Climate Change Mitigation and Adjustment Plan

英文摘要 ‘2020 GHG Control Implementation and Low-carbon Sustainable Home Operation System Reinforcement Project in Tainan City’ continues plans of Environmental Protection Agency (Low-carbon Sustainable home Policy) and Tainan City (Low-carbon City Construction Plan). Purposes of this project include promoting GHG restriction and reduction in city, adapting to climate change, operating low-carbon sustainable home system and demonstrating ideas of low-carbon sustainable life with various media. With above measures, Tainan City hopes to become an important low-carbon sustainable city in global. In GHG disclosure and reduction, results of GHG inventory reveal that the estimated GHG emission of Tainan City in 2019 is 21.04 million metric tons of CO2e, which reduces 1.7% comparing to estimated GHG emission (2.14 million metric tons of CO2e) in 2018, and the estimated GHG emission of the first batch of industries which should report in 2019 is 9.70 million metric tons of CO2e, which reduces 1.53% comparing to 2018. In addition, to reduce GHG emission of buildings, this project offered energy-saving and carbon reduction advice at 40 locations, and 20 places among them implemented measures according to ‘Buildings Cooling Reconstruction Subsidy Plan’ which could save 215,224 kwh in energy usage and GHG emission amount to 149 kilograms of CO2e annually. Besides, in coordination with Environmental Protection Agency, this project assisted 2 offset programs, which could reduce 12,632 metric tons of CO2e GHG emission during 10 years, and 4 carbon label products, which were verified by external third party. In climate change adaption, this project held a professional training course on climate change adaption for civil servants to strengthen power of climate change adaption plan for government. On the other hands, to reinforce the ability of climate change adaption in communities, this project also provided subsidy for 7 communities to promote ‘Community-based Adaptation to Climate Change.’ Besides, 35 environmental monitoring stations were installed in low-temperature area along sea, middle area and high-temperature inland area in Tainan to promote city heat island cooling research. The research shows that low-temperature area should avoid barriers caused by the centralization of buildings and development, middle area should introduce more policies on green and shade, and high-temperature area should slow down the development and provide more green facilities. Furthermore, in coordination with low-carbon sustainable certification form Environmental Protection Agency, this year (2020) the project obtained several results as below: 4 administrative villages acquiring Bronze certification, 11 villages registered successfully, 3 villages passing tracing check and 16 villages extending certification successfully. Moreover, this year also formulated ‘Low-carbon Reconstruction Demonstration Area Subsidy Plan in Tainan City 2020,’ including 37 actions which will save 929.28 kwh in energy usage, 370.726 kwh in water usage, 413.19 metric kilograms of CO2e GHG reduction and 15 metric tons of CO2e carbon fixation annually. In international activities, apart from bilingual advertising posters, Tainan City joined Carbon Disclosure Project this year and made the A List. Besides, the city also participated in ‘ICLEI World Congress 2020’ and ‘Tainan-ECCT-NCKU 2020 Low Carbon City Conference.’ In a nutshell, this project held 25 events for advertising and promoting with 1,591 participants totally.
英文關鍵字 Low-carbon Sustainable home, Low-carbon City, Green house gases