

中文摘要 本計畫推動執行係為持續協助屏東縣朝向低碳城鄉之發展目標邁進,並藉由計畫團隊輔導,協助本縣轄內鄉鎮市區及村里社區共同參與環保署低碳永續家園認證,使本縣可在依循本身發展基礎及目標之各項工作下,接軌中央政策,同時提升本縣在低碳永續認證評等之成效。 計畫執行上將包含技術諮詢功能、技術輔導功能、擔任縣政府各局處分工協調工作行政協助功能與資訊整合與交流功能等,並將以此為目標完成計畫各項工作辦理。本計畫執行期程為109年2月21日至109年12月20日,各項工作執行初步成果摘要描述如下: 一、維運低碳永續家園相關業務執行 本年度分別於6月29日及12月30日至環保署低碳永續家園資訊網站「績效評比專區」填報上半年度及全年度執行成果,會議及減量績效皆彙整全縣推動成果。 109年度南區生活圈各機能技諮小組名單已於2月13日提供台南市彙整,於2月27日提報至環保局署;在屏東縣所認養之資源循環面向上,技審小組委員名單共4位,且4位委員皆兼任評等審查小組委員。 於109年9月8日辦理109年低碳永續家園南區生活圈第二次暨縣市聯合技術諮詢與評等審查小組會議,配合南區生活圈各縣市會議召開出席共8場次會議,包含1場次南區生活圈會議、3場次技術諮詢與評等審查小組會議及4個縣市之銅級單位現地查核會議。 於109年8月06日辦理屏東縣溫室氣體管制成果調查暨研商會議,會議目的主要為彙整與量化屏東縣溫室氣體管制執行方案第一期執行成果,邀請屏東縣政府各部門針對未達標策略進行檢討及研討改善措施。於109年8月20日辦理屏東縣低碳永續家園推動小組第一場次委員會議,本次會議討論議題包含屏東縣溫室氣體管制執行方案第一期執行成果追蹤與檢討、第二期執行方案研擬及規劃,並邀請嘉義縣大林鎮明華社區發展協會針對社區型公民電廠進行經驗分享。 二、參與低碳永續家園評等與分級認證 本年度目標為協助10處村里報名成功、達成3處村里銅級認證。截至期末報告繳交前,已協助14處村里報名成功,並將本縣往年參與率較低之鄉鎮加強輔導,其中佳冬鄉經輔導後已全鄉參與,而109年上半年度共協助4鄉鎮(佳冬鄉、泰武鄉、霧台鄉及瑪家鄉)村里參與率提升至100%。 另本年度共協助4處村里取得銅級認證(泰武鄉佳興村、東港鎮下廍里、春日鄉力里村及潮州鎮三共里),認證成果維護(展延)及現地查核則於4月24日偕同南區各縣市查核委員完成恆春鎮龍水里及萬丹鄉田厝村共2處鄉村里之現地查核作業,並取得維持評等資格;本計畫另協助提送19件展延成果文件,目前已全數通過審查。 三、社區實質輔導 本年度需追蹤查核107年度受補助社區共9處,於5月底前已完成查核作業,且各社區皆為維護良好之狀態。在社區推動精進行動項目上,本年度共訪視14個村里,並依村里實際需求、原有低碳行動項目擴充及認證升等新增項目進行評估並協助8處社區進行低碳項目建置,低碳項目包含綠屋頂、牆面植生或綠籬、社區農園、舊建築保存再利用、透水鋪面及低碳旅遊,已於109年11月12日全數完工,經統計其建置效益共減少600度電、400公升油量,增加127.96 m2綠化面積,並提供每年約750人次低碳飲食,合計每年減少1722.3 kg CO2e排放。 四、配合環保署推動溫室氣體盤查登錄查核作業 本計畫於6月11日至6月19日期間完成現場查驗10家次固定污染源之溫室氣體排放量,查驗彙整結果可知,本年度進行清查的10家公私場所皆未達環保書要求應申報管制門檻。 本計畫於9月23日完成1場次現場盤查固定污染源之溫室氣體排放量,查驗結果得知,本年度需進行盤查之台灣電力股份有限公司第三核能發電廠已連續三年未達環保局管制門檻,故已於今年度函文至環保署提出解除列管之申請。 五、以社區為本提升氣候變遷調適能力 本計畫於4月21日提送2場以社區為本之氣候變遷調適策略說明會議規畫書,並於上半年度前往內埔鄉、九如鄉及春日鄉等6個村里社區進行氣候變遷調適策略說明會議之會前訪談,讓社區了解整個會議流程及其目的,並針對社區現況進行評估。 本計畫分別於9月27日、10月23日前往春日鄉力里社區及九如鄉玉水、大坵社區辦理2場以社區為本之氣候變遷調適說明會,主要說明現行面對氣候變遷主要採取調適與減緩兩種模式,並介紹目前常見的調適策略,並與社區民眾進行參與式調適能力及脆弱度分析(Participatory Capacity and Vulnerabilities Analysis, PCVA)及「社區為本的氣候變遷調適策略」(Community-Based Adaptation to Climate Change, CBA)小組討論,透過小組討論結果分析,後續並與社區討論及規劃出最符合當地社區現況之調適方案及進行建置,建置內容分別為於九如鄉玉水村搭建綠遮棚,以減少當地社區長者因高溫炎熱氣候而造成健康損害之風險;以及於春日鄉力里村架設自動雨量計,使部落可即時監測周遭降水情形,以拉長應變時間並及早進行對應措施,總計2項行動項目,皆於12月10日施工建置完成。 六、 推動低碳永續家園之宣導工作 本年度分別於7月6日與9月17日辦理2場次低碳社區及企業觀摩活動,觀摩活動邀請對象包括本府相關局處、本縣嚴重地層下陷社區,及社會處提供具發展潛力單位共同參與,並以外縣市致力於再生能源與低碳發展之優質社區做為參訪對象。 持續維護屏東縣低碳永續家園行動網網頁,至12月底共發布59則新聞訊息及3場次低碳永續家園會議之會議資訊,並於11月20日使用電子媒體刊登1次網路新聞稿,刊登內容為屏東縣經國際CDP組織評比後,順利獲得A級指標城市的認可,為全台非六都唯一取得A級認可之城市。 七、行政配合事項 本計畫於5月1日協助環保局辦理「再生能源參訪活動-嘉義縣大林鎮明華社區」;於109年9月1日協助環保局參加環保署109年度交流會議;協助環保局撰寫屏東縣25項縣市環保永續施政表現評量項目及指標成果報告書;多次配合環保局參加環保署各項說明會議;於109年另外配合環保署協助於溫室氣體減量抵換資訊平台登錄屏東縣在地減量需求資訊,截至109年11月30日前共刊登10則在地減量需求資訊,包含萬巒鄉赤山社區課後輔導班、里港鄉信國社區活動中心與巡守隊辦公室、來義鄉古樓村中興活動中心、九如鄉玉水社區活動中心、九如鄉三塊社區活動中心、潮州鎮三共社區活動中心、萬巒鄉萬金社區活動中心、春日鄉七佳社區活動中心及泰武鄉平和社區公共區域。
中文關鍵字 低碳永續家園認證、社區實質改造、資源循環


專案計畫編號 經費年度 109 計畫經費 3369 千元
專案開始日期 2020/02/21 專案結束日期 2020/12/20 專案主持人 方煥銘
主辦單位 屏東縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 周芳民 執行單位 元律科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 109屏東縣低碳永續家園計畫-期末定稿合併版v2.pdf 19MB

2020 Pingtung County Low-Carbon and Sustainable Homeland Construction and Promotion Plan

英文摘要 The project aims to assist Pingtung County consistently towards a low-carbon county. With guidance from the project team, townships and villages were able to participate in the Low Carbon and Sustainable Homeland Certification held by the Environmental Protection Administration, which was able to follow the central government's policies and leveled up the Low Carbon and Sustainable Homeland Certification simultaneously based on self-developments and self-goals. The plan's implementation will include technical consulting, technical counseling, administrative coordination assistance, labor division between the county government bureaus, information integration and exchange, etc. The project team will complete the project with the contract's goals. The period of implementation for this project is from the 21st of February 2020 to the 20th of December 2020. The work of the Executive Summary of Results as follows: 1.Maintain the operation and the affairs related to Low Carbon and Sustainable Homeland The conference and carbon reduction achievements in the first half and the whole year have been submitted on the EPA’s Low Carbon and Sustainable Homeland website on the 29th of June 2020 and the 30th of December 2020, respectively. The list of 2020 functional technical advisory teams in the Southern District Living Circle was provided to Tainan City on the 13th of February and submitted to the Environmental Protection Bureau on the 27th of February. From the perspective of the resource cycle adaptation in Pingtung County, four committee members are in the technical review team. All four members serve as members of the rating review panel. The second conference of the southern district living circle of low-carbon and sustainable homeland technical consultation and evaluation review was held on the 8th of September 2020. As contract requirements, the project cooperated with the Southern District Living Circle to attend a total of 8 meetings , including a Southern District Living Circle meeting, three technical consultation and rating review group meetings, and on-site inspection meetings for bronze-level units included four counties and cities. The Pingtung County Greenhouse Gas Control Achievement Survey and Research and Business Conference was held on the 6th of August 2020. The conference aimed to gather and quantify the first phase of the Pingtung County Greenhouse Gas Control Implementation Plan's implementation results and invite various Pingtung County government departments to review and discuss improvement measures for non-compliant strategies. The Pingtung County Low-Carbon Sustainable Homes Promotion Group's first committee meeting was held on the 20th of August 2020. The discussion included the tracking and reviewing the results of the first phase of the Pingtung County Greenhouse Gas Control Implementation Plan and the second phase of the implementation planning and strategies. The Minghua Community Development Association of Dalin Town and Chiayi County was invited to hold an experience sharing section on community-based citizen power plants. 2. Participate in Low Carbon and Sustainable Homeland Certification evaluation This year's goal is to assist ten communities in registration and achieving bronze certification in three communities. Before submitting the final report, the project team has assisted 14 communities in registration successfully. With previous participation, all township in Pingtung County has participated in the certification after the Jiadong Township attending. In the first half of 2020, the project has assisted four townships (Jiadong Township, Taiwu Township, Wutai Township, and Majia Township), raised the township participation rate to 100%. The project also assisted four villages in obtaining Bronze certification (Jiaxing Village of Taiwu Township, Xiali Village of Donggang Town, Lili Village of Chunri Township, and Sangongli Village of Chaozhou Town). The project has maintained certification (extension) and on-site inspection on the 24th of April 2020, which completed the on-site inspections in Hengchun Township and Wandan Township, and obtained the qualification to maintain the certification. This project also helped submit 19 extension achievements documents, which have all passed the review so far. 3. Community’s Coaching Nine subsidized communities in 2018 need to be tracked and examed this year, and the examinations have been completed by the end of May 2020; all communities are in good condition. In terms of community-driven action projects, 14 communities were visited and reviewed this year. According to the communities' actual needs, the original low-carbon action project expansion and certification upgrades and other new projects are evaluated and assisted; eight communities have been assisted in participating in the low-carbon projects. The low-carbon projects include green roofs, wall planting or hedges, community farms, preservation and reuse of old buildings, permeable pavements, and low-carbon tourism. The projects mentioned above were completed on the 12th of November 2020. According to statistics, its construction benefits have reduced 600 kilowatt-hours of electricity, 400 liters of oil, increased 127.96 m2 of green area, and provided about 750 people a year of low-carbon diet, which in total reduced 1722.3 kg of CO2e emissions per year. 4. Cooperate with the EPA to promote the registration and verification of greenhouse gas inventory From the 11th of June 2020 to the 19th of June 2020, the project has completed on-site inspections of 10 stationary pollution sources' greenhouse gas emissions. The inspection and integration results showed that the ten sources that were inspected this year did not meet the requirements of the EPA's controlled and reported threshold. This project completed an on-site inspection of greenhouse gas emissions from fixed sources on the 23rd of September. The inspection results revealed that the Maanshan Nuclear Power Plant had not reached the EPA control threshold for three consecutive years; therefore, the project has submitted a letter to the EPA this year to apply for removal from the control list. 5. Enhance the ability to adapt to climate change based on the community This project has delivered two community-based climate change and adjustment strategies on the 21st of April 2020 to explain the meeting plan. In the first half of the year, the project team has visited six communities, including Neipu Township, Jiuru Township, and Chunri Township, by explaining the change and adaptation strategy, people who live in the communities cam understood the entire process and its purpose. Moreover, the project team has also evaluated the current situation of the community. This project has visited Chunri Township Lili Community and Jiuru Township Yushui and Daqiu communities on the 27th of September and the 23rd of October, respectively, for two community-based climate change adaptation sessions. The two briefing sessions mainly explained the current two modes of adaptation and mitigation in the face of climate change, introduced the current common adaptation strategies, conducted Participatory Capacity and Vulnerabilities Analysis (PCVA), and held Community-Based Adaptation to Climate Change (CBA) panel discussion. After the group discussion and analysis results, the project team had meetings with the communities and planned the adaptation plan that best fits the current situation. Based on the situation, some adaptation achievements have been made. A green shelter was built in Yushui Village, Jiuru Township, to reduce health problems to the local community's seniors from the high temperature. On the other hand, an automatic rain gauge was set up in Lili Village, Chunri Township, to monitor the precipitation in real-time to lengthen the response time and take early response measures. The project team completed these two adaptation actions on the 10th of December 2020. 6. Strengthen the promotion of Low-Carbon and Sustainable Homeland Two low-carbon community and enterprise observation and learning activities were held on the 6th of July 2020 and the 17th of September 2020. The activities' participants include relevant bureaus of the government, communities in severe land subsidence areas, the potential units providing by the Social Affairs Department. Moreover, an observation and learning activity of renewable energy and low-carbon development in the community located in another county was held. The project continues to maintain the Pingtung County Low-Carbon Sustainable Homeland Website. By the end of December 2020, a total of 59 news and three low-carbon sustainable homeland conferences will be published. A piece of news was also published on the Internet once on the 20th of November via electronic media. The news stated that Pingtung County was successfully recognized as an A-level indicator city after being evaluated by the international CDP organization. 7. Administrative cooperation The project has supported the Environmental Protection Bureau handle the "Renewable Energy Visiting Activity-Minghua Community, Dalin Town, Chiayi County" on the 1st of May 2020, and EPA 2020 Annual Conference on the 1st of September 2020. Moreover, the project has been assisting the Environmental Protection Bureau in writing Pingtung County's 25 counties and cities' environmental sustainability performance evaluation projects and indicator results reports and cooperating with the Environmental Protection Bureau to participate in various EPA's explanatory meetings. The project also assisted in registering Pingtung County's local reduction demand on the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Offset Information Platform. As of the 30th of November 2020, a total of ten local demand reduction information have been published, including after-school tutoring classes in Wanluan Township Chishan Community, Ligang Township Xinguo Community Activity Center and Patrol Team Office, and ZTE activities in Gulou Village, Laiyi Township Center, Jiuru Township Yushui Community Activity Center, Jiuru Township Sankuai Community Activity Center, Chaozhou Town Sankong Community Activity Center, Wanluan Township Wanjin Community Activity Center, Chunri Township Qijia Community Activity Center and Taiwu Township Pinghe Community Public Area.
英文關鍵字 Low-carbon and Sustainable Homeland, substantial transformation of community, resource recycling