

中文摘要 本計畫為應用多接收器感應耦合電漿質譜儀,以金屬同位素比值追蹤水體環境中污染的來源。為達成此目標,本年度著重於分析技術的發展與建立,並規劃採集工業區內之工廠廢水及污水廠廢水,以系統性評估其可行性。目前我們已成功發展高精準鍶、釹及鉛同位素質譜分析技術,並應用此技術分析國際海水及河水標準品,鍶、釹及鉛同位素比值之量測結果皆與建議值一致。另一方面,鐵與鉬同位素質譜技術也已發展完成,未來將進一步配合鍶、釹及鉛同位素,對工業區內水體環境進行污染源鑑識。 本研究已完成觀音工業區五種行業別共十家工廠之採樣及其工業廢水之主要、次要及微量元素濃度,以及鍶、鉛同位素比值量測。十家工廠之放流水,其元素濃度特徵較不明顯,且多數元素經處理後濃度大幅降低,在污染源鑑識上具相當的困難度。鍶、鉛同位素分析結果則顯示各行業別之放流水具有不同的鍶、鉛同位素比值範圍。同一種行業別兩家工廠之放流水亦具有不同之鍶、鉛同位素特徵值,具工業區污染源鑑識之潛力。然而不同時期所收集各家工廠放流水之分析結果顯示鍶和鉛同位素比值亦有所差異,但其變化範圍小於不同行業別之間之同位素比值變化,推測同位素訊號可能受製程的原物料或廢水處理添加物料來源改變所影響。因此,各工廠之同位素特徵值仍需更多觀測數據方能有更好的掌握。本研究也對已收集之工廠廢水樣品進行鐵、鉬同位素組成分析。由分析結果顯示不同工廠廢水之間之鐵、鉬同位素變化很大,原廢水應能夠反映一工廠原料、製程過程之特徵,若建立相關製程或工廠的原廢水同位素特徵,將有助於污染事件之污染源範圍限縮。而放流水鐵、鉬同位素組成則含較複雜訊息,可能反映的是原料、製程過程、廢水處理過程等訊號混合之結果。 除此之外,污水處理廠廢水樣品分析結果顯示放流口的87Sr/86Sr、206Pb/207Pb同位素比值能夠反映污水處理廠廢水之同位素比值變化,此結果指示了污水處理廠放流水體之鍶、鉛同位素訊號能夠代表污水處理廠之訊號,並應用於環境水體污染來源追蹤之上。
中文關鍵字 多接收器感應耦合電漿質譜儀、水體環境、金屬污染


專案計畫編號 經費年度 109 計畫經費 2970 千元
專案開始日期 2019/03/27 專案結束日期 2019/12/31 專案主持人 黃國芳
主辦單位 環檢所 承辦人 許志福 執行單位 中央研究院地球科學研究所


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 多接收器感應耦合電漿質譜法應用於水體環境污染源鑑識研究(1).pdf 9MB

Tracing sources of metal pollutions in the aquatic environment using MC-ICP-MS (1/2)

英文摘要 The aim of this study is to trace possible sources of metal pollutions in the aquatic environment. In the first year of the project, we focus on the method developments for accurate and high-precision metal isotopic compositions in a variety of environmental water samples using MC-ICP-MS. By combining elemental concentrations and metal isotopes, we expect that the source tracings of environmental pollutions in the industrial parks and/or surrounding areas can be achieved. For the analytical techniques of the metal isotopic determinations, we have successfully established accurate and high-precision analytical techniques for Sr, Nd, Pb, Fe and Mo isotopes in water and solid samples. Several international isotopic standards, including IAPSO, SLRS-5 and SLRS-6, were determined using our new analytical protocols, and the measured isotopic values are in excellent agreement with the recommended values. We have measured metal concentrations and the Sr-Pb isotope ratios of the water samples, including treated and untreated wastewater, collected from the five selected industries (two factories for each industry) in the industrial park. Based on the elemental concentrations alone, we cannot find any useful tracers for the source apportionment in the industrial park. With the additional Sr-Pb isotopic data, we are able to distinguish the signals from different industries (and even different factories from the same industries). The preliminary results of Fe and Mo isotopes analyses also show distinguishable isotopic signatures among different factories, suggesting a great potential of using isotope compositions as a powerful tracer for studying the sources of wastewater pollutions. More detailed investigations on the isotopic variations for the factories are still required in order to further verify the utility of Sr-Pb (and Fe-Mo) isotopes as a reliable tracer for metal pollutions in the aquatic environment.
英文關鍵字 MC-ICP-MS, aquatic environment, metal pollution