英文摘要 |
The implementation of the project is to fulfill the contract requirements and meet the needs of relevant environmental protection agencies. It is divided into four major work projects according to the planned goals.
In the "Drinking Water Source and Water Quality Conservation Area Geographic Information System" function expansion section, the collection and update the investigation has been completed for the "Layer related to existing facilities and places in the drinking water protection zone", and the derivation of the system functions, such as database construction, query function, audit record management function, mobile query, and audit auxiliary functions, etc.
In the "Drinking Water Source and Water Quality Protection Zone Geographic Information System" function enhancement, system maintenance and map information update, the address and landmark query of the public and management end of the drinking water protection zone and distance calculation function have been completed, the management end expand the function of the batch query whether the coordinates fall in the drinking water source water quality protection zone and tap water quality and quantity protection zone, the user experience, such as providing a custom range to query whether it falls within the drinking water protection area function, and improving the responsive (Responsive web design, RWD) web page function. Regarding the improvement measures for the control of existing facilities and places in the drinking water source water quality protection zone that pollutes water quality, in addition to continuing to strengthen the relevant map and data of the existing facilities and places in the protection zone, the inquiry function and inquiry function of the existing facilities in the drinking water protection zone have to be improved. Maintain the audit record management function, and improve the action query and audit auxiliary functions. In addition, in accordance with the instructions of the Director of the EPA(Environmental Protection Administration), planned and implemented the addition of the "Water dispenser map" function.
In the "Drinking Water Management Information System" function enhancement and expansion and normal operation, data update and troubleshooting, in addition to the continuous maintenance of the normal operation of various functions, business statistics inquiries, active message notifications and various introductions continue to be expanded in accordance with the needs of EPA. In the mid-term stage, the newly added 2020 drinking water performance appraisal function has been completed, and various tasks have been implemented in accordance with the contract and the organizer’s needs.
As regards system operation related presentations and information security maintenance management operations, a “Nationwide Drinking Water Management Operations Review Meeting and Data Utilization Presentation” held in October and has completed the revisions of the draft version of the “Explanation of the Evaluation of Government Policy in Regard to Changes in the Area Covered by Drinking Water Quality Protection Zones” at October and implement related information security, backup, and performance testing operations in line with EPA regulations.