

中文摘要 本計畫自109年10月25日執行,截至110年10月24日止,計畫共執行365日,工作成果提報摘要如下: 河川易揚塵裸露地清查 進行每月1次例行性巡查目前共執行12次(109年11月~110年10月),花蓮溪、立霧溪與秀姑巒溪沿線易產生揚塵之裸露地,花蓮溪流域裸露地17處,立霧溪流域裸露地2處,秀姑巒溪流域裸露地4處,共計23處,經統計裸露地共648.4公頃、綠覆蓋227.8公頃、水覆蓋543.7公頃,較去年同期(10月)減少21.9公頃,每月每處填寫巡查記錄表並予說明河床變化情形。 砂石業者巡查每月1次例行性巡查花蓮溪與秀姑巒溪沿線砂石業者,花蓮溪流域14家、秀姑巒溪流域4家合計18家次,目前共執行各11次巡查作業(期間109年11月~110年10月),完成砂石場巡查共216家次,各業者皆定期執行灑水、維護洗車設施正常操作及出入口清潔。 揚塵預警系統維護 本計畫於立霧溪、花蓮溪與秀姑巒溪監測系統,每月固定進行相關設備檢查及保養工作,使設備正常運作。維護紀錄表將隨同每月工作月報於10日前提送至局內備查。  PM10自動監測 懸浮微粒24小時監測自契約完成日至契約結束止,監測數據輸出為至少每小時1筆數據,扣除設備維修、網路異常等因素後,監測期間數據有效率至少在90%以上,計畫執行期間109年11月至110年10月24日止,新城測站有效監測小時值為8,846小時,有效率99.1%;壽豐測站有效監測小時值為8,834小時,有效率為98.9%;玉里測站監測有效小時值8,928小時,有效率為99.6%且將逐時監測數據建置於上述網頁提供查詢。近3年監測站數據有效率皆達90%以上,自動監測站數據分析報告紀錄表將隨同每月工作月報於10日前提送至局內備查。 今年度3測站,測得河川揚塵PM10最高值分別為立霧溪109年11月3日16時測得PM10 264g/m3、花蓮溪109年11月3日測得PM10 281g/m3、秀姑巒溪109年11月6日測得PM10 157g/m3,當時PM10值未達揚塵事件標準。 道路洗掃作業 於河川揚塵好發期配合辦理洗街作業,降低揚塵對民眾健康的危害,洗街地點分別為新城鄉、壽豐鄉以及玉里地區,於揚塵發生時進行主要道路洗街作業,本年度須執行洗街5,400公里,推廣業者認養洗街600公里,年度洗街總長度為6,000公里以上,109年10月25至110年10月24日,執行洗街共5,400公里,執行進度96%,推廣業者認養洗街600公里,109年10月25至110年10月24日達600公里已達成,達成率超過100%完成預定目標。 花蓮地區河川揚塵事件緊急應變演練演習 110年3月31日邀集立霧溪河川管理單位、縣府相關局處及各協助演練單位,假花蓮縣秀林鄉富世村槌球場(立霧溪畔)進行「河川揚塵緊急應變防護演練」。模擬河川發生揚塵之狀況,藉由各級應變單位參實況演練,加強熟悉事件發生之通報流程及權責分工,以達揚塵日時應變之成效。就整個演練過程,在大家同心協力下,圓滿落幕,雖有一些不完美,這些缺憾的地方,也讓我們有精進的空間,但就參演單位而言,很多都是第一次參演,能夠如此投入,也是實屬不易,建議,下次演練前,能提前預演二次,培養彼此默契協調性,相信整個演練會更臻完美。 河川揚塵教育宣導會 巡迴村里、社區、校園或巡守隊辦理教育宣導會,今年度已辦理完成6場次共405人參與: 網頁維護更新 每月5日前進行「花蓮縣河川揚塵預警通報平台」與環保署「河川揚塵防制推動資訊網平台」網頁資訊更新及維護,更新之項目為每月辦理活動訊息、本計畫監測站即時監看數據後台之維護及上傳計畫執行成果資料,完成計畫期程共12個月份網站資料更新。 創新作法 本計畫於109年11月11日提送「花蓮溪即時監視」,做為本年度之創新作為至局內核備,經環保局核定後,花蓮溪監視器已於109年12月25日完成設置。 1.執行方法: 預期效益規劃於花蓮溪出海口附近架設監視設備觀看河床,當強風刮起揚塵機率較高,可將即時畫面透過網路傳送至辦公室電腦,計畫人員可判斷河床現況有無發生揚塵情形。 2.效益: 透過監視系統即時觀看花蓮溪出海口狀況,若發生揚塵情形可立即進行應變作為,提升應變效益,並減少人員預測黃燈或紅燈時前往現場,為計算本計畫執行減量成效,將計算花蓮縣環保局至花蓮溪週邊距離間削減量,若以年度預估削減量計算,每週2次單次往返公里數27km,減量係數0.000273/km,故此創新做法方案可減量0.65公噸/年,以上基礎為估算減量成效結果,推估計算及公式如下所示: 計算:0.65公噸/年=1* 0.00027 * (27*8*12) 公式:削減量=減量活動強度×平均單位里程污染削減量×年平均行駛里程   河川裸露地揚塵防制工法評析 近年來第九河川局於管理之花蓮溪及秀姑巒溪,採用過多種揚塵防制工法,由早期單一工法逐年累積經驗後,近年優先考量較適應當地地形地勢之複合式工法,如綠覆蓋、攔沙石籬及種植防風林等,排除效果較差之工法,再以水覆蓋工法提升改善裸露面積,除降低成本亦可提升揚塵防制效益,且希望連結河床綠覆區域與河岸兩側綠帶,將花東縱谷塑造成生態綠網、藍綠逢補廊道之目標與願景,值得其他河川管理單位借鏡學習。 揚塵預警通報系統 本計畫PM10自動監測站設置於花蓮溪、立霧溪及秀姑巒溪,進行監測河川揚塵濃度變化,監測站採樣每小時PM10達126 μg/m3以上,即發送預警通報簡訊,若濃度達600μg/m3且持續兩小時以上,立即啟動應變機制。 另每日依氣候條件進行未來三日立霧溪、花蓮溪及秀姑巒溪揚塵預警評分,將總分區分為綠、黃、紅三等級: 1.綠色等級0~19分-發生河川揚塵機率偏低,無需作為。 2.黃色等級20~26分-有發生河川揚塵之虞,前一日透過通訊軟體通報相關單位待命,透過CCTV監測(立霧溪、花蓮溪)及當天上、下午請志工或本計畫人員現場檢視有無揚塵情形,若有揚塵請相關單位進行抑制揚塵相關作為。 3.紅色等級-27分以上,或發生揚塵機率高(黃燈25-26分)前一日請地方電視台進行跑馬燈託播,提醒鄰近揚塵河段附近居民進行防護工作。 統計從109年10月25日至110年10月24日,本計畫進行揚塵預測共計371天,總共進行1,113點次預測,其中綠燈1,099點次,黃燈待命應變14點次,僅1次預測未命中,餘各點次揚塵預測皆準確預測。  汛期前購置衛星影像圖 為掌握本縣易揚塵河川裸露地變化情形,本計畫於汛期前、後(2~3月及6~7月)完成衛星影像圖購置,紀錄今年度河川裸露地變化情形,並進行裸露地變化比較。 研究期間發現,之前研究數據顯示在汛期後河床裸露地多以濕裸露地為主,其中以花蓮溪及秀姑巒溪最為顯著,而立霧溪影像分析發現上游(錦文橋)及出海口均有設置攔水設施,已有發揮功效攔水減少裸露地面積達36公頃。河床低灘地區域往往為裸露地突增主因,且較不易掌握,因其常受汛期影響而變化。 河川裸露地改善示範觀摩會議 於110年3月31日下午14:00假立霧溪 疏濬場所實施,與會人員計40人參加,課程於講解後實施現地實況說明,並於會後實施問卷調查,俾利瞭解與會人員對於課程反饋程度。 歷年裸露地好發區分等級劃定 為掌握歷年裸露地變化,彙整相關資料,了解裸露地之變化情形,藉以劃定揚塵好發區等級,然河川揚塵肇生因素除天氣外,最主要因素為裸露地面積過大,為有效監管抑制揚塵河川裸露地面積變化,本計畫除每月定期巡查、紀錄裸露地外,對於河川管理單位,進行河川整治作業列入追蹤,逐年觀察裸露地消長與揚塵發生相對應因果關係,並於區域聯繫會報時機,提供河管機關進行抑制揚塵工法之建議。
中文關鍵字 河川揚塵、PM10細懸浮微粒、PM10監測、河川裸露地、衛星空拍、防制工法、河川揚塵緊急演練


專案計畫編號 EPB1090023095 經費年度 109 計畫經費 6800 千元
專案開始日期 2020/10/25 專案結束日期 2021/10/24 專案主持人 林世欽
主辦單位 花蓮縣環境保護局 承辦人 黃佩懿 執行單位 日揚環境工程有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 109年度河揚計畫期末定稿本.pdf 40MB 109年度河揚計畫期末定稿本

109 Hualien County's River Dust Warning, Promotion and Improvement Promotion Plan

英文摘要 This plan was implemented on October 25, 109. As of October 24, 110, the plan has been implemented for a total of 365 days. The summary of the work results is as follows: Inventory of exposed areas prone to dust in rivers Routine inspections are carried out once a month. Currently 12 times (November 109~October 110) are carried out. Hualien Creek, Liwu Creek and Xiuguluan Creek are prone to dust and exposed areas along the Hualien Creek basin. There are 17 sites, 2 sites in the Liwu River Basin, 4 sites in the Xiuguluan River Basin, 23 sites in total. According to statistics, there are 648.4 hectares of bare land, 227.8 hectares of green cover, and 543.7 hectares of water cover, compared with the same period last year (October ) Reduce by 21.9 hectares, fill in the inspection record form every month and explain the changes in the river bed。 Sand and gravel industry inspectors routinely inspect Hualien Creek and Xiukuluan Creek along the sand and gravel industries once a month. There are 14 companies in the Hualien River Basin and 4 companies in the Xiuguluan River Basin for a total of 18 times. At present, a total of 11 inspections are carried out. (During the period from November 109 to October 110), 216 inspections of sand and gravel yards were completed, and all businesses regularly performed water spraying, maintained normal operation of car washing facilities, and cleaned entrances and exits. Maintenance of dust early warning system This project is based on the monitoring systems of Liwu River, Hualien River and Xiuguluan River, and monthly inspections and maintenance of related equipment are carried out to ensure normal operation of the equipment. The maintenance record sheet will be sent to the bureau for reference along with the monthly work report on the 10th. PM10 automatic monitoring The 24-hour monitoring of suspended particles is from the completion of the contract to the end of the contract, and the monitoring data output is at least one data per hour. After deducting factors such as equipment maintenance and network abnormality, the data efficiency during the monitoring period is at least 90%, and the plan is implemented During the period from November 109 to October 24, 110, the effective monitoring hourly value of the Xincheng station was 8,846 hours, and the effective rate was 99.1%; the effective monitoring hourly value of the Shoufeng station was 8,834 hours, and the effective rate was 98.9%; The effective hour value of station monitoring is 8,928 hours, the effective rate is 99.6%, and the hourly monitoring data is built on the above web page for query. In the past three years, the efficiency of monitoring station data has reached more than 90%, and the automatic monitoring station data analysis report record sheet will be sent to the bureau for reference before the 10th along with the monthly work report. At 3 stations this year, the highest values of PM10 measured in river dust were 264g/m3 in Liwu Creek at 16:00 on November 3, 109, and PM10 281g/ in Hualien Creek on November 3, 109. m3. PM10 was measured at 157g/m3 in Xiuguluan。 Road cleaning and sweeping operations Cooperate with street washing operations during the period when the dust is high in Hechuan to reduce the hazards to people’s health. The street washing locations are Xincheng Township, Shoufeng Township, and Yuli District. When dust occurs, street washing operations on main roads will be carried out. The street is 5,400 kilometers, and the promotion industry adopts 600 kilometers of street washing. The annual total length of street washing is more than 6,000 kilometers. From October 25, 109 to October 24, 110, a total of 5,400 kilometers of street washing was implemented. The implementation progress was 96%. The promotion industry adopted Washing the street for 600 kilometers, reaching 600 kilometers from October 25, 109 to October 24, 110 has been achieved, and the achievement rate has exceeded 100% to complete the scheduled goal. Emergency drills for river dust incidents in Hualien area On March 31, 110, the Liwuxi River Management Unit, the relevant bureaus of the county government, and various assisting drills were invited to conduct the "River Dust Emergency Response and Prevention Drill" at the Fushi Village Croquet Field, Xiulin Township, Hualien County (by the Liwu River) . Simulate the situation of dust in the river, and through the participation of response units at all levels to participate in the live exercise, strengthen the familiarity with the notification process of the incident and the division of powers and responsibilities, so as to achieve the effect of changing the dust every day. As for the entire exercise process, with the concerted efforts of everyone, the curtain came to a successful conclusion. Although there are some imperfections, these shortcomings also give us room for improvement, but as far as the participating units are concerned, many of them are the first time to participate. It is not easy to be able to invest in this way. It is recommended that before the next exercise, rehearse twice in advance to cultivate mutual understanding and coordination. I believe the entire exercise will be more perfect. Hechuan Dust Education Promotion Conference Tour villages, communities, campuses or patrol teams to handle education promotion meetings. 6 sessions have been completed this year, with 405 participants participating Web page maintenance update Update and maintain the website information of "Hualien County River dust early warning and notification platform" and "river dust prevention and promotion information network platform" of the environmental protection department before the 5th day of each month. The updated items are to handle the activity information every month, maintain the background of the real-time monitoring data of the project monitoring station, upload the project implementation results, and complete the website data update for a total of 12 months during the project period. Innovative approach This plan submitted "Hualien Creek real-time monitoring" on November 11, 109 as an innovation of this year to the Bureau for review and preparation. After being approved by the Environmental Protection Bureau, the Hualien Creek monitor was set up on December 25, 109. 1. Execution method Expected benefits: Monitoring equipment is set up near the estuary of Hualien Creek to watch the riverbed. When strong winds blow up, the chances of raising dust are higher. Real-time images can be sent to the office computer via the network, and planners can determine whether there is any dust in the riverbed. 2. Enefit Real-time monitoring of the Hualien Creek estuary status through the monitoring system. If a dust-raising situation occurs, immediate action can be taken to improve response efficiency and reduce personnel going to the scene when predicting a yellow or red light. In order to calculate the effect of the reduction in the implementation of this plan, Hualien will be calculated The reduction in the distance between the County Environmental Protection Bureau and Hualien Creek, if calculated based on the estimated annual reduction, the number of kilometers per round trip twice a week is 27km, and the reduction factor is 0.000273/km. Therefore, this innovative approach can reduce the amount by 0.65 metric tons/year, or more The basis is the result of estimating the effectiveness of the reduction. The estimated calculation and formula are as follows: Calculation: 0.65 metric ton/year = 1* 0.00027 * (27*8*12) formula: reduction = reduction activity intensity x average pollution reduction per unit mileage x Average annual mileage Evaluation and analysis of the construction method of dust prevention in rivers and rivers In recent years, the Ninth Rivers Bureau has adopted a variety of dust prevention construction methods for Hualien Creek and Xiuguluan Creek under its management. After accumulating experience year by year from the early single construction method, in recent years, priority has been given to compound construction methods that are more suitable for the local topography, such as green cover. , Sand-blocking stone fences and planting windbreak forests, etc., eliminate the construction methods with inferior effects, and then use the water covering method to improve and improve the exposed area. In addition to reducing the cost, it can also increase the efficiency of dust prevention and control. , The goal and vision of shaping the Huadong Rift Valley into an ecological green network and blue-green corridors are worth learning from other river management units. Dust early warning and notification system The PM10 automatic monitoring station of this project is set up in Hualien Creek, Liwu Creek and Xiuguluan Creek to monitor the changes in the concentration of dust in the rivers. The monitoring station samples PM10 per hour of 126 μg/m3 or more, and it sends an alert notification message. If the concentration reaches 600μg/m3 and lasting for more than two hours, immediately start the strain mechanism. In addition, according to climatic conditions, the next three Wuxi, Hualien Creek and Xiuguluan Creek dust early warning scores are performed daily, and the total partition is divided into three levels: green, yellow, and red: 1. Green level 0-19 points-probability of river dust occurrence On the low side, no need for action. 2. Yellow grade 20~26 points-there is a risk of river dust, the previous day through the communication software to notify the relevant units on standby, monitoring through CCTV (Liwu Creek, Hualien Creek) and ask volunteers or this project in the morning and afternoon of the day The personnel inspected on the spot for the presence of dust, and if there is dust, the relevant unit should be involved in suppressing the dust. 3. The red grade is above -27 points, or there is a high probability of dust generation (yellow light 25-26 points). The day before, local TV stations are asked to carry out marquee broadcast to remind residents near the dusty river section to take protective work. According to statistics, from October 25, 109 to October 24, 110, the project carried out dust forecasting for a total of 371 days, with a total of 1,113 forecasts, including 1,099 times for green lights and 14 times for yellow lights, only 1 time. The prediction was missed, and all the dust predictions at all points were accurate. Purchase satellite imagery before the flood season In order to grasp the changes in the exposed areas of rivers and rivers prone to dust in the county, this project will complete the acquisition of satellite imagery before and after the flood season (February to March and June to July), record the changes in the exposed areas of the rivers this year, and carry out the exposed areas. Change comparison. During the research period, it was discovered that previous research data showed that the exposed areas of the riverbed were mostly wet exposed areas after the flood season. Among them, Hualien Creek and Xiuguluan Creek were the most prominent, while Liwu Creek image analysis found that both the upstream (Jinwen Bridge) and the sea estuary were both exposed. There are water blocking facilities, which have been effective in blocking water and reduce the bare land area by 36 hectares. The low beach area of the river bed is often the main reason for the sudden increase of bare land, and it is not easy to grasp, because it is often affected by the flood season and changes. Demonstration meeting to improve the nakedness of rivers It was implemented at 14:00 p.m. on March 31, 110 at the Liwu river dredging site. A total of 40 participants participated in the course. After the explanation, the on-site fact statement was implemented, and a questionnaire survey was conducted after the meeting, so as to understand the feedback of participants on the course. Delineation of the classification of nakedness over the years In order to grasp the changes in exposed areas over the years, collect relevant data and understand the changes in exposed areas, so as to define the level of dust-prone areas. However, in addition to the weather, the most important factor for the occurrence of dust in rivers is the excessively large area of exposed areas, which is an effective supervision and control. Changes in the area of exposed areas of dusty rivers. In addition to regular monthly inspections and records of exposed areas, this plan will also track river management units to conduct river remediation operations and observe the corresponding causal relationship between the rise and fall of exposed areas and the occurrence of dust. The contact meeting will report the opportunity and provide suggestions for the river management agency to suppress the dust.
英文關鍵字 River dust, PM10 fine suspended particulates, PM10 monitoring, exposed rivers, satellite aerial photography, prevention methods, emergency drills of river dust