

中文摘要 一、 計畫名稱:110年臺南市垃圾減量計畫 二、 計畫編號:TNEPB-109-GW-31208 三、 執行單位:飛亞環境科技有限公司 四、 計畫執行時間:110年3月16日至110年11月15日止 五、 計畫預定金額:新臺幣伍佰肆拾參萬肆仟元整 六、 摘要: 「110年臺南市垃圾減量計畫」,計畫執行期程為110年3月16日至110年11月15日止,共計8個月,主要工作分為七大項,計畫工作內容執行摘要如下: (一) 推動一次用產品減量措施 1. 至110年10月29日共計705家業者響應,包含623家餐飲業者、76家旅宿業者及其他行業別6家次。其中410家餐飲業者為不含依法令需提供自備飲料杯優惠者。 2. 辦理3場次「臺南減廢日」相關快閃活動,民眾攜帶環保餐具共計485人次響應參與。 3. 計畫期間結合公益團體、環保志義工等,辦理3處商圈「減廢日」宣導踩街,共計35人次參與,48家業者共同響應。 4. 已完成輔導39家業者辦理外燴服務時提供重複清洗餐(杯)具,計畫期間計辦理7場次提供重複清洗餐具之外燴服務。 (二) 推廣資源再使用 1. 分別於藏金閣、普力食物銀行、復華夜市、新化社大設置4處二手交換站,設置期間共計有36件二手交換物被交換使用。 2. 協助更新51處二手物買賣店家及54處物品維修店家至環保署全國不用品再使用及維修站藏寶地圖網與臺南資心地圖網。 3. 共計彙整21場次各級學校辦理二手物品交換或展售活動成果,共計21,377人次參與。 4. 計畫期間辦理27場次二手物再利用手作體驗課程,共計780人次參與。 (三) 執行藏金閣二手傢俱修復工廠行銷宣傳 1. 針對藏金閣拍賣會(6-7月無拍賣活動)共計發布9則活動媒體宣傳文稿,月拍賣會臉書皆達成200讚數,每月藏金閣皆有達3家以上媒體宣傳,並已製作藏金閣/美學班之媒體露出之文宣5則。 2. 環境教育課程之成果已彙整歸檔。 3. 環境教育課程新增兩項美學班DIY課程,分別為玻璃沙盆栽與環保風車,於5月26日提送並於6月10日審核通過。 4. 協助完成110年臺南市環保教育園區-數位化環境教育課程體驗活動成果報告,錄製環保風車及利樂包遮陽帽2項線上課程,並發送300份材料包供本市市民在家學習。 (四) 執行源頭減量相關稽查作業 1. 執行環保署相關減量稽查作業已累計執行5,041家次。 2. 執行端午節、中秋節及七夕情人節前辦理過度包裝稽查作業,共計516件。 3. 執行臺南市低碳城市自治條例第26條稽查作業609家次。 4. 臺南市低碳城市自治條例第26-2稽查作業1,821家次,共計開立8張勸導單,皆已改善完成。 5. 共處理16件陳情案件。 (五) 推動環保夜市/商圈 1. 提報海安商圈作為今年臺南市環保商圈。 2. 已提送海安環保商圈LOGO、口號及新聞稿2則。 3. 提交環保商圈書面評鑑資料。 (六) 試辦推行環保外送服務 1. 共計媒合31家業者使用環保外送服務,並於10/29前抽查每家業者2筆外送訂單。 2. 5/20提送外送訂單記錄格式。 (七) 促進垃圾減量回收經濟措施 1. 已完成評估精進垃圾清除處理費徵收方式與額度分析報告。 2. 已完成一般廢棄物清除費網站優化。
中文關鍵字 垃圾減量、臺南減廢日、二手交換站、環保外送、一次性用品減量、垃圾清除處理費徵收方式評估、環保商圈


專案計畫編號 TNEPB-109-GW-31208 經費年度 110 計畫經費 5434 千元
專案開始日期 2021/03/16 專案結束日期 2021/11/15 專案主持人 連登榮
主辦單位 臺南市政府環境保護局 承辦人 曾建方 執行單位 飛亞環境科技有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 110垃圾減量期末(定稿.pdf 16MB

110 Tainan City waste reduction project

英文摘要 110 Tainan City waste reduction project was launched on 16 March 2021, and ran until 15 November 2021. The overall aim of this project was to reduce waste generation through analyzing the present condition and promoting the idea of reusing and recycling. The main tasks and the accomplishments following the workplan are as below: 1. Promote the actions on the reduction of single-use disposable product (1) Up to 29 December 2021, a total of 705 business owners have responded to the call for supporting the Waste Reduction Day of Tainan City. Including 623 catering operators, 76 hoteliers and 6 other industries. Of the 705 business owners, 410 are catering companies that are not legally required to offer rewards to consumers when they bring their own beverage cups. (2) Held 3 flash campaigns for the Waste Reduction Day of Tainan City. A total of 485 participants brought their own reusable utensils to support the idea of cutting down on plastic. (3) Collaborated with public interest groups and environmental volunteers, worked together for the street campaigns that took place in 3 different shopping districts. There were 35 volunteers participated, and 48 catering businesses have responded to the call for supporting the Waste Reduction Day of Tainan City. (4) Assisted 39 catering operators in offering reusable utensils when cater for events. During the implementation period of this project, there were 7 events catered with reusable utensils. 2. Promote the reusing of resources (1) Set up Second-hand Goods Exchange Stations at Cang Jin Yard, Puli Care Association, FuHua Night Market, and Sinhua Community College. A total of 36 used goods had been exchanged. (2) Assisted in updating information of 51 second-hand shops and 54 repair shops on the recycle map of the EPA website. (3) Collected and documented the results of 21 second-hand exchange or sales events held by schools. A total of 21,377 people participated in the events. (4) Held 27 reuse and recycling education workshops. A total of 780 people participated. 3. Promote the Cang Jin Yard Restored Furniture’s Auction (1) Wrote 9 copies for the marketing of the Cang Jin Yard Auctions, achieved the goals of 200 likes on each Facebook post, and getting exposure in at least 3 media reports. Accomplished the making of other 5 marketing copies for Cang Jin Yard and the Recycled Crafts Project Team. (2) Compiled the outcomes of Cang Jin Yard’s environmental education plans. (3) Added up 2 reuse and recycling education courses on 26 May and had been reviewed and approved by EPA on 10 June. (4) Assisted in the digitalization of the environmental education plans and documented the outcome. 2 DIY courses have put online as e-learning materials, 300 DIY kits had sent to citizens for them to learn and craft at home. 4. Perform the inspection on source reduction (1) Completed a total of 5,041 inspections on source reduction. (2) Performed the inspection on excess packaging of holiday gift boxes, a total of 516 cases had been examined. (3) Performed 609 inspections according to the article 26 of Tainan City Self-Government Ordinance for a Low-Carbon City. (4) Performed 1,821 inspections according to the article 26-2 of Tainan City Self-Government Ordinance for a Low-Carbon City. Of all cases inspected, 8 cases had been notified for rectification, and were all carried out the rectification within the time limit. (5) Handled 16 cases of complaint and petition. 5. Plan and run the promotion of the environmental- friendly commercial district (1) Submitted the proposal of selecting Hai-An commercial district as this year’s environmental- friendly commercial district. (2) Submitted the promotion LOGO, slogan and had written 2 press copies. (3) Submitted documents and statistical reports for evaluation of Hai-An environmental- friendly commercial district. 6. Promote the Eco-Friendly Food Delivery Service (1) Assisted 31 businesses in launching the Eco-Friendly Food Delivery Service (2) Submitted the form for food delivery order. 7. Improve the economic measures to waste management (1) Completed the analytical report on evaluation of the charging policy of waste collection and treatment. (2) Completed the optimization of the general waste clearance and disposal fee information website.
英文關鍵字 waste reduction, discounts for using self-prepared tableware