

中文摘要 本計畫分別於2021年春季 (3月) 和夏季 (8月) 完成新港、嘉義、朴子、北門 (夏季改為學甲)、善化、台南和麻豆 (夏季改為安南) 等7站的大氣PM2.5樣本的採集作業,也完成6個固定污染源煙道排放的PM2.5樣本的採集,並分析PM2.5中的水溶性陰陽離子、有機碳、元素碳、地殼元素、重金屬和碳 (13C和14C) 與鉛同位素 (206Pb、207Pb和208Pb),以探討嘉南地區PM2.5的污染成因與來源。 3種共6個固定污染源 (石化製造業、鋼鐵廠電弧爐和焚化爐各2個廠區) 排放的PM2.5都以可凝結性微粒 (Condensable particulate matter,CPM) 為主,煙道排放的無機CPM為優勢的組成。在以過濾性微粒 (Filterable particulate matter,FPM) 樣本所分析的化學組成部分,本計畫發現同樣類型的污染源,但不同廠區所測得的優勢化學組成有些微差異。3種固定污染源煙道排放測到的PM2.5之化學組成顯示1.) 石化製造業燃煤鍋爐煙道排放的PM2.5有較高的硫酸鹽和鎂離子濃度,然而優勢的金屬元素會因廠區的不同而有差異。在鉛同位素比值部分,2個石化廠煙道排放的206Pb/207Pb範圍為1.2094~1.2269,208Pb/207Pb範圍為2.4314~2.4474;2.) 鋼鐵廠電弧爐煙道排放的PM2.5主要成分為硫酸鹽和鉀離子。不同廠區排放的特徵元素有些微差異,但Zn都是重要的金屬元素,和過去調查的鋼鐵廠燒結爐煙道排放的Mo和Se不同。在鉛同位素比值部分,206Pb/207Pb 範圍為1.1441~1.1583,208Pb/207Pb範圍為2.4088~2.4319;3.) 2座焚化爐煙道排放的PM2.5之主要成分均為有機碳、鈉離子、鉀離子、鈣離子、氯離子和硫酸鹽,但優勢的金屬元素有差異。鉛同位素比值部分,206Pb/207Pb範圍為1.1408~1.1565,208Pb/207Pb範圍為2.4138~2.4328。 所有測站的日平均PM2.5濃度為19.5 ± 17.0 μg/m3,PM2.5的主要化學組成均為硫酸鹽、硝酸鹽、銨鹽和有機碳,其濃度各占PM2.5質量濃度的18%、25%、13%和16%;以14C推估的現代碳濃度較占優勢 (現代碳:13%;化石碳:10%)。當將樣本劃分為PM2.5事件日和非事件日時,事件日期間的硫酸鹽、硝酸鹽和銨鹽濃度加總對PM2.5總濃度的增量貢獻比例最大,其次為化石碳和現代碳,凸顯出光化反應前驅物的管制和碳燃燒源的控制有助於減緩嘉南地區的PM2.5污染問題。在碳與鉛同位素部分,所有測站的碳與鉛同位素量測值都有季節上的差異,且每日的變異大,暗示嘉南地區的碳與鉛污染源之日變動大並有季節上的差異。春季的大氣PM2.5之平均δ13C為-25.4‰ (-30.8至-20.4‰),夏季為-26.5‰ (-31.5至-22.4‰);在鉛同位素比值部分,春季的206Pb/207Pb和208Pb/207Pb比值分別為1.1527 (1.1454~1.1617) 和2.4380 (2.4213~2.4568),夏季為1.1453 (1.1124~1.15540) 和2.4211 (2.3832~2.4471)。 整合Positive Matrix Factorization受體模式和同位素量測結果發現,嘉南地區的碳污染源主要為交通排放、生質燃燒和重油燃燒,朴子站和安南站則有較明顯來自異相化學反應所貢獻的碳;鉛污染源則以交通排放、生質燃燒 (推測為燃燒木材的鍋爐) 和鋼鐵廠為主,但仍有未掌握到的鉛污染源貢獻春季的新港站、朴子站和北門站,因此仍需更多資料來評估當地的鉛污染源。 最後,本計畫整合2016-2021年於中部、高屏和嘉南地區調查的PM2.5化學組成特性、污染成因和來源,發現無論中部、高屏或嘉南地區,PM2.5中的主要化學組成都以硫酸鹽、硝酸鹽、銨鹽和有機碳為主,高PM2.5事件日期間同樣有較高的二次氣膠與碳濃度。然而,中部、高屏和嘉南地區的碳與鉛同位素之日或季節變異的趨勢不同,說明不同區域的碳與鉛污染源的穩定度不同。污染源部分,分析結果顯示中部、高屏和嘉南地區的碳與鉛污染源有地理區域上的不同,此結果也顯示PM2.5控制策略的研擬需有區域上的考量。
中文關鍵字 同位素、細懸浮微粒、空氣汙染鑑識


專案計畫編號 經費年度 110 計畫經費 2950 千元
專案開始日期 2021/01/01 專案結束日期 2021/12/31 專案主持人 周崇光
主辦單位 監資處 承辦人 張志偉 執行單位 中央研究院


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 110年度細懸浮微粒碳與鉛同位素分析技術之發展與應用研究計畫.pdf 16MB

Development and application of carbon and lead isotopes analysis technology in fine particulate matters

英文摘要 The objective of this study is to investigate the pollution sources of PM2.5 in Chiayi-Tainan area by using the Positive Matrix Factorization (PMF) receptor model with C and Pb isotopic fingerprints. In this study, ambient PM2.5 samples were collected from seven sites (Xingang, Puzi, Chiayi, Shanhua, Beimen (the sampling site was moved to Xuejia in summer), Tainan, and Matou (the sampling site was moved to Annan in summer) during spring (March) and summer (August) of 2021, respectively. We also collected PM2.5 samples from 6 specific sources: two petrochemical factories, two electric arc-furnace steel mill factories, and two incinerators, for pollution sources identification. All the PM2.5 samples were characterized with the measurements of water-soluble ions, organic carbon, elemental carbon, crustal elements, heavy metals, and isotopic compositions of carbon (13C and 14C) and lead (206Pb, 207Pb, and 208Pb). The results showed that condensable particulate matter (CPM) was the predominant component in total PM2.5 emitted from stationary pollution sources. The level of inorganic CPM was higher than that of organic CPM in all stationary pollution sources. The major chemical compositions from six stationary pollution sources were: (1) petrochemical factory (coal-fired boiler): sulfate and magnesium ion were important species; the predominant elementals were different from two petrochemical factories; the ranges of 206Pb/207Pb and 208Pb/207Pb were 1.2094~1.2269 and 2.4314~2.4474, respectively; 2.) electric arc-furnace steel mill factory: the predominant chemical compositions were sulfate and potassium ion; the predominant elementals was Zn; the ranges of 206Pb/207Pb and 208Pb/207Pb were 1.1441~1.1583 and 2.4088~2.4319, respectively; 3.) incinerators: the predominant chemical compositions were organic carbon, sodium ion, potassium ion, calcium ion, chlorine ion, and sulfate; the predominant elementals were different from two incinerators; the ranges of 206Pb/207Pb and 208Pb/207Pb were 1.1408~1.1565 and 2.4138~2.4328, respectively. In all ambient PM2.5 samples, the average level of PM2.5 was 19.5 ± 17.9 μg/m3 in the study area. The predominant chemical compositions of the ambient PM2.5 were sulfate, nitrate, ammonium, and organic carbon, which accounted for 18%, 25%, 13%, and 16%, respectively. The abundance of modern carbon (13%) was slightly higher than that of fossil carbon (10%). During high PM2.5 episodes, our data showed that the concentrations of sulfate, nitrate, ammonium, and fossil and modern carbonaceous aerosols were elevated. These results implied that photochemical reactions and burning activities were important factors influencing the PM2.5 concentrations in the study areas. The averages of δ13C values for PM2.5 was -25.4‰ (-30.8 to -20.4‰) and -26.5‰ (-31.5 to -22.4‰) in the spring and summer, respectively. The average 206Pb/207Pb and 208Pb/207Pb ratios in PM2.5 were 1.1527 (1.1454~1.1617) and 2.4380 (2.4213~2.4568) in the spring, respectively, and 206Pb/207Pb and 208Pb/207Pb ratios were 1.1453 (1.1124~1.15540) and 2.4211 (2.3832~2.4471) in the summer, respectively. Our data showed that there was heavier carbon and lead isotopic compositions in spring than that in summer, which reflects that the pollution sources differ in summer and spring. We combined the PMF and isotopic compositions of ambient and pollution sources to investigate the pollution sources for PM2.5 in the study area. Our results indicated that traffic emission, biomass burning, oil combustion were major pollution sources to carbonaceous aerosols in PM2.5. Traffic emission, biomass burning, and steel factories were major pollution sources to lead in PM2.5. However, we need more data to investigate the pollution source of lead for Chiayi, Puzi, and Beimen sites in spring. Finally, we combined the study data from 2016 to 2021 (central Taiwan, Kaohsiung and Pintung, and Chiayi and Tainan) to compare the difference between chemical compositions, influencing factors, and pollution sources of PM2.5. We found that the predominant chemical compositions and influencing factors in PM2.5 were similar in all study areas. However, the variations of carbon or lead isotopic compositions and pollution sources differ according to the study areas. Consequently, we should make specific control policies for different study areas.
英文關鍵字 Isotope, PM2.5, Air Pollution Forensics