

中文摘要 我國塑膠產業發達,回收與再利用推動行之有年,然為因應國際管理趨勢與減少塑膠廢棄與污染問題,機關持續辦理「推動塑膠資源循環經濟模式專案工作計畫」促進我國循環經濟發展與產業轉型。計畫執行期間,參依國際塑膠管理推動措施,檢討與規劃我國塑膠循環經濟推動計畫與策略藍圖,以綠色設計、源頭減量、加強回收、循環再生四大面向訂定重點策略,預計於2030年達到CO2 減排400萬噸、一次性塑膠包裝使用量減少50%、可回收塑膠包裝70%回收、塑膠包裝中再生成分比例至少35%之目標。另調查國內外塑膠原生料與再生料價格趨勢,以配合相關措施推動參考。 為有效管理塑膠資源使用、回收與循環再生情形,本計畫訂定優先應關注項目,以系統性做法評估使用現況並提出推動做法,研提分階再利用管理做法提供產業鏈參考帶動綠色生產。另研擬再生料品質驗證/再生產品查驗機制,並辦理2場次查驗作業試行適用性與完整性,用以確認再生料品質與摻配真實性給予使用端信心。 除推動既有資源循環模式持續運作,為擴大推動範圍,本計畫輔導塑膠與紡織產業導向循環經濟,以零售業塑膠包裝減量與回收計畫與輔導作業、塑膠包裝材區域回收體系、完善消費後聚酯紡織品資源回收體系為推動主軸,協助產業自願性跨域合作建立協議模式突破轉型障礙。本年度已完成2家零售業示範業者之輔導作業、促成高科技產業評估塑膠資源循環模式,以及紡織產業串聯回收再利用之創新做法。另追蹤既有產業聯繫平台辦理成效並持續推動。 依計畫執行成果,建議評估與建立再生料及再生產品之相關管理規範提升使用驅動力;持續盤點掌握國內塑膠資源生產、回收與再利用等基線資料,追蹤策略執行成效;輔導上游產業採取減量或易循環設計之做法減少使用;優先採取分階段做法推動產業使用再生料,未來機制完備後再以法令強制管理;整合跨領域資源協助塑膠與紡織產業依屬性與需求規劃適用做法建立循環模式。期透過計畫執行與推動逐步建全我國塑膠資源管理措施之完整性與適用性,協助機關掌握國內外趨勢及現況,精進與完善未來政策規劃與管理執行方向,達成塑膠資源循環之目標。
中文關鍵字 塑膠、循環經濟、紡織


專案計畫編號 EPA-110-A098 經費年度 110 計畫經費 11800 千元
專案開始日期 2021/02/09 專案結束日期 2021/12/15 專案主持人 黃美娟
主辦單位 廢管處 承辦人 盧秀卿 執行單位 環科工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA044110006(公開版).pdf 2MB EPA044110006(公開版)

The Promotion of Plastic Resource Circular Economy Model Project

英文摘要 In order to respond to international management trends and reduce plastic waste and contaminant, the Environmental Protection Administration of the Executive Yuan (EPA) continues to launch “The Promotion of Plastic Resource Circular Economy Model Project”(hereinafter simply called the Project) for circular economy advancing and industrial transformation. During the execution of the Project, we referred the international plastic management promoting measures for reviewing and planning circular promotion strategies on plastic resources, formulated four key strategies based on aspects of green design, source reduction, promotion of recycling and circulation. The targets are reducing 4 million CO2 emissions, reducing the use of disposable plastic packaging by 50%, recycling rate of recyclable plastic packaging by 70%, and the proportion of recycled content in plastic packaging achieve at least 35% by 2030. The Project proposed the list of concerned materials by evaluating current status in a systematic way, with promoting methods and phased recycling management for industry to achieve green production. In addition, we developed the quality verification/recycled product inspection mechanism of recycled material and conducted two inspections for trial applicability and completeness. To keep promoting the model of resource circulation, the Project gave guidance to industries of plastics and textile on achieving circular economy. For example, we implemented the project of plastic packaging reducing and recycling for retailers, established the regional recycling system of plastic packaging, and improved the post-consumer polyester textile resource recycling system, gave assistance to various industries in voluntary cooperation and break through the barriers of transformation. We launched two guidance assignments for retailers, facilitated the consensus on the cooperation of evaluating plastic resource recycling in the high-tech industry, and connected textile industry to implement innovative methods of recycling. Moreover, we keep tracking the effectiveness of existing communication platforms, and proposed methods for expanding execution. Based on the implementation results of the Project, it is recommended to assess and revise the regulations, standards and driving force of post-consumer recycled plastics according current industry statement, keep inventory plastic material flow and recycling technologies, keep adjusting the direction of promotion. In addition, it is needed to integrate cross-domain resource to plan applicable practices and establish model of circulation by cooperating with industry attributes and needs, promote industries to implement relevant measures in stages to spread initiatives through voluntary practices. Through implementation and promotion of the Project, it can be gradually complete applicability of management system and measures, to assist EPA to understand current trends, to facilitate the formulation of relative policy and to achieve the goal of circulation of plastic resources.
英文關鍵字 Plastic, circular economy, textile