

中文摘要 本計畫配合中央政策及地方治理方針,延續歷年執行成果,加強桃園市轄內水污染源巡查、採樣、評鑑、應變,計畫期程內針對工業區聯合污水處理廠辦理每季採樣、巡查作業計76趟次;辦理12處列管工業區專家學者評鑑作業,相關查核意見均持續追蹤改善、辦理高污染潛勢事業查核作業300家次以上,並輔以採樣檢測以瞭解事業廢水處理單元操作現況,完成200家次特定工廠登記查核,確保未列管事業確無廢水產生且符合法令規範,聘請專家學者針對20家次曾有違反法令之事業進行深度查核作業,加強推動畜牧糞尿資源化政策,合計完成14家次畜牧場之沼液沼渣肥份使用計畫申請及5家次放流水回收作業,減少畜牧廢水排入水體,另配合96家次廢(污)水管理計畫查核,搭配中央畜牧管理政策綜管200頭以下畜牧場飼養情形,每月配合環保署水質監測站採樣作業巡查轄內各流域水質及污染源,查獲污染立即通報環保局,每月填報地面水體垃圾攔除系統,展現桃園市跨局處分工成果計5千餘次,辦理各式會議包含工業區自主管理成效會議3場次及教育訓練4場次,本年度亦完成地面水體應變作業計3場次,協助機關即時掌握現況及動員清除。
中文關鍵字 工業區水污染源查核、畜牧糞尿資源化、高污染潛勢事業查核、水體污染應變


專案計畫編號 經費年度 110 計畫經費 9800 千元
專案開始日期 2021/01/08 專案結束日期 2021/11/30 專案主持人 巖登生
主辦單位 桃園市政府環境保護局 承辦人 劉亭鈞 執行單位 技佳工程科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 01-封面(定稿)(炯).pdf 0MB

2021 Taoyuan City Water Pollution Prevention Monitoring and Inspection of sewage charges Plan

英文摘要 In this project, it has organized 3 industrial district self-management meetings on March 26, July 16 and October 15 in the Environmental Protection Bureau (EPB) to track the implementation effectiveness of each industrial district and review the self-management issues. In each quarterly review meeting, there were relevant major issues, including drainage pipe construction in Jhongli Industrial Park Service Center, progress of enterprises connecting into sewage system of Guishan Water Recycling Center, and high NH3-N concentration of Dapu Bridge of Nankan River due to NH3-N effluents from HWA YA Technology Park, The work of the effluent collection management in industrial areas were continuous tasks. There were no significant defects by comparing companies’ self-assessment reports and regular inspection declarations in this project. Only few industrial parks had minor defects such as typos or filling form errors, As of November 30, 2020, 26 livestock farms were received guidance, of which 19 farms who have submitted wastewater management plan applications have been accepted and approved, as shown details in Table 4.2-2 and Figure 4.2-3. Personnel in Taoyuan City Swine Association has completed on-site investigation and relevant opinions from investigation results have been provided to other farms for reference. The average number of reviewing days of the livestock wastewater management plan was 17 days, During the implementation of this project, 8 times of abnormal water quality were found. The site was inspected the source of pollution immediately, most of which were caused by the Taoyuan Management Office, Irrigation Agency, Department of Water Resources, and construction site projects. The discharge was immediately required to be stopped.
英文關鍵字 Water pollution source inspection, Inspection of sewage charges, Functional evaluation