

中文摘要 2020年為地球日50周年,地球日網絡(Earth Day Network, EDN)以「氣候行動」為主軸,強調面臨氣候緊急狀態,應採取減少食物碳足跡、綠色城市、公民科學家、減廢等積極的作為減緩「最緊迫的」環境議題;臺灣則以「全面行動」做為年度主題,喊出「地球我罩的」標語,聚焦「廢棄物管理」、「生態保育」、「氣候變遷」與「永續飲食」等四大議題。本計畫以屏東縣現有成效為依據,融入國內、外永續發展目標,期望提升低碳家園整體量能。本計畫原規劃進度因COVID-19疫情影響,造成部分現勘或訪談限制與延遲,經努力,至2021年12月25日止已完成所有工項,如: (1)住商部門(含社區、學校及公所)節能輔導,參考溫室氣體盤查與登錄指引、政府機關溫室氣體盤查作業與國際溫室氣體盤查方式,建置「屏東縣住商部門及學校能源填報網」,經單位填報能源活動數據後,可自動推估溫室氣體排放量,且設計附件上傳區,供討論與檢視;於7月30日、8月3日分別至家樂福屏東分公司、屏東監獄與國立海洋生物博物館(以下簡稱海生館)進行現場節能輔導,並提供節能潛力評估輔導建議書,若上述3處住商單位依委員與本公司提出之優先建議,施行節能改善或設備汰換等,一年可節電約521萬度電、減碳約0.27萬公噸CO2e,亦將節能輔導蒐集之活動數據登錄至屏東縣住商部門及學校能源填報網平台,海生館總碳排放經平台計算約1.41萬噸(與透過環保署「未列管排放源溫室氣體排放量現場查核表」計算結果相符),供110年屏東縣低碳永續家園建構推動計畫做為溫室氣體現場查核依據;另於鹽埔鄉彭厝村、崁頂鄉力社村、南州鄉仁里村與米崙村完成節能示範點建置,共可節電約0.32萬度、減碳約1.65公噸CO2e,經本計畫與110年屏東縣低碳永續家園建構推動計畫共同評估,經改造後,上述4單位皆具銅級認證潛力。 (2)彙整本縣T-SDG-7永續能源亮點挑戰與成果,可供局處進行後續政策的持續性推動參考或修正;已協助完成屏東縣政府與台灣電力公司屏東區營業處共同建置之霧臺鄉佳暮村綠能設置微電網示範點行政程序、設置點霧臺國小佳暮分校使用執照資訊登載作業與換裝電錶前置行政流程(含繪製建物電力線路圖、台灣電力公司電力設備工程圖說審查)等作業,後續將交由台灣電力公司屏東區營業處進行換裝電錶及微電網建置;並已於赤山村老厝54號自供電型式屋頂型太陽光電與能源管理系統,將其既有2 kW系統擴充至6 kW,並建置能管系統管理電力運用,每年共約可發7,344度電,每年約減少3.7公噸CO2e排放量。 (3)於打造低碳產業示範方案項目,於南州鄉仁里村、新園鄉瓦磘村、竹田鄉二崙村、佳冬鄉石光村、瑪家鄉瑪家村、牡丹鄉旭海村等6處進行評估作業,進一步於新園鄉瓦磘村打造節能低碳旅遊設施示範點,並於竹田鄉二崙村完成社區農園建置,做為社區生態教育場所,共可減碳約0.62公噸。 (4) 行政配合措施項目部分,雖疫情影響導致相關會議受到延誤,然而,本計畫於11月8日假屏東縣崁頂鄉港東社區活動中心舉辦「住商部門節能與低碳家園說明會」,說明節電與低碳家園認證制度,期望港東村能成為崁頂鄉首先通過銅級申請單位;11月13日假圳寮人工溼地北側草皮,配合草地上的音樂會(環保局2021年大型活動,超過600人參與)進行「108暨109年度低碳永續家園銅級認證表揚活動」,讓更多單位有願意參與或瞭解低碳家園;12月1日假屏東縣新園鄉瓦磘社區發展協會舉辦「瓦磘社區低碳旅遊成果發表會」,藉由成果發表會的實質成果與展望,讓在地居民知道該社區已執行之低碳項目,並透過低碳旅遊行程協助推廣,並讓參訪者體驗田園鄉村之美及認識永續生活。
中文關鍵字 低碳永續家園、氣候變遷、永續發展、 節能減碳、 低碳旅遊


專案計畫編號 經費年度 110 計畫經費 285 千元
專案開始日期 2021/02/26 專案結束日期 2022/12/25 專案主持人 蔡正一
主辦單位 屏東縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 廖志偉 執行單位 元律科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 110年屏東縣因地制宜多元化減碳與創能示範專案計畫期末定稿.pdf 19MB 110年屏東縣因地制宜多元化減碳與創能示範專案計畫期末定稿

2021 Pingtung County Diversified Carbon Reduction and Green Energy Demonstration Project Based on Local Conditions

英文摘要 2020 is the 50th anniversary of Earth Day. The Earth Day Network (EDN) focuses on "climate action", emphasizing that while facing a climate emergency, we should take proactive action such as reducing the carbon footprint of food, green cities, citizen scientists, and waste reduction. As the most pressing environmental issue to mitigate, Taiwan starts "comprehensive action" as its annual theme, shouting the slogan "I got your covered, Earth". Primarily focusing on four topics, "waste management", "ecological conservation", "climate change", and " sustainable diet”, this project is based on the existing achievements of Pingtung County further to integrate domestic and foreign sustainable development goals for the low-carbon homes. However, due to the COVID-19 epidemic, the original schedule has some delay in site surveys or interviews. After putting efforts, all projects have been completed by December 25, 2021, as follow: 1. Energy conservation counseling for residential and commercial departments (including communities, schools, and offices of public sectors ), referring from the guidelines of GHG inventory and operations, the website "Pingtung County Residential and Commercial Departments and Schools Energy Reporting Network" was created for people to fill in their data, then the GHG emissions can be automatically estimated. There is an attachment area to let people upload for discussion and review. Our team went to Carrefour, prison, and the National Museum of Marine Biology and Aquarium in Pingtung on July 30 and August 3 for energy conservation counseling and to provide a counseling proposal for energy conservation potential assessment. If these three units follow the suggestions put forward, they can have a 5.21 million kWh energy conservation and reduce 2,700 metric tons of CO2e a year. The number of 14,100 tons that National Museum of Marine Biology and Aquarium's GHG emission was submitted to "Pingtung County Residential and Commercial Departments and Schools Energy Reporting Network" for the reference of Pingtung County Low-Carbon Sustainable Home Project. We completed 4 energy-saving demonstration sites, Pengcuo, Lishe, Renli, and Milun Village, which can save about 3,200 kWh of electricity and reduce carbon by about 1.65 tons of CO2e. After renovating with the low-carbon sustainable home project, these 4 communities have the potential to get the Bronze certification. 2. The challenges and achievements of integrating T-SDG-7 in Pingtung can be used for future policy use. The micro-grid setup has been completed with the Pingtung County Government and the Taipower Company for the administrative procedures in Jiamu Village, Wutai Township. All the future maintenance will be operated by Taipower company. We installed PV solar rooftop at Chishan Village to extend the power provide from the existing 2 kW to 6 kW, and this system can generate about 7,344 kWh and reduce about 3.7 tons of CO2e every year. 3. 6 communities were chosen to be the case study for the low-carbon sustainable home project, Renli, Wading, Erlun, Shiguang, Majia, Xuhai Village. The evaluation is carried out that Wading Village will become a case for low-carbon tourism. And Erlun Village will have a farm for ecological education in the community, which can reduce 0.62 tons of CO2. 4. For the administrative cooperation, although meetings were delayed or canceled due to the pandemic. We however still hold the workshop on “Energy Conservation and Low-Carbon Homes for Residential and Commercial Sectors” at the Gangdong Community in Kanding Township on November 8. This workshop explained the certificate for energy-saving and low-carbon homes hoping that Gangdong Village will become the first Bronze-level in Kanding Township. Our team participated in the concert of Zhenliao Wetland on November 13 (Environmental Protection Bureau Annual event, more than 600 people participated) to bring out the "Annual Low-Carbon Sustainable Homeland Bronze Certification and Commendation Activities". This will help more communities to see and be willing to participate in the certificate of low-carbon homes. We went to Waong Community Press Conference for their low-carbon tourism on December 1. Locals were informed of this low-carbon achievement through the actual results and prospects and moreover the experience of the beauty from visiting and understanding sustainable lifeway.
英文關鍵字 Low-carbon Homeland, climate change, Sustainable development, Energy saving and carbon reduction, Low-carbon tourism