

中文摘要 本環境稽查管制計畫(以下簡稱本計畫)工作內容包括執行環境污染 管制作業,與執行環境污染案件宣導及檢測作業二部分,相關工作成 果摘要如下: 一、執行環境污染管制作業部分 1. 協助陳情案件查處工作:本計畫設置3 名專責人員 (1) 執行各項主動巡查工作項目,以減少陳情案件量。 (2) 備勤協助「空氣污染等陳情案件快速查處管制計畫」(以下簡 稱陳情計畫)執行陳情案件查處,如協助稽查太麻里鄉美和村 之陳情案件及協助成功鎮真合牧場執行水質檢測之前置巡查 作業。 (3) 聯合空氣噪音防制科(以下簡稱空噪科)於稻草露天燃燒好發 時期(6 月21~30 日)派員駐於池上鄉與關山鎮備勤,以即時執 行巡查,並巡獲4 件露天燃燒稻草案件。 (4) 彙整重大環境污染案件及重要施政計畫(如慢經濟行動計畫 等)。 2. 建立露天燃燒案件及雜草叢生陳情案件地主資料庫:每月建立前 月陳情案件資料並更新既有資料庫與局方共享。 3. 協助陳情案件油煙(防制)輔導工作:篩選108~109 年臺東縣內24 間餐飲業油煙異味陳情案件作為訪查對象,記錄相關防制設備之 裝設與周界情形,彙整餐飲業油煙(防制)優先輔導改善名單供局 方空氣噪音防制科進行輔導。 4. 易遭棄置廢棄物地點巡查工作及架設縮時攝影機:已執行268 處 次易遭棄置廢棄物地點巡查作業,並執行128 處次架設縮時攝影 機作業,涉有違規行為人且有明確車牌共80 件,本年度已完成裁 罰共47 件。 5. 針對禽畜糞產源/使用巡查工作:本年度已執行農耕地生禽畜糞使 用巡查作業211 處次,尚無發現使用生禽畜糞肥料情形,農地使 用肥料種類以有機肥料居多,其次為化學肥料。 6. 違規廣告物巡查工作:本年度已執行鄉鎮巡查105 處次,共發現 231 件違規廣告,即時拆除109 件,移交綜合計畫科(清潔人員拆除)62 件,。查獲之設置型態分別為張貼廣告占25%、懸掛廣告占 68%、懸掛廣告旗幟占5%、設立小型廣告看板占2%。針對違規廣 告物處理方式,稽查人員首次發現違規廣告,發現借貸類或其他廣 告物且大量懸掛或張貼者,即提報環保局辦理裁處作業;若能及時 拆除便及時拆除,難以拆除部分則通知業者自行拆除,並擇日複查, 若通知業者自行拆除兩次以上而仍未拆除者,則提送環保局核辦裁 處或再次要求業者拆除,若業者承諾拆除,則再次安排複查,複查 完畢後回報環保局,如仍未依規定拆除者,則依規定裁處。執行情 形屬通知拆除者,皆配合自行拆除。 二、執行環境污染案件宣導及檢測作業部分 1. 辦理專責人員教育訓練:為提升專責人員對於環保領域、法規運 用及稽查技巧之認知,已辦理期初內部人員訓練1 場次及「餐飲 業空氣污染防制技術」、「環保法規與公害糾紛處理制度」2 場 次專責人員教育訓練。 2. 執行異味污染物官能測定:由公害陳情系統篩選出屢遭陳情異味 案件,已執行3 場次異味檢測,檢測結果分別為,阿西羅莊園(吼 牛排)檢測值為13(排放標準10)不合格;億統堆肥廠檢測值為 10(排放標準30)合格;永泰牧場檢測值為24(排放標準30) 合格。 3. 辦理限制露天燃燒宣導會議:本年度限制露天燃燒會議已於9 月 與太麻里農會合作完成2 場次,另於11 月結合臺東區農業改良場 合作辦理1 場次,共三場次。 4. 進行鄉里長或陳情人關懷訪談:本年度電話及現場訪談方式共執 行48 件次。 5. 環保專業證照訓練:已由局內指派人員參加「公私場所噪音狀況 檢查或鑑定人員訓練」課程,11 月底前取得證照。 6. 勞工健康檢查:本計畫之所有計畫人員已於本年度至臺東馬偕紀 念醫院完成身體一般健康檢查,並依檢查結果提醒同仁留意自身 健康狀況。 7. 其他:禽畜糞熟化堆肥再利用示範宣導環保永續農業合作管理宣誓 簽署活動已在本年度10 月完成辦理。
中文關鍵字 環境稽查管制、臺東縣、禽畜糞巡查、易遭棄置廢棄物地點、廣告物巡查


專案計畫編號 經費年度 110 計畫經費 3900 千元
專案開始日期 2021/01/15 專案結束日期 2021/12/31 專案主持人 潘⼀誠
主辦單位 臺東縣環境保護局 承辦人 宋宛倫 執行單位 鼎環⼯程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 臺東縣稽查管制計畫定稿-公開版.pdf 33MB 刪除個資隱私相關內容

environmental audit and control project in Taitung

英文摘要 The work content of this environmental audit control plan (hereinafter referred to as the plan) includes the implementation of environmental pollution Control operations, and implementation of environmental pollution case advocacy and testing operations two parts, related work is The summary of the results is as follows: 1. Part of the implementation of environmental pollution control operations 1. Assist in the investigation and handling of petition cases: this plan has 3 dedicated personnel (1) Implement various active inspection work items to reduce the number of petition cases. (2) Beqin assists in the "Rapid Investigation and Punishment of Air Pollution and Other Petition Cases" (the following abbreviated Called the petition plan) to carry out petition cases investigation and punishment, such as assisting in the inspection of Meihe Village, Taimali Township The petition case and assisting the successful Zhenzhenhe Ranch to carry out the water quality inspection before the inspection Operation. (3) Combine the Air Noise Control Division (hereinafter referred to as the Air Noise Division) to burn straw in the open air. During the period (June 21~30), staff will be stationed in Chishang Township and Guanshan Township to prepare for duty. Inspections were conducted and 4 drafts of open-air burning rice were obtained. (4) Consolidate major environmental pollution cases and important policy plans (such as the Slow Economic Action Plan) Wait). 2. Establish a database of landlords of open burning cases and overgrown complaints: before the establishment of each month Monthly report case data and update the existing database to share with the bureau. 3. Assisting in the counseling of oil fume (prevention and control) in petition cases: Screening 24 in Taitung County from 108 to 109 The case of oil fume and peculiar smell in the catering industry was the subject of the investigation, and recorded the relevant control equipment Installation and perimeter situation, compile the list of priority guidance and improvement for cooking fume (prevention) in the catering industry for the bureau Fang Air and Noise Control Section provides guidance. 4. Inspection of waste-prone waste sites and installation of time-lapse cameras: 268 locations have been implemented Inspection of waste disposal sites and 128 time-lapse photography Machine operation, there are 80 license plates involved in violation of regulations, and a total of 80 cases have been A total of 47 fines were imposed. 5. Inspect the source/use of livestock manure production: this year, the production of livestock manure on farmland has been implemented. 211 inspections were used, and no use of raw poultry and livestock manure fertilizer has been found. The majority of fertilizers are organic fertilizers, followed by chemical fertilizers. 6. Inspection of illegal advertising materials: 105 inspections of towns and villages have been carried out this year, and a total of them have been found 231 illegal advertisements, 109 were dismantled immediately, and 62 were handed over to the Comprehensive Planning Section (cleaning staff to remove). The types of settings seized were 25% for posted advertisements and 25% for hanging advertisements. 68%, hanging advertising banners accounted for 5%, and setting up small advertising billboards accounted for 2%. For violations For the handling of the report, the inspectors first discovered illegal advertisements and found loans or other advertisements. If the notice is hung or posted in large numbers, it shall be reported to the Environmental Protection Bureau for arbitration work; if it can be timely If it is demolished, it will be demolished in time. If the part is difficult to be demolished, the operator will be notified to dismantle it by itself, and review at a later date. If the company is notified to dismantle more than twice by itself but still has not dismantled, it shall be submitted to the Environmental Protection Agency for approval. Re-inspection or re-demand the industry, if the industry promises to demolish, re-inspection will be arranged again Report to the Environmental Protection Bureau after the completion, and if it is still not dismantled in accordance with the regulations, it will be punished in accordance with the regulations. Execution Those who notify the demolition will cooperate with the demolition by themselves. 2. Implementation of the promotion and testing of environmental pollution cases 1. Handle the education and training of specialized personnel: To improve the Understanding of application and inspection skills, one session of internal staff training at the beginning of the period and Industry Air Pollution Prevention Technology", "Environmental Protection Regulations and Pollution Dispute Resolution System" 2 sessions Education and training of sub-specialized personnel. 2. Perform sensory testing of peculiar smell pollutants: filter out the peculiar smell that has been repeatedly reported by the public hazard report system In this case, 3 odor tests have been carried out, and the test results were as follows: Steak) test value is 13 (emission standard 10) unqualified; Yitong composting plant test value is 10 (emission standard 30) qualified; Yongtai Ranch has a test value of 24 (emission standard 30) qualified. 3. Handle the advocacy meeting on the restriction of open burning: this year’s meeting on the restriction of open burning has been held in September Cooperated with Taimali Agricultural Association to complete 2 sessions, and combined with Taitung District Agricultural Improvement Center in November Cooperate for 1 session, 3 sessions in total. 4. Caring for a caring interview with the head of the township or the lover: this year's telephone and on-site interviews Line 48 times. 5. Professional certificate training for environmental protection: personnel assigned by the bureau have participated in the "Noise Situation in Public and Private Places" Inspection or appraisal personnel training" course, obtain the license before the end of November. 6. Labor health check: All the planners of this plan have arrived in Taitung Mackay this year Nian Hospital completes general health checkups and reminds colleagues to pay attention to themselves based on the checkup results Health status. 7. Others: Demonstration of the reuse of poultry manure matured compost to promote environmental protection and sustainable agricultural cooperative management oath The signing event was completed in October of this year.
英文關鍵字 Environmental inspection control, Taitung County, livestock manure inspections, waste disposal sites, and advertising materials inspections