

中文摘要 本計畫執行期程為110年3月5日至12月15日,販賣業者廢乾電池回收宣導活動已於9月8日~9月21日結合4家連鎖販賣業者(統一超商、全家便利商店、台糖蜜鄰超市、愛買量販)共同辦理完成,以回收抵消費加碼模式吸引民眾回收,回收成果達78,125.6公斤,較平時回收量增加約2倍。鋰電池成分檢驗部分,3C產品用鋰電池多為鋰鈷電池,車用鋰電池則以鋰三元電池為市場主流;另蒐集調查穿戴式裝置、3C產品及車用/固定式儲能系統用二次鋰電池之市場趨勢、歐盟國家車用動力二次鋰電池回收管理模式及趨勢、國內外二次鋰電池妥善回收貯存安全規範、國內外二次鋰電池處理技術及二次鋰電池降階使用情形與發展趨勢,以作為我國處理體系及管理策略精進之參酌。另完成乾電池單位回收清除處理成本更新並估算提出鋰三元電池及鋰鐵電池分項補貼費率草案,已於5月公告實施。有關電弧爐處理廢乾電池,目前嘉德創公司與台灣鋼聯公司係因營運策略及經濟規模等因素考量,暫緩申請新增廢乾電池處理項目。 照明光源方面已調查彙整LED照明及OLED照明之應用範圍及市場趨勢,作為國內回收處理管理制度研議及資源化價值評析參酌。另蒐集及分析國內外LED廢照明光源處理技術與蒐集含汞廢棄物國際處理方式,研議相關廢棄物未來之去化方式。LED照明光罩組成檢驗顯示其大部分均以PC為基質,但摻配有不同材質且占比各異,導致再生料價值低大幅影響資源回收收益。已研提傳統照明與LED照明補貼費率及徵收費率修正草案,分別於5月及11月公告實施。持續追蹤與輔導惠嘉電等有意願業者加入LED照明光源受補貼機構,拓展我國LED去化管道。未登業者查核經由網路、實體商店及海關篩選已完成第1~3季調查並提交相關資訊,確認未登業者為51組,其中20組為照明、31組為乾電池。另持續追蹤101~110年回收處理技術創新研發補助計畫成果,並完成110年度核銷說明會及108~109年度之創新研發補助成果發表會辦理。
中文關鍵字 回收處理、費率與補貼費率、重金屬檢驗、創新補助


專案計畫編號 經費年度 110 計畫經費 5700 千元
專案開始日期 2021/03/05 專案結束日期 2021/12/15 專案主持人 黃逸祥
主辦單位 回收基管會 承辦人 蔡雅如 執行單位 財團法人台灣產業服務基金會


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期末報告 EPA110A017.pdf 16MB EPA110A017成果報告

The Collection and Recycling Systems Reviewing and Management Improving for Waste Batteries and Waste Lamps

英文摘要 The project period was from Mar 5, 2021 to Dec 15, 2021. The waste batteries collection campaign had been assisted and held by 2 chain convenient stores (7-11 and Family Mart) and 2 chain supermarket/wholesale companies (Million and A.Mart) from 8th to 21th September. The attracting point for consumers was that the waste battery collection could deduct the price for shopping. The collection volume of waste batteries reached 78,125.6 kg during the event. It was about 2 times over the usual collection average volume. The testing results of 15 secondary lithium batteries showed that most 3C products’ battery type is LiCo battery and most electrical vehicles are using Li-Co-Ni-Mn battery. The market information of secondary lithium batteries had been gathered and analyzed for domestic references, including mobile (electric or hybrid vehicles), wearable devices and 3C products, the EU collection management system and trend of power lithium batteries for electrical vehicles, the appropriated safety collection and storage rules for secondary lithium batteries, the recycling technologies and the development of retired EV batteries reusing. The draft of differential subsidy for secondary lithium batteries (NCM and LFP) were proposed and announced in May. By recycling waste batteries with the arc furnace, the 2 waste treatment plants Katec Creative Resources Corp. and Taiwan Steel Union Co.,Ltd. applying for adding waste batteries as one of their treating item had been postponed because of economic scale and operation strategy concern. The market trend and scope of LED lamps and OLED lamps had been investigated and analyzed for the evaluation of their recycling values and effectiveness. Also the recycling technologies of LED lamps and the mercury wastes international treatments had been searched and evaluated for future final disposal. The sampling results of 15 LED lamps showed that the main plastic material of LED lamps was PC but usually combined with different proportion materials. This results in the reduction of its recycled plastic’s value. Because of the increasing unit costs for LED and conventional lamps’ collection and recycling, the draft of their subsidy and levy rates were proposed and announced in May and November respectively. Keep tracing and consulting the desired entities like FGD Recycling Industrial Co., Ltd. for joining the LED lamps processing. 51 unregistered entities (20 lamps, 31 batteries) had been inspected through the web, retailers and screened list of customs from the first to third quarters. EPA will continue to pursue the recycling fees they should submit. Updating the achievements of the subsided innovation and research projects from 2012 to 2021. Both the 2021 educational session of reimbursement and the 2019~2020 achievement presentation conference for the subsided innovation and research projects had been held successfully.
英文關鍵字 collection and recycling, the fee rate and subsidy rate, heavy metal concentrations testing, subsidy for technical developments