

中文摘要 本計畫經由多次會議取得於化學物質毒理資料庫既有架構下精進資料架構與填寫方法之共識,並透過組內審查、交叉查核等資料確核管理機制確保資料正確性。依此基礎將我國行政院環境保護署公告344種毒性及關注化學物質資料全數建置、調和完成,其中包含本期計畫新增250種物質資料及更新前兩期計畫之94種物質資料。因新增或更新物質資料而修正毒理資料庫辭典及統計總表內容,提升正確性與完整度。此外,為因應資料庫系統整合及擴充需求,爰保留欄位調整彈性,並於多數欄位新增可填入補充資訊的空格提供特殊資料填寫之空間。為增加資料使用方便性而提供3種檔案匯出格式,包括PDF、XML及excel,亦可即時抓取系統最新內容。計畫過程中安排兩次專家諮詢會討論資料庫內容重大更動與發現,包括資料分群、新增收錄BSAF資料以及物質基本資料調整之建議。未來物質擴增建議優先收錄新公告之毒性及關注化學物質,再逐步納入既有化學物質之資料。
中文關鍵字 毒性及關注化學物質,毒理資料庫,資料確核管理機制


專案計畫編號 經費年度 110 計畫經費 7700 千元
專案開始日期 2021/07/16 專案結束日期 2022/11/30 專案主持人 洪偉毅
主辦單位 化學局 承辦人 范嘉勻 執行單位 瑞昶科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 110年化學物質毒理資料庫建置及資訊管理計畫.pdf 0MB 110年化學物質毒理資料庫建置及資訊管理計畫

2021 Chemical Toxicity Database Establishment and Information Management Project

英文摘要 The project has achieved consensus on improving the data structure and filling method under the existing framework of the chemical substance toxicology database through several meetings and ensured the quality of data through data verification management mechanisms such as within-group review and cross-check. On this basis, the information on announced 344 toxic and concerned chemical substances has been established and updated, including information on 250 new substances and updates on 94 primal substances. With the new addition and update of substance data, the contents of the toxicology database dictionary and statistical table have been revised to improve the correctness and completeness. In addition, the database system retains the flexibility of field integration and expansion to meet future needs and adds blank for filling in supplementary information in most fields to provide space for special data. In order to increase the convenience of use, the data export format has been added to 3 types, including PDF, XML and excel, and the latest content of the system can be captured in real time. Arranged two expert consultation conferences to discuss the major changes and discoveries in the content of the database, including data grouping, newly included BSAF data, and suggestions for adjusting the basic information of substances. In the future, it is recommended to prioritize the inclusion of newly announced toxic and concerned chemical substances, and then gradually include existing chemical substances.
英文關鍵字 Toxic and concerned chemical substances, Chemical substances toxicology database, Data verification and management mechanism