

中文摘要 (一) 水污染防治申請及申報文件審查: 本計畫已收受並完成審查47家提出申請,計68件次申請案,另外有1家因開發單位填寫錯誤駁回申請,並於許可申請案首次審查許可現勘完成6家次。另完成(109年下半年及110年第1季)、(110年上半年及110年第二季)定期檢測申報資料審查作業,並已將成果函文檢送環保局備查。 每月彙整轄內有效期少於6個月且尚未申請展延之各項水許可證(文件)資料,統計至110年11月30日止,目前應展延而尚未提出申請之對象為3家(分別為衛生福利部臺東醫院、娜路彎會館及台灣自來水股份有限公司第十區管理處水母淨水場)。完成辦理兩場次技師簽證案件,業者為東基醫療財團法人台東基督教醫院(簽證技師:邱俊銘)及臺東市水資源回收中心(簽證技師:羅敬忠)。 (二) 水污染源查證及採樣檢測作業: 統計至11月30日止,已完成201家次巡查作業,完成率100%,依稽查事業別分佈統計以畜牧業、觀光旅館(飯店)為最多、其次為醫院、醫事機構,此三種行業別共佔總稽查數的56%;並完成52家次水質採樣檢測作業,完成率100%,有7家事業放流水檢驗報告不符合,包含惠捷實業有限公司台東分公司、牲群養豬場、塔比拉斯牧場、豐裕商旅股份有限公司(趣淘漫旅-台東)、東基醫療財團法人台東基督教醫院、承泰國際投資股份有限公司台東分公司THE GAYA HOTEL及中華紙漿股份有限公司台東廠,已將檢測結果提送環保機關待後續處置作業。 完成9家次深度查核,查核對象分別為紀林阿菜牧場、元明牧場、行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所台東種畜繁殖場、臺東地區農會食品加工廠、娜路彎大酒店股份有限公司、永清祥牧場、顥堅有限公司東欣廠、本上企業有限公司及天主教花蓮教區醫療財團法人台東聖母醫院等9家次。 (三) 列管事業廢水處理設施功能評鑑作業: 完成追蹤109年度執行功能評鑑未改善項目,皆已完成改善。依篩選原則,選定「日峰畜業牧場」及「鈜業企業有限公司」2家事業進行本年度功能評鑑作業,已於110年5月11日完成現場評鑑(初評)及採樣作業,110年8月03日偕同專家學者進行現場複評作業,最後於110年8月19日召開受評單位協談會議。 (四) 水質水量自動監測(視)及連線傳輸設施系統穩定操作: 本計畫每日(機關上班日)確認連線對象連線情形,維持管理連線傳輸設施系統主機設備運作。已於110年8月9日及10日執行本縣應設置CWMS的「佛育企業股份有限公司吉林廠」、「中華紙漿股份有限公司台東廠」及「知本水資源回收中心」,其措施說明書及措施確認報告書之審核與現場連線訊號之查核作業,並於9月份進行缺失項目改善追蹤,並將查核結果及改善追蹤情形函文至機關備查。 (五) 水污染防治費徵收查核及運用成效評估: 水污費徵收資料彙整顯示110年度11001期應申報家數116家,有3家次未於規定期限內申報,經聯繫業者並協助處理後,均已完成申報,本期申報率100%,總繳納金額共計2,686,956元。110年度11007期應申報家數115家,均已完成申報,本期申報率100%,總繳納金額共計2,192,936元。協助機關辦理1家業者-永固企業社完成水污染防治費申報案件之停徵結算作業。除完成環保署通知109年度水污費申報有疑義之15家業者進行現場查核作業外,另外增加5家業者執行查核作業,分別為墾地牧場、天平畜牧場、鹿原砂石場、鹿野鼎開發(股)公司及興東興業砂石場,總計完成20家次現場查核作業,已彙整查核結果並函送機關備查。 (六) 生活污水污染削減作業: 為了提升宣導成效,生活污水削減宣導文宣以小遊戲方式,透過問答方式誘使民眾回答常見之生活污水削減之方法,待回答問題後發放宣導物品來提升宣導成效。除此之外,同時加上發放相關宣導品(例如宣導文件夾)來加強宣導成效。活動辦理於110年8月21日配合世界海洋日、110年9月23日及110年9月25日搭配【離島安全飲用水宣導活動】進行設攤宣導生活污水削減。 (七) 辦理水污染法規政策宣導說明會及稽查管制教育訓練: 為了提升局內人員事業廢水稽查作業技巧及能力,本計畫於4月27日協助辦理1場次針對機關人員水污染稽查法規及技巧教育訓練。另外為了有效宣導水污染法規相關政策,完成辦理3場次水污染法規說明會,同時配合法規說明會辦理創新性法規宣導競賽並上傳網路平台蒐集點擊率。提送水環境保護為主題之宣導品共計500份;協助撰寫與水環境保護有關之新聞稿8則,經環保局同意後,發布於環保局網站及臉書。 (八) 協助機關辦理河川污染整治考核: 已依據環保署審查意見修正110年度「水污染防治評核」關鍵測站年度具體作為及關鍵績效指標(KPI)。並於9月及10月底前完成提送110年度「水污染防治評核」成果報告、年度成果摘要、自評表及簡報至機關備查。 (九) 辦理水環境巡守隊淨溪淨川與增能訓練活動: 本計畫已完成辦理淨溪淨川6場次,教育宣導、增能訓練活動6場次(包含辦理1場次縣外參訪觀摩活動);完成辦理2場次水環境導覽人員培訓,並協助水環境巡守隊員取得志工手冊。 (十) 協助水環境巡守隊運作經營: 已於110年3月5日協助辦理110年巡守隊第1次經營輔導會議,針對巡守隊志工運作提出相關提案,經主席及現場與會隊長討論予以辦理。已完成協助水環境巡守隊通報案件102件及清除作業。並於10月份針對績優的水環境巡守隊完成編寫一份環境巡守故事及拍攝宣導微電影並提送機關備查。另外協助機關辦理各項巡守隊考核及依據環保署考核內容提送成果報告及簡報。 (十一)地面水體垃圾攔除作業: 已協助本縣執行地面水體垃圾攔除作業,並將執行作業成果於次月10日前上網填報於「地面水體垃圾攔除管理系統」,截至11月底分數累計取得90分。 (十二) 推動畜牧廢水氨氮回收推動計畫: 本計畫已協助辦理2場次畜牧糞尿沼液沼渣資源化處理媒合宣導說明會及2場次畜牧糞尿資源化政策宣導說明會;協助通過沼渣沼液業者辦理計畫書變更2家及3家通過放流水回收澆灌計畫申請。完成60家次業者施灌情形查核作業;針對已核准廢水管理計畫核准事項督導作業完成6家次,並協助其完成定期監測之採樣分析及申報作業。 (十三) 加強畜牧業稽查: 統計至11月30日為止,已協助200頭以下列管畜牧業稽查作業6家次;完成已申請放流水作為澆灌之畜牧業者貯留及回收使用量相關紀錄稽查作業19家次,完成34家次已申請通過沼液沼渣做為農地肥分使用業者稽查及採樣作業。 (十四) 太平溪流域河面垃圾攔除: 已於3月23日提送太平溪流域河面垃圾攔除點規劃書,截至10月底,共執行巡查作業達53次,清除次數達14次,總計共攔除並清除47.83公斤,經所攔除的垃圾統計彙整得知,大部分垃圾屬於寶特瓶等塑膠類垃圾為主,其次為家庭民生之垃圾包,較少垃圾為玻璃瓶以及鐵鋁罐,若是以重量統計上則以木頭、樹枝為主。 (十五)其他配合辦理事項: 配合環保署定期監測作業,5月11日及7月9日完成本縣關鍵測站(太平溪豐里橋)2次水量補充調查;配合機關指示出席相關會議或訓練13場次;協助機關進行水質測站定期採樣作業。 (十六)評選之廠商承諾事項: 配合勞務採購投標廠商評選之廠商承諾事項有12項次,除了配合行政院環保署定期河川監測工作,執行四個重點流域河川採樣並檢測揮發性固體物,設置相關科技設備,並協助機關維護河川水質,召開一場次臺東縣水污染防治考核跨局處跨計畫分工討論會議,並主動追蹤水污費停徵結算事業後續狀況。彙整每月電訪紀錄,並於每季配合巡查作業執行現場輔導訪視及瞭解施灌情況,並規劃於期末舉辦經營輔導會議獎勵水環境巡守隊。
中文關鍵字 水污染、水污費、河川考核、水環境巡守隊、畜牧糞尿資源化使用


專案計畫編號 經費年度 110 計畫經費 6675 千元
專案開始日期 2021/02/09 專案結束日期 2021/12/31 專案主持人 黃招斌
主辦單位 臺東縣環境保護局 承辦人 余幸穎 執行單位 元科科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 110年台東縣水稽期末報告(全).pdf 52MB

110 Taitung County Water Pollution Source Inspection and Water Pollution Fee Collection Verification, Total Reduction of Key Monitoring Stations, Operation and Management of Patrol Teams, and Promotio

英文摘要 (1) Application for water pollution prevention and control and review of declaration documents: The plan has accepted and completed the review of 47 applications, with 68 applications in total. In addition, one company rejected the application due to a mistake in filling out the application by the development unit, and completed 6 inspections in the first review of the permit application. In addition, we completed (the second half of 109 and the first quarter of 110) and (the first half of 110 and the second quarter of 110) regular inspection and application data review, and the results letter has been sent to the Environmental Protection Bureau for review. All water permits (documents) within the jurisdiction that have a validity period of less than 6 months and have not yet been applied for extension are collected every month. The statistics are as of November 30, 110. Currently, there are 3 companies that should be extended and have not yet applied for it. (Respectively, the Taitung Hospital of the Ministry of Health and Welfare, the Naluwan Hall and the Jellyfish Water Purification Plant of the 10th District Management Office of Taiwan Water Supply Co., Ltd.). Completed two visa cases for technicians. The operators were Taitung Christian Hospital (Visa Technician: Qiu Junming) and Taitung Water Recycling Center (Visa Technician: Luo Jingzhong). (2) Water pollution source verification and sampling and testing operations: According to statistics, as of November 30, 201 inspections have been completed, with a completion rate of 100%. According to the distribution of inspections, animal husbandry, tourist hotels (restaurants) are the most common, followed by hospitals, medical institutions, and these three industries A total of 56% of the total number of audits was completed; 52 sub-water quality sampling and testing operations were completed, with a completion rate of 100%. Seven businesses did not comply with the discharge water inspection reports, including Huijie Industrial Co., Ltd. Taitung Branch and livestock pig farms. , Tabilas Ranch, Fengyu Business Travel Co., Ltd. (Qu Tao Man Travel-Taitung), Dongji Medical Consortium Taitung Christian Hospital, Chengtai International Investment Co., Ltd. Taitung Branch The Gaya Hotel, and China Pulp Co., Ltd. Taitung The factory has submitted the test results to the environmental protection agency for subsequent disposal operations. Completed 9 sub-in-depth inspections, and the inspection objects were Jilin Acai Ranch, Yuanming Ranch, Taitung Breeding Farm of Animal Production Laboratory of the Executive Yuan Agriculture Committee, Taitung Agricultural Association Food Processing Factory, and Naluwan Hotel Co., Ltd. , Yongqingxiang Ranch, Haojian Co., Ltd. Dongxin Factory, Benshang Enterprise Co., Ltd. and Catholic Hualien Diocese Medical Foundation Taitung St. Mary’s Hospital, etc. (3) Function evaluation of wastewater treatment facilities in the pipeline industry: Completed and tracked the 109-year executive function appraisal of unimproved projects, all of which have been improved. According to the selection principle, two businesses, "Rifeng Livestock Farm" and "Puiye Enterprise Co., Ltd." were selected for the function evaluation of this year. The on-site evaluation (preliminary evaluation) and sampling operation were completed on May 11, 110. On August 3rd, we conducted on-site re-evaluation work with experts and scholars, and finally held a meeting of the evaluated units on August 19, 110. (4) Water quality and quantity automatic monitoring (visual) and stable operation of the connection transmission facility system: This plan confirms the connection status of the connected object every day (the office work day), and maintains the operation of the host equipment of the management connection transmission facility system. On August 9 and 10, 110, the county should set up CWMS "Fuyu Enterprise Co., Ltd. Jilin Plant", "China Pulp Co., Ltd. Taitung Plant" and "Zhiben Water Resources Recycling Center". The review of the manual and the measure confirmation report and the verification of the on-site connection signal. The improvement and tracking of the missing items were carried out in September, and the verification results and the improvement tracking situation were sent to the agency for reference. (5) The collection and verification of water pollution prevention and control fees and the evaluation of the effectiveness of its use: The collection of water pollution fee collection data shows that there are 116 companies that should be declared in the 11001 period in the 110th year. Three of them failed to declare within the prescribed time limit. After contacting the industry and assisting in processing, all declarations have been completed. The current reporting rate is 100%. The total amount paid is 2,686,956 yuan. There are 115 companies that should be declared in the 11007 period in 110, all of which have completed their declarations. The declaration rate for this period is 100%, and the total payment amount is 2,192,936 yuan. Assist the agency to complete the settlement of the suspension of collection of water pollution prevention and control fee declaration cases for a company-Yonggu Enterprise Co., Ltd. In addition to the completion of the EPA's notification of the 109 annual water pollution fee declaration of 15 businesses that are suspicious of the on-site inspection operations, another 5 businesses have been added to perform the inspection operations, namely the reclamation pasture, the Tianping livestock farm, the Luyuan gravel field, and the Luyeding Development ( Stock) The company and Xingdong Xingye Sand and Stone Plant have completed a total of 20 on-site inspections. The inspection results have been consolidated and sent to the authorities for reference. (6) Domestic sewage pollution reduction operations: In order to improve the effectiveness of publicity, the publicity of the reduction of domestic sewage uses a small game to induce the public to answer the common methods of reduction of domestic waste through the question and answer method. After the questions are answered, the publicity materials are distributed to enhance the publicity effectiveness. In addition, at the same time, the distribution of related promotional products (such as promotional folders) is added to enhance the effectiveness of the promotion. The event was handled on August 21, 110 in conjunction with World Ocean Day, September 23, 110 and September 25, 110 in conjunction with the [Outlying Islands Safe Drinking Water Promotion Campaign] to promote the reduction of domestic sewage. (7) Handling water pollution laws and policies promotion briefings and inspection and control education training: In order to improve the skills and abilities of the bureau's personnel and business waste water audit operations, this plan will assist in handling an education and training on water pollution inspection regulations and skills for the agency personnel on April 27. In addition, in order to effectively publicize the relevant policies of water pollution laws and regulations, we completed 3 water pollution laws and regulations briefing sessions. At the same time, we cooperated with the law briefing sessions to handle innovative laws and regulations promotion competitions and upload the online platform to collect clicks. A total of 500 promotional materials on the theme of water environmental protection were submitted; 8 press releases related to water environmental protection were assisted in writing 8 press releases related to water environmental protection, which were published on the EPA website and Facebook after approval by the EPA. (8) Assisting agencies in handling river pollution remediation assessment: The annual specific actions and key performance indicators (KPIs) of key monitoring stations in the 110-year "Water Pollution Prevention and Control Assessment" have been revised in accordance with the review opinions of the Environmental Protection Agency. And before the end of September and October, complete the submission of the 110-year "Water Pollution Prevention and Control Assessment" results report, annual results summary, self-evaluation form and briefing to the agency for reference. (9) Handle the water environment patrol team's clean river and river clean and energy-increasing training activities: This project has completed 6 sessions of Jingxi and Jingchuan, 6 sessions of education promotion and energy-enhancing training activities (including 1 session of visits and observation activities outside the county); 2 sessions of water environment guide staff training have been completed, and assistance in water environment The environmental patrol team obtains the volunteer handbook. (10) Assist the operation and operation of the water environment patrol team: On March 5, 110, he assisted in handling the first operation counseling meeting of the 110-year patrol team, and put forward relevant proposals for the operation of patrol team volunteers. The chairman and the on-site team leader discussed and dealt with it. Assisting the water environment patrol team to report 102 cases and clear operations have been completed. In October, he completed the preparation of an environmental patrol story and a micro-film for publicity and publicity for the excellent water environment patrol team, and submitted it to the agency for reference. In addition, assist the agency in handling various patrol team assessments and submit results reports and briefings based on the assessment content of the Environmental Protection Agency. (11) Garbage interception operations in surface water bodies: The county has assisted the county in the implementation of surface water garbage interception operations, and the results of the operations were reported online in the "Surface Water Garbage Interception Management System" before the 10th of the following month. As of the end of November, a total of 90 points have been scored. (12) Promote the promotion plan for the recovery of ammonia nitrogen in livestock wastewater: This plan has assisted in handling 2 mediation and explanation meetings on the resource utilization of animal manure, urine, and biogas residues, and 2 publicity and explanation meetings on the policy promotion of animal manure and urine resources; And 3 companies applied for water recycling and irrigation plans. Completed the inspection of irrigation conditions by 60 sub-industry operators; completed 6 supervision operations for the approved items of the approved wastewater management plan, and assisted them in completing the sampling, analysis and reporting operations for regular monitoring. (13) Strengthen the inspection of animal husbandry: According to statistics, as of November 30, it has assisted in 6 inspection operations of the following 200 heads of animal husbandry; completed 19 inspections of records related to the storage and recycling of use of animal husbandry who have applied for running water as irrigation, and completed 34 inspections It has applied for the inspection and sampling operation of the biogas slurry and residue as a farmland fertilizer user. (14) Removal of garbage from the river surface of Taipingxi Basin: On March 23, the plan for the removal of garbage on the river surface in the Taipingxi Basin was submitted. As of the end of October, a total of 53 inspections and 14 removals were performed. A total of 47.83 kg was blocked and removed. According to the statistics collection of garbage, most of the garbage is plastic garbage such as PET bottles, followed by household and people’s livelihood garbage bags. Less garbage is glass bottles and iron and aluminum cans. In terms of weight, wood and branches are used. Mainly. (15) Other cooperation matters: Cooperate with the EPA's regular monitoring operations, complete 2 supplementary surveys on the county's key measuring stations (Taipingxi Fengliqiao) on May 11 and July 9; cooperate with the agency's instructions to attend relevant meetings or 13 training sessions; assist the agency in water quality Regular sampling operations at the station. (16) Commitments of selected manufacturers: There are 12 items of vendor commitments to cooperate with the selection of labor procurement bidders. In addition to the regular river monitoring work of the Environmental Protection Department of the Executive Yuan, the implementation of four key river basins and river sampling and detection of volatile solids, the installation of relevant technology equipment, and assistance to the agency to maintain the river For water quality, convene a discussion meeting on the evaluation of water pollution prevention and control in Taitung County, and take the initiative to track the follow-up status of the water pollution fee suspension and settlement business. Collect monthly telephone interview records, and perform on-site guidance visits and understand the irrigation situation in cooperation with the inspection operations every quarter, and plan to hold a management guidance meeting at the end of the term to reward the water environment patrol team.
英文關鍵字 Water pollution, water pollution fee, river assessment, water environment patrol, animal husbandry manure and urine resource utilization