

中文摘要 為推動民眾參與水環境守護工作,本計畫持續運作河川保育中心協助南部七縣市運作水環境巡守隊。於今年度進行相關文獻回顧及問卷調查,評析水環境巡守隊政策成效及未來發展策略。透過縣市訪查輔導、民眾參與流域環境管理經驗交流討論會議等方式來促進縣市經驗交流及討論經營河川巡守隊的困境與解決對策,並透過增能活動、種子教師培訓來協助縣市辦理巡守隊教育訓練工作。為持續協助整合民間河川守護能量參與河川流域環境管理規劃,河川保育中心於今年度召開三次重點河川污染整治民間討論會,整合各民間團體意見,提案至環保署之跨單位河川整治聯繫會議。促進水環境巡守隊投入畜牧業巡檢、沼渣沼液農田肥分使用推廣。研擬縣市經營水環境巡守隊績考評指標及優良水環境巡守隊評選指標,協助環保署對全國各縣市水環境巡守隊經營的績效考核工作。 本計畫依規劃完成各項工作,為進一步強化巡守隊政策目標,建議(1)未來持續擴大推動水環境巡守隊制度功能、(2)加強組織運作管理並適時納入績效考評、(3)促進大學及學校參與水環境守護工作、(4)引導巡守隊能量推動沼液沼渣農田肥分使用、(5)促進跨縣市河川召開河川污染整治民間討論會議作為民眾參與及機關協調之溝通平台。
中文關鍵字 民眾參與、河川污染整治、水環境巡守、環境教育


專案計畫編號 經費年度 110 計畫經費 2450 千元
專案開始日期 2021/01/21 專案結束日期 2021/12/10 專案主持人 洪慶宜
主辦單位 水保處 承辦人 謝惠冰 執行單位 長榮大學


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 110年度南區巡守隊計畫期末報告-定稿本.pdf 17MB

2021 Promoting Public Participate on Water Environment Watch and Training Programs in Southern Taiwan

英文摘要 Being the regional center to assist the seven local Environmental Protection Bureaus (EPBs) in the Southern Taiwan to manage their Aqua-Watch programs, this project promotes experience exchange among counties and cities, through on-site visits and consultations, as well as hosting workshop of public participation on watershed management. The center also conducts training course and seed-teacher workshop to assist local EPBs to equip Aqua-Watchers with needed knowledge and skill. In order to integrate the local voices to the decision process of watershed management, the River Restoration Center also held watershed public participation meetings for Erren River and ChiShui River, both are listed as the Priority River to be remediated. The conclusions of the watershed meetings are presented to the EPA-hosted Executive Meetings of River Pollution Cleanup Projects. This year, the Southern Region Project is also responsible to modify the performance evaluation index of the management of Aqua-Watch program for local EPBs and of the National Excellent Aqua-Watch Team. Through literature reviews and questionnair surveys, this project also evalutate the effectiveness of the Aqua-Watch policy and the future development strategies. In order to further strengthen the public participation in the future, we suggest: (1) further extension of Aqua-Watch program to establish a comprehensive, strong public network for river protection, (2) strengthening the organization and operation management of EPBs by incorporating it into the performance evaluation index of the management of Aqua-Watch program for local EPBs, (3) encouraging the participation of universities and schools on water environment proection activities, (4) involving the public forces in every pollution control measures, including recycling of treated swine wastewater to agriculture field as fertilizer, as well as adoption of water purification facilities for environmental education, and (5) involving public voice in watershed management meetings, especially for the priority rivers.
英文關鍵字 Public Participation, River Pollution Cleanup, Aqua-Watch, Environmental Education