

中文摘要 本計畫執行期間自民國110年5月6日起至110年12月30日止,主要目標包括蒐集國際一般廢棄物管理有關預防及減量之措施,建立我國一次用塑膠產品基線資料,協助規劃並推動一次用產品源頭減量相關管制措施,推動環保夜市評鑑、查核及表揚工作及推廣一般廢棄物源頭減量理念。主要成果包括:(一)蒐集及研析國際一次用產品減量、限塑、塑膠微粒及生物可分解塑膠管制之相關政策、法令及措施,提出國內一般廢棄物源頭減量管理工作及生物可分解塑膠管理之精進措施建議。(二)建立國內一次用產品基線資料,依據調查結果推估目前國內購物用塑膠袋年使用量91億個,免洗餐具年使用量35億個,一次用飲料杯年使用量33億個。(三)協助訂定「行政機關、學校減少使用免洗餐具及包裝飲用水作業指引」於9月函頒,並拍攝宣導影片及研擬相關配套措施。(四)研擬提出「一次用飲料杯限制使用對象及實施方式」草案及配合辦理相關法制作業,透過材質限制、提高自備優惠及推動循環杯租用服務,預計可減少約25%飲料杯使用量。(五)研商引導業者感熱紙減量,預計今(110)年下半年可減少約21%感熱紙使用量。(六)辦理環保夜市評鑑、輔導及頒獎作業,計16個單位取得特優,2個單位取得優等,共有764家業者取得環保攤商標章,預計每年可減少1千萬個免洗餐具使用量。(七)結合民間團體辦理市場減塑活動,促進民眾自備環保袋採購盛裝。
中文關鍵字 環保夜市、一般廢棄物、源頭減量、一次用產品、飲料杯


專案計畫編號 經費年度 110 計畫經費 11643.671 千元
專案開始日期 2021/05/06 專案結束日期 2021/12/30 專案主持人 林建宏
主辦單位 回收基管會 承辦人 張儷瓊 執行單位 康城工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 成果報告本文 (110年度一次用塑膠產品源頭減量).pdf 36MB

The Reduction Planning and Promoting Project for Single-use Plastic products 2021

英文摘要 The main aims of this project, which commenced on May 6th 2021 and is to be completed on December 30th 2021, include the collection of measures observed worldwide pertaining to the prevention and reduction of municipal waste, the accumulation of baseline data on single-use plastic products in Taiwan, the planning and implementation of control measures pertaining to source reduction of single-use products, the assessment, auditing and recognition of green night markets, and the promotion of the concept of source reduction of municipal waste. The major outcomes of this project include the following: 1) The collection and study of policies, regulations and measures related to the usage reduction of single-use plastic products, plastic microbeads and biodegradable plastics; the proposal of measures and recommendations that aim to improve the management of source reduction of municipal waste and biodegradable plastics in Taiwan. 2) The accumulation of domestic baseline data on single-use products. According to surveys, it is estimated that currently in Taiwan, 9.1 billion plastic shopping bags, 3.5 billion units of disposable tableware and 3.3 billion single-use beverage cups are used annually. 3) Support in drafting the “Operational Guidelines on Usage Reduction of Disposable Tableware and Packaged Drinking Water for Administrative Bodies and Schools”, which was promulgated in September 2021; the shooting of campaign videos and the researching and drafting of related coordinated measures. 4) The proposal of the draft “Objects and Means of Restricting the Use of Single-Use Beverage Cups" and the coordination of relevant legal processes. Through restriction of material, increasing discounts and offers for customers who bring their own cups and introducing reusable cup rental services, the amount of beverage cups used is estimated to be reduced by approximately 25%. 5) Proposals to minimize the use of thermal paper, and discussions around guiding business operators to do so. It is estimated that the usage of thermal paper can be reduced by about 21% in the second half of 2021. 6) Conducting the assessment and coaching of green night markets, and awarding prizes to them. In total, 16 organization units have been ranked as “Exceptional” and 2 as “Worthy of Merit”. 764 business operators in total have achieved the “Eco-Friendly Vendor” label. The use of 10 million pieces of disposal tableware is estimated to be avoided each year. 7) Working with NGOs to organize plastics reduction events at markets to encourage the public to bring their own bags and use them as containers for their purchases.
英文關鍵字 Municipal waste, Source reduction, Single-use Plastic products, Drink cup, Environmental protection night market