

中文摘要 本計畫之執行,係為掌握臺北市空氣品質長期變化趨勢,經由工作成效評核及技術支援,進而研擬適當之空氣污染管制對策;整合並辦理各項空氣品質防制策略宣導工作,加強並提升市民配合改善本市空氣品質觀念;協助執行「臺北市空氣污染防制基金」運作及空氣污染防制業務之行政事宜。協助修訂「臺北市空氣污染防制計畫」以及「臺北市清新空氣行動白皮書2.0」之污染減量行動。本計畫之執行期間自110年3月3日起至110年12月20日止。 本計畫依規劃進度執行,依據合約之規定於110年7月2日提送期中工作成果報告,110年11月15日提送期末報告初稿,11月29日經委員審查後於110年12月13日提送期末報告修正稿,12月23日提送定稿報告,各項重要工作項目之執行成果摘要如下: 一、空氣品質指標與空氣品質變動趨勢 (一) 空氣品質指標(AQI):統計本市AQI之趨勢顯示,110年1-11月度空氣品質良好比例(AQI≤50)為55.0%,顯示臺北市空氣品質狀況尚稱良好。110年1-11月空氣品質不良站日為51站日(不良率3.1%),其中臭氧8小時值計33站日(不良率2.0%),細懸浮微粒16站日(不良率1.0%),懸浮微粒2站日(不良率0.1%)。 (二) 懸浮微粒(PM10)年平均濃度:本市近年來懸浮微粒(PM10)年平均濃度由103年最高值45.2 μg/m3、呈現逐年下降趨勢,109年年平均值已下降至23.6 μg/m3,顯示本市懸浮微粒年平均濃度呈現持續改善的趨勢。統計110年1-11月之平均濃度為23.9 μg/m3。 (三) 細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)濃度手動測值:本市細懸浮微粒之長期目標為119年達世界衛生組織建議值(10 μg/m3),由本市士林及萬華手動測值顯示,本市細懸浮微粒年平均值濃度於107年~109年連續三年達成空氣品質標準,三年連續平均值亦低於空氣品質標準,達成細懸浮微粒二級空氣污染防區。110年1-11月全市平均,手動測站11.8 μg/m3。 (四) 因應嚴重特殊傳染性肺炎(COVID-19)疫情的管制措施,中央流行疫情指揮中心宣布,5月15日起雙北(臺北市、新北市)提升疫情警戒至第三級,5月19日因本土疫情持續嚴峻三級疫情警戒範圍擴大至全國。受到三級警戒影響,市民活動範圍與時間減少,捷運每日平均搭乘人次減少75%;進城及重要道路之車流非假日尖峰小時車流平均減少34%;假日24小時車流平均減少15%之下,空氣品質相較於實施三級警戒前明顯改善,PM2.5降低4.37 μg/m3,NO2降低4.18 ppb及臭氧小時最大值平均濃度降低2.87ppb。 (五) 統計106-110年空氣品質改善6-43%:分析臺北市過去五年之空氣品質資料顯示,110年11月底止,各項空氣品質與106年相比呈現逐年改善的趨勢,其中手動PM2.5由15.3 μg/m3 降為11.8μg/m3,改善率23%;二氧化硫由2.8 ppb降為1.6 ppb,改善率 43%;二氧化氮由19.7 ppb降為14.4 ppb,改善率27%。臭氧8小時93%高值,由62.9 ppb降為59.4ppb,改善率為6%,並首次符合空氣品質標準。 二、協助彙整臺北市清新空氣行動計畫成果 為使市民享有健康空氣,本市府團隊努力不懈,以119年(2030年)達到世界衛生組織建議PM2.5年平均10μg/m3為目標,環保局於108年再策進提出「清新空氣行動計畫2.0」,透過「低污染、綠運輸、區域聯防」三大面向,本計畫協助彙整十大行動計畫成果如下: (1)導入高污染車輛管制平台,科技執法稽查高污染車輛,至110年11月提升機車定檢率約達73%,因地制宜劃設第一期空品維護區,自110年1月1日起實施;(2) 至110年11月臺北市已汰舊1~3期大型柴油車2,608輛,及已安裝352套濾煙器(含環保清潔車輛187套,其他公務部門165套) (3) 統計105年至110年11月已淘汰二行程機車約11.3萬輛,全市剩餘約3.2萬輛。(4)110年11月累計48輛電動公車上路,目標119年公車全面電動化。(5) 108年已完成第一階段16個商圈 (占比10.2%),109-110年執行第二階段捷運站周邊完成全市27%路邊機車格位收費。(6) 截至110年11月已建置完成610站充、換電站,建置密度已達每平方公里2處。統計累計至110年11月已採購1,507輛公務電動機車,占比已達27.5%,119年目標達公務車全面電動化。(7) 已完成1行政區1測站首都監測網。(8)公告餐飲業油煙異味防制設備技術指引,餐飲管辦門檻之列管家數共計840家,防制設施之裝設率為96.3%。(9) 加嚴鍋爐硫氧化物排放標準,由300ppm降至50ppm,已淘汰所有重油鍋爐。(10) 協和電廠1、2號機已於108年底除役, 3、4號機應如期於113年除役。 三、推動臺北市空氣品質維護區移動污染源管制措施 空氣品質維護區劃設與推動,研擬第二期「空氣品質維護區移動污染源管制措施計畫書」;已於110年8月辦理召開管理單位協商會議及專家諮詢會議,110年10月進行管制措施預告作業,並推動後續之法定作業程序,預訂111年年1月1日起公告實施。 四、改善臭氧8小時值之管制建議 本市近5年O3濃度變化圖顯示,臭氧小時值已達成空氣品質標準。而臭氧8小時值61.8ppb,略高於空氣品質標準60ppb,未來的管制目標為降低臭氧八小時濃度,達成二級防制區。 O3前趨物為氮氧化物及VOC,本市臭氧污染形態為VOC控制(VOC-limited),降低NMHC之排放量應是解決O3問題最佳途徑。以空品模式模擬移動源VOC減量35%之空品改善效果,模擬結果發現,VOC減量對於臭氧8小時98%高值平均可削減3.7ppb,削減率約為4%。保守推估臭氧PR93值達標,需要減少本市移動污染源VOC減量30%,VOC減量目標為6,852公噸 * 30% = 2,056公噸。 本市推動臭氧前趨物減量作業,針對氮氧化物及VOC規劃短期與中期的減量措施;在長期策略方面,由本市的VOC排放量結構顯示,移動源的VOC排放(包含汽車與機車)為第二大的排放來源,推動汽油車的VOC減量,應依據國家長期管制目標與車輛電動化技術更新的進程,推動車輛電動化,減少燃油車輛排放VOC。 五、研擬修訂臺北市空氣污染防制計畫 本市空氣污染防制計畫乃依據空污法第七條規定撰寫,且配合環保署訂定「109-112年空氣污染防制方案」之全國防制目標及執行策略,依本市都會特性來訂定空氣品質及污染物減量目標,透過各項空氣污染防制措施工作規劃與執行,達成空氣品質改善與維護之目的。 本市願景係成為宜居永續城市,而清新空氣是宜居城市的重要指標,讓市民享有安心呼吸的健康空氣,以119年達成世界衛生組織建議PM2.5年平均值(10μg/m3)為長期目標,並持續改善O3空氣污染問題,同時削減NOx及VOCs污染物。 為有效達成改善本市空氣品質的目標,管制分為4大方向、20項防制措施及33項空氣污染管制工作,就執行成效及執行方式定期進行檢討與規劃,各項重要措施包括: (一) 移動污染源管制:運用本市大眾運輸系統便捷優勢,持續提高大眾運輸使用率以減少私人運具使用;另已導入科技執法,取締未定檢機車,並因地制宜劃設空品維護區;持續推廣機、柴油車補助汰舊與改善,並由公務部門率先推動;以及推廣車輛電動化等方式改善車輛廢氣。 (二) 固定污染源管制:改善本市三座焚化廠防制設備;加嚴固定污染源鍋爐硫氧化物排放,輔導場所使用低污染燃料;加油站揮發性有機物管制;制定餐飲業設備規範,輔導餐飲油煙改善等,透過法規輔導以有效降低排放量。 (三) 逸散污染源管制:持續營建工地污染排放管制,並導入電動小型掃街車深入巷弄加強街道洗掃、提高企業責任道路認養、改變民俗習慣減少紙錢燃燒及禁止露天燃燒等工作,積極減少民生污染來源。 (四) 綜合性措施:建構點、線、面3D首都空品監測網,全方位掌握全市各區空品變化及解析污染來源;環保局為市民服務替城市創新,對外便民作業再進化,對內作業E化管理,透過提高行政效率以及線上24小時申請服務,增進民眾滿意度。 六、考評相關執行作業 本計畫除了定期追蹤分析空氣品質變化,每季召開工作檢討會彙總工作成效之外,配合環保署績效考評作業進行4次空氣污染防制計畫書面查核作業;於8月份召開空氣品質淨化區管理與綠牆說明會(1場次),並完成進行四季33處次之現場查核,以及本市空品淨化區認養已於110年達到9處(認養率100%),並輔導5家校園提出綠牆申請補助作業等。 七、宣導、交流作業 年度重點宣導工作配合「臺北市第二期空氣品質維護區」之公告,本計畫協助環保局規劃執行相關宣導作業,透過社群媒體、公車廣告、廣播、路燈旗及電子看板等多元宣導管道,將相關之管制訊息製做成淺顯易懂的政策資訊懶人包,傳達給民眾。 「空氣污染防制縣市交流座談會」1場次,已於110年12月3日辦理,與北空四市分享推動市區公車及公務車電動化經驗及加油站總體檢推動成果。
中文關鍵字 空氣品質


專案計畫編號 經費年度 110 計畫經費 5190 千元
專案開始日期 2021/03/03 專案結束日期 2021/12/20 專案主持人 王嘉弘
主辦單位 臺北市政府環境保護局 承辦人 賴映岑 執行單位 環興科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 110年度臺北市空氣品質改善綜合管理計畫(定稿).pdf 41MB 110年度臺北市空氣品質改善綜合管理計畫(定稿)

2021 Taipei City Air Quality Improvement Integrated Management Plan

英文摘要 The implementation of this plan is to grasp the long-term change trend of air quality in Taipei City, through work effectiveness evaluation and technical support, and then develop appropriate air pollution control countermeasures; integrate and handle various air quality prevention and control strategies to promote the work, Strengthen and enhance the citizens' cooperation to improve the city's air quality concept. Assist in the implementation of the "Taipei City Air Pollution Prevention and Control Fund" and administrative matters related to the air pollution prevention and control business. Assist in revising the pollution reduction actions of the "Taipei City Air Pollution Prevention and Control Plan" and the "Taipei City Clean Air Action White Paper 2.0".The implementation period of this plan is from March 3, 2021 to December 20, 2021. The plan is implemented in accordance with the planned progress. According to the contract, the mid-term work results report has been submitted on July 2, 2021, the first draft of the final report is submitted on November 15, 2021, and in 2021 after being reviewed by the committee on November 29 The final report was submitted on December 13, and the summary of the implementation results of each important work item is as fllows: 1.Air Quality Index and Air Quality Change Trend (1)Air Quality Index (AQI):Statistics on the city’s AQI trends show that the percentage of good air quality (AQI≤50) from January to November 2011 is 55.0%, which shows that the number of stations with poor air quality in Taipei City from January to November 2011 is 51 station days (defective rate) 3.1%), of which the 8-hour value of ozone is 33 stations per day (the defective rate is 2.0%), the fine suspended particulates is 16 per day (the defective rate is 1.0%), and the aerosols is 2 per day (the defective rate is 0.1%). (2)Annual average concentration of Particulate Matter (PM10): In recent years, the city’s annual average concentration of Particulate Matter (PM10) has dropped from its highest value in 2014 to 45.2 μg/m3, showing a downward trend. The average annual concentration in 2010 has dropped to 23.6 μg/m3, showing The city's annual average concentration of suspended particulates shows a trend of continuous improvement. According to statistics, the average concentration from January to October in 2021was 23.9μg/m3 (3)Fine particulate matter (PM2.5): The city’s long-term goal for fine particulate matter is to reach the recommended value of the World Health Organization (10 μg/m3) by 2030. The city’s Shilin and Wanhua manual measurements show that the city’s fine particulate matter The annual average concentration has reached the air quality standard for three consecutive years from 2018 to 2020, and the three-year consecutive average has also been lower than the air quality standard, reaching the fine suspended particulate secondary air pollution prevention zone. From January to October in 2021, the city averaged 11.8 μg/m3 manually. (4)In response to the control measures for the COVID-19 pandemic, the Central Epidemic Command Center announced that Shuangbei (Taipei City, New Taipei City) will raise the epidemic alert to Level 3 from May 15th. The local epidemic situation continues to be severe and the scope of the 3rd-level epidemic alert has been extended to the whole country. Affected by the 3rd-level alert, the scope and time of public activities have been reduced, and the average daily number of passengers on the MRT has decreased by 75%; the non-holiday peak hour traffic flow of traffic into the city and important roads has decreased by an average of 34%; the holiday 24-hour traffic flow has been reduced by an average of 15% The air quality was significantly improved compared to before the implementation of the third level of warning, PM2.5 decreased by 4.37 μg/m3, NO2 decreased by 4.18 ppb, and the hourly maximum average concentration of ozone decreased by 2.87 ppb. (5)Statistics show that air quality improved by 6-43% from 2017 to 2021: Analysis of air quality data for the past five years in Taipei City shows that as of the end of November, 2021, the air quality has shown a trend of improvement year by year compared with that in 2017, with manual PM2. 5 From 15.3 μg/m3 to 11.8 μg/m3, an improvement rate of 23%; sulfur dioxide from 2.8 ppb to 1.6 ppb, an improvement rate of 43%; nitrogen dioxide from 19.7 ppb to 14.4 ppb, an improvement rate of 27%. The high value of ozone in 8 hours (93%), which is reduced from 62.9 ppb to 59.4 ppb, and the improvement rate is 6% 2. Integrate the achievements of the Taipei Clean Air Action Plan In order to enable citizens to enjoy healthy air, the city government team worked tirelessly to achieve the World Health Organization’s recommended PM2.5 annual average of 10μg/m3 in 2030. Clean Air Project 2.0", through the three major aspects of "low pollution, green transportation, and regional joint defense", this project assists in the compilation of the results of the ten major action plans as follows: (1) The introduction of a high-polluting vehicle control platform, scientific and technological law enforcement to inspect highly polluting vehicles, increase the regular inspection rate of locomotives by about 73% by November 2021, and set up the first phase of the empty maintenance zone according to local conditions, starting from January 1, 2021 Implementation; (2) As of November 2021, Taipei City has eliminated 2,608 large diesel vehicles of Phase 1~3, and installed 352 sets of smoke filters (including 187 sets of environmentally friendly clean vehicles and 165 sets of other public service departments) (3) According to statistics, from 2016 to November 2021, about 113,000 two-stroke locomotives have been eliminated, and there are about 32,000 remaining in the city. (4) A total of 48 electric buses were on the road in May 2021, and the goal was to fully electrify buses in 2030. (5) In 2019, the first phase of 16 commercial districts (accounting for 10.2%) has been completed, and from 2019 to 2021, the second phase of the implementation of the second phase of MRT stations will complete the city's 27% of the city's roadside locomotive parking space charges. (6) As of November 2021, 610 charging and replacement stations have been completed, and the construction density has reached 2 locations per square kilometer. According to statistics, as of November 110, 1,507 electric motor vehicles have been purchased, accounting for 25.5%. In 2021, the goal is to fully electrify official vehicles. (7) The Capital Monitoring Network of 1 Administrative District and 1 Station has been completed. (8) Announce the technical guidelines for oil fume and odor control equipment in the catering industry, and by May 2021, A total of 840 restaurants under the threshold of catering management. The ratio of air pollution control facilities is 96.3%. (9) Stricter boiler sulfur oxide emission standards, from 300ppm to 50ppm, and all heavy oil boilers have been eliminated. (10) Units 1 and 2 of Xiehe Power Plant were decommissioned at the end of 108, and Units 3 and 4 should be decommissioned in 113 as scheduled. 3. Promote the control measures of mobile pollution sources in Taipei's air quality maintenance zone Air quality maintenance zone design and promotion, the second phase of the "Air Quality Maintenance Zone Mobile Pollution Control Measures Plan" was developed; The management unit consultation meeting and expert consultation meeting have been handled in August 2021. The control measures will be announced in October 2021, and the follow-up statutory operating procedures will be promoted. The announcement will be implemented on January 1, 2022. 4. Suggestions for improving the 8-hour value of ozone control The changes in O3 concentration in the city in the past five years show that the hourly ozone value has reached air quality standards. The 8-hour value of ozone is 61.8 ppb, which is slightly higher than the air quality standard of 60 ppb. The future control goal is to reduce the eight-hour ozone concentration and achieve a secondary prevention zone. O3 precursors are nitrogen oxides and VOCs. The ozone pollution form in this city is VOC-limited. Reducing NMHC emissions should be the best way to solve the O3 problem. The air quality improvement effect of mobile source VOC reduction of 35% is simulated in the empty product mode. The simulation results show that the VOC reduction can reduce an average of 3.7 ppb for the high value of 98% of ozone in 8 hours, and the reduction rate is about 4%. It is conservatively estimated that the PR93 value of ozone meets the standard, and it is necessary to reduce the VOC reduction of the city's mobile pollution sources by 30%. The VOC reduction target is 6,852 metric tons * 30% = 2,056 metric tons. The city promotes ozone precursor reduction operations, planning short-term and mid-term reduction measures for nitrogen oxides and VOC; in terms of long-term strategies, the city’s VOC emission structure shows that VOC emissions from mobile sources (including automobiles and locomotives) are The second largest source of emissions is to promote the reduction of VOCs from gasoline vehicles. It should be based on the country's long-term control goals and the process of vehicle electrification technology updates to promote vehicle electrification and reduce VOC emissions from fuel-fueled vehicles. 5. Revised Taipei City’s Air Pollution Control Plan The city’s air pollution prevention and control plan is written in accordance with Article 7 of the Air Pollution Law, and is coordinated with the National Environmental Protection Agency’s "109-112 Air Pollution Prevention and Control Plan" national control goals and implementation strategies, according to the city’s urban characteristics To set air quality and pollutant reduction targets, and achieve the goal of air quality improvement and maintenance through the planning and implementation of various air pollution prevention measures. The city’s vision is to become a livable and sustainable city, and fresh air is an important indicator of a livable city, so that citizens can enjoy healthy air to breathe at ease, and achieve the World Health Organization’s recommended PM2.5 annual average (10μg/m3) in 119 As a long-term goal, and continue to improve the O3 air pollution problem, while reducing NOx and VOCs pollutants. In order to effectively achieve the goal of improving the city’s air quality, the control is divided into 4 major directions, 20 prevention measures and 33 air pollution control tasks. Regular reviews and plans are carried out on implementation effectiveness and implementation methods. Various important measures include: (1)Mobile source control: use the convenient advantages of the city’s public transportation system to continuously increase the utilization rate of public transportation to reduce the use of private transportation; in addition, scientific and technological law enforcement has been introduced, unscheduled locomotives have been banned, and an empty maintenance zone has been set up according to local conditions; continued to promote aircraft, Diesel vehicles are subsidized for obsolescence and improvement, and the civil service department is the first to promote; and promote the use of electric vehicles to improve vehicle exhaust. (2)Stationary source control: improve the prevention and control equipment of the three incineration plants in the city; tighten the emission of sulfur oxides from boilers with fixed sources of pollution, counsel places to use low-polluting fuels; control volatile organic compounds at gas stations; formulate equipment specifications for the catering industry, and counsel catering to improve oil fume, etc. , Through legal counseling to effectively reduce emissions. (3)Fugitive source control: continue construction site pollution emission control, and introduce electric small street sweepers into the lanes to strengthen street cleaning, improve corporate responsibility road adoption, change folk customs, reduce paper money burning and prohibit open burning, etc., and actively reduce people's livelihood Source of pollution. (4)Comprehensive measures: construct a point, line, and plane 3D air quality monitoring network in the capital to fully grasp the changes in air quality in all districts of the city and analyze the source of pollution; the Environmental Protection Agency serves citizens to innovate for the city, evolves externally convenient operations, internal operations E Management, through improving administrative efficiency and online 24-hour application service, increase public satisfaction. 6. Implementation of Annual Projects Evaluation In addition to regularly tracking and analyzing changes in air quality, this plan holds quarterly work review meetings to summarize work results, and cooperates with the Environmental Protection Agency's performance appraisal operations to conduct 4 written air pollution control plan reviews; an air quality purification zone will be held in August Management and green wall briefing (1 session), and completed 33 on-site inspections in the four seasons, and the adoption of the city’s air purification zone reached 8 in 2021 (adoption rate of 100%), and counseled the campus to propose green walls Apply for subsidized homework, etc. 7. Advocacy and promotion The annual key publicity work is in line with the announcement of the "Phase II Air Quality Maintenance Zone in Taipei City". This project assists the Environmental Protection Agency in planning and implementing related publicity work through social media, bus advertisements, broadcasts, street lights, and electronic billboards. Propaganda channels, make relevant control messages into easy-to-understand policy information lazy packages, and convey them to the public. One session of "Air Pollution Prevention and Control Counties and Cities Exchange Symposium" was handled in December 2021, and shared the experience of promoting the electrification of urban buses and official vehicles and the results of the overall inspection and promotion of gas stations with 4 cities in the northern air quality zone.
英文關鍵字 Air quality