

中文摘要 澎湖縣為我國離島縣位於臺灣海峽上,由澎湖群島所組成,以澎湖水道與臺灣本島之雲林縣、嘉義縣相望。澎湖縣四面環海,轄有1市5鄉共有6個鄉市,人口有六成定居於馬公市,早期經濟活動以漁業為主,隨著漁業資源比重降低,現已轉型為以觀光為主。 澎湖縣每年夏季的花火節與水上活動帶來人潮,觀光遊客透過航空或輪船前來旅遊,108年旅遊人次達最高峰1,286千人次,109年受第一波疫情影響降為1,143千人次,110年受第二波疫情影響,截至10月底觀光人次僅502千人次。 澎湖縣設有環保署馬公站監測各項污染物空氣品質,AQI>100占比,由107年8.77%降至109年6.56%,110年統計至11月為4.19%,其中O3_8hr占3.89%(13日),PM2.5占0.33%(1日),皆有逐年下降趨勢。 歷年O3_8hr超標日主要分布於3~5月及9~11月,PM2.5分布於1~3月及10~12月,且近三年僅於1月有發生。 各項污染物中,PM2.5手動站107~109年的年平均與24hr_98%高值符合空氣品質標準達二級防制區;O3_ 8hr_93%高值107~109三年平均為70.5ppb,高於空氣品質標準60ppb,為未來防護及管制重點。 針對環保署110/7/1公告之排放清冊TEDS11.0,透過與前版TEDS10.1進行各類污染源排放量變化比較,PM10及PM2.5均以裸露地表占比最高(62.6%及57.8%);SOx及NOx均以電力業占比最高(49.3%及41%);NMHC以一般消費占42.1%最高。 澎湖縣110年空氣污染防制計畫書有9項管制策略,截至11月底已全數達成量化目標,其中有3項具減量效益的策略,截至11月底PM10,PM2.5,NOx,NMHC目標達成率均已大於100%。 除現有污防書管制策略外,檢討TEDS11排放量增大之精進管制策略有3項,包括:1.「施工機具」為環保署重點推動管制策略,將透過營建計畫進行轄境內施工機具之清查,並配合署政策逐年汰舊更新。2.「一般消費」需由中央進行低VOCs產品源頭管制,本縣則配合宣導推動採購環保標章產品。3.「航空器」中央已關注航空燃油低硫化政策,後續透過該政策實施期程,可有效降低SOx排放量。 本計畫按照澎湖縣空氣品質維護/改善督導查核標準作業流程,檢核各子計畫月報/季報/半年度等資料,截至11月底各子計畫尚未有遲交情形。依據考評指標彙整量化執行成果,已完成11月自評分數並召開6場與子計畫之工作會議,提升整體執行成效。「空氣品質不良嚴重惡化緊急應變辦法」執行情形,截至110年11月發生預警二級以上總計12次,均已落實子計畫通報查處作業,並按時回報署網站。並於11月底召開應變演練會前會及正式會議,建立跨局處LINE群組,俾利未來AQI>150可以即時通報各局處進行應變。 空品淨化區執行成果,聯合縣府相關局處推展環境綠美化,減少裸露地風蝕揚塵排放,每人享有青青草園面積由99年8.85m2/人上升至110 年11月12.3 m2/人;計有4處空氣品質淨化區由民間企業認養,110年本計畫並已媒合白沙鄉赤崁國小申請環保署綠牆補助,並輔導其申請設置。
中文關鍵字 空氣污染防制計畫書、空品淨化區、排放清冊、空品不良查處、空氣品質維護


專案計畫編號 經費年度 110 計畫經費 4000 千元
專案開始日期 2021/01/21 專案結束日期 2021/12/31 專案主持人 潘一誠
主辦單位 澎湖縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 黃紫羿 執行單位 鼎環工程顧問股份有限公司


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期末報告 110年澎湖縣空氣品質管理發展計畫期末報告(定稿).pdf 20MB 期末報告定稿


英文摘要 Penghu County is an outlying island county in my country. It is located on the Taiwan Strait and consists of the Penghu Islands. It faces Yunlin County and Chiayi County on the main island of Taiwan by the Penghu Waterway. Surrounded by the sea, Penghu County has 1 city, 5 townships and a total of 6 townships and cities. 60% of the population lives in Magong City. The early economic activities were mainly fishery. With the decrease of the proportion of fishery resources, it has been transformed into tourism. The fireworks festivals and water activities in Penghu County bring people crowds every summer. Tourists come to travel by air or boat. In 2019, the number of tourists reached a peak of 1,286,000. In 2020, the number of tourists dropped to 1,143,000 due to the first wave of the epidemic. Affected by the second wave of the epidemic in 2019, the number of tourists as of the end of October was only 502,000. Penghu County has an Environmental Protection Agency Magong Station to monitor the air quality of various pollutants. The proportion of AQI>100 dropped from 8.77% in 107 to 6.56% in 109, and 4.19% from 110 to November, of which O3_8hr accounted for 3.89% , PM2.5 accounted for 0.33% , both of which have a downward trend year by year. Over the years, the O3_8hr excess days were mainly distributed in March to May and September to November, and the PM2.5 was distributed in January to March and October to December, and only occurred in January in the past three years. Among the pollutants, the annual average and 24hr_98% high value of PM2.5 manual station from 2018 to 2020 meet the air quality standard and reach the second-level control area; the high value of O3_8hr_93% from 2018 to 2020 is 70.5ppb on average in three years, which is 60ppb higher than the air quality standard, which is the focus of future protection and control. Regarding the emission inventory TEDS11.0 announced by the Environmental Protection Agency, by comparing the changes in emissions from various pollution sources with the previous version of TEDS10.1, both PM10 and PM2.5 accounted for the highest proportions (62.6% and 57.8%) on bare ground; SOx and NOx Both the electricity industry accounted for the highest proportion (49.3% and 41%); the NMHC was the highest with general consumption accounting for 42.1%. Penghu County's 110-year air pollution control plan has 9 control strategies, all of which have achieved quantitative targets by the end of November, including 3 strategies with reduction benefits. By the end of November, PM10, PM2.5, NOx, NMHC targets have been achieved The rate is more than 100%. In addition to the existing pollution control strategy, there are 3 advanced control strategies to review the increase in TEDS11 emissions, including: 1. "Construction equipment" is the key control strategy promoted by the Environmental Protection Agency. Inventory, and cooperate with the department's policy to eliminate the old and update it year by year. 2. "General consumption" requires the central government to control the source of low VOCs products, and the county will cooperate with the promotion and promote the purchase of environmentally friendly label products. 3. The "aircraft" center has paid attention to the low-sulfur policy of aviation fuel, and the implementation of this policy can effectively reduce SOx emissions. This project checks the monthly/quarterly/semi-annual reports of each sub-project in accordance with the standard operating procedures for air quality maintenance/improvement supervision and inspection in Penghu County. As of the end of November, there is no late submission of each sub-project. According to the evaluation indicators, the quantitative implementation results have been aggregated, and the self-rating scores in November have been completed and 6 working meetings with sub-projects have been held to improve the overall implementation effectiveness. The implementation of the "Emergency Response Measures for Serious Deterioration of Poor Air Quality", as of November 2021, has occurred a total of 12 times of warning level 2 or above, and all of them have implemented sub-plans to report and investigate and report to the Department's website on time. At the end of November, a pre-meeting meeting and a formal meeting of the contingency exercise will be held, and an inter-office LINE group will be established, so that the future AQI>150 can immediately notify all bureaus to respond. As for the implementation results of the air purification zone, the relevant bureaus of the county government jointly promoted the greening and beautification of the environment to reduce the wind erosion and dust emission on the bare ground. A total of 4 air quality purification zones have been adopted by private enterprises. In the 110-year plan, Chikan Elementary School in Baisha Township has been matched to apply for a green wall subsidy from the Environmental Protection Agency, and they have been guided in their application and setup.
英文關鍵字 air quality status, capacity of environment