

中文摘要 本計畫主要工作項目包括固定污染源法規符合度查核並運用科學儀器輔助稽查、特定行業別清普查、環境監測及稽查檢測、空污事件緊急應變等。 固定污染源查核對象以先公後私、先大後小的治理原則,針對各工業區及臺中港區等重點管制區域、屬特定行業管制規範或各排放量前50大之工廠為優先進行查核,並配合大型固定污染源跨科室專案稽查、監測車及微型感測器的污染高潛勢熱區熱區等執行深度查核,查核時運用科學儀器輔助查核稽查。統計至110年12月31日止,已執行609家次法規符合度查核,159家次逸散管辦查核及106家次特定行業清普查作業,期間也配合大型污染源跨科室查核25家次,查核臺中港石化專區12家次,污染潛勢熱區查核等,共查獲50家次違反空污法,新增列管121家。違規樣態包括未依許可證核定內容操作、未妥善收集廢氣、無操作許可證逕行操作、排放標準超標、未確實申報及逸散管辦缺失等。 管道稽查檢測則執行63家,包含PSN、戴奧辛、重金屬等項目,查獲1家粒狀物及氮氧化物超過排放標準及1家無機酸超標。於環保署指定執行監測之大里測站,完成2季次有害空氣污染物環境濃度監測,包含戴奧辛、重金屬、揮發性有機物、醛酮化合物、酸鹼性氣體、多環芳香烴等項目。加油站查核方面,本項工作係搭配定期檢測與稽查檢測之氣漏測試及加油槍油氣回收比之監督檢測一併執行,計畫執行期間已完成54站次法規符合度查核作業、20站次氣漏檢及402槍氣油比檢測,均符合規定。另使用火焰離子化偵測器(FID),對加油站分區量測,包含站房、卸油口、加油島、油槽等區域,並於健行加油站卸油口量測到高值(397ppm),立即要求檢修墊片並旋緊,減少油氣洩漏。 計畫期間協助循環經濟減煤獎勵原則訂定,並協助完成評比。因應110年5月10日環保署已公布修正「空氣污染事件應變處理標準作業」協助修訂「臺中市空氣污染事件緊急應變作業要點」以及環保局點交微型感測器後,完成50處煙道感測器的布建。
中文關鍵字 固定污染源、法規符合度查核、科學儀器應用、環境監測及稽查檢測、空污事件緊急應變


專案計畫編號 經費年度 110 計畫經費 35300 千元
專案開始日期 2021/04/01 專案結束日期 2021/12/31 專案主持人 卓啟弘
主辦單位 臺中市政府環境保護局 承辦人 卓延穎 執行單位 台灣曼寧工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 110年臺中市固定污染源查核暨特定行業別清普查計畫_期末報告定稿本.pdf 24MB 110年臺中市固定污染源查核暨特定行業別清普查計畫_期末報告定稿本

Taichung City's 2021 Project of Inspection of Stationary Pollution Sources and General Survey of Specific Industries

英文摘要 The main work items of this project include the legal compliance inspection of stationary pollution sources, general survey of specific industries, environmental monitoring and inspection and air pollution emergency response, with the use of scientific instruments to assist the inspection. Based on the principle of "public before private" and "large before small", the priority of the stationary pollution sources inspection objects was given to key control areas such as industrial areas and the Taichung Port area, as well as factories within the control scope of specific industries or ranking top 50 in emission. In addition, an in-depth inspection was carried out in conjunction with the cross-departmental special inspection of large-scale stationary pollution sources, with monitoring vehicles and micro sensors in high potential hot areas. Scientific instruments were used to assist the inspection. According to statistics, as of Dec 31, 2021, 609 factory-times of legal compliance inspection, 159 factory-times of inspection on emission control, and 106 factory-times of general survey of specific industries have been carried out. During this period, 25 factory-times of cross-departmental inspection of large-scale stationary pollution sources, and 12 factory-times of Taichung Port petrochemical zone inspection and potential hot areas of pollution have been carried out. A total of 50 factory-times of violation of the Air Pollution Act were detected, and 121 more factories were added on the control list. The violation patterns include not operating in accordance with the approved content of the license, not collecting waste gas properly, operating without a license, exceeding the emission standard, lack of accurate reporting and Escape management is missing. Pipeline inspection and testing were carried out in 63 factories which covered items such as PSN, dioxin and heavy metals, and one was found to have particulate matters and nitrogen oxides exceeding the emission standard and one inorganic acid exceeds the standard. The environmental concentration monitoring of hazardous air pollutants, including dioxins, heavy metals, volatile organic compounds, aldehydes and ketones, acid-base gases and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, was completed 2 seasons of Dali monitoring station designated by the Environmental Protection Agency. In the aspect of gas station inspection, the work was carried out together with the gas leakage test of the regular inspection and the supervision and inspection of the oil gas recovery ratio of the refueling gun. During the implementation of the project, 54 station-times of legal compliance inspections, 20 station-times of gas leakage test and 402 times of gas oil ratio test of the refueling gun have been completed, and all of the stations met the requirements. In addition, FID was used to measure the gas station by area, including the areas of station building, fueling port, fueling island and oil tank. The high value (397 ppm) was measured at the fueling port of Jianxing gas station. The station was immediately requested to repair the gasket and tighten it immediately to reduce gas leakage. During the project period, the principle of coal reduction award for circular economy was formulated, and and assist in the completion of the evaluation. In response to the revised "Standard Operations for Response to Air Pollution Incidents" issued by the Environmental Protection Agency on May 10, 2021, assistance was provided in revising the "Key Points Taichung City’s Emergency Response to Air Pollution Incidents" and the acceptance of micro sensors by the Environmental Protection Bureau, Complete the construction of 50 sensors.
英文關鍵字 stationary pollution source, checks for mandatory compliance, application of scientific instruments, environmental monitoring and inspection, emergency action on air pollution incident.