

中文摘要 行政院環境保護署本(110)年度委託辦理「110年度一般廢棄物管理資訊系統提升專案工作計畫」,本計畫係延續「生活廢棄資源管理三年(102-104)行動計畫」,於104年完成系統建置。依循過去五年工作成果,持續推動一般廢棄物相關申報管理工作。本(110)年度具體成果如下: 1. 提升一般廢棄物量能管理能力:配合循環經濟政策推動,依循管理流向研析量能,並與相關管理系統介接資訊數據,採自動化擷取程序介接,以落實資料正確性與品質管控,另建立關鍵數據面板,以視覺化圖表輔助決策。 2. 優化生活廢棄物質管理資訊系統業務管理功能:配合一般廢棄物業務管理單位優化系統功能,如:建置統計查詢報表、研擬交叉勾稽機制、乾電池審核程序落實分權管理、公務報表申報解鎖管理等,以提升系統填報正確性及數據統計功能。 3. 強化生活廢棄物質管理資訊系統網站溝通能力:新增「環境組織」分眾使用功能,依受眾屬性規劃使用功能及導覽內容,並更新民眾專區版面涉及配置、優化閱覽動線,以提升網站宣導溝通能力。 4. 本定期維運系統資訊安全並依各項電子化作業規定,輔導地方執行機關確實依時填報並維持資料品質,亦配合辦理110年度環保署業務移交,協助各單位系統操作使用及帳號管理,以持續推動一般廢棄物線上作業程序
中文關鍵字 一般廢棄物管理、生活廢棄物質管理資訊系統、循環經濟


專案計畫編號 經費年度 110 計畫經費 5900 千元
專案開始日期 2021/06/01 專案結束日期 2021/12/15 專案主持人 陳冠榮
主辦單位 環境督察總隊 承辦人 白旭峯 執行單位 信諾科技有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 110年一般廢棄物管理資訊系統提升專案工作計畫(公開版).pdf 17MB 110年一般廢棄物管理資訊系統提升專案工作計畫(公開版)

2021 General Waste Management Information System Upgrade Project

英文摘要 The "Work Plan for 2021 General Waste Management Information System Upgrade Project" is commissioned by the Environmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan this year (2021) as the continuation of "Three-Year (2013-2015) Action Plan for the Management of Domestic Waste Resources" completed in 2015. The general waste declaration and management are being promoted as the continuation of the work results of previous five years. The following results are produced this year (2021): 1. Improve general waste quantity management capabilities: cooperate with the promotion of circular economy policies, follow the management flow to study the volume and quantity, interface with relevant management systems for information and data, and use automated retrieval procedures for data accuracy and quality control, while establishing key data bulletins to help decision-making with visualization. 2. Optimize the management functions of the domestic waste quality management information system: optimize the system functions with general waste business management units; for example, building statistical query reports, developing cross-checking mechanisms, implementing decentralized management for battery review procedures, and unlocking management of official report declarations, etc., as to improve the correctness of system reporting and data statistics function. 3. Strengthen the communication ability of the domestic waste management information system website: the function of "environmental organization" is added to focus on the planning of function use and navigation content according to users’ attributes, and the layout of the public area is updated involving configuration and optimization of reading lines, as to improve the promotion and communication skills of the website. 4. This regular maintenance project is focused on system information security and helping local implementation agencies to submit reports and maintain the quality of the data on time in accordance with electronic operation regulations. It also involves assisting all units in system operations and account management with the EPA business handover in 2021 as an effort to continuously promote the online procedures for general waste management.
英文關鍵字 Management of general waste, Household waste management system, Circular Economy