

中文摘要 有鑑於空氣污染物隨著氣流運動而傳遞之跨境傳輸現象,我國空氣品質於特定氣象條件下,會受到鄰近國家排放空氣污染物長程傳輸之影響。本計畫以中國大陸、日本、韓國等鄰近國家為解析對象,主要工作項目包含蒐集、研析鄰近國家空氣品質監測數據以及空氣污染防制法規政策等相關資訊,運用模擬工具推估不同國家境外傳輸空氣污染物對我國空氣品質之影響,並藉由辦理研討會持續推動兩岸交流與合作平臺。 本計畫執行期間,已完成中國大陸、日本及韓國環境空氣品質標準管制項目與限值之蒐集、彙整以及各國近年空氣品質數據變化趨勢與新冠肺炎疫情對各國空氣品質變化影響之解析;同時完成中國大陸、日本與韓國空氣污染防制相關法規政策與重點措施之彙整、研析,並提出可供我國參採之建議;針對不同國家境外傳輸空氣污染物對我國空氣品質之影響,已彙整不同國家空氣污染物排放資料,並完成四層模擬範圍之境外傳輸空氣污染物以及嚴重特殊傳染性肺炎(COVID-19)(以下簡稱新冠肺炎)疫情對我國空氣品質影響之模擬與分析,以及藉由比對分析中國大陸北部省分與蒙古國之衛星遙測資料,解析近年綠化狀況及沙漠化現象變化情形;針對推動兩岸交流之相關工作,原規劃辦理之「海峽兩岸空氣品質管理交流研討會」,因應新冠肺炎疫情之影響,提出契約變更需求,並獲環保署同意刪除辦理交流研討會之相關工作,以及刪減對應工作經費。
中文關鍵字 空氣品質變化趨勢、國民經濟和社會發展第十四個五年規劃、大氣污染防止法、清淨空氣保護法案、細懸浮微粒及臭氧污染管制措施、境外傳輸空氣污染、空氣品質模擬、沙漠化、衛星遙測數據


專案計畫編號 經費年度 110 計畫經費 4169.279 千元
專案開始日期 2021/10/15 專案結束日期 2022/10/14 專案主持人 陳依琪
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 張育瑋 執行單位 財團法人工業技術研究院


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 110A269(公開版).pdf 13MB

Analyses on the Air Quality and Regulations and Strategies Conducted to Control Air pollution in the Neighboring Countries and the Effect of Transboundary Air Pollution on the Air Quality in Taiwan

英文摘要 Transport of air pollutants in the atmosphere causes transboundary air pollution under some specific meteorological conditions. In addition to China, which is the major contributor of transboundary air pollution to the air quality in Taiwan, air pollutant emissions from other countries in East Asia would affect the air quality in Taiwan as well. Accordingly, the major tasks of this project include (1) analyzing the air quality data and the laws, regulations and strategies conducted to control air pollution in the neighboring countries including China, Japan and Republic of Korea (Korea); (2) analyzing the effect of transboundary air pollution on the air quality in Taiwan; and (3) holding a conference in the field of air quality improvement to promote the cross-Straits communication and cooperation. At the moment of finishing this final report, the air quality standards and monitoring data, and the air pollution control laws, regulations and strategies conducted in China, Japan and Korea have been collected and analyzed. Moreover, the emission data of the neighboring countries including China, Japan and Korea have been collected and analyzed. CMAQ model was applied to analyze the effects of air pollutant emissions from China and Korea on the air quality in Taiwan and the effect of COVID-19 Pandemic on the air quality in Taiwan as well. In addition, changes in desertification in China and Mongolia have been analyzed by comparing the satellite remote sensing data of 2000 and 2020. Take the COVID-19 Pandemic into consideration, the relevant works of the planned conference has been deleted with the approval of EPA.
英文關鍵字 Changing Trends of Air Quality, 14th Five Year Plan, Air Pollution Control Act, Clean Air Conservation Act, Fine Particulate Matter (PM2.5) and Ozone (O3) Control Measures, Transboundary Air Pollution, Air Quality Modelling, Desertification, Satellite Remote Sensing Data