

中文摘要 本計畫之執行,乃依據契約所定之工作項目與內容,並配合環保局要求執行各項工作。本計畫契約金額為新臺幣柒佰玖拾捌萬元整,執行期程自簽約日110年1月4日起至110年12月31日止。本計畫設計畫主持人1名、專案經理1名、行政人員2名及專案稽查員4名。 期末階段統計至110年11月10日止(以下簡稱期末前),量化進度表請參詳第一章表1.3.2-1所示,同時並提出本期末工作成果報告,各項工作成果及契約期末目標達成率(以下簡稱契約達成率)如下所述: 本計畫契約目標達成率: 1-1經常性棄置垃圾包之髒亂點、路邊堆置廢棄物及垃圾產生源等一般環境衛生違規採證工作和1-3菸蒂違規採證工作及1-4-1採證違規任意張貼廣告之污染行為人包含事證調查合併計算達938件達成率100%,辦理觀光景點或髒亂點環境清理使用50萬元達成率100%。1-2遛狗留便違規採證工作共14件達成率100%。辦理違規張貼小廣告停話作業50件達成率100%。每月執行1次羅馬旗幟全面性稽巡查作業共176次達成率100%。列管髒亂點之巡查工作491件、空地空屋陳情案件現場稽查167件達成率100%。 辦理列管公廁查核巡檢799座、辦理環保署指定公廁巡檢規劃巡查作法並據以執行400座、辦理公廁巡檢缺失發函通知改善並完成複查27座、輔導優等級公廁改善缺失升等特優級公廁70座、推動公廁促進認養105座、辦理優質如廁文化推廣活動2場次,契約達成率100%。規劃提出111年環保署補助案規劃報告書及協助執行110年「改善公廁暨提升優質公廁推動計畫」補助案,契約達成率100%。 110年共辦理環境友善日活動70場次、提供環境友善日等活動宣導品30萬元、規劃辦理環境衛生改善作法68萬元及辦理環境衛生相關教育訓練活動3場次及協助辦理夜間及例假日人民環境衛生陳情案件55件、配合本局相關活動及政策提供新聞稿1則,契約達成率100%。
中文關鍵字 經常性棄置垃圾包、公廁促進認養、優質如廁文化


專案計畫編號 經費年度 110 計畫經費 3800 千元
專案開始日期 2021/01/04 專案結束日期 2023/12/31 專案主持人 何雍泰
主辦單位 新竹市環境保護局 承辦人 蔡綺玲 執行單位 亞鑫環保科技有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 110年環境衛生成果報告.pdf 4MB

英文摘要 The implementation of this plan is based on the work items and content stipulated in the contract, and cooperates with the Environmental Protection Bureau to implement various tasks. The contract amount of this project is NT$7,900,000, and the implementation period starts from January 4, 2011 to December 31, 2011. This plan has 1 host, 1 project manager, 2 administrative staff and 4 project inspectors. The statistics at the end of the period will end on November 10, 2011 (hereinafter referred to as before the end of the period). For the quantitative schedule, please refer to Table 1.3.2-1 in Chapter 1. At the same time, a report on the work results at the end of the period, various work results and contracts The end-of-term target achievement rate (hereinafter referred to as the contract achievement rate) is as follows: The target achievement rate of this project contract: 1-1 General environmental sanitation violation evidence collection work such as dirty spots where garbage bags are often discarded, roadside piles of waste, and garbage generation sources; 1-3 Cigarette butt violation evidence collection work and 1 -4-1 The polluters who violated the regulations and posted advertisements arbitrarily, including factual evidence investigations, had a combined calculation of 938 cases with a 100% achievement rate, and a 100% achievement rate of using 500,000 yuan for cleaning up tourist attractions or dirty spots. 1-2 A total of 14 cases of illegal evidence collection by walking the dog and leaving stool have a 100% success rate. 100% completion rate for 50 cases of posting small advertisements in violation of regulations and stopping calls. A total of 176 comprehensive inspections of the Roman flag were carried out once a month, with a success rate of 100%. There were 491 inspections of dirty spots, and 167 on-site inspections of vacant land and vacant houses with a success rate of 100%. Handled inspection and inspection of 799 public toilets under management, handled 400 public toilet inspection planning and inspection practices designated by the Environmental Protection Agency and implemented them accordingly, handled public toilet inspection deficiencies and sent letters to notify improvement and completed re-inspection for 27 public toilets, and guided public toilets with excellent grades to improve and upgrade deficiencies, etc. There are 70 premium public toilets, 105 public toilets are promoted to promote adoption, and 2 high-quality toilet culture promotion activities are held, and the contract completion rate is 100%. Planning and submitting the 111-year Environmental Protection Agency subsidy planning report and assisting in the implementation of the 110-year "Public Toilet Improvement and High-quality Public Toilet Promotion Plan" subsidy project, with a 100% contract completion rate. In 110 years, a total of 70 environmental friendly day activities have been handled, 300,000 yuan of publicity materials for environmental friendly days and other activities have been provided, 680,000 yuan for planning and handling of environmental sanitation improvement practices, 3 sessions of environmental sanitation-related education and training activities, and assistance in handling nighttime and public holidays There were 55 public environmental sanitation complaint cases, and 1 press release was provided to cooperate with the relevant activities and policies of the Bureau, and the contract completion rate was 100%.
英文關鍵字 regular dumping of garbage bags, promotion of adoption in public toilets, high-quality toilet culture