

中文摘要 本年度建置平臺九大項執行主要成果如下: (一)維持平臺功能 1.主系統 依使用者意見優化平臺友善度,包含事業資料可批次查詢、案件修改及覆核機制;智慧邏輯訊息WEB介面等功能;透過其他業務資料加值服務,以加強資訊顯示豐富度。 2.GIS系統 依使用者意見強化GIS,為配合工廠管理輔導法生效後,執行臨時登記工廠之督察管理工作,滾動式更新臨登工廠查詢資料及圖層,有助於在第一時間提供督察人員了解臨登工廠狀況以及新增農田水利灌溉渠道系統圖,強化了整體的督察效益。 3.子系統 今年度針對督察APP於10月前共更新了2個版次,解決了一直以來的使用問題,包含新增行程功能,督察人員可直接透過平板預排行程等功能,於10月辦理了三場次的教育訓練,在教育訓練中使用者對APP的提問狀況與過往相比已減少許多,由此可見目前的督察APP已可滿足現行督察工作需求。 (二)確保資料介接正常運作 平臺已完成蒐集16個各業務單位資料,已全為自動介接方式取得,共386張資料表。 (三)研析潛勢行為邏輯 透過資深督察人員之專業知識、思維邏輯及多年經驗,並藉由電腦的進階分析,建立各種不同型態督察案件實績範例,以傳承現場督察經驗與提升督察效率,本計畫持續充實督察相關資料,建置事業異常資料分析平臺,以現有事業許可及申報資料為基礎建立分析模組,以利督察人員快速查找事業異常狀況並自動將分析結果導入子系統(APP)內,使其至現場時可依循異常項目進行督察。 (四)研析單一事業之「環境負荷潛勢狀態表」 督察人員可快速查閱單一事業之「環境負荷潛勢狀態表」重點資訊,內容包含事業基本資料、異常資料、環境負荷潛勢及必要圖示等,供督察人員快速檢視及了解。 (五)研析特定督察案件關聯性 依照廢棄物流向關係性做為關聯標記,從一張圖中可以看出廢棄物收受、產出、清運關係、廢棄物項目、數量、清運對象等資訊。可快速掌握事業上下游各別所「申報數量是否一致」。 (六)研析違法機率推論分析模型 過去執行4年的事業異常資料分析方向主要以事業基本資料及申報資料為依據進行勾稽邏輯的建立,但部分操作問題不易看出異常,但隨著大數據應用的發展,違法行為可利用推論統計的模式達到預測的效果,故今年度的資料分析主軸由敘述性統計演變為推論統計,依本計畫針對過去的違反行為進行檢視,研析結果以「操作問題」的預測模型具有相當高的精確度,模型可以藉由自變量因子有效預測是否會有操作問題違規。 但,「許可問題」、「申報問題」分析結果,仍以過去的敘述性統計之精確度較高,可達80%以上。 (七)調整平臺圖表展示方法 針對督察議題以直覺可視化呈現進行工作方法說明,範疇如環保署三區督察大隊作業狀況等內容揭示,並在圖表設計上納入點選特定資料標籤,可觸發相關資訊,以提升查察廣度 (八)研析GIS系統平臺展示事業環境負荷潛勢區域模式 過去4年所開發之「地理資訊系統 GIS平臺」功能,以圖像方式展現事業之地理資訊,並同時提供事業資料、環域資訊、溯源查詢以及平板定位等空間資訊掌握。而110年度將於「地理資訊系統 GIS平臺」研析導入「環境負荷潛勢區域」功能,使督察人員能更直覺地找出可疑對象,以利其發動督察,減少事前作業時間。 (九)研析督察助理(Grace)語音試驗版功能 使用Actions on google支援的語意解析工具,透過Server上整合Dialogflow,逐步建構語音雛型。先從詢問管制編號或名稱提問事業資料,導入該類服務架構,作法逐一從語意研析、語意建模,語意訓練等方式,最終導入3項查詢(如功能操作、污染法規及事業資料)功能及1項工作指派服務(預排行程)。 (十)辦理平臺功能及資料解析增能說明會 今年因應疫情關係教育訓練採視訊方式,主要針對「現有系統功能之提升及其操作方式」與「系統新開發功能」為主以及說明異常邏輯整體架構,掌握事業資料及異常資料並解讀異常樣態,有效提升操作流暢度。 (十一)協調彙整客服意見及溝通管理 本計畫執行期間,仍秉持者服務精神繼續為使用者提供良好與暢通的服務管道進行意見反應或諮詢。持續進行其他行政作業,包含例行工作會議等行政事務工作處理。
中文關鍵字 督察、環保業務、資料取得、智慧邏輯


專案計畫編號 經費年度 110 計畫經費 8960 千元
專案開始日期 2021/02/19 專案結束日期 2021/11/30 專案主持人 陳映任
主辦單位 環境督察總隊 承辦人 蕭一川 執行單位 環資國際有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 110年督察工作管理平臺維護及潛勢資料研析工作(成果報告)-不含附件(部分公開版)v1.pdf 0MB

2021 Project on Inspection Management Platform Maintenance and Potential Data Analysis

英文摘要 The primary nine tasks of platform establishment in this project are as follows: 1. Maintain the platform functions (1) Main System This project optimized platform user-friendliness according to user feedback. The improvements, including batch inquiry of enterprise information, case modification and review system, WEB interface of smart logic information, and value-added services of other data, were made to enhance information demonstration. (2) GIS System The GIS system was improved based on user feedback. To cope with the inspection and management of temporarily registered factories after the Factory Management Act came into effect, the inquiry information and map layers of temporary factories were updated on a rolling basis. This assisted inspectors in understanding the status of temporary factories and providing a map of the new agricultural irrigation channel system immediately, strengthening the overall effectiveness of inspection. (3) Sub-system This year, the app was updated twice before October to resolve the long-standing problems. The updates included the addition of schedule functions, which allowed inspectors to directly make the schedule through tablets. Three sessions of educational training were organized in October. During the training, the users posed fewer questions than in previous training sessions. This indicated that the current app could meet the inspection requirements. 2. Ensure the operation of data interface The platform has completed data collection from 16 business units. All the data have been obtained through automatic data interface, with a total of 386 datasheets. 3. Research and analyze the logic of potential behavior Through the professional knowledge, logic of thought, and years of experience of senior inspectors as well as the advanced analysis conducted by computers, this project established various examples of different types of inspector cases to pass on the experiences of onsite inspectors and improve the inspection efficiency. The analysis module was established based on the existing business permit and reporting data so that the inspectors could quickly find the abnormal conditions of the business and automatically import the analysis results into the sub-system (app). These functions enabled the inspectors to identify abnormalities immediately and conduct related inspections. 4. Research and analyze the Sheet of Potential Environmental Load of an enterprise The inspectors could quickly examine the key information on the Sheet of Potential Environmental Load of an enterprise. Information, including basic information, abnormal data, potential environmental load, and necessary graphs, was provided to the inspector to quickly review and understand the current status. 5. Research and analyze the relevance of specific inspection cases By using the waste stream flow, relevant information, such as waste receipt, production, clearance, waste category, quantity, and clearance objects, was indicated on a graph. This design could quickly recognize if an inconsistency occurred between the reporting quantity from up- and downstream enterprises. 6. Research and analyze the inferential analysis model of violation rate In the past four years, the audit logic and analysis of abnormal enterprise data were established based on enterprise basic information and reporting data. However, some operational problems could not be easily identified. With the development of big data applications, illegal behavior could be predicted by using inferential statistics models, so the data analysis method this year changed from narrative statistics to inferential statistics. This project examined past violation cases and found that the predictive model of “operational issues” was highly accurate. The model could effectively predict the occurrence of violation in operation by using independent variables. However, compared to inferential statistics, analyzing “permitting issues” and “reporting issues” by using narrative statistics generated more accurate results. The accuracy could reach greater than 80%. 7. Adjust the graphical presentation of the platform The working method of inspection topics was presented intuitively and visually. For example, the working scope of the three Environmental Chief Inspection Teams was shown on the platform. Specific data labels were designed to be selected to demonstrate related information to broaden the inspection range. 8. Research and analyze the GIS system platform to show the area model of enterprise potential environment load In the past four years, the GIS platform was developed to display the geographic information of enterprises in graphics. The GIS system also provided spatial information such as enterprise information, buffer analysis, source tracing inquiry, and device positioning. In 2021, the function of “areas of potential environmental load” will be introduced into the GIS platform for inspectors to identify suspicious objects intuitively. This will assist inspectors in reducing the preparation time. 9. Research and analyze the voice function of the pilot version of inspector assistant (Grace) This project used the semantic parsing tool supported by Actions on google to gradually establish a voice prototype by integrating Dialogflow on the server. The system categorized enterprises by asking for registration number or company name, followed by semantic analysis, semantic modeling, and semantic training. Finally, the information was introduced into three query functions (e.g., function operation, pollution regulations, and enterprise information) and one work assignment service (pre-scheduling). 10. Organize training sessions on platform functions and data analysis This year, in response to the pandemic, the training was conducted by video, focusing on topics of Enhancement of Existing System Functions and Their Operation Methods and Newly Developed System Functions. The training explained topics, such as the overall structure of the abnormal logic, methods of accessing enterprise information and abnormal data, and interpretation of the abnormal patterns, to effectively improve system operation. 11. Coordinate and compile customer feedback and communication management During the project implementation period, the project team consistently provided users with quality and various service channels for feedback or consultation. This project continued to carry out administrative work, including routine work meetings and other administrative tasks.
英文關鍵字 Inspection, environmental protection business, information access, smart logic