

中文摘要 計畫成果摘要 本計畫係屏東縣政府環境保護局依據土壤及地下水污染整治法第六條規定,針對轄區內土壤及地下水品質狀況進行定期檢測,透過掌握屏東縣土壤及地下水之環境現況,確保本地土水品質及人民健康。工作項目包括地下水民井水質採樣檢測作業、鹽埔鄉揮發性有機物潛勢區監測井水質採樣檢測作業、農地具污染潛勢場址土壤採樣檢測作業、非法棄置場址附近土壤及地下水採樣檢測作業與竹田鄉農地土壤採樣檢測作業,現就各項工作執行成果說明如下。 一、地下水民井水質採樣檢測作業 本計畫針對新園鄉新洋段391、392、399、400等地號,執行附近3口民井地下水採樣作業,檢測項目為重金屬(8項),本場址枯豐水期2次採樣檢測結果皆低於第二類地下水污染監測及管制標準。 二、鹽埔鄉揮發性有機物潛勢區監測井水質採樣檢測作業 本計畫針對鹽埔鄉揮發性有機物潛勢區執行8口監測井(井號:T00256、T00257、T00258、T00414-1、T00414-2、T00415-1、T00415-2及T00469)執行1年2次地下水採樣檢測作業,檢測項目為揮發性有機物,本計畫已完成枯豐水期兩次採樣作業,在枯水期檢測出微量1,1-二氯乙烯測值有4口井,井號及測值分別為T00258 (0.00287 mg/L)、T00414-1 (0.00557 mg/L)、T00415-1 (0.00413 mg/L) 和T00415-2 (0.00717 mg/L);在豐水期檢測出微量1,1-二氯乙烯測值有5口井,井號及測值分別為T00258 (0.00149 mg/L)、 T00414-1 (0.00549 mg/L)、T00414-2 (0.00629 mg/L)、T00415-1 (0.00304 mg/L)和T00415-2 (0.00836 mg/L)。本計畫檢測結果皆低於第二類地下水污染監測及管制標準,僅「T00414-2新高段1189地號」和「T00415-2新高段521-2地號」兩口之1,1-二氯乙烯測值(0.00629 mg/L、0.00836 mg/L)超過查證基準建議值(0.006mg/L)。 三、農地具污染潛勢場址土壤採樣檢測作業 本計畫執行4處農地具污染潛勢場址土壤重金屬(銅及鋅)採樣分析作業,檢測結果4處場址銅及鋅兩項測值皆低於食用作物農地土壤污染管制標準,其中3處場址鋅測值超過食用作物農地土壤污染監測標準,場址及鋅測值分別為T10302(屏東縣鹽埔鄉永隆段 116-2 地號)294 mg/kg、T10300(屏東縣長治鄉華榮段 389 地號)299 mg/kg及T10298(屏東縣萬丹鄉廣安段 565 地號)368 mg/kg,建議後續應持續監測;僅1處場址T10293(屏東縣南州鄉七塊段292-3地號)測值低於食用作物農地土壤污染監測標準,建議後續可停止監測。 四、非法棄置場址附近土壤及地下水採樣檢測作業 本計畫針對4處非法棄置場址場址附近執行土壤及地下水採樣檢測作業,共同檢測項目為重金屬(8項),另高樹鄉埔田段27、27-1部分地號(原28~30地號)之土壤及地下水加測揮發性有機物,林邊鄉鎮林段363、377、552地號之土壤加測戴奧辛。4處非法棄置場址附近農地土壤檢測結果皆低於土壤污染監測及管制標準,亦低於食用作物農地之土壤監測及管制標準,地下水民井檢測結果亦低於第二類地下水污染監測及管制標準。 五、竹田鄉農地土壤採樣檢測作業 本計畫已完成竹田鄉農地300公頃30個區塊(網格)土壤採樣檢測作業,檢測項目為重金屬(8項),本次檢測結果皆低於土壤污染監測及管制標準,亦低於食用作物農地之土壤監測及管制標準。
中文關鍵字 農地土壤、地下水、重金屬、揮發性有機物


專案計畫編號 1100108-A 經費年度 110 計畫經費 1300 千元
專案開始日期 2021/02/10 專案結束日期 2021/12/31 專案主持人 吳芳鈴
主辦單位 屏東縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 許維雯 執行單位 捷力英環境有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 110年度屏東縣推動土水計畫-期末報告(定稿本)-本文及附件一.pdf 10MB

The Promotion Plan of Soil and Groundwater Pollution Prevention, Monitoring and Maintenance in Pingtung County, and Cooperation Plans with Environmental Protection Agency in 2021

英文摘要 Abstract This plan is based on the Pingtung County Government Environmental Protection Bureau (EPB) in accordance with the provisions of Article 6 of the "Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Act" to conduct regular inspections on the quality of soil and groundwater in the jurisdiction. The benefit of the implementation of this project is to monitor the environmental status of soil and groundwater in Pingtung County to ensure the quality of local soil and water and the health of the people. The work items include sampling and analysis of water quality in underground civilian wells, sampling and analysis of monitoring wells in the potential area of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in Yenpu Township, soil sampling and analysis of 4 pollution potential farmland site, sampling and analysis of soil and groundwater near illegal disposal sites, and farmland soil sampling and analysis in Jhutian Township. The groundwater sampling was performed at 3 underground water civilian wells near 391, 392, 399, 400, etc. of Xinyang Section of Shinyuan Township. The analysis items are 8 heavy metals (copper, mercury, zinc, lead, chromium, cadmium, arsenic, nickel), The results of the dry and the wet season showed that the groundwater heavy metal detection items of the 3 civilian wells were all lower than the second-category groundwater monitoring standards. Water quality analysis of 8 monitoring wells in the potential area of VOCs in Yenpu Township was performed at groundwater monitoring wells T00256, T00257, T00258, T00414-1, T00414-2, T00415-1, T00415-2 and T00469 in Yenpu Township. The test results in the dry season showed that 1,1-Dichloroethylene (1,1-DCE) was detected in 4 groundwater monitoring wells, which the measured values were T00258 (0.00287 mg/L), T00414-1 (0.00557 mg/L), T00415-1 (0.00413 mg/L) and T00415-2 (0.00717 mg/L). In the wet season, the measured values of 1,1-DCE in 5 groundwater monitoring wells were T00256 (0.00149 mg/L), T00414-1 (0.00549 mg/L), T00414-2 (0.00629 mg/L), T00415-1 (0.00304 mg/L) and T00415-2 (0.00836 mg/L). The values all were lower than the second type of groundwater monitoring standard value (0.035 mg/L), the measured values of 1,1-DCE in 2 groundwater monitoring wells were over the recommended value for the verification of VOCs detected in groundwater (0.006 mg/L). The project implemented the sampling and analysis of heavy metals (copper and zinc) in soil of 4 potential pollution areas of farmland. The analysis results were all lower than the farmland soil pollution control standards, but the analysis results of the zinc in 3 sites exceeded the farmland soil pollution monitoring standards, the measured values of the zinc in 3 sites were T10302 (No.116-2, Yonglong Section, Yenpu Township, Pingtung County) was 294 mg/kg, T10300 (No.389, Huarong Section, Changjhih Township, Pingtung County) was 299mg/kg, and T10298 (No.565, Guang'an Section, Wandan Township, Pingtung County) was 368 mg/kg, there were recommended that follow-up monitoring should be carried out regularly. The concentration of copper and zinc heavy metals in the site T10293 (No.292-3, Qikuai Section, Nan-cho Township, Pingtung County) did not exceed the farmland soil pollution control and monitoring standards, it is recommended to stop monitoring. The sampling and analysis of soil and groundwater near 4 illegal disposal sites, the common analysis items are 8 heavy metals (copper, mercury, zinc, lead, chromium, cadmium, arsenic, nickel), to increase detection of VOC at Gaushu Township site, and to increase of detection Dioxin at Linbian Township site. The results of sampling and analysis of soil and groundwater all were lower than the pollution control and monitoring standards. Soil sampling and analysis in 30 blocks of 300 hectares of farmland in Jhutian Township, the analysis items are 8 heavy metals (copper, mercury, zinc, lead, chromium, cadmium, arsenic, nickel), the analysis results were all lower than farmland soil pollution control and monitoring standards.
英文關鍵字 farmland soil, groundwater, heavy metals, volatile organic compounds