

中文摘要 本計畫目的為掌握毒性及關注化學物質運送車輛軌跡資訊,以推動毒性及關注化學物質運送管理作業,並提升毒災應變之效率。此外,配合毒性及關注化學物質管理法相關子法的發布,建置相關子系統功能,因此本計畫工作分為:(一)配合法規修訂及行政簡化評估更新毒化物運送車輛追蹤系統、(二)配合毒災應變需求強化緊急通報系統功能、(三)提升各縣市環保機關對毒化物運送車輛資訊之掌握、(四)推動運送業者自主管理作業、(五)系統的維運與資安作業、(六) 持續辦理毒性及關注化學物質偵測設備連線平台試辦作業、(七) 精進應變器材及偵測警報設備系統功能、(八) 精進聯防組織相關系統功能、(九) 提供風險等級試算功能、(十) 提升危害預防及應變計畫相關系統功能、(十一) 建置防災基本資料表提報及審查功能、(十二) 提升事故處理速報及預報系統功能,以及(十三) 辦理相關說明會、宣導會議或教育訓練。   本計畫在提升毒性化學物質運送管理與資訊完整性方面,依使用需求調整精進相關功能,並優化小量運送相關管理功能。在因應毒災應變體系資訊需求方面,則是完成評估介接外部單位緊急應變相關資料。針對GPS系統誤判的勾稽異常案件,已逐步分析出原因並有效地降低查核案件量,進而提升勾稽系統的品質。最後,在法規及系統操作宣導方面,共計辦理14場次會議。
中文關鍵字 即時追蹤系統、事故預防及緊急應變、毒性及關注化學物質運送


專案計畫編號 經費年度 110 計畫經費 16800 千元
專案開始日期 2021/05/05 專案結束日期 2022/11/30 專案主持人 何平世
主辦單位 化學局 承辦人 張雅筑 執行單位 振興發科技有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 期末報告(全)_上傳馬賽克版.pdf 12MB

The development and improvement of transportation and hazard prevention systems

英文摘要 The aim of this project is to monitor chemical substances of toxicity and concern Transportation with real-time tracking systems on the motor vehicle, in order to conduct management and improve the efficiency of the adopting response when an accident occurs. In addition, as the “Toxic and Concerned Chemical Substances Control Act” and its sub-law promulgated, the project also developed the system. As a result, the project focus on 13 aspect: (1) Evaluating and updating the system according to the revisions of Toxic Chemical Substances Transportation Management Regulations. (2) Enhancing the emergency notification systems to meet the needs of Emergency Response Team. (3) Improving the information transparency of the toxic chemical substances transportation among the Environmental Protection Bureaus. (4) Promoting the self-management work among transportation companies. (5) System operation and Information security work. (6)Developing the emergency response, detection and alarm equipment connect system and improving the prevention facilities, emergency response, detection and alarm equipment system. (7) Improve the system functions of response equipment and detection and alarm equipment. (8) Improve the related system functions of the joint defense organization. (9) Provide risk level trial calculation function. (10) Enhance system functions related to hazard prevention and contingency plans. (11) Establish reporting and review functions for basic disaster prevention data sheets. (12) Improve the functions of the accident handling quick report and forecast system. (13) Handle related briefing meetings, publicity meetings or education training.   In the aspect of improving the management of toxic chemical substances transportation and Information integrity, the project optimized the management system for the small amount of toxic chemical substances transportation. Concerning the information needs of Emergency Response Team, the project completed the assessment and interface with the emergency response information of the external unit. The project also found out some reason of the inspection misjudgment event to promote the quality of the inspection system. Final, in the work of promoting the toxic chemical substances regulations and system operation, the project had hold 14 conferences.
英文關鍵字 Accident Prevention and Emergency Response, Chemical substances of toxicity and concern Transportation, Real-time Tracking Systems