

中文摘要 成果摘要 本年度屏東縣固定污染源管制及空品不良期間應變計畫之作業項目包含:(1)許可管制、(2)污染源巡查、(3)資料庫更新與擴充、(4)CEMS查核及抽測(5)陳情案件稽查檢測(6)定期檢測監督作業 (7)空污費審查及查核作業(8)稽查檢測作業(9)法規說明會(10)陳情案件輔導(11)逸散性粒狀物管理辦法符合度查核(12)加油站及設備元件管制(13)空品不良季節巡查及應變(14)有害空氣污染物調查。各項作業執行進度符合預期目標。 茲將重要成果摘要說明如下: (一)許可管制作業 110年計畫執行期間,完成核發220張許可證(不計操作換補發工作量為170張)。平均審查日數為18.3日,與109年19.4天/件小幅減少1.1日。 完成170製程數之查核,佔許可總製程數之35%,其中查核明顯不符合之製程有11條,整體查核不符率6.5%。 (二)各列管排放量變動分析 粒狀污染物:全縣粒狀物更新後共減少136.666公噸,主要排放量減少行業為砂石業,原因為篩除或更新億錸及堅友等停工砂石場共6家排放量減少153.896公噸,其他行業則互有增減,總計整體粒狀物減少136.666公噸。 硫氧化物:硫氧化物年排放量經更新作業後,較更新前資料減少55.769公噸/年,以各行業別檢視發現排放量變化較大行業為化學製品製造業,該行業更新後減少24.051公噸排放量,另外食品及金屬業也分別減少16.403及10.72公噸,主要為近三年持續推動鍋爐汰換輔導及鍋爐排放標準已於109年7月施行,工廠鍋爐陸續改用低污染燃料或其他改善措施,總計SOx更新後排放量減少55.769公噸。 氮氧化物:氮氧化物年排放量經更新作業後,較更新前資料增加34.854公噸,以各行業別檢視發現排放量增加主要行業為燃燒污染源,另外食品業則因為改用低污染性燃料氮氧化物則減少,總計109年NOx更新後排放量增加34.854公噸。 本年度揮發性有機物之排放量更新後增加60.311公噸,以各行業別檢視發現排放量變化較大行業為汽車表面塗裝業,台灣本田公司操作量比前年度增加,該廠排放量增加12.432公噸,另外金屬基本工業排放量亦增加30.745公噸,增量原因為塗裝製程產量增加所造成,化學製品製造業中因申豐特用應材股份有限公司屏東廠合成橡膠產量增加,造成該行業別增量為20.639公噸,總計整體排放量更新後增加60.311公噸。 (三)空污費徵收作業 空污費目前總計列管家數為523家,共計新增74家列管對象(27家新設工廠、46家清查列管對象、1家復工),篩除7家列管對象(4家歇業停工工廠、1家註銷許可、1家拆除污染源、1家易主更換管編),已完成4個季別共1984家次之空污費申報審查,合約量為1,700家次,達成率為117%。 空污費現場查核共196家,計畫之查核作業合約量為170家次,達成率為115%。 (四)稽查檢測及巡查作業 已完成油品含硫份檢測5件、陳情抽測5根次、管道異味檢測6根次、大型焚化爐重金屬檢測1根次,共3件違反管道粒狀物排放標準案件處分金額150萬,另外執行804廠次巡查作業。 (五)逸散性粒狀物管理辦法符合度查核 逸散性粒狀污染物管理辦法法規符合度110年查核56家次(不計重複查核50廠)符合率為93%,不符管理辦法工廠共4家,將持續宣導業者平時應加強設備巡檢及維護作業,同時與砂石場專案計畫橫向聯繫加強違規工廠巡查頻率,以提升業者自主管理意識,以提升法規符合度。 (六)污染減量作業 預計完成10座鍋爐減量,目前共輔導23座鍋爐將燃料更換為低污染性燃料或製程改善,及5家揮發性有機物減量協談,另配合污防書指定削減推動砂石場施行複合式防制措施。 (七)揮發性有機物管制 目前共完成67站次加油站抽測加油槍總數為635支,合格615支,合格率達96.9 %,加油站氣漏測試作業,抽測結果均符合法規規定之標準值,總合格率為100%,為達成良好的宣導成效,本工作團隊於計畫召開「加油站宣導說明會」於會議中說明並推廣裝設微壓表,另搭配加油站現場稽查核作業,於現場進行宣導,本工作團隊完成輔導26站次加油站增設微壓表。 本計畫已完成列管工廠製程設備元件檢測作業共16場次,共計5000個設備元件檢測作業,110年度無告發案件。 (八)空品不良日管制成果 空氣品質發布一級預警日數(AQI>150)共計30日,現場巡查共150家次,二級預警日數(AQI>100)共計121日,現場巡查共513家次,總計各污染物之減量分別為:粒狀污染物1.481公噸、硫氧化物10.229公噸、氮氧化物10.163公噸及揮發性有機物41.746公噸。 (九)未列管工廠清查 預計進行50家次近年取得工廠登記或臨時工廠登記業者清查是否需列管工作,已經完成50家次清查工作,清查後應列管工廠共44家,總計新增排放量為粒狀物40.759公噸、硫氧化物0.715公噸及氮氧化物15.143公噸。
中文關鍵字 許可審查、許可證查核、排放量、監督檢測、更新維護、空品不良


專案計畫編號 經費年度 110 計畫經費 14958 千元
專案開始日期 2021/01/01 專案結束日期 2021/12/31 專案主持人 賴宏志
主辦單位 屏東縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 蕭智元 執行單位 元律科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 110期末定稿-final.pdf 46MB

2021 stationary source permitting and management and poor air quality of emergency response Plan in Pingtung.

英文摘要 Summary of Results The project items include assisting Environmental Protection Bureau on examination of stationary source permitting, licensing checks, inspection of surrounding factories, Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems check, case counseling, regulatory factory database update works, on-site permitting documents, examination, flue monitoring and examining works, decree revision workshop, and fugitive particulate matter management practices conformity check, and poor air quality of emergency response, and hazardous air pollutants surveys. This project has progressed in line with expectations. The following description Summary of Results. 1.Permit review: There are 220 were permitted in the program during the execution. There are 170 permit licenses in addition to the conversion basic information. Average number of days reviewed was 18.3 days, 1.1 days less than last year. A total of 170 processes was checked, with the 35% of a total process number. The results of all checked processes indicated that there were 11 unqualified processes, in terms of unqualified rate of 6.5%. 2. Analysis of Pollutant Discharge Changes Particulate Contamination:As of November 30, 2021, particulate emissions have been reduced by 136.666 tons per year in the overall control process. The reduction was mainly due to reduced production or work in six sand and rock quarrying and processing factories and a reduction in emissions of 153.896 tons. Sulfur oxides:After the database update and maintenance operations, sulfur oxides 55.769 tons decrement. The reduction was mainly industrial boilers need to meet the stack emission standards. Nitrogen oxides:After database update and maintenance work, NOx increased by 34.854 tons The increase in emissions was due to the establishment of new combustion sources at the factory. Volatile organic compounds:After the database update and maintenance operations, volatile organic compounds 60.311 tons increments. In which a substantial change in emissions of pollution, automotive surface coating industry Honda Motor Co, Ltd. The Taiwan coating amount of increase, resulting in pollution, increased 30.745 tons. 3. Air Pollution Control Fee Collection System: By the third quarter of 2021, the number of air pollution control fee system regulators is 523. Increased control of 74 factories and screening of 7 plants compared to 2021. Completed the check of the air pollution fee declaration of the 1984 factories, and the achievement rate was 117%. 4. Emission Standard inspection: According to statistics until November 30, 2021, 3 of the discharge pipeline inspections performed due to public incidents were punished for exceeding the emission standards. All of them are required to complete the improvement within a time limit. 5. Management Regulations for Facilities to Control Fugitive Dust Air Pollution from Stationary Pollution Sources: In terms of implementation of Management Regulations for Facilities to Control Fugitive Dust Air Pollution from Stationary Pollution Sources. The qualified rate of regulations increased from 53% in 2010 to 93% in 2021. Will continue to advocate the factory should strengthen equipment inspection and maintenance work, and with other related project plans to strengthen the frequency of illegal factory inspection. Promote factory self-restraint, thereby improving regulatory compliances. 6. Stationary sources of air pollution reduction practices: In 2021 , tutored 5 factories to reduce pollution emissions. Implement boiler replacement or improvement policies. A total of 24 boilers completed improvements in 2021. In addition, promote the implementation of composite control measures in sand and rock quarrying and processing factories. 7.Control VOC Emissions from Gas Stations At present, the inspection of 635 fuel guns in 67 gas stations has been completed, and 615 of them are qualified, with a pass rate of 96.9%. To achieve good publicity, hold a "Gas Station Air Pollution Control Awareness Conference" and promote the installation of micro-pressure meters. The project team has completed the installation of micro-pressure meters at 26 gas stations. 8.Control results of poor air quality AQI days On days with poor air quality, designated factories implement pollution prevention plans, and the project team shall also go to the site to carry out patrol inspection. And then our team also carried out on-site inspection of 613 factories during the poor air quality days. Estimated emission of pollutants after implementation of the contingency Par.1.481 tons, SOx 10.229 tons, NOx 10.167 tons and VOCs 41.746 tons. 9. Inventory of unregulated factories Inventory operations for unregulated factories that have newly obtained legal certificates or temporary certificates. In 2021, the inventory of 50 factories has been completed, of which 44 factories have been included in the EPA's air pollution control database. Total additional emissions were Par.40.759 tons, SOx 0.715 tons and NOx 15.143 tons.
英文關鍵字 licensing checks, regulatory factory database update works, poor air quality of emergency response, regulatory factory database update works, examination of stationary source permitting