

中文摘要 摘要 為掌握臺中市土壤及地下水品質現況,臺中市政府環境保護局(以下簡稱環保局)辦理「110年度土壤及地下水污染調查及查證工作計畫-臺中市」(以下簡稱本計畫),針對轄區執行土壤及地下水定期監測、工廠土壤品質調查、緊急事件應變調查及民眾陳情案件、轄內加油站土壤氣體檢測、列管場址巡查、列管場址驗證、監測井定期巡查維護管理以及辦理土污法相關宣導活動等多項工作。本計畫執行期程為110年1月1日至110年12月20日,本計畫於契約履約期間完成契約規定約百分之88.14%工作數量,以下就今年度完成工作成果說明如下: 一、 農地土壤定期監測 本計畫完成大雅區中山段380地號及后里區墩北段582地號(部分)、556地號(部分)、361、362、363地號、338(部分)地號、384地號、489地號及500地號(部分)。總計完成8筆坵塊土壤定期監測採樣檢測,依據定期監測結果各坵塊農地均低於土壤污染監測標準及食用作物農地之監測基準值。 二、 地下水監測井設置、維護與監測 (一)監測井定期巡查作業 依據SGM系統上半年度應辦理定期巡查監測井208口次;下半年度應辦理定期巡查監測井209口次,本計畫已於計畫執行期間完成上下半年度合計完成417口次,並將巡查資料上傳SGM系統。 (二)監測井維護作業 本計畫延續去年度計畫執行成果以及今年度監測井巡查與內部功能檢查結果,篩選外觀有缺失、內部功能異常監測井或已無監測必要監測井,依據契約內執行完成井中攝影37口、微水試驗37孔、監測井外觀維護18口、監測井設施修復9口、再次完井18口、井中異物排除5口及廢井5口次。 (三)監測井定期監測作業, 依據契約內容完成辦理大里光正路地區B00113、B00466及L00065等3口次枯豐水期各一次監測作業及漢翔航空工業股份有限公司台中一廠區B00073、B00074及B00109等3口次豐水期一次,共計9口次地下水定期監測採樣檢測作業。 大里光正路地區枯水期在B00113及B00466分別檢出重金屬鉻0.78 mg/L及0.567 mg/L超過第二類地下水污染管制標準情形。在L00065檢出重金屬鉻0.29 mg/L超過第二類地下水污染監測標準;B00466檢出重金屬鎳0.512 mg/L超過第二類地下水污染監測標準。豐水期在B00113檢出重金屬鉻0.729 mg/L超過第二類地下水污染管制標準,在B00466則檢出重金屬鉻0.334 mg/L超過第二類地下水污染監測標準較低於枯水期檢測結果,在L00065檢出低於第二類地下水污染監測標準亦低於枯水期檢測結果。 漢翔航空工業股份有限公司台中一廠區豐水期3口監測井監測項目則均低於第二類地下水污染監測標準。 三、 污染場址驗證作業 今年度本計畫完成協助5處場址驗證作業,分別為北屯區景美段377地號、正佑股份有限公司(共二次驗證)、大里區詹厝園段256-17地號(共二次驗證)、全國文心加油站及中油王田供油服務中心等驗證作業,各場址驗證結果均符合改善目標,惟正祐股份有限公司今年度僅完成土壤污染改善驗證作業;場址仍持續執行地下水污染改善。 四、 貯存設施管理 (一)網路定期申報審查作業 今年度計畫協助完成1月及5月份網路申報審查作業,9月份因應今年度新冠肺炎疫情影響延後9月份申報期限至111年度1月份。今年度轄內加油站均於申報期限完成申報,本計畫皆於1月底及5月底協助完成審核。 (二)加油站-測漏管功能測試及油氣檢測、土壤間隙氣體GC/FID 今年度計畫協助完成51站次加油站-測漏管功能測試及油氣檢測並完成各站次現場文書查核,根據51站次測漏管油氣檢測結果,執行台中港加油1點次土壤間隙氣體GC/FID採樣檢測作業,另外依據環保署針對加油站現場查核異常大雅區全國大雅交流道站,進行2點次土壤間隙氣體GC/FID採樣檢測作業。 (三)因應水污法修正符合新增業別定義之地上儲槽系統法規符合度確認及輔導工作 本計畫已完成380處地上儲槽系統法規符合度確認及輔導工作,大多業者皆符合法規規定,主要不符合法規項目為防溢堤設置未符合法規項目,其中需於110年6月30日前提出改善計畫業者計6處均已提送改善計畫;需於110年12月31日前提出改善計畫計112處已完提送計12處;須於111年12月31日前提出改善計畫計14處皆尚未提送。 五、 公告事業用地查證作業 今年度總共完成6場次查證作業,分別為永*強工業股份有限公司、台*港加油站、沅*工業有限公司、佑*烤漆工業股份有限公司三廠、錩*金屬有限公司及松*金屬工業有限公司查證作業。永*強工業股份有限公司查證結果檢出有總石油碳氫化合物超過土壤污染管制標準及沅*工業有限公司檢出有重金屬鉻、鎳及銅超過土壤污染管制標準,錩*金屬有限公司及松*金屬工業有限公司則有檢出超過土壤污染監測標準情形,台*港加油站及佑*烤漆工業股份有限公司檢測結果均符合土壤污染管制標準及土壤污染監測標準。 六、 高污染潛勢工廠追蹤及輔導作業 本計畫已完成環保署今年度下達2家高污染潛勢工廠輔導作業,分別為南*工業股份有限公司(以下簡稱南*公司)及松*國際工業有限公司(以下簡稱松*公司),其中南*工業股份有限公司針對多處位置提出預防污染改善建議並要求於期限內提送改善說明及期程規劃;南*公司於7月份提出相關改善說明及期程規劃。本計畫於10月20日前往進行復查;南*公司依提送規劃期程辦理部分地表鋪面更新以及盛水盆設置作業,建議明年度計畫持續辦理追蹤。松*公司由於現場輔導期間初判污染潛勢較低,今年度建議加強環境管理尚不需辦理進場查證。 另本計畫依據109年度計畫執行內容辦理華*樂器製造股份有限公司追蹤複查,複查結果已依109年度輔導建議於廢水管線加裝水錶,但廠內鋪面及環境管理仍未完善,經與環保局討論針對該廠持續進行輔導改善作業,故今年度未辦理查證工作,建議明年度複查若業者仍無完全改善完成,可辦理土壤及地下水污染查證作業。   七、 宣導作業 (一)貯存設施相關法規說明會 因受到新冠肺炎疫情影響,室內會議限制100人以上活動,本計畫分別於3月3日及4月27日假大墩文化中心分別於上下午共辦理4場次「防止貯存系統污染地下水體設施及監測設備設置管理辦法」法規說明會,邀請今年度預定執行現場法規符合度確認及輔導工作380處業者,4場次法規說明會共206處業者參與;合計參與人數達257人,符合契約規定參加人數至少達200人。 (二)校園土壤及地下水污染防治教育宣導活動 本計畫依契約規定完成15場次校園宣導活動及1場次種子教師培訓會辦理,總計參與人數共計781人,符合契約規定參加人數合計至少達480人。 (三)環保署繪本印製 依據契約內容需印製環保署繪製「小動物、小偵探」及「小水滴哭什麼?」各200本,本計畫已完成印製合計400本繪本並於校園宣導活動分送各辦理學校各10本。 (四)環保法規(土壤及地下水污染整治法)宣導說明會 依據契約內容完成辦理1場次列管場址土污法宣導說明會,邀請污染場址業者及代辦污染文件撰寫與執行改善業者計70家,於10月29日假臺中市天閣酒店台中館辦理當日參與人數52人,符合契約規定50人以上。 八、 緊急應變及民眾陳情案件 目前本計畫依據機關指示完成4場次民眾陳情案件,支應緊急應變經費計379,845元;剩餘420,155元。 (一)大甲區日新段6-103地號 案由係因為大甲區日新段附近農民懷疑種植芋頭因受到灌溉水源影響導致根部生長不佳,故規劃於日新段6-103地號針對該地號2各坵塊分別執行土壤採樣檢測,檢測分析八項重金屬項目(鎘、鉻、銅、鎳、鉛、鋅、汞、砷)、土壤pH及土壤導電度,本計畫已於4月16日完成現場2點次採樣作業,檢測結果顯示土壤重金屬均低於食用作物農地之管制標準及食用作物農地之監測基準值,土壤pH及導電度並無特別異常情形。 (二)大雅區花眉庄段459地號 案由係因為大雅區花眉庄段459地號農地,因大雨導致附近工廠鋪面油污經由溝渠流入農地,為釐清是否因此有受到污染之虞,故規劃於花眉庄段459地號執行2點次土壤採樣檢測,檢測分析項目為總石油碳氫化合物,本計畫已於6月28日完成現場2點次採樣作業,檢測結果顯示均低於土壤污染管制標準。 (三)環保署計畫「110年度第1期作農作物污染損害監測與管制工作」同步農地土壤採樣 案由係因為今年度5月份起受到新冠肺炎疫情影響,全台三級警戒為減少跨縣市移動,協助環保署執行同步農地土壤採樣作業,本計畫完成協助包含南屯區、烏日區、大里區及大甲區等行政區共計6處農地配合執行農地土壤同步採樣作業。 (四)沅*工業有限公司地下水污染查證作業 案由係因執行公告事業污染查證作業,發現沅*工業有限公司土壤受重金屬鉻、鎳及銅污染且超過第二類地下水污染管制標準數倍,為釐清該場址地下水是否有污染疑慮,故辦理地下水污染查證作業。分別於10月17日進行監測井設置並於10月26日執行地下水採樣,地下水檢測結果均低於第二類地下水污染管制標準。
中文關鍵字 土壤、地下水、調查、查證


專案計畫編號 經費年度 110 計畫經費 12280 千元
專案開始日期 2021/01/01 專案結束日期 2021/12/20 專案主持人 顏瑞容
主辦單位 臺中市政府環境保護局 承辦人 楊祖慧 執行單位 亞太環境科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 期末報告.pdf 66MB 期末報告

110 Annual Soil and Groundwater Pollution Investigation and Verification Work Plan-Taichung City

英文摘要 Abstract In order to grasp the current status of soil and groundwater quality in Taichung City, the Environmental Protection Bureau of Taichung City Government (hereinafter referred to as the Environmental Protection Bureau) handled the "110 Annual Soil and Groundwater Pollution Investigation and Verification Work Plan-Taichung City" (hereinafter referred to as this plan) for the district Perform regular soil and groundwater monitoring, factory soil quality investigations, emergency response investigations and public complaints, soil gas detection at gas stations within the jurisdiction, inspections of pipeline sites, verification of pipeline sites, regular inspections, maintenance and management of monitoring wells, and soil handling Pollution law related publicity activities and many other tasks. The implementation period of this project is from January 1, 110 to December 20, 110. The project will complete approximately 88.14% of the work specified in the contract during the contract performance period. The following is an explanation of the results of the work completed this year: 一、 Regular monitoring of farmland soil The project is completed in Daya District, Zhongshan Section 380, and Houli District, Dunbei Section 582 (partial), 556 (partial), 361, 362, 363, 338 (partial), 384 , 489 area number and 500 area number (partial). A total of 8 regular soil monitoring and sampling tests have been completed on the hills. According to the results of the regular monitoring, the farmland of each hill is lower than the soil pollution monitoring standard and the monitoring reference value of the edible crop farmland. 二、 Installation, maintenance and monitoring of groundwater monitoring wells (一) Regular inspections of monitoring wells According to the SGM system, 208 regular inspections and monitoring wells should be conducted in the first half of the year; 209 regular inspections and monitoring wells should be conducted in the second half of the year. The inspection data is uploaded to the SGM system. (二) Monitoring well maintenance operations This plan continues the results of last year’s plan implementation and this year’s monitoring well inspections and internal function inspection results. The monitoring wells are screened for defects in appearance, abnormal internal functions, or monitoring wells that are no longer necessary for monitoring. According to the implementation of the contract, 37 wells have been photographed. There were 37 micro-water test holes, 18 monitoring wells were maintained for appearance, 9 monitoring wells were repaired, 18 wells were re-completion, 5 wells were removed from the wells, and 5 were abandoned wells. (三) Regular monitoring operations of monitoring wells According to the contract content, complete the monitoring operation of 3 ports B00113, B00466 and L00065 in the Guangzheng Road area of Dali during the dry and high water period, and the three ports of B00073, B00074 and B00109 in the Taichung First Plant of Hanxiang Aviation Industry Co., Ltd. once in the wet period. , A total of 9 times of regular groundwater monitoring, sampling and testing operations. During the dry season in the Guangzheng Road area of Dali, heavy metals of 0.78 mg/L and 0.567 mg/L of chromium were detected in B00113 and B00466, respectively, which exceeded the second-category groundwater pollution control standards. The heavy metal chromium 0.29 mg/L detected in L00065 exceeded the second-category groundwater pollution monitoring standard; B00466 detected heavy metal nickel 0.512 mg/L that exceeded the second-category groundwater pollution monitoring standard. During the wet season, the heavy metal chromium 0.729 mg/L was detected in B00113, which exceeded the second type groundwater pollution control standard, and in B00466, the heavy metal chromium 0.334 mg/L exceeded the second type groundwater pollution monitoring standard, which was lower than the low-water period detection result. The detection is lower than the second type of groundwater pollution monitoring standard and lower than the low-water period detection result. The monitoring items of the 3 monitoring wells of the Taichung No. 1 Plant of Hanxiang Aviation Industry Co., Ltd. during the rainy season are all lower than the second type of groundwater pollution monitoring standards. 三、 污染場址驗證作業 This year, this plan has completed assisting 5 site verification operations, namely, 377 Jingmei Section in Beitun District, Zhengyou Co., Ltd. (second verification), and 256-17 Zhancuoyuan Section in Dali District ( A total of two verifications), the National Wenxin Gas Station and the PetroChina Wangtian Oil Supply Service Center. The verification results of each site are in line with the improvement goals. However, Zhengyou Co., Ltd. only completed the verification of soil pollution improvement this year; Continue to implement groundwater pollution improvement. 四、 Storage facility management (一) Online regular reporting and review operations This year's plan is to assist in completing the review of online applications in January and May. In September, due to the impact of this year's new crown pneumonia epidemic, the deadline for application in September was postponed to January 111. This year, all gas stations within the jurisdiction completed the declaration within the declaration deadline. This plan will assist in completing the review at the end of January and May. (二) Gas station-leak test tube function test and oil and gas detection, soil gap gas GC/FID This year, we plan to assist in the completion of 51 stations of gas station-leak detection tube function test and oil and gas detection, and complete the on-site document verification of each station. According to the 51 stations of leak detection tube oil and gas detection results, implement 1 point of soil gap gas refueling in Taichung Port GC/FID sampling and testing operations. In addition, according to the environmental protection agency's on-site inspection of gas stations, the National Daya Interchange Station in Daya District will conduct two-point soil gap gas GC/FID sampling and testing operations. (三) In response to the amendment of the Water Pollution Law, the above-ground storage tank system legal compliance confirmation and guidance work that meets the definition of the new industry category This project has completed 380 above-ground storage tank system regulatory compliance confirmation and counseling work. Most of the companies are in compliance with the regulations. The main non-compliance projects are the overflow dike installation and non-compliance projects, which must be before June 30, 110. The 6 companies that have proposed improvement plans have submitted their improvement plans; the improvement plans need to be submitted before December 31, 110; 112 locations have completed the submission of 12 projects; the improvement plans must be submitted before December 31, 111 None of the 14 plans have been submitted yet. 五、 Announcement of verification of business land A total of 6 verification operations have been completed this year, namely, Yong*qiang Industry Co., Ltd., Taiwan*gang Gas Station, Yuan* Industry Co., Ltd., You* Paint Industry Co., Ltd. Third Plant, Qian* Metal Co., Ltd. and Song* Metal Industry Co., Ltd. Co., Ltd. verification operation. Yong*qiang Industrial Co., Ltd. found that total petroleum hydrocarbons exceeded the soil pollution control standards and Yuan* Industry Co., Ltd. detected heavy metals chromium, nickel and copper that exceeded the soil pollution control standards. *Metal Industry Co., Ltd. has detected cases exceeding the soil pollution monitoring standards. The test results of Taiwan*gang gas station and You* Paint Industry Co., Ltd. all met the soil pollution control standards and soil pollution monitoring standards. 六、 Tracking and counseling of factories with high pollution potential This project has completed the EPA's assignment of 2 high-pollution potential factories this year to guide the work, namely Nan* Industrial Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Nan* Company) and Song* International Industrial Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Song* Company). Among them, Nan* Industry Co., Ltd. put forward pollution prevention and improvement suggestions for many locations and requested improvement instructions and schedule plans within the deadline; Nan* Corporation proposed related improvement instructions and schedule plans in July. This plan will be reviewed on October 20th; Nan* Company will update part of the surface and set up the water basin according to the planned schedule. It is recommended that the next year's plan continue to be tracked. As Song* Company initially judged that the pollution potential is low during the on-site counseling period, it is recommended to strengthen environmental management this year without the need to go through the on-site inspection. In addition, this plan is based on the implementation of the 109 plan for the follow-up review of Hua* Musical Instrument Manufacturing Co., Ltd. The results of the review have been installed in the wastewater pipeline according to the 109 counseling recommendation, but the paving and environmental management in the factory are still not perfect. The Environmental Protection Agency discussed the continuous guidance and improvement work for the plant. Therefore, the verification work has not been carried out this year. It is recommended that if the company does not complete the improvement in the next year, the soil and groundwater pollution verification work can be carried out. 七、 Publicity work (一) Briefing on relevant laws and regulations of storage facilities Due to the impact of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, indoor meetings are restricted to more than 100 people. This plan will be held on March 3 and April 27 at the Dadun Cultural Center in the morning and afternoon. And monitoring equipment installation management method" regulations briefing meeting, invites 380 practitioners scheduled to perform on-site compliance confirmation and counseling work this year, and 4 regulatory briefing sessions with a total of 206 practitioners participating; the total number of participants reached 257, meeting the contract requirements to participate The number is at least 200 people. (二) Educational and publicity activities on the prevention and control of campus soil and groundwater pollution In accordance with the contract, this project has completed 15 campus promotion activities and 1 seed teacher training meeting. The total number of participants is 781, and the total number of participants meeting the contract requirements is at least 480. (三) Printed by EPA Picture Book According to the content of the contract, 200 copies of "Little Animals, Little Detectives" and "Why is Little Water Cry?" drawn by the Environmental Protection Agency must be printed. A total of 400 picture books have been printed for this project and distributed to each school in the campus promotion activities. 10 books. (四) Environmental protection laws and regulations (soil and groundwater pollution remediation law) promotion briefing According to the content of the contract, a briefing on the introduction of the soil pollution law for listed sites was completed, and 70 companies were invited to write and implement pollution documents on polluting sites and agents. The Tiange Hotel, Taichung, Taichung will be held on October 29th. The number of participants on the day of the transaction was 52, and more than 50 were in compliance with the contract. 八、 Cases of emergency response and public complaints At present, this plan has completed 4 cases of public complaints according to the instructions of the agency, supporting emergency response funds of 379,845 yuan; the remaining 420,155 yuan. (一) 6-103, Nissin Section, Dajia District The reason for the case was that farmers near the Nissin section of Dajia District suspected that the roots of taro planting were affected by irrigation water and the roots were not growing well. Therefore, it was planned to carry out soil sampling and testing for each hill in the area of No. 2 at No. 6-103 in the Nissin section. Detect and analyze eight heavy metal items (cadmium, chromium, copper, nickel, lead, zinc, mercury, arsenic), soil pH and soil conductivity. This project has completed on-site sampling operations at two points on April 16. The test results It shows that soil heavy metals are lower than the control standards for edible crop farmland and the monitoring benchmark value for edible crop farmland, and there is no special abnormality in soil pH and conductivity. (二) Lot 459, Huameizhuang Section, Daya District The cause of the case is that the heavy rain caused oil pollution from nearby factories to flow into the farmland at No. 459 in Huameizhuang Section of Daya District. In order to clarify whether there is a risk of pollution due to this, it is planned to implement 2 points at No. 459 in Huameizhuang Section. Soil sampling and testing. The testing and analysis items are total petroleum hydrocarbons. The project has completed on-site sampling operations at two points on June 28, and the test results show that they are all below the soil pollution control standards. (三) The EPA plans to conduct crop pollution damage monitoring and control work in the first phase of the year 110, synchronizing farmland soil sampling The cause of the case is that it was affected by the new crown pneumonia epidemic in May this year. To reduce cross-county and city movement, Taiwan’s three-level alert assisted the Environmental Protection Agency in carrying out simultaneous agricultural soil sampling operations. This plan has been completed and assisted in Nantun District, Wuri District, A total of 6 agricultural lands in Dali District and Dajia District and other administrative regions cooperated in the implementation of synchronous sampling of agricultural land soil. (四) Yuan* Industry Co., Ltd. Groundwater Pollution Verification Operation The cause of the case was that it was discovered that the soil of Yuan* Industry Co., Ltd. was polluted by heavy metals chromium, nickel, and copper and exceeded the control standards for the second type of groundwater pollution due to the implementation of the announced business pollution verification operation. It was handled in order to clarify whether there is any concern about groundwater pollution at the site Groundwater pollution verification operations. The monitoring wells were set up on October 17 and groundwater sampling was performed on October 26. The results of groundwater testing were all lower than the second type of groundwater pollution control standards.
英文關鍵字 Soil, groundwater, investigation, verification